[09:47] guys ... we have the allah-bot in #ubuntu-kernel .... and the ops list is super outdated [09:47] is there a way to kick/ban that thing somehow for someone here ? [09:47] I think ikonia has ops there iirc [09:48] I could try and catzlye [09:48] but no oppage [09:48] :/ [09:49] niko: Poke. [09:51] thanks Unit193 :) [09:55] Thanks. [10:11] Ah, quit when you joined then. === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang === dax is now known as Guest57738 [22:33] meshuggah> why is main ubuntu with unity? [22:33] nice troll attempt [22:37] "They both start with the letter 'u', duh."