
mupBug #1578059 changed: Default route not coming up with juju 1.25.5 and bonding <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:Expired> <MAAS:Expired> <MAAS 1.9:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1578059>04:39
mupBug #1620838 changed: [2.1a2] Got more than one neighbor <MAAS:Won't Fix by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620838>05:21
mupBug #1620838 opened: [2.1a2] Got more than one neighbor <MAAS:Won't Fix by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620838>05:30
mupBug #1620838 changed: [2.1a2] Got more than one neighbor <MAAS:Won't Fix by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620838>05:33
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mupBug #1624344 opened: [2.1] Can't SSH to machine in Rescue mode <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624344>11:27
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=== cueb6526 is now known as chris38
mupBug #1518414 changed: [1.9] Trusty commissioning (hwe-t) - NVMe model info/serial number is not seen <canonical-bootstack> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1518414>12:27
rock_roaksoax: Hi. Yesterday MAAS detected one ISCSI node and one VirtIO node. But remaining VirtIO nodes MAAS not detecting https://imagebin.ca/v/2vHCKR5GkVrx.13:21
rock_roaksoax: I retry the commission again and again. But it was not able to detect disks13:22
roaksoaxrock_: that seems like a bug then13:22
roaksoaxrock_: please file a bug13:22
rock_roaksoax: I deleted all nodes. Again I created 4 nodes with VirtIO disk type. This type MAAS not able to detect disks even for a single nodes also. I recomissioned 5 times. But no use. For ISCSI disk type also the same problem. https://imagebin.ca/v/2vHE0iUlhP0713:25
rock_roaksoax: you think , This might be KVM host problem?13:25
mupBug #1624380 opened: [2.1] When passing parameters to maas createadmin, it prompts for ssh-import <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624380>13:28
rock_roaksoax: For your setup which company server you have taken? and what was the configuration of that server?  Can you please tell me?13:28
roaksoaxrock_: i don't have a production environemnt13:29
roaksoaxrock_: i have testing environments13:29
roaksoaxmultiple of them13:29
roaksoaxrock_: I test 1. kvm's (on a xenial host, VM';s with VirtIO). 2. NUC's 3. servers (a wide variety), IPMI based13:29
rock_roaksoax: Now  I am using KVM VMs on trusty host. This may be an issue?13:36
roaksoaxrock_: you are using MAAS 1.9 right ? that may be a bug in MAAS13:41
rock_roaksoax: YES. May be. MAAS 2.0 supports trusty?13:42
rock_roaksoax: If it supports, For installing MAAS 2.0 packages on trusty what was the best Doc?13:55
roaksoaxrock_: you cannot install 2.0 in trusty, only xenial+ but 2.0 supports deploying all OS versions14:01
roaksoaxrock_: and this is likely to be a bug in 1.914:01
mupBug #1624403 opened: [2.1] Machines go back to Deployed from Rescue mode, before they actually are <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624403>14:07
rock_roaksoax: Can I try like this. By taking KVM host OS as trusty, In one of KVM VM I install Xenial and on top of that I will install MAAS 2.0.14:11
mupBug #1624403 changed: [2.1] Machines go back to Deployed from Rescue mode, before they actually are <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624403>14:25
mupBug #1624403 opened: [2.1] Machines go back to Deployed from Rescue mode, before they actually are <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624403>14:28
mupBug #1624424 opened: MAAS not able to detect disks of KVM virtual machines <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624424>14:43
baldpopegreetings all15:34
baldpopegonna try to deploy openstack via maas15:35
baldpopeOK, ran into this problem on each of 5 hosts I try to deploy15:47
baldpopeeach return the cpu count/ram/storage15:47
baldpopeand watching the console, each report back with the node name at the login prompt (blade 1 through 5)15:48
baldpopebut all report 'failed commissioning' in the web ui15:48
baldpopeis there a log some place that I can review the failed installation?15:49
baldpopei have login access to each of the 5 nodes, the local disks are blank, root is mounted via iscsi16:14
baldpopebut where are logs stored for the commission step?16:14
brendand /var/log/maas/rsyslog16:15
baldpopebrendand, on the maas server, i assume?16:16
brendandbaldpope, yes16:16
baldpopeSep 16 10:54:02 brk-maas-1 maas.import-images: [WARNING] I/O error while syncing boot images.16:18
baldpopei see that in maas.log16:18
baldpopebut the nodes/blades are all up, so not sure if the error is valid?16:19
baldpopewould it be worth it to delete and reimport the images?16:21
baldpoperather, sync ?16:21
kikobaldpope, that means that the images aren't being synced, and I think it's to the region16:22
kikobaldpope, do you have a proxy?16:22
baldpopekiko, short answer yes16:22
kikobaldpope, long answer, a complicated one?16:23
baldpopelonger answer is that I assume there are two proxies, the internal one specific to maas and then my own?16:23
kikothe maas proxy is only used for package installation on the nodes16:23
baldpopeok, then yea16:23
kikoand only if you haven't specified an external proxy16:23
kikoif you have specified an external proxy, that's what we tell the nodes to use16:23
baldpope1sec - let me check network in maas16:24
baldpopeok, i did define the proxy in settings, let me remove that as I don't think I gave network access between the two segments16:25
kikoand next, your external proxy may be messing with the large image download16:26
baldpopecool - i'll check 1sec16:26
baldpopei think removing the internal proxy fixed it, updating my notes..16:38
baldpopethanks kiko16:38
baldpopewatching the consoles - it hasn't failed yet -and still shows commissioning in the webui16:38
baldpopewould have said failed by now16:39
baldpopeyea - blade3 just flipped to ready16:39
baldpopeso question - ready doesn't necessarily mean that an OS has been deployed right, if I were to boot, would I see an image on the local disks?16:39
baldpopeor is the OS (per blade) always stored on the maas head?16:40
baldpopeand (unrelated) ... why can't I paste in the ubuntu session when I run the openstack installer - i keep having to manually type the api key16:43
baldpopefrustrating to say the least...16:43
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baldpopeok, proceeding - bootstrapping juju16:45
baldpopemaas is showing deployed (from deploying) but openstack-installer is still sitting at the bootstrapping juju screen16:53
kikobaldpope, they are blank still16:56
kikobaldpope, I know you will find this weird16:56
baldpopeso far.. i don't find anything weird16:59
baldpopeother than the openstack-install not finishing16:59
baldpopeblade1 is up (post deploy) but openstack-install is just sitting here17:00
baldpopefrom the doc, it should complete and provide a url to start managing landscape17:00
baldpopethe only listening port on that is tcp port 2217:01
baldpopeand I can login with the ubuntu user and the public key that was added17:01
kikobaldpope, but I would not use openstack-install :)17:06
* baldpope sigh17:06
kikobaldpope, instead, deploy openstack directly with a bundle17:06
baldpopeso... this article - http://maas.io/get-started17:06
baldpopei should just ignore?17:06
kikono no17:07
kikoyou did the hard part, which is getting maas set up17:07
kikocan maas deploy Ubuntu to all the nodes?17:07
kikosuccessfully? you can SSH into them, etc?17:07
kikothat's the last piece of the proof point17:07
baldpopeyea - maas so far (getting the blade up and running with no local installation) is gtg17:08
baldpopesorry, i was meant this article -http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud17:08
baldpopereading your link now17:09
kikobaldpope, are you on 1.9 or 2.0?17:09
coreycbanyone knowledgable on maas deployments with lxd?  trying to figure out why containers on one machine can't access containers on another.17:10
baldpopel$ juju --version17:10
baldpopeMAAS Version 1.9.4+bzr4592-0ubuntu1 (trusty1)17:10
kikocoreycb, yep17:17
kikocoreycb, what did you do in lxd init?17:17
kikobaldpope, okay, yeah 1.917:17
coreycbkiko, nothing :)17:17
kikobaldpope, let's do a bundle deploy17:17
kikocoreycb, heh, okay, lxd init first and choose your networking mode17:18
baldpopekiko, ok - been at this most of the morning - gonna take a quick break for lunch- bb soon17:18
kikobaldpope, sorry, I have asked that we deprecate openstack-install from the website, because the experience is often sad17:19
coreycbkiko, ok but this is a deploy to maas machines and then containerizing some of the services, so I can't lxd init until after the fact17:19
kikocoreycb, how is the containerizing being done? by hand?17:19
coreycbkiko, no i'm using the openstack bundle from the charm store17:19
kikocoreycb, gotcha. and juju 2 or 1.25?17:20
coreycbkiko, juju 217:20
kikocoreycb, can you correctly deploy Ubuntu to the nodes using MAAS alone, and networking between them works?17:21
coreycbkiko, I'd have to check but I'd guess not.  they're running on lxdbr0 so I'm wondering if juju should be setting up a different bridge.17:22
kikocoreycb, so here's the thing: if MAAS can deploy a node with working networking, then any container setup is either the bundle being wrong or a bug in Juju17:23
kikocoreycb, beta14?17:23
coreycbkiko, ok I'll ask around and see if it's a known issue with juju. it's beta15.17:25
PCdudeWhen I install 1.9.4+bzr4592-0ubuntu1~trusty1 ( of MAAS) it fails. Eearly this week I find out (accidentally ) that 1.9.4+bzr4592-0ubuntu1~14.04.1 ( MAAS) does work. I wanted to force the latter version, but I get unmet dependencies error. How can I solve this?17:58
PCdudeThis is what I tried: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148638/how-do-i-enable-the-universe-repository#22778817:59
PCdudeThis is the error I get: http://askubuntu.com/questions/818368/maas-1-9-4-install-fails-on-ubuntu-14-04-caused-by-a-database-failure17:59
PCdudekiko: maybe u have an idea?18:00
roaksoaxcoreycb: Juju creates bridge interfaces after MAAS has made the deployment, if juju fails creating those interfaces, your machine will be shown as 'deployed' but everything else will be borked18:01
roaksoaxPCdude: you are not attaching a pastebin on how it is failing :)18:02
roaksoaxPCdude: one would be ideal to see what's wrong18:02
kikoroaksoax, did you see the picture?18:02
kikoPCdude, if you apt-get install postgresql-server before installing maas-region-controller does it work?18:02
roaksoaxPCdude: that seems like your postgresql is:18:03
roaksoax1. not running18:03
roaksoax2. not accepting connections in localhost18:03
PCdudeThis is what I got when I tried to install postrgresql-server: http://pastebin.com/raw/cK2dLTCr18:04
roaksoaxPCdude: sudo apt-get install postgresql18:05
PCdudeinstall postgresql, its is now installing maas again. lets see if it succeeds18:06
PCdudesame error18:06
roaksoaxPCdude: what's it /etc/maas/regiond.conf ?18:07
roaksoaxPCdude: and what does: sudo service postgresql status tell yo u?18:07
PCdudethe first one has exactly one line "maas_url: http://[ip]/MAAS"18:08
PCdudethe second one has no output18:08
PCdudejust gives me the next line to put my command on18:08
roaksoaxPCdude: for the message in the image, either postgresq not running or not accepting connections18:10
roaksoaxPCdude: what does the pg_hba.conf config has ?18:10
roaksoaxPCdude: make sure postgresql is up and running18:10
kikoPCdude, I think you can figure out how to get postgresql up and running -- come back to us later when you have figured it out :-)18:13
PCdudeyeah, I was trying some other things that could help :) but let me do that first18:13
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PCdudekiko: roaksoax ok problem solved. BY default version 9.3 is installed. I added the PPA of postgresql and I could update to an higher version. With that version MAAS is now able to install :)18:26
kikoPCdude, MAAS works with 9.3 though18:27
roaksoaxPCdude: i think your custom progress doesn't allow connections or doesn't run correctly18:27
PCdudekiko: well not here apparently :)18:27
kikoPCdude, you are doing something weird18:28
PCdudewell all I did was installing ubuntu 14.04 and setup the network after that I installed maas. thats it18:28
kikoversion 9.3 was not running when you tried to install the region controller18:29
PCdudekiko: but that is something that MAAS is responsible for right? I mean, the MAAS installer should install postgresql itself18:30
kikoPCdude, if you apt-get install maas, you get it installed18:31
kikoand if you apt-get install maas-region-controller, you get it too18:31
kikoPackage: maas-region-controller18:32
kikoDepends: maas-region-controller-min (= 1.5+bzr2252-0ubuntu1), postgresql (>= 9.1), rabbitmq-server, debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.018:32
kikotrust me :)18:32
PCdudekiko: I trust you, but apparanetly something went wrong there. I did not installed postgresql before that or had any weird configuration files18:33
PCdudebut something triggered it18:33
kikoPCdude, something is wrong with your system18:33
PCdudekiko: like what?18:34
baldpopekiko, back18:34
kikoPCdude, no idea. but apt-get install maas-region-controller does set postgresql up for you, automatically18:36
PCdudekiko: and u are sure that maas version 1.9.4 should work with 9.3 of postgresql?18:37
kikoPCdude, yes, 10000% sure18:38
PCdudekiko: I believe u :) , I have no idea what could have gone wrong. Seriously, its all fresh and no weird things18:39
roaksoaxPCdude: so you filed this right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1618847 ?18:43
roaksoaxI can close it18:43
PCduderoaksoax: yup, good point. that one can be closed18:44
mupBug #1618847 changed: MAAS install fails, problem with database <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618847>19:01
mupBug #1618847 opened: MAAS install fails, problem with database <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618847>19:07
mupBug #1618847 changed: MAAS install fails, problem with database <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618847>19:10
PCdudeuhm mup why are u posting the same error 3 times? :)19:12
baldpopehe was filing in triplicate19:15
baldpopekiko, back to that article re: openstack deployment with juju19:19
kikobaldpope, let's see19:20
baldpopecan maas act as a gateway to the intenral cloud, or does the nodes need network access without maas?19:20
kikoit can act as a gateway, just specify it as the gateway19:20
kikoand NAT as necessary19:20
kikobaldpope, and coreycb seems to be following the same instructions19:20
baldpopecould be19:20
baldpopekiko, interestingly enough, I found this article while prepping - seems to be a slightly newer version by same author19:26
kikobaldpope, ah19:26
baldpopegrumble. paste not working in hexchat...19:26
kikoah, yes19:29
kikothis is dimitern's good work19:29
* baldpope sigh19:41
baldpopekiko, so ... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23188223/19:41
kikobaldpope, what's the single quotes19:44
baldpopejust that - nothing in them19:44
baldpopefollowing the url I posted earlier19:44
baldpopei'm retarded...19:45
baldpopenope nevermind..19:45
baldpopesame error19:45
kikobaldpope, remove the single quotes19:46
baldpopeyea - i'm not that bright - i see what I did wrong19:46
baldpoperemove single quotes and give it a name before the URI19:46
baldpopeit's been a long week19:47
kikobaldpope, well, the docs are wrong, right?19:47
baldpopemeh - i'm not going to blame the docs19:47
baldpopethere are inconsistencies19:48
baldpopei mean step 9 has it written one way, then in his notes immediately below, he has it written an alternate way19:48
baldpopenot sure if it's been discussed before, but if it could be noted in the maas client or in documentation that the api key input is masked19:49
baldpopeso someone copy/pasting the api key knows that they won't see it pasted19:49
mupBug #1624516 opened: [2.1, FUJ] When removing the ports archive, a weird error message was shown <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624516>19:49
baldpopethe vlan interfaces need to be configured prior to being configured in maas?19:54
mupBug #1624516 changed: [2.1, FUJ] When removing the ports archive, a weird error message was shown <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624516>20:01
kikobaldpope, well.. prior to the node being deployed, yes20:03
baldpopekiko, and prior to configuring it maas (which admittedly makes sense, but documentation isn't explicit)20:06
baldpopeprobably just being picky20:07
baldpopei only make not of it because if you don't do it before installing maas, then it doesn't show up in subnets (the fabrics)20:08
mupBug #1624516 opened: [2.1, FUJ] When removing the ports archive, a weird error message was shown <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624516>20:10
mupBug #1624522 opened: [2.1, UI, UX] Weird location to put the "Automatically sync images" toggle button <ui> <ux> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624522>20:19
coreycbkiko, fyi I think this is what I'm hitting: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-September/007801.html20:46
kikocoreycb, ah, yes, on 2.0 there is that snag20:55

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