
stochastixf i do,  snap find ,  is that supposed to list all of the snap available?  If I run snap find tele, I get telegram, but otherwise it is not in the long list?00:05
stochastixI am trying to just get an exhaustive list of the snaps available to look at them.00:05
tsimonq2elopio: do you use zsh? how did that idea get formed?01:06
elopiotsimonq2: I met somebody who uses zsh.01:06
elopioI have a lot of new friends today ^_^01:06
tsimonq2elopio: :D01:19
tsimonq2elopio: are you at a sprint or something? :P01:19
slangasekogra_: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image/pull/63 landed04:06
mupPR CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image#63: Don't build 4GB images, build images as big as the required contents <Created by vorlonofportland> <Merged by vorlonofportland> <https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image/pull/63>04:06
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sparkinhello my fellow crafters!!!!!!!05:31
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=== drizztbsd is now known as timothy
mvoogra_: was just thinking about the recent change to ubuntu image to make the disk only as small as needed. this does mean that if you run it directly in kvm/qemu the first snap you download causes a disk-full error?06:55
dholbachhey hey06:55
mupBug #1623802 opened: snapd does not properly detect service/mount unit status <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623802>06:57
mvopitti: I'm curious why the autopkgtest test runs take so long after an upload, is it because the machines that do the testing are so busy? or is there another reason?06:59
mvopitti: (background is my snapd upload from 12h ago that did not yet get run inside adt)06:59
pittimvo: yeah, sorry -- look at http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running07:03
pittimvo: queues got double-Qt'ed yesterday, and the backlog lasted until this morning; s390x and armhf are still catching up07:03
mvopitti: it says queue length is "-" for yakkety/amd64, does that mean the queue is empty?07:05
* pitti orders another Binford 6100 cloud -- we need MORE POWER07:05
pittimvo: yes (some amd64 tests are stilll running, though07:05
mvopitti: hm, I don't see snapd on the page but there is a new version https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/2.14.2+git.1.afda4fc-0ubuntu207:06
mvopitti: what am I missing :) ?07:06
pittimvo: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#snapd ?07:06
pittimvo: you are missing the FTBFS on arm6407:06
mvopitti: oh, meh, ok. this got fixed this morning, but I guess that is too late07:06
mvopitti: ok, thank you!07:07
mvopitti: so that means it will be considered soon :) ?07:07
pittimvo: as soon as it builds, yes07:10
mvopitti: cool, thanks. it has build ~1h ago, but I guess it takes a bit until the script catches up (or does it need to get published first?)07:23
pittimvo: yes, britney only sees published packages07:25
* mvo nods07:25
zygaquick noob question, how do I build our kernel in a way that lets me incrementally build / reinstall / reboot while tweaking some things?07:30
zyga(where what I care about is identical config and initial source as packaged kernel and incremental build after any change)07:31
mupPR snapd#1916 opened: backends: first bits of kernel-module security backend <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1916>07:46
ogra_mvo, yeah, we need a --size option08:00
ogra_so you can define a minimal size08:00
ogra_or allow to pre-create a target img (though thats more ugly)08:01
mvoogra_: indeed08:03
ogra_mvo, i see steve added an image_size variable to builder.py, i guess we just need the option at the top level and hand the value over08:07
mvoogra_: yeah, I was thinking it would be pretty easy to add08:09
ogra_as a quick hack: os.environ.get('IMAGESIZE') ... ;)08:10
ogra_wouldnt even need an option08:10
ogra_i get "Failed to mount /boot/grub." ... even with the beta channel08:22
ogra_FAT-fs (sda2): error, fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain ...08:23
ogra_hmm, weird, steve didnt touch anything in the vfat creation08:25
bullhello guys my app which is written in qt have a functionality like- when user click on open file with editor , it open the loaded file with system editor ex gedit , kwrite or whatever user having as per their configuration . after packaging my app with snap the functionality is broken, are you guys working in it ???08:27
bullam sure there is nothing wrong with my code as you can see this feature in hundreds of other applications out there. snap need to fix this :D08:29
pittimvo: snapd tests are queued now08:29
ogra_aha ... using mtools from proposed helps :)08:30
* ogra_ has a working 500MB kvm image08:30
pittimvo: oh, so it wasn't FTBFS, just finished building around that time08:30
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ df -h /writable08:30
ogra_Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on08:30
ogra_/dev/sda3       542M  190M  313M  38% /writable08:30
ogra_bull, for now you need to ship the editor you want and tell your app to use this one ... long term i think zyga works on a sensible-editor interface or some such08:31
bullogra_,  you mean gedit or kwrite inside snap as stage package ??08:32
bullthis will fill snap with almost all kde and gnome dependencies am sure :D08:32
ogra_(i know he does something like this for browsers already, editors should just be a variant of that)08:32
ogra_bull, yes, i mean that ... just pich one with less deps then08:33
bullogra_, my app cant open url in external web browser08:33
ogra_yes, same thing08:33
bullogra_, i have to add sensible- browser in snapcraft yaml ?08:34
mvopitti: neat, its running08:34
mvopitti: can't wait, I had it down to 1 test failure due to no (non-proxy) network08:34
ogra_no, you would have to add the browser you want ... there is also work on making xdg-open work if your snap runs on a classic system ... not sure where that stands08:34
mvopitti: and in qemu its all working perfectly, so fingers crossed08:35
bullogra_,  you mean i have to add a browser inside my snap ??08:35
bulllike chrome or firefox ?08:35
ogra_hypothetically ...08:35
ogra_i'd just wait til the right interfaces are there for that one :)08:35
bullthats really funny :P08:36
bulland if my app wana talk with snapd installed on user's system ??08:36
bullis there snapd interface coming ?08:36
ogra_you can surely find a lightweight editor and seed that into your derfault config .... i wouldnt expect that for a browser08:36
bullfor that too  :/08:36
bullcome-on i don't want change the main aim of my feature08:37
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/images/snappy$ snap interfaces|grep snapd08:37
ogra_:snapd-control           -08:37
ogra_that is already there08:37
bullaim of feature is to make user comfort by providing him an option to edit  file in his favorite editor not with editor of my choce08:38
ogra_yes, that was clear f4rom your first question08:38
ogra_isnt there yet ... but there are workarounds i pointed out til this landed08:39
bullogra_,  if i will add snapd-control in my snapcraft's plugs will it make it work ?08:40
ogra_mvo, so http://paste.ubuntu.com/23181304/ seems to work fine as a quick hack, unless you want to invest time into adding an actual option08:40
ogra_bull, it allows your snap to talk to the REST api of snapd ... so if you implement the right protocol i imagine it will work ...08:41
* ogra_ has no first hand experience with that API08:41
bullmy app uses qprocess to call snap ,08:41
liuxgogra_,  I have changed my network setting in my p3 to http://paste.ubuntu.com/23181339/, however, after I disconnect my cable, my wifi on the pi3 still cannot get an IP. what could be the problem for it?08:41
ogra_liuxg, sit0 isnt your wlan device :)08:42
ogra_i think it just comes up as wlan0 on the pi08:42
liuxgogra_, what should be the wlan device? I could not find any other device there08:43
ogra_cat /proc/net/dev ?08:43
liuxgogra_, yeah, you could be right. thanks. I will check it08:43
bullsnap looking for a web browser to open a folder what ??? QGenericUnixServices::openUrl(const QUrl&): Unable to detect a web browser to launch '/home/bull/github/'08:50
mupPR snapd#1787 closed: overlord/snapstate, daemon, cmd/snap: more explicit revision support <Blocked> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1787>08:54
mupPR snapd#1834 closed: many: mostly work to support ABA upgrades <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1834>08:54
pbekI have a problem with updating my snap in the snapstore. `snap find qownnotes` and https://uappexplorer.com/app/qownnotes.pbek tells me the latest version is 16.09.3, but my package in my https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com account is at 16.09.7 and all releases are published in the channel `stable` as they should be.08:54
pbekAll releases were published automatically by Launchpad.08:55
ogra_pbek, there is an issue with the store ... go to the last releaseed snap in the UI, click unpublish and then click publish again08:55
bullpbek,  which package you trying ?08:55
ogra_that will make it show up08:55
ogra_the fix for this should land today or tomorrow08:55
pbekogra_: I get a `504 Gateway Time-out` when I try that :)08:56
pbekbull: qownnotes08:56
pbekogra_: but it was unpublished08:57
bullpbek, does it work out-of-box as a snap ?08:57
pbekbull: what do you mean by that?08:58
bulli will check that myself by installing it08:58
pbekogra_: thank you, 16.09.7 is now visible08:59
* ogra_ has to do the same every morning for all ubuntu-core snaps :)08:59
bullpbek,  like most of apps dont seem to work fine with after packed in snap :D08:59
* ogra_ found that most apps do work fine ... 09:00
liuxgogra_, if I have this error "error: cannot install snap file: snap "piglow-app" has changes in progress". how can I correct this situation?09:00
ogra_really depends how complex that app is :)09:00
pbekogra_: that explains why noone updated QOwnNotes for some time :)09:00
liuxgogra_, I have seen this kind of errors a number of times. but sometimes it disappears.09:00
ogra_liuxg, snap changes ... find the change in progress ... snap abort $change_number09:00
pbekbull: oh, I had to do quite some work to make it happen... and there are still some issues09:01
bullogra_,  a package management system should not worry about how developer made their app :D\09:01
ogra_every package management system does that09:02
bullthey worry about what functionality developer providing ??09:02
bulli think no09:03
mvopitti: interessting failure of adt on armhf - there is no sshd config there, is armhf driven via something else than ssh in adt?09:03
ogra_they have to make integration work09:03
liuxgogra_, how to find the change number in the system?09:03
bullthey need to install packaged stuffs to place :D09:03
bullnothing more then this09:03
ogra_liuxg, ?09:03
pittimvo: yes, armhf and s390x run in lxc; we don't have these arches in scalingstack09:03
ogra_liuxg, does snap changes not show it ?09:03
bullsnap is different case a sure :D09:03
ogra_bull, how many deb or rpm packages have you built from scratch ?09:04
pitti+ sed -i s/\(PermitRootLogin\|PasswordAuthentication\)\>.*/\1 yes/ /etc/ssh/sshd_config09:04
liuxgogra_, yeah, I cannot find anything about it. it seems that it is broken http://paste.ubuntu.com/23181393/09:04
ogra_liuxg, thats snap list09:04
bullogra_, i made more then 20 debs09:04
bullfrom scratch09:04
liuxgogra_, yeah, that is the list. I try to remove it, it refuses to do that.09:04
bulland they all were in ubuntu software center09:05
ogra_bull, from scratch ? into the official archive, matching all integration requirements to make then safely work ?09:05
mvopitti: ta09:05
bullnot in official archives09:05
pbekbull: just making debs for QOwnNotes drove me nuts :)09:05
ogra_i.e. following the debian packaging policy ...09:05
liuxgogra_, is there anyway to find the changes, and cancel it?09:05
pittimvo: the tests want to ssh to localhost via password? 3v1l :)09:05
popeyWith the git source-type, is it possible to pull a specific commit? I can use source-tag, and source-branch... but how do I get a commit?09:05
popey(in snapcraft)09:05
bullogra_,  apps in store don't follow debian policies?09:05
ogra_liuxg, again ... snap changes ... find the change in progress ... snap abort $change_number09:06
liuxgogra_, ok. thanks09:06
ogra_bull, they get a security check ... thats all i think09:06
bullogra_,  snap abort change-id for a install process wont abort process until snap download the full package that is a bug09:07
ogra_thiough support for this was dropped lng ago since the review was way to time consuming09:07
bullogra_,  snap abort change-id for a install process wont abort process until snap download the full package that is a bug !! plz check it09:08
popeybull: we know, we know about the bug09:09
ogra_yes, you complained about this for several days, several times a day ...09:09
ogra_hard to not notice :P09:09
bullseveral times a day ??09:09
bulli was just reminding :P liuxg09:09
bullpopey, yeah we tested it :P09:10
liuxgbull, yeah, it takes 3 mins to remove a snap.09:10
bullliuxg, not about removing snap man , it was about to kill a install process . snap wont kill install process untill it download the whole package09:11
=== drizztbsd is now known as timothy
* ogra_ sighs and goes for brakfast 09:11
liuxgliuxg, I am still waiting for the completion of the command. I am sideload a snap. it is not downloading.09:11
bullliuxg,  use snapcraft-gui09:12
bullit has package manager to manage snaps09:12
liuxgbull, snapgraft-gui is a desktop app, right? is it in the store already?09:13
bullit is here https://github.com/snapcraft-gui/snapcraft-gui09:13
bullrepo coming soon09:13
bulli developed it :P09:13
bullwith all convenience for snap user in mind09:14
bullyou can write recipes and make snaps , with clicks09:14
liuxgbull, thanks for letting me know. I will try it later on.09:14
bullii was having lp ppa but tsimonq2  said he will make new one with better sourcebuild features so we deleted old one09:16
ogra_liuxg, so what does "snap changes" show you09:19
ogra_(gimme a pastebin)09:19
bullQSqlError("", "Driver not loaded", "Driver not loaded")09:25
bullQSqlQuery::prepare: database not open09:25
bullogra_, can we have access to partitions  of hard disk ?? i cant see any such things in the file dialog09:27
ogra_there is the home interface09:28
bullhome interface show partitions too ?09:28
ogra_no, only files in home09:28
ogra_there is no way to get such sensible info yet09:28
ogra_like partitions ...09:29
bullthats why i cant load music from mymusic partition using vlc09:29
ogra_bind mount it under your home somewhere ... i.e. into ~/Music09:30
bullogra_,  how :(09:31
ogra_by bind mounting ?09:31
bullogra_,  we have to do it manually before using vlc ?09:32
ogra_fi you put your music into exotic places you have to make it available in a common place first, yes09:32
ogra_i have no probs with vlc here09:33
bullexotic places :P ?09:33
ogra_(and i think 90% of users wont)09:34
bullyou put music in home /music ?09:34
bullsome people do use partitions and external hd09:34
ogra_good for them09:35
mupPR snapd#1917 opened: tests: ensure openssh-server is installed in autopkgtest <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1917>09:35
bullnot good for them if they dont know how to load music in vlc09:35
bullpeople will ditch whole ubuntu for vlc :D09:35
bullif it will not fixed and snap will be default format :D09:36
* ogra_ goes away for a few hourst ... i really cant take it anymore09:36
bull*some people09:36
bullogra_, LOL09:37
ogra_not funny, really09:37
bullyeah i have seen cases09:37
ogra_if you have something constructive to tell me, fine ... if you find a bug, please file it ... but dont rave about it for hours09:38
bulltsimonq2, hi09:44
bullwith button icons is it looking sexy > https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snapcraft-gui/snapcraft-gui/master/screenshots/sc1.png09:46
mupPR snapd#1918 opened: spread.yaml, tests: add adhoc-ubuntu-core spread backend <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1918>09:56
=== drizztbsd is now known as timothy
abeatosergiusens, any idea why I can get this message when creating a snap? : "Copying needed target link from the system /dev/null"10:16
abeatosergiusens, it created a prime/dev/null file10:16
abeatowhich provoked some issues until I noticed10:16
ogra_mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23181669/ works (not actually more beautiful but i get an extra 500MB when i set WIGGLEROOM=500)10:18
mupPR snapd#1919 opened: tests: make ubuntu-core tests more robust <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1919>10:34
mvoogra_: ok10:34
ogra_mvo, oh, and ouch ... we build the core snap against proposed ...10:35
ogra_mvo, but -proposed isnt in the sources.list ...10:35
ogra_i currently can not install vim in classic due to that10:35
ogra_(in the classic shell i mean)10:35
ogra_mvo, should i stop using proposed during imagge build or should we add proposed to sources.list ?10:36
mvoogra_: I think stop using proposed is best10:39
mvoogra_: we can also sed it out in classic.create10:39
mvo(for now)10:39
ogra_lets see if that builds :)10:39
mvobut I think !-proposed is best10:39
* ogra_ drops it and does a test build10:39
mvopitti: hm, snapd (latest version)vanished from the running page for amd64 but it did not appear on the results page yet. is there a (cron) delay or something?10:48
pittimvo: wow, watching it like a hawk, aren't you :) -- there's ~ 5 minutes cron delay indeed10:51
pittimvo: still running on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#pkg-snapd though on some arches10:51
pittimvo: could also be testbed failure, I'll check the logs in a minute10:52
mupPR snapd#1920 opened: --lazy is only available with -l in trusty <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1920>10:52
morphis__pitti: can we configure netplan to generate wifi settings files via NetworkManager and ethernet ones via networkd depending on some flag we put somewhere?10:57
pittimorphis__: that is the default mode indeed10:57
morphis__oh really?10:57
pittimorphis__: oh wait, actually not any more, default is networkd10:57
morphis__can we change that somehow?10:57
pittimorphis__: it used to be NM for wifi until I taught it to do wifi via networkd+wpasupplicant10:57
pittimorphis__: anyway, you can select the backed for every individual definition, yes10:58
pittirenderer: NetworkManager|networkd, see the manpage10:58
morphis__pitti: and how can we change that on Ubuntu Core, not sure what configures this globally10:58
morphis__or would that be a thing console-conf has to know about?10:58
ogra_but please dont make NM a hard requirement10:58
pittiyou can specify the renderer globally, by device type, or by individual definition10:58
pittiand you can put it into a separate yaml snippet10:59
ogra_if it isnt installed on an image it netpplan needs to fall back to using wpa-supplicant10:59
pittiit normally detects the availability10:59
morphis__ogra_: no :-)10:59
pittibut if you say "use NM" and NM is not installed, those definitions wil just fail10:59
morphis__pitti: I see10:59
ogra_right ...10:59
morphis__pitti: where do I specify the renderer globally?11:00
pittimorphis__: at the global yaml level, right under the top-level "network:" (again, see manpage)11:00
ogra_pitti, btw, my network setup on the pi3 now goes really mad ... i'm not yet sure if thats netplan or console-conf that is at fault ... console-conf offers me both interfaces (wired and wireless) but i always end up with only wired usable11:01
ogra_it works just fine on the dragonboard where i only have a wlan interface ... but having both makes something go mad11:02
morphis__pitti: thanks11:02
mwhudsonogra_: there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subiquity/+bug/1623756 in this area11:03
mupBug #1623756: console-conf generates invalid config when wifi is not configured <subiquity (Ubuntu):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623756>11:03
ogra_mwhudson, oh, thanks !11:03
ogra_yeah, i wanted to file that one but collect some more data ... just got distracted from it11:03
mwhudsonjust sent a PR with a presumed fix, really need to get the repo made public now...11:04
ogra_mwhudson, though mine is slightly different ... i actually configure it with ssid and it even obtains an IP11:04
mwhudsonogra_: ah ok11:04
ogra_it still tries to use wired though ... evven if i say "dont configure"11:05
* ogra_ will collect more data first ... perhaps it is the same cause, who knows11:05
mwhudsonah hm11:05
mwhudsonyeah, that's certainly possible11:05
mwhudsonalthough if the wired interface is up, you remove it from the config entirely and run netplan apply, i don't know if the interface would be taken down11:06
mwhudsonpitti: would know11:06
ogra_well, if there is no cable, it should not be tried at all11:07
pittino, apply doesn't currently down interfaces which are up11:07
ogra_not sure if netplan takes mii state into account here11:07
pittiseemed too dangerous to me11:07
pittiif we want/need that, bug report please11:07
pittiogra_: you mean up, but no link beat?11:08
mwhudsonogra_: how can you tell that it's being tried? sorry it's late here and i'm probably being dense11:08
pittiI guess we can safely twiddle those too11:08
pitti"netplan --debug apply" might be useful11:09
bullSnapcraft GUI version 2.0 released with everything working :P download .deb here https://github.com/snapcraft-gui/snapcraft-gui/releases/tag/2.011:09
ogra_pitti, i mean when i boot i get offered to configure eth0 in console-conf even if there is no cable plugged in ... it shouldnt offer that i think11:09
pittiogra_: there are routers with broken link beat11:09
pittior wifi devices have no link until you connect to an AP11:09
ogra_hmm, yeah11:10
pittiso I'm not sure if that's so obvious11:10
pittiit coudl certainly tell you that11:10
pittien1 (disconnected)11:10
ogra_yeah, i guess something like that in the UI would already help11:10
mupPR snapd#1921 opened: Replace systemd-run with on-the-fly generation of units <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1921>11:10
mwhudsonogra_: sounds good, bug pls11:15
ogra_yay ...11:16
* ogra_ can install vim again11:16
mupBug #1623897 opened: console-conf should show if wired interfaces are connected <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623897>11:20
ogra_mwhudson, ^^11:20
mwhudsonogra_: thanks11:24
* mwhudson zzz11:24
ogra_sleep well11:25
mupPR snapd#1922 opened: Use apt in accordance with functionality available on trusty <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1922>11:25
liuxgis snapweb currently working already?11:33
mupPR snapd#1923 opened: Replace realpath with readlink -f for trusty support <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1923>11:36
bullliuxg, checkout https://github.com/snapcraft-gui/snapcraft-gui/releases/tag/2.011:47
liuxgbull, it looks very nice. I will promote it in my place to the community :)11:48
bullliuxg, please create issue if you want any changes , and finds any bug11:49
liuxgbull sure, I will do that. it is actually my strong point :)11:49
liuxgbull, in fact, I had thought of doing this some time ago :) it is really a nice work.11:50
bullthanks :) i hope you have found the project page already11:50
mupPR snapd#1917 closed: tests: ensure openssh-server is installed in autopkgtest <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1917>12:03
mupPR snapd#1919 closed: tests: make ubuntu-core tests more robust <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1919>12:03
mupPR snapd#1915 closed: tests: add http_proxy to /etc/environment in the autopkgtest environment <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1915>12:04
mupPR snapd#1916 closed: backends: first bits of kernel-module security backend <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1916>12:04
mupPR snapd#1924 opened: tests: disable prepare-image-grub test in autopkgtest <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1924>12:08
mvomwhudson: do you happen to know what is the deal with govendor(ing) and gccgo? it seems to be not supported in 16.04 or am I just using it wrong?12:10
liuxgmay I know how to stop auto-update in the background? previously I could use config to disable it.12:11
pittimvo: you have a few i386 and amd64 logs now12:11
mvomwhudson: aha, I see you commented already, thank you!12:12
mvopitti: ha! close12:13
mvopitti: still one failure12:13
mupPR snapd#1925 opened: Adjust regex to account for changes in stat output <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1925>12:13
mupPR snapcraft#803 closed: Do not run the bootstrap directory as a script (autotools plugin) <Created by evandandrea> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/803>12:14
mupPR snapd#1924 closed: tests: disable prepare-image-grub test in autopkgtest <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1924>12:14
mvopitti: hm, i386 is strange it says ppa:snappy-dev/image can not be added (it does not exist). this worked on the amd64 run12:15
sergiusensabeato oh, neat! ldd for one of your elf files has that.12:16
sergiusensabeato care to fgure out which one?12:16
abeatosergiusens, lol12:16
mupPR snapd#1926 opened: tests: add https_proxy into environment as well <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1926>12:16
abeatosergiusens, yes, let me look. Interestingly that happens only when building for ARM, but not for x8612:17
sergiusensabeato if you can, find the offending lib and give me the ldd output for it12:18
abeatosergiusens, anohter question: what does12:18
abeatoIssues while validating snapcraft.yaml: The '0' property does not match the required schema: ['usr/bin/Xorg'] is not of type 'string'12:18
pittimvo: hm, that add-apt-repo call works in a i386 chroot12:19
sergiusensabeato it means, remove the brackets :-)12:23
sergiusensabeato is this `organize`?12:23
abeatosergiusens, no brackets12:24
abeatosergiusens, kind of, it works now after removing this line: "# organize: ??12:26
abeato"# organize: ??"12:26
abeatowhich I added to remind me to investigate something12:26
mupPR snapd#1927 opened: Account for different PWD handling on trusty <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1927>12:27
sergiusensabeato let me get you an example12:28
abeatosergiusens, a parsing error??12:28
sergiusensabeato https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/demos/mosquitto/snapcraft.yaml#L2812:28
sergiusensabeato you are not matching the schema;; we use jsonschema that by default gives us those horrible errors and no easy way to compose our own12:29
abeatosergiusens, hmm... but why does it complain for a line that is a comment?12:29
sergiusensabeato oh, I see; give me the full yaml12:32
sergiusensabeato the lines are off by one btw12:33
bullsergiusens, can https://github.com/snapcraft-gui/snapcraft-gui/ be part of snapcraft source-code ?? please read this issue here https://github.com/snapcraft-gui/snapcraft-gui/issues/412:40
abeatosergiusens, off by one? some whitespace issue?12:41
abeatosergiusens, I have found no references to something that migth pull /dev/null in the binaries... what kind of thing do you expect me to see?12:56
abeatosergiusens, and why can this happen:13:19
abeatoFailed to clean step 'prime': Missing necessary state. This won't work until a complete clean has occurred.13:19
liuxgogra_, does Pi3 has a built-in bluetooth in it? thanks. I just try to make use of it, however, I cannot find it.13:20
liuxgmorphis__,  is bluetooth currently supported on pi3?13:26
ogra_liuxg, pi3 has builtin BT ... but i dont know if we have all firmware and drivers yet13:28
ogra_theoretically it should be the wlan firmware since i think it is the same device13:29
ogra_practically i dont know though13:29
liuxgogra_, ok. thanks for your reply. I basically duplicate the same step as 410c, but it does not work. I have tried to use bluetoothctrl, but it seems that it is not working.13:29
bullmy bt dont work on ubuntu 16.04 :(  it was working on 14.0413:29
ogra_liuxg, i'm not really sure if the kernel has all bits and pieces yet for the pi3 img13:30
liuxgogra_, yes, I see the wlan there http://paste.ubuntu.com/23182127/13:30
ogra_yeah, that definiteely works13:30
liuxgogra_, currently, the bluetooth works on 410c board.13:31
abeatoogra, an image on beta channel for rpi3 should work?13:31
ogra_yup, i noticed that you got it working yesterday13:31
ogra_abeato, yes13:31
abeatoogra_, ack13:31
ogra_we'll release new ones later today or tomorrow on cdimage13:32
ogra_http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/ has an interim one i just rolled for someone else13:32
ogra_in case you need something to dd right now13:32
abeatoogra_, thanks, will try to build one with u-d-f nonetheless13:32
ogra_u-d-f is unsupported now13:33
ogra_that will most likely not produce anything usable anymore13:33
abeatowhat do we use now?13:33
ogra_ubuntu-image ... and you need signed assertions13:33
ogra_just grab mine from the above url13:33
abeatoyeah, that will be easier...13:34
bullogra_,  http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/2CAF65BCd01.jpg :D13:35
* zyga has a theory about what might be broken with ns sharing13:43
bullbye friends :*13:46
morphis__ogra_: why is HDMI output disabled on the official pi2 image?13:47
ogra_morphis__, ?13:47
ogra_works here13:47
morphis__ogra_: I had to change the config file on the boot partition to get it13:47
ogra_weird, i tested console-conf and login onn various monitors here13:48
ogra_(well, two monitors and a TV)13:48
ogra_hdmi_safe should only be needed if your monitor has issues with the spec i heard13:49
ogra_"hdmi_safe Use "safe mode" settings to try to boot with maximum hdmi compatibility. This is the same as the combination of: hdmi_force_hotplug=1, hdmi_ignore_edid=0xa5000080, config_hdmi_boost=4, hdmi_group=2, hdmi_mode=4, disable_overscan=0, overscan_left=24, overscan_right=24, overscan_top=24, overscan_bottom=24 "13:50
ogra_"hdmi_ignore_edid Enables the ignoring of EDID/display data if your display is a crappy Chinese one "13:50
bullogra_,  bye13:51
ogra_morphis__, so whats your monitor ... ?13:52
morphis__ogra_: hm, it was working well before from what I remember13:54
ogra_before what ?13:54
ogra_i dot thinnk we have changed anything in config.txt since 6 months13:55
morphis__then its a local problem here13:55
ogra_IIRC liuxg had probs as well and needed to use another HDMI port on his monitor, there it then jjust worked13:55
ogra_but perhaps we should actually default to hdmi_safe to get the widest compatibility ... i'm just a bit reluctant to add display options at all since these are dev boards ... mainly used for embedded development13:57
* zyga -> coffee and food14:10
zygajdstrand: ping me when you are around please14:15
mectorsI am trying to upgrade a node-red snap to U16.04. The snap installs without problems. When I execute the snap/bin/nodered.red everything works fine but no .service is created. I am trying devmode. Don't see an error in syslog. What should I do?14:16
zygamectors: look at the apps declaration, does it define this is a deamon?14:18
mectorsNo was a command. Will change to daemon14:19
qenghomectors: You're not making that a service. You're making it an app that you can run.14:19
qenghomectors: "daemon: OneOfTheDaemonTypes" underneath "command:".14:20
zygajdstrand: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23182286/14:20
zygajdstrand: aka WTF?14:21
zygajdstrand: NOTE: ip in the core snap is not the one in classic14:21
zygajdstrand: not sure if this matters in what you did earlier14:21
zygajdstrand: I was also thinking if the way I pivot_root is buggy, I tweaked that locally but it has no observable effect14:21
zygajdstrand: what bugs me is that I *can* open ns/net but ip cannot14:22
mectorsfixed it. many thanks14:22
zyga(ip the command)14:22
mupPR snapd#1928 opened: hookstate,daemon: don't mock HookRunner, mock command <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1928>14:28
jdstrandzyga: it is very puzzling. I mean, it worked at one point!! I downgraded kernels (even to 4.3-- pre-trusty), used a fresh install of xenial desktop without upgrading, built an image using udf with os, kernel and gadget snaps from June, etc, etc14:29
jdstrandzyga: I even saw on the old xenial desktop that a new core snap was downloaded when installing hello-world so I replaced current symlink to use the old one. I think I have a few more things to play with there14:30
zygajdstrand: maybe the core snap updated?14:31
zygajdstrand: and old VMs may still have reeexec anbled14:31
zygajdstrand: as a quick exercise, I can run unshare --net=foo14:31
zygajdstrand: I can open /proc/self/ns/net from python14:32
zygajdstrand: I'm utterly lost as to what this might be14:32
zygajdstrand: quick question about pivot_root, does this change make sense: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23182323/14:33
zygajdstrand: I read what pivot_root does again and I suspect that either docs are wrong or pivot_root . . should not be used14:33
zyga(this disabled nvidia binding because it's done in a way that needs the hostfs thing to be in place but I can move that to always happen after pivot root)14:33
jdstrandzyga: I think tyhicks may be able to better answer that, or possibly an lxd dev14:37
jdstrand(the pivot_root question)14:38
jdstrandI can do it, but it'll take me a while to say for sure14:38
jdstrandzyga: re the core snap updated-- it definitely did, which is why I tried to undo that. It's possible I didn't do that right and have a few more things to try there14:39
zygajdstrand: don't worry about pivot root; I'll keep digging14:39
tyhickszyga: what are you trying to achieve there?14:39
jdstrandzyga: regarding the permission denied-- it is seriously puzzling14:41
zygatyhicks: use pivot_root correctly14:41
zygatyhicks: perhaps avoid one more bind mount14:41
zygatyhicks: ignore pivot_root unless you think it affects the big ns issue14:41
zygatyhicks: I don't know if you are in the loop14:41
zygatyhicks: if you want we can sync quickly14:42
jdstrandI need to look at another PR and will circle back14:42
tyhicksI'm probably not up on what you've been up to the last day or two14:42
tyhicksthe lxd devs will definitely have more real world experience w/ pivot_root than I do14:43
zygatyhicks: long story short: the kernel behaves in super odd ways wrt net namespace; with snap-confine built from pull request https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/145 "ip netns" gets permission denied to open /proc/$pid/ns/net (as shown by strace on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23182286/) but nothing apparently prevents this if you just try to open it directy (see the pastebin)14:44
mupPR snap-confine#145: Enable snap-confine namespace sharing <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/145>14:44
zygathis is all with devmode14:44
zygatyhicks: and in that pastebin I also don't understand why this fails:14:46
zygafstat(4, 0x7fff7fe39650)                = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)14:46
zyga4 is stderr after dup()14:47
zygamight that be some kernel memory corruption?14:48
tyhicksI don't know much about network namespaces but that strace sure does look odd14:50
tyhickslet me think about it a little more14:50
mupPR snapd#1929 opened: Return proper icon URL for non-installed snaps <Created by jamiedbennett> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1929>15:00
tyhickszyga: I don't have any good ideas about what's going on there15:06
tyhickszyga: I'd have to spend quite a bit of time reading kernel code15:06
zygatyhicks: ok, thanks15:07
jdstrandzyga: ok, I've circled back15:24
jdstrandI'll keep plugging away at trying to see when this once worked and try other things that I think of along the way15:25
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jdstrandzyga: that said ^, there is perhaps something else to consider. the fact that this isn't working is odd to be sure, but this test (ip netns ...) working within a snap may not be as important if we think about the long term goal: a network-namespace-support interface that allows snaps to add network namespaces to the system and for other snaps to use15:27
zygajdstrand: hmm15:28
zygajdstrand: for that we'd have to solve the bi-directional mounting in general15:28
jdstrandzyga: in other words, since we know that network-namespace-support is the desired goal, if we can figure out how to achieve that without fixing this oddity, maybe that's ok15:28
zygajdstrand: or do you plan snapd to create the namepaces centrally?15:28
jdstrandthat's up for discussion15:29
zygajdstrand: ok, so what shall we do15:29
jdstrandit seems clear that people will want to use 'ip netns' to setup namespaces. lots of existing code does that15:29
jdstrandour 'ip' command could be modified to talk to snapd15:29
zygajdstrand: I'm inclined to merge this, add more spread tests15:30
zygajdstrand: for both working and OMG/WTF broken cases15:30
zygajdstrand: and decide if we want to enable this for release or not15:30
mupPR snapd#1924 opened: tests: disable prepare-image-grub test in autopkgtest <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1924>15:40
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
mectorsjust uploaded nodered.mectors. Says it is published but can't see it in the uApp Explorer or install it via snap install.16:00
kyrofamectors, did you publish it in a specific channel?16:01
mectorsno just did snapcraft push16:03
kyrofamectors, are you familiar with channels?16:04
mectorskyrofa pushing it to stable now16:04
kyrofamectors, ah very good, okay16:04
kyrofamectors, so yeah, you can snapcraft push to specific channels, or snapcraft release after the fact, or do it all in from the myapps site16:05
kyrofas/all in/all/16:05
kyrofaBut snapcraft push by default doesn't put it in any channels16:05
mectorskyrofa I updated the channel to stable on myapps but nothing. it says it passed all 40 checks there16:07
mectorskyrofa sorry my mistake was trying nodered.mectors but nodered works16:08
kyrofamectors, good deal!16:08
kyrofaev, I've been noticing numerous misunderstandings stemming from the fact that the store shows <snapname>.<publisher> in the header. Is there a reason for leaving it that way?16:09
evkyrofa: no, there isn’t and as I’ve come across that myself I’ve considered it part of the task to switch from “short namespaces” to SSO usernames, but they’re orthogonal.16:10
shuduomatteo: hi, so you can see embedded wifi interface with your image/kernel, right? do you see it in console-conf phase?16:16
zygajdstrand: it is quite easy to crash the kernel with various mount calls16:30
* zyga hugs VMs16:30
sergiusensmectors next time, you can do `snapcraft release <snap-name> <revno-from-store> <channel>`16:40
matteoshuduo: hi16:41
sergiusenskyrofa hey, you don't push to channels, you release to channels ;-)16:41
matteoshuduo: you mean the web interface? yes16:41
shuduomatteo: do you use pi2-kernel?16:42
matteolet me check16:44
matteopi2-kernel   4.4.0-1021-3  14   canonical  -16:44
zygamatteo: hey :)16:45
mupPR snapd#1929 closed: Return proper icon URL for non-installed snaps <Created by jamiedbennett> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1929>16:45
matteohi zyga16:45
sergiusenswow cjwatson, thanks for taking that macaroon task!16:45
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cjwatsonsergiusens: np, it happened to hit me and I already have code in LP that does much the same thing16:47
=== Eleventh_Doctor is now known as Pharaoh_Atem
shuduoogra_: hi, i'm following the doc "Ubuntu Core Image building" and generated an image for pi3. Now I see some issues like:16:48
shuduo1, it booting up time is very long if I plug ethernet cable. if no ethernet cable, it can boot up to console-conf soon. Is it a known issue?16:49
ogra_nope, definitely not known16:50
shuduo2, I can't see integrated wireless interface, is it a known issue? I use pi2-kernel.16:50
matteoshuduo: do you want my ubuntu core image and openwrt snap?16:50
ogra_yes, the wifi interface is only seen in very recent console-conf versions ... in the edge channel16:50
ogra_but it doesnt not work right yet16:51
matteoI'm using ethernet to access internet, and the wifi as AP16:51
ogra_shuduo, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/u-image-pi3.img.xz16:51
shuduomatteo: yes, pls.16:51
shuduoogra_: okay, let me try your image too.16:51
matteoshuduo: I'm pushing everything here: https://people.canonical.com/~teknoraver/16:52
ogra_shuduo, we'll release an image like that this week16:52
matteozyga: why this test fails, in your opinion=
shuduoogra_: good to know. we want to demo openwrt snap with pi3 at end of Sept. it would be great if later image do everything well. :)16:53
ogra_well, there are still issues with wlan vs eth on the pi3 ... but these should surely be fixed before end of the month :)16:54
zygamatteo: looking16:54
zygaah, vpn16:55
matteoping mvo17:03
mvomatteo: pong (with some latency, but I will read/reply eventually)17:07
matteoI have an unit test which fails in an odd way17:08
matteomaybe it's not related to my commit17:08
matteoso you may want to have a look17:08
mvomatteo: fix in git should actually be fixed in yakkety already17:10
matteoso if I trigger a new test it will pass?17:10
kyrofasergiusens, I mean the push command supports releasing as well, no?17:23
sergiusenskyrofa yes it does, `snapcraft push <snap-file> --release <channel>`17:24
sergiusenskyrofa that's release on push, not push to a channel though ;-)17:24
kyrofasergiusens, meh :P17:24
sergiusensstgraber any way to figure out what is going on here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23183087/18:04
stgrabersergiusens: hmm, well, LXD forks tar and tar got sigkilled, not sure why18:06
stgrabersergiusens: out of memory maybe?18:06
stgrabersergiusens: anything in dmesg?18:06
sergiusensstgraber yeah, out of mem; strange18:07
sergiusensI am on a fresh boot18:08
stgraberoh, actually, that's unsquashfs not tar for that image I guess18:08
sergiusensstgraber yup18:09
sergiusens[  598.420356] Out of memory: Kill process 8056 (unsquashfs) score 506 or sacrifice child [  598.420664] Killed process 8056 (unsquashfs) total-vm:645224kB, anon-rss:260812kB, file-rss:0kB18:09
stgraberhow much memory do you have on that system?18:09
stgraberunsquashfs using 260MB of RAM while not light doesn't seem entirely unreasonable to me18:10
sergiusensstgraber ah, I have 51218:11
stgraberhow many CPUs in /proc/cpuinfo?18:12
sergiusensstgraber just the one http://paste.ubuntu.com/23183119/ its a DO droplet18:13
stgraberweird, not sure why unsquashfs would use more memory than the size of the whole image18:13
mupPR snapd#1928 closed: hookstate,daemon: don't mock HookRunner, mock command <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1928>18:14
stgrabersergiusens: I'm testing some unsquashfs options to work on low memory systems18:18
stgrabersergiusens: running on a 64MB system now with 48 cores, so kinda worst case scenario :)18:19
sergiusensstgraber yeah, this used to work before, I guess before the move to squash, more so, I have 3 containers here running fine18:25
stgrabersergiusens: hmm, so I managed to launch a container using a squashfs image just fine on that crazy 64MB system...18:27
stgrabersergiusens: unsquashfs memory use was showing at 40MB or so18:27
* stgraber pokes things harder18:28
mupPR snapd#1914 closed: docs: add a little documentation on hooks <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1914>18:36
mupPR snapd#1888 closed: interfaces: allow special casing for auto-connect until we have assertions <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1888>18:39
mupPR snapd#1924 closed: tests: disable prepare-image-grub test in autopkgtest <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1924>18:40
kgunnkyrofa: hey there, so i'm seeing something really interesting...18:44
kyrofakgunn, yeah what's up?18:44
kgunnwe've got a snap we're building that's pretty big admittedly...unity8...and it pulls in qtmir18:45
kgunnso the qtmir pkgs are there in the snap on amd6418:45
kgunnhowever, on arm6418:45
kgunnthey are missing....18:45
kgunnthis is true for a snap that was built with lp builders and then one built in a cross build chroot locallly18:45
kgunnand...to boot...the one built locally18:46
kgunnthe files are in stage and prime!18:46
kgunnbut not in the snap18:46
kgunn....oh, and i just added qtmir pkgs specifically to part as stage (using nil plugin)18:46
kgunnand they still didn't make the snap18:46
kgunnany ideas?18:46
kgunnAlbertA: ^18:46
kyrofaIf files are in prime, they should 100% definitely be in the snap18:47
kyrofaBecause making the snap is literally running mksquashfs on the prime dir18:47
kyrofakgunn, so something is weird here18:47
kgunnkyrofa: don't suppose you know if you can verify what's in the prime from launchpad ?18:47
kyrofakgunn, unsquashfs the resulting snap. I can't think of a single way the prime dir could be different18:48
kgunnAlbertA: wanna shoot me link for arm64 version one more time from the chroot that definitely had the qtmir stuff in prime?18:48
AlbertAkgunn: yeah it's18:48
kgunnjust to make sure18:48
kyrofakgunn, when you say qtmir, are you talking about qtdeclarative5-qtmir-plugin? Or qtmir-desktop?19:02
kyrofakgunn, doesn't matter-- both of them are in there19:04
kyrofakgunn, so am I missing something?19:04
kgunnkyrofa: one sec....got distracted lemme install and check19:05
kgunnkyrofa: so upon install of that same snap on my dragonboard i get19:13
kgunnubuntu@localhost:/snap/unity8-session/current$ sudo find -iname qtdeclarative5-qtmir-plugin19:13
kyrofakgunn, that makes sense, no?19:13
kyrofakgunn, find -iname libunityscreensplugin.so should find the lib contained within that package as well19:14
kgunnkyrofa: sorry i meant this one19:14
kgunnubuntu@localhost:/snap/unity8-session/current$ sudo find libqpa-mirserver*19:14
kgunnfind: ‘libqpa-mirserver*’: No such file or directory19:14
kgunnkyrofa: ah...yeah, i see it now19:15
kgunnubuntu@localhost:/snap/unity8-session/current$ sudo find -iname libqpa*19:16
kgunnthe damn "minus" sign i forgot find get's angry19:16
kyrofaSo does that all look okay then?19:18
kgunnkyrofa: yes....now i probably made a stink over nothing19:19
kgunni bet the lp built one is fine19:20
kgunnkyrofa: fwiw, we did really have one at one point where it wasn't included....so it got us all amped19:20
kgunni think it was a fluke19:20
kgunn...and we verified the pkgs weren't there in the sstage/prime area...19:20
kyrofakgunn, heh, well if you run into it again, let me know!19:20
kgunnyeah, see something once like that, makes you all paranoid...19:21
stgrabersergiusens: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/pull/238320:03
mupPR lxc/lxd#2383: Tweak squashfs for low-memory systems <Created by stgraber> <https://github.com/lxc/lxd/pull/2383>20:03
stgrabersergiusens: with that change in place, I could get LXD to mostly work on a system with just 64MB of RAM20:03
stgrabersergiusens: mostly in the sense that container creation worked fine, but as soon as the container started, the OOM killer started killing everything :)20:03
stgrabersergiusens: though that was when running a full Ubuntu in the container, something like busybox would have run without triggering OOM kills I expect20:04
sergiusensstgraber great, in the meantime I upped the mem for my droplet :-)20:12
stgrabersergiusens: ok, you could have put a simple wrapper around unsquashfs in /usr/local/bin setting the same options I set in that patch20:13
sergiusensstgraber I will try your branch later tonight and get back to you to see how it went20:14
stgrabersergiusens: ok. it should be fine since I got it to run on a system with just 64MB :)20:14
mupPR snapd#1930 opened: many: support snapctl -h <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1930>20:18
chilukhey guys I'm still trying to learn snappy, and I'm trying ot snap up the file command, because I thought it would be simple20:41
chilukthis is what I have so far http://paste.ubuntu.com/23183657/20:42
chilukbut whenever I go to run file after installing my snap I get /etc/magic, 0: Warning: using regular magic file `/usr/share/misc/magic'20:42
chilukfile: could not find any valid magic files!20:42
chilukI tried to explicitly copy the configs per https://github.com/owncloud/ubuntu-snap/wiki/Building-your-first-snap and got http://paste.ubuntu.com/23183708/   but I get the same results.21:03
chilukwhat am I missing here?21:04
chilukI guess I'll send mail to the mailing list.21:04
mupPR snapcraft#804 opened: Adjust login to conform to UX specification <Created by cjwatson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/804>21:20
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mwhudsonogra_: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/subiquity is public now fwiw21:59
jdstrandmorphis: fyi, I approved udisks2 but you need to press the publish button22:01
ahoneybunwas there a change in snapd that you can install a snap that is not signed?22:37
lpotterahoneybun: yes there was. add --force-dangerous22:37
ahoneybunthanks lpotter22:37
ahoneybuntried to install a inkscape snap from LP and it failed because of a missing signature22:38
ahoneybunis it "snap install --force-dangerous?22:41
sergiusensstgraber that did the trick btw23:05
stgrabersergiusens: cool23:43

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