
Bashing-omThunderstorm .. me be gone down for the count .01:01
ducassemorning all!06:07
BluesKajHiyas all11:33
ducassewb BluesKaj :)11:34
BluesKajHi ducasse11:36
ducasseeverything well in your corner of the world?11:37
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ducassedaftykins: you around, or still across the pond?11:44
BluesKajhe's still marked away11:46
ducassedidn't see that, sorry11:47
BluesKajwow, suddenly bigtime cpu usage on FF11:49
ducasseBluesKaj: what os are you running on your rpi? i need to fix some stuff on mine, so i'm looking for a good base to work with.11:49
BluesKajdunno which is worse FF with or without adblockers11:50
ducassehave you tried privoxy instead?11:50
BluesKajducasse, I'm running a modded raspbian-jessie, rather than their xfce/ldxe combo desktop, I'm using lxde exclusively.Also i moved  root dir to a fast 3.0 USB stick, which makes it much faster11:53
ducassei can imagine, sd card isn't too quick. i mostly just need a good base for kodi, but want to also add a few other things for convenience.11:55
BluesKajthat way the sd card only has to boot the system, since my first one died after 8-9 formats trying out different OSs ...lot's od uders are now using ubuntu mate with root on usb11:57
BluesKajof users11:57
BluesKajthinking of switching to ubuntu-mate, but ai like the lxde deskrop, and kodi runs fine on my setup as an app11:59
ducassei was thinking of setting kodi up to run as the wm, as most of the other stuff i want are just things i can handle via ssh. i'll look at both raspbian and ubuntu mate, though.12:04
BluesKajok ,, yakkety has some ppa packages that need testing ...bbiab12:10
JanCI don't think Kodi can run as a WM?13:10
ducasseJanC: iirc it can, i think that's how several of these media player distros are set up. there even used to be an entry in /usr/share/xsessions for it, don't know if that's still there.13:19
ducasse(i know it doesn't actually function as a wm, i was talking about autologin to an x session that just runs kodi fullscreen on startup)13:19
JanCright, that wouldn't make it a "WM", but more like a graphical shell or something13:21
ducassei know, just bad choice of words.13:22
BluesKajwas looking into i3 tiling yesterday, but I'm too much of a gui user to bother with that13:24
JanCtiling is a form of GUI?13:24
BluesKajI didn't say that13:24
ducassei3 is really nice, especially on multi-monitor systems.13:24
BluesKajit's mostly shells placed evenly on your screen depending on haow many you enable at any one time13:25
JanCit works for all windows, not just shells...13:26
BluesKajwell I didn't see anything but shells in the exampleson the i3 site13:27
ducasseBluesKaj: unlike some tiling wms, i3 can also 'float' windows, and does so automatically for dialogs and such.13:27
BluesKajat first i thought it would be neat, but still prefer switching with activities on xenial and yaketty or virtual desktops on trusty13:29
JanChttps://i3wm.org/screenshots/i3-10.png ?13:30
BluesKajwhat's with ? on every post, JanC?13:31
ducasseBluesKaj: you might like awesome, it can tag windows and create workspaces with all windows with a certain tag on the fly. i dislike the way most desktops handle multiple screens, personally.13:32
JanCit's a question mark, BluesKaj13:32
BluesKajducasse, well, I liked the virtual desktops on kde/plasma4 , but after 15.04 and plasma5 the devs regressed that feature without a blink and shoved activities down our throats, a much clunkier methos in my view13:34
BluesKajJanC, I'm surprised you didn't use one there :-)13:35
ducassei've never really looked much at kde, so i can't comment. i like i3, though, lightweight and flexible. the people in #i3 are very helpful to those who rtfm :)13:38
BluesKajducasse, too bad they called it "awesome", such an overused word for all kinds non-awsome things these days13:38
ducasse...and horrible to google :-/13:38
BluesKajI'll bet13:39
ducassewhat i didn't like about awesome was lua, but i understand why some people see it as a major feature. i don't want to learn a new language just for my wm, though.13:41
BluesKajwell, being a basic home user makes it unnecessary for me to run more "advanced" WMs etc, since i don't feel the need for them ...testing dev OSs can be difficult enough without adding unneeded apps to the mix :-)13:50
ducassei view desktop environments as "adding unneeded apps to the mix" :)13:51
BluesKajwell, that's your choice, mine's just different, that's my view13:57
ducasseabsolutely :) people's workflows are so individual, i'm happy there are so many choices available.13:58
BluesKajI don't have a "workflow", mostly I just muck about :-)14:04
ducassebtw, virtual desktops on kde4 - was that workspaces as most wms implement them or something different?14:05
BluesKajwell, they could be workspaces if set up that way14:06
BluesKajbasically they just ordinary numbered desktops which can have different backgrounds and as many apps per as one wishes14:08
ducassepretty much what other desktops/wms do. and this is missing from plasma?14:10
BluesKajit's been deleted in plasma514:10
ducasseodd, i'd think it's a pretty basic feature...14:12
BluesKajaccording to the devs, it's a complex setup that wasn't renewed14:14
ducassewell, their choice i guess. earlier today there was a guy in #i3 who was running kde plasma, but with i3 instead of kwin. interesting setup.14:17
* BluesKaj nods14:22
ducasse!info linux-image-generic yakkety14:26
ubot5`linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB14:26
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