[05:20] Hi all, I getting error on running 'juju bootstrap lxd-test localhost' in Ubuntu 16.04 [05:21] Error msg is "Unable to get LXD image for ubuntu-xenial: The requested image couldn't be found" [05:21] I am followed the doc link [05:22] https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/getting-started [05:25] Is there any one to help me on juju bootstrap issue? [05:30] #juju : Need help on juju bootstarp [05:37] @all: Is there any one who can help me on juju bootstrap [05:38] hey [05:39] which version of juju? [05:39] also, are you on a closed network? [05:39] juju version 2.0 [05:39] No [05:41] cannot start bootstrap instance: unable to get LXD image for ubuntu-xenial: The requested image couldn't be found. [05:41] what do you get if you just go "lxc launch ubuntu:x" [05:42] It is retrieving the image now [05:43] $> lxc launch ubuntu:xenial [05:49] no idea why it didn't work before [05:49] juju should be able to use it now [05:49] * thumper done for the day [05:49] good luck [05:58] @all me getting different error now on running juju bootstrap [05:58] ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 failed to bootstrap model: Juju cannot bootstrap because no tools are available for your model. You may want to use the 'agent-metadata-url' configuration setting to specify the tools location. [05:58] How to resolve this issue [06:03] @all Can I get help on Juju bootstrap issue [06:03] juju version 2.0-beta15-xenial-amd64 [06:13] @all any one here to help me on juju bootstrap issue? === frankban|afk is now known as frankban [06:17] @all any one here to help me on juju bootstrap issue? [06:46] @all any one here to help me on juju bootstrap issue? [06:46] I am seeing error during juju bootstrap === Guest45771 is now known as CyberJacob [14:03] can I deploy an openCL program on juju? [15:13] Hi, when I run `juju attach` command to upload resource, it's giving me the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23181757/. Can anyone please help me o this? === dpm is now known as dpm-afk [15:39] Hi, when I run `juju attach` command to upload resource, it's giving me an error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23181757/. Can anyone please help me on this? [15:40] geetha: whats the output of `juju version` ? [15:44] lazyPower1: output of `juju version`: 2.0-beta15-xenial-s390x [15:45] geetha: there have been a lot of improvements to resources in the later 2.0 betas. Can you try upgrading to juju 2.0-beta18 and giving it another go? [15:47] lazyPower1: ok, I'll try with juju 2.0-beta18 [15:47] lazyPower1: thank you [15:47] no problem === dpm-afk is now known as dpm [17:15] Hi, I'm getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23182940/ [17:17] geetha: - is that still on beta-15? [17:17] geetha: that was bugged and fixed in the later betas according to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1591387 [17:17] Bug #1591387: juju controller stuck in infinite loop during teardown - "lease manager stopped" errors <2.0> [17:21] no on beta -18? [17:21] beta-18. [17:23] It's displaying juju status message as: resolver loop error [18:22] I am using Juju 2.0 beta version 18 [18:23] I am trying to juju bootstrap and I am seeing the following error [18:24] root@juju-api-client:~# juju bootstrap juniper-juju-controller junipermaas --to juju-controller.maas --show-log 11:10:25 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:63 running juju [2.0-beta18 gc go1.6.2] 11:10:25 INFO cmd cmd.go:141 Adding contents of "/root/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys 11:10:25 INFO cmd cmd.go:141 Adding contents of "/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys 11:10:30 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 Get [18:24] Any idea what does this mean? [18:24] I am able to ping [18:24] I am able to ping which is the MAAS container === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [18:40] Hello all, we are using juju 2.0-beta18-xenial-amd64 version [18:41] When we are trying to use the juju bootstrap command to connect to the MAAs container, its giving us the below error [18:41] root@juju-api-client:~# juju bootstrap juniper-juju-controller junipermaas --to juju-controller.maas --show-log 11:10:25 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:63 running juju [2.0-beta18 gc go1.6.2] 11:10:25 INFO cmd cmd.go:141 Adding contents of "/root/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys 11:10:25 INFO cmd cmd.go:141 Adding contents of "/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys 11:10:30 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 Get [18:42] any help is much appreciated [18:43] 11:10:30 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 Get invalid proxy address "http://[fe80::1%eth0]:13128": parse http://[fe80::1%eth0]:13128: invalid URL escape "%et" [20:24] I have MAAS/juju installed on a physical server and I am able to use juju to bootstrap and deploy charms to different nodes. Issue is all docus for Ubuntu 14 say to use quantum-gateway, but that is end of life and says to use neutron-gateway. But it stays blocked and the error is: (config-changed) Missing relations: messaging [20:24] Is this the correct channel to look for assistance deploying openstack with MAAS/juju and does anyone have any ideas or has seen this before? [20:45] is there an example working charm that uses layer:docker I can look at? [21:42] stokachu: thanks for the turnaround on layer-nginx :) It cleaned up nicely [21:43] cmars: our kubernetes charms, i wrote a nice tutoral over on insights [21:43] lazyPower1, link? [21:43] cmars: http://dasroot.net/posts/2016-08-03-layer-docker-deep-dive/ [21:43] or [21:44] https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/cluster/juju/layers/kubernetes [21:44] lazyPower1, thanks [21:45] cmars: I was giving this some thought during the summit, there are probably some very straight forward use cases that we could condense that code down quite a bit as well. feedback/bugs welcome. [21:46] eg: framework it so you generate a lot of that boilerplate from a compose.yaml if thats your end goal is just to spin up the container formation defined there and not relate to anything, but i dont know that we want to encourage that behavior in our ecosystem... as relations are a good chunk of the reason juju rocks our socks === mup_ is now known as mup [21:49] did set-model-config go away in beta18? [21:52] jhobbs: is just model-config now [21:53] jhobbs: they dropped the set- infront of it. so juju model-config enable-os-upgrades=true would be the current syntax [21:53] ok thanks lazyPower1 [21:53] i guess i missed the memo on that one [21:53] i did too, dont feel bad :) [22:26] afternoon [22:27] * magicaltrout has checked into a hotel 1 block away... what a waste of time [22:43] what's the best bundle off jujucharms for deploying openstack mitaka on maas-2.0? I'm currently trying out this one: https://jujucharms.com/u/openstack-charmers-next/openstack-base-xenial-mitaka [22:43] oh yeah, and xenial. :)