
pittiGood morning05:42
seb128good morning desktopers07:18
TheMusoHey willcooke.08:04
seb128hey TheMuso, willcooke08:07
seb128how are you?08:07
davmor2seb128: in deja dupe there is a drop down option which shows what is happening, that used to take most of the rest of the window however now in 16.10 it uses a single line instead any clue as to what would cause that, I think it is the same with the updater where you can open the terminal to see what it is doing but let me double check on that08:14
seb128davmor2, likely a side effect of the new GTK but it's the individual components that need to be updated to specify a min height or something, so please open a bug against deja-dup (and same for updater if needed)08:16
seb128davmor2, willcooke, did we speak about tagging those bugs? rls-y-incoming would make sense?08:17
davmor2seb128: yes so if you open software updater and and click on details on the installing updates page you can see the issue too so I think it is an element rather than deja dupe itself08:18
seb128it's new gtk forcing you to specify the height you want for that widget when yo use it08:18
seb128they use the same widget08:19
seb128but needs to be fixed in each codebase08:19
davmor2seb128: oh okay so do I file one bug and update it with new projects when I hit them then?08:19
seb128no please don't do that08:20
seb128just open a bug on deja dup describing the issue08:20
seb128then one on update-manager08:20
davmor2seb128: right no worries08:20
seb128the "use one bugs and collect for similar things that have nothing to do" just creates spam08:20
seb128like the update-manager maintainer fix his code and then keep receiving emails about similar bugs in other projects he doesn't care about08:21
happyaronseb128: hey, mind to have a look at n-m? the 1.2.4 thing08:23
seb128happyaron, sure, it's in git? let me check, but you should probably go through normal sponsoring for those so more people can review and it's visible that something is waiting08:24
seb128you might also get some people vouching for you over time to give you ppu for it ;-)08:24
seb128happyaron, what's the difference between patches "dropped" and "merged"?08:26
happyarondropped is not needed (due to design change upstream), merged is for those are almost directly merged upstream08:27
seb128would probably nice in the dropped case to have a small explanation of why they are not needed anymore08:28
duflupitti, Saviq: Can we increase the unity8.log.* files that apport attaches? Seems like that log is always so big it's already rotated so the useful info is missing08:31
dufluNever goes back as far as Unity8 starting up08:31
pittiyou mean attach the first rotated log too? sure, the apport hook can do this08:32
seb128happyaron, systemd-Don-t-enable-NetworkManager-wait-online.serv.patch seems new and no documented in the changelog?08:32
duflupitti: Yes I think the first one will do thanks08:33
duflutjaalton: Hey found a second regression from Mesa 12.0.2:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/162099408:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1620994 in mesa (Ubuntu) "EGL clients with SIGSEGV in dri2_destroy_context() (from eglDestroyContext or eglTerminate)" [Undecided,New]08:33
dufluSeems 12.0.2 is very bad for Unity808:33
pittiseb128, happyaron: that's an old Debian patch which we dropped (deliberately); please keep it dropped08:33
happyaronseb128: lemme have a look of it08:33
happyaronpitti: ok08:34
pittihappyaron: i. e. we do want to enable NM-wait-online08:34
seb128happyaron, there are 3 other new patches added to the serie, those at least need to be documented in the changelog08:34
happyaronothers should be renamed ones, I'll make a list later in changelog08:35
seb128pitti, hey, "we" and "when"? it's still in the current archive version and the change is undocumented in the debian/changelog08:35
seb128happyaron, can you please stop renaming patches?08:35
seb128that just makes reviews difficult for no good reasons08:35
seb128pitti, sorry, I read what you said in reverse08:36
seb128so yeah, shouldn't be added back?08:36
seb128happyaron, ^08:36
pittiseb128: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/1.1.93-0ubuntu4 was the last  time it was brought back08:36
seb128happyaron, but bottom line is that every change in the patches set (so basically in the series) should be documented in the changelog08:37
seb128either it's a rename or a patch added/removed there is always a reason08:37
seb128seems it was added back in https://git.launchpad.net/~network-manager/network-manager/+git/ubuntu/commit/?id=38a52be23a88226fc255332d6d1bd2b440bc8b5b08:38
happyaronI see08:38
seb128happyaron, did you talk to cyphermox about removing Filter-DNS-servers-to-add-to-dnsmasq-based-on-availa.patch08:39
seb128or debian/patches/Order-IPv6-nameservers-before-IPv4-for-dns-plugins-d.patch08:39
seb128it's a bit annoying08:39
seb128those have no bug reference neither upstream or downstream08:39
seb128no cookie for c_yphermox08:40
pittiseb128, happyaron: oh, sorry; debian/patches/systemd-Don-t-enable-NetworkManager-wait-online.serv.patch actually looks intended, *if* we still actually enable it via WantedBy; well, the net result is: we want NM-wait-online.service, and with as little delta to Debian as possible (dropping the dh_installinit override  was easiest)08:40
seb128pitti, it looks like the patch might not be new, just that this git gbp workflow keeps renaming patching08:41
seb128which is really annoying for reviews08:41
pittihm, how's that?08:41
seb128I don't know, I don't use it08:41
pittiI see how they would get renamed *once* after moving from plain quilt to gbp08:41
seb128but patches keep getting renamed and according to happyaron it's because of the tools08:41
pittibut there is zero reason that they would randomly get renamed again08:41
happyaronseb128: I have different view on the debian/patches/Order-IPv6-nameservers-before-IPv4-for-dns-plugins-d.patch to him, since that behaviour isn't performing good because of the DNS thing08:41
pittiunless you acually change the commit messages08:42
happyaronseb128: I'll make sure they don't get renamed from 1.2.408:42
seb128happyaron, why did they got renamed in that update?08:42
seb128can we just revert that rename?08:42
pittiwell, do a clean import/export so that there is no "git diff" or renames, and from then on keep  it clean08:42
seb128pitti, https://git.launchpad.net/~network-manager/network-manager/+git/ubuntu/commit/?id=38a52be23a88226fc255332d6d1bd2b440bc8b5b is typically what happyaron get at every new version update08:43
seb128unsure how/why08:44
* seb128 is not familiar with git gbp08:44
seb128but e.g Don-t-block-network.target-on-NetworkManager-wait-on.patch got renamed to systemd-Don-t-enable-NetworkManager-wait-online.serv.patch for whatever reason08:44
pittiseb128: hm, where's the rename?08:44
pittihm, looks like that got done on the Debian side?08:45
seb128but that's not a merge on debian or anything like that08:45
seb128the commit is "Update patches for new upstream release"08:45
seb128see https://git.launchpad.net/~network-manager/network-manager/+git/ubuntu08:46
pitti-Subject: Don't block network.target on NetworkManager-wait-online.service08:46
pitti+Subject: systemd: Don't enable NetworkManager-wait-online.service statically08:46
pittiwell, someone changed the commit message08:46
seb128k, maybe it's a undocumented rebase08:46
pittirebases don't change commit messages08:47
seb128I think the bottom line is that changelog is underdocumenting what is being done08:47
pittisome*one*, not some*thing*08:47
seb128well maybe debian did change the commit message08:47
seb128and happyaron is basing is work on their branch08:47
pittiisn't debian on 1.4 already?08:47
seb128so is getting those changes08:47
pitti(which would really be nice to get, FWIW -- upstream merged our huge ofono patches, it drops the dependency to isc-dhcp-client, etc.)08:48
seb128we are not going to do an "update n-m the week before release" this cycle again, are we? ;-)08:48
happyaronI talked with willcook_e earlier and he sugguested me to keep 1.2 this cycle..08:48
seb128yeah, we should have updated to 1.3 mid-cycle08:48
seb128but that didn't get done08:49
seb128so now is late imho08:49
pittiseb128: you are right, we still need to wait a month before we upgrade :)08:49
happyaronwell, /me is talking with him again atm guys08:49
seb128keep 1.2 for this cycle08:49
seb128we have enough things that are behind and need to land we fixed08:49
seb128including fallout from new gtk08:49
seb128systemd user session not done yet08:49
seb128unity8 to get on the iso still08:49
seb128yakkety has an edgy feeling08:50
pittieft eft eft!08:50
seb128using linux is depressing some days09:32
seb128that laptop worked so nicely in trusty09:32
seb128now can't vt switch without getting the intel to the gpu lock of the xorg session to close or something09:33
willcookesuddenly I can't resize windows10:15
davmor2seb128, willcooke: can either of you boot from todays iso on kvm?10:16
willcookefixed by restarting session10:16
willcookedavmor2, haven't tried today yet10:16
davmor2I just get a text cursor in the middle of a black screen, seems to be fine on hardware though10:17
willcookedavmor2, that's at the point it tries to start the live session or the installer bit?10:18
davmor2willcooke: it's the point in uefi that shows you the uefi menu10:18
davmor2I'll try without uefi10:19
davmor2so it works without uefi hmmm10:20
davmor2So I'm now using the newer OVFM from 16.10 same thing blank screen text cursor so there is a problem there for kvm10:31
seb128davmor2, I'm using virtualbox and it works fine for me (but no uefi on this machine)11:27
davmor2seb128: yeah kvm with -boot d work kvm with -pflash OVMF_CODE.fd doesn't11:28
cyphermoxgood morning!12:40
seb128hey cyphermox, how are you?12:49
cyphermoxgood, you?12:51
seb128good, waiting for days to get a bit cooler again though, over 30°C is not nice to work12:51
ogra_dont you already have the thunderstorms down there in france ?12:52
ogra_(they are announced for tomorrow in germany and come from the south)12:52
cyphermoxseb128: I know what you mean, the weather is just starting to be a little cooler, and every day after work I'm neck deep in renovations12:54
cyphermoxto say that it's hot to work is an understatement12:54
seb128bit of patience, winter is coming, then we can complain it's too cold ;-)12:57
* ogra_ imagines seb128 in a black fur coat with large sword with wolf handle ... 12:58
seb128ogra_, but yeah, most of france got rain&co so it's getting better12:58
seb128but most of the week was hot summer like12:58
ogra_yeah, same here12:59
ogra_30+ ....12:59
seb128andyrock, evening!13:17
seb128how are you?13:18
andyrockwhere there is still sun13:18
seb128is sun still going up? ;-)13:18
andyrockwell not13:22
andyrockso good evenging13:22
seb128andyrock, joke aside, how are you? is it hot summer still for you as well?13:51
andyrocknot anymore13:52
seb128lucky you ;-)13:53
seb128going for some exercice14:10
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davmor2willcooke, seb128: hmmm I think we might have issues with bluetooth between unity 7/8 I can't get a simple speaker to show up in either but it does on tablet and phone17:45
seb128was it working in u7 before you installed extra things?17:46
willcookedavmor2, could it be related to airplane mode from U8 having switched off BT?17:46
willcookejust testing on a vanilla Y17:47
davmor2willcooke: it's turned back on but I can test via cli17:47
davmor2one second17:47
willcookeok, with the u8-desktop-session-mir meta package from universe installed17:50
willcookeI can see a BT speaker and connect to it  in U717:50
willcookehowever, playing back audio from it fails17:51
willcookeand if I try and play a video it hangs until I switch back the audio to the internal soundcard17:51
willcookeso yes, we have a problem, but I think it's a different one17:51
davmor2willcooke: koza has some work ahead of him then :D17:51
willcookeheh, poor chap17:52
willcookedavmor2, I'm not sure where to log this one, against BlueZ or pulse.  Start with Bluez you think?17:59
davmor2willcooke: always start at the top of the stack and then let koza blame jhodapp :)18:01
flocculantjbicha: not sure how involved with Ubuntu Gnome you are, but it's affected by bug 1617711 - makes it hard to read the resize screen for the older people amongst us ;)18:35
ubot5bug 1617711 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Resize screen hard to read" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161771118:35
jhodappwillcooke: I'm always the catch-all bucket for davmor2's woes ;)18:56
willcookejhodapp, thanks!  It's on TheMuso's list, so will catch up with him about it first.18:56
jhodappdavmor2, willcooke: bring your device with you to the next sprint18:57
willcookejhodapp, :) need it fixing before release really18:57
jhodappkoza will be doing a BT hackathon after hours and he promises Polish beer18:57
* willcooke gathers his devices18:58
jhodappwillcooke, what's the issue exactly?18:58
willcookejhodapp, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/160882018:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1608820 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Cannot use BT speaker - sink is suspended" [Undecided,In progress]18:58
jhodappwillcooke, does it work with the phone?18:59
willcookejhodapp, probably.  this is for desktop 16.1018:59
jhodappwillcooke, right, I am curious as I've seen some issues from watching koza where it's been a difference sometimes between bluez versions and kernel drivers between desktop and phone19:00
jhodappwillcooke, so if it works on one, that actually makes it a lot easier to fix for the other19:00
willcookejhodapp, oki, good to kow19:01
seb128k, calling it a week (I've a vac day tomorrow), have a nice w.e desktopers19:45
flocculantseb128: have a good one :)19:45
a1fawhats the easiest way to wipe gnome from system (16.10) apt-get remove --auto-remove ubuntu-gnome-desktop just removes two packages, gnome-shell is still there20:57
dobeya1fa: you'd want autoremove --purge ubuntu-gnome-desktop and then probably need to do another apt-get autoremove --purge after to catch some additional packages21:18
a1fadobey: it didnt do it for me21:19
a1fadobey: i ended up doing apt-get purge *gnome*21:19
dobeywell unity7 requires some gnome packages, so that won't be good either21:20
a1fai purged unity7 at the moment21:20
a1fatrying to see how much i can purge before reinstalling a desktop enviroment21:20
a1fawish there was a command to strip everything down to base21:21
sarnoldgtk? gdk?21:26
jbichaa1fa: honestly, a reinstall of the desktop you like is probably the easiest21:29
jbichaUbuntu differs from Debian in that we don't want users who remove a metapackage to also get most of their desktop autoremoved21:30
a1fai see that ;)21:32
jbichaor you can look in your apt logs to see what packages were installed when you installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop and remove those21:32
a1fawell, i am using ubuntu-desktop-16.10 test isos21:32
a1faso it came pre-bundled with gnome21:32
a1fanot sure why that was21:33
jbichaI think you downloaded the wrong iso, try http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/21:33
a1fayakkety-desktop-amd64.iso d01dda0162bb572c21f2827dd3e0c01c21:33
jbichayeah, that's Ubuntu GNOME 16.10 Beta 1 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/yakkety/beta-1/MD5SUMS21:34
a1faodd - well, i think i got everything purged, and stuff reinstalled21:35
a1fanow its a matter of finding out if its fixed. if not, i'll reinstall with new iso21:35
jbichaI really recommend you just reinstall; I don't recommend trying to turn Ubuntu GNOME into Ubuntu (Unity)21:36
a1fayeah, compiz keeps crashing ;(21:37
a1fai wanted to try unity821:37
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