
Symmetriamorning bunnies04:59
* Symmetria discovers you can do some very interesting things with PHP and variable referencing05:00
Symmetriaheh, I wrote a function, that gets an array as an argument, but it also takes a boolean variable and the NAME of global array I'm passing in the first argument, if the boolean is set, it does a global reference to the global variable by referencing it through a string literal against the name of the global, then nukes stuff as it finds it and resets the global array 05:02
Symmetriaheh, thats pretty fucking awesome ;p05:02
* chesedo is reading about Symmetria 's php code with big eyes while nipping (front teeth only) a carrot held with both hands06:01
andrewlsdmorning all06:27
* andrewlsd disappears away for a bit06:32
* inetpro stepping into the room07:13
inetprogood morning folk07:14
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
anton_mayello all10:19
anton_mayanybody has experience with glusterfs?11:43
anton_mayor worked with it11:43
superflyanton_may: thatgraemeguy might know a thing or two about glusterfs13:01
anton_mayyea all i need help with is permissions on the client mount points13:02
thatgraemeguywhat's the question?13:29
anton_maypermissions on the clinet mount point13:29
anton_mayobviously the volume is created in root13:30
anton_mayso when you mount on client side you don't have permissions13:30
thatgraemeguyyou mean "mount point" as in "the directory where you will mount the filesystem"?13:31
anton_mayyip on the client side - sudo mount -t glusterfs <server>:/<volume> /mount - now as the normal user I cannot create a file within the mount point on the client13:33
anton_maypermissions denied13:34
thatgraemeguyok, that's because the root of the mounted filesystem is likely owned by root.root13:34
thatgraemeguyjust like any newly-created filesystem, this is not special to glusterfs13:34
thatgraemeguyif you want a particular user to own it then chown it as appropriate13:35
anton_mayok so best bet is then to create a nfs share and export and for the windows users setup cifs13:36
thatgraemeguysorry no idea about windows13:38
thatgraemeguyif you have windows users I find you will have less headache by running windows servers13:38
thatgraemeguyymmv, and a lot of folks would disagree13:39
anton_mayyea went through the docs of glusterfs and setting up a samba share is pretty straight forward. We are currently running Samba shares with no hiccups13:39
thatgraemeguybut I am old enough that I just want things to work with minimal hassle and potential for disruption13:39
anton_mayMe too, but like any any new setup you have to start somewhere, but anyways thanks13:40
=== chesedo- is now known as chesedo

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