
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
urulamauiteam: is it just me or is canonical irc dead?13:55
fabriceit's you13:55
fabricedo you saw my ping ?13:56
fabriceurulama: no it's not you, it seems to go crazy13:57
ahasenackhi guys, quick question. I'm looking at the rabbitmq-server charm in this list: https://jujucharms.com/u/openstack-charmers-next/17:13
ahasenackits row has several ubuntu versions listed, but they all point at the same link: https://jujucharms.com/u/openstack-charmers-next/rabbitmq-server17:13
ahasenackwhich renders as xenial17:13
ahasenackthe metadata file doesn't hint at this being a multi-series charm17:13
ahasenackso where is, say, the trusty version/link?17:14
hatchahasenack: lemme look17:33
ahasenackhatch: sorry, I just filed a github issue, I asked here but then decided this wasn't the right channel :)17:34
hatchahasenack: np, it's definitely a bug, thanks for finding it!17:34
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
=== mup_ is now known as mup

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