
newmateI'm creating a usb boot stick for ubuntu mate, will it be for booting within windows or booting before windows loads? Also can someone link me to a guide for a Windows user?02:58
newmatei found a PCWorld guide  but I'mnot sure ifits the best option ornot02:59
roasted_is there a way to prevent the menu from showing on the left screen, but instead show on the primary http://i.imgur.com/dS3wwWA.jpg03:00
Darkheronewmate: If you want to boot it from your computer hardware, it will load from the BIOS03:03
DarkheroYou can use a VM if you want to run it within Windows, but I'd only do that for testing it out03:04
newmateAhokay, Iknew about VM just not about boot disks03:05
uczenHello there10:07
rumflumpdoes that actually work? the thing uczen tried10:45
ubottuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com10:45
ouroumov_Winpy you cleared https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/1622257 as -done?12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622257 in ubuntu-mate "unattended-upgrades is missing from the ubuntu-mate-desktop meta package" [High,Triaged]12:13
ouroumov_flexiondotorg *12:14
ouroumov_I think this should not be pushed to users12:14
ouroumov_This has the potential to introduce instability12:14
ouroumov_As in, auto update, during package install phase power off, then when user power up in the morning sys is trashed12:15
ouroumov_But then again12:15
ouroumov_I'm not sure it would happen like that, I don't know the exact update process12:15
ouroumov_Also it will make this setting the new default, auto-download-install, and therefore it takes control away from the user12:15
flexiondotorgunattended-updates is in all flavours.12:16
ricotzouroumov_, it simply aids the user to keep their system updated without further actions which can be quite technical12:16
ouroumov_Yes but there's a massive backslash agains W10 and auto-updates atm12:16
ouroumov_Sometimes even if it's more secure you don't want to update, period12:16
flexiondotorgIt is an essential component that was missing from Ubuntu MATE <= 16.04 due the fact we couldn't follow-recommends12:16
flexiondotorgouroumov, I has to be included.12:17
flexiondotorgIt is an oversight that must be corrected :-)12:17
ouroumov_I see your point, but then I think at least an announcement is required12:17
ricotzouroumov_, if so the user can disable it if needed, but the option should be available12:17
flexiondotorgIn >= 16.10 this oversight is not present because I added MATE "awareness" to a number of package so the ubuntu-mate meta-packages can now automcailly follow recommends.12:18
ouroumov_ricotz, I have nothing against the option being available, problem is the fix will make it the default12:18
ouroumov_And silently too12:18
flexiondotorgouroumov, You concern is duely noted, but this is not a cause of concern for me.12:18
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, okay12:19
flexiondotorgWhat is a cause for concern is that user are not being made aware of critical security updates.12:19
rumflumpooh, is this ask the dev(s) random questions time? I was wondering if we could see the software boutique in mint-mate in the future12:20
ricotzthis seems to be still the ubuntu-mate channel ;)12:21
ouroumov_No flexiondotorg, the users are being made aware of the update by default, they just have to manually trigger download/update12:25
ouroumov_Anyway, this is not a good situation. There's no option but to make a choice, and both choices have drawbacks.12:39
rumflumpah, I thought maybe all the MATE's were from one group, my bad13:09
ouroumovflexiondotorg, attempting to clarify here, sorry. Before (Default): Daily check for updates, when security updates are in there, they show up as such in the updater. (This has been default behavior since Xenial release, I've seen a lot of security updates.) --- When the SRU rolls: security updates probably won't show anymore but will be automatically installed.13:50
ouroumovAlso, since it took so long for us to become aware of this bug, I'm ready to wager there's a small percentage of UM users who actually ever touch the "Software & Update" settings, and probably even less who have ever tried to set it to autodownload/install.13:53
te_lanusI wonder if anyone can help/ I'm on 16.04.x (updated to latest updates), since Tuesday I'm having trouble with internet speed on my desktop, doesn't happen with both my tablets. is there a way to reset my internet config on 16.0416:02
te_lanusdid run thru my isp and they see no problem on the connection16:02
ouroumov_hi te_lanus16:09
ouroumov_te_lanus, some network driver have power saving modes16:09
ouroumov_identify the driver using: lshw -C net16:10
ouroumov_then check the options using: modinfo <drivername>16:10
newmateI made a boot DVD for Ubuntu MATE but I cant get my laptop to boot from it18:00
newmateI burned the ISO to DVD with more than 1.5gb ofspace at 2.4x speed (the lowest option)18:00
newmateI opened up BIOS settings and made the DVD priority 1 for boot and my harddrive priority 218:01
newmateIs there a problem with my CD/DVD drive? Is that whatthismeans?18:01
ouroumov_hi newmate18:03
ouroumov_newmate, what tool did you use to burn the dvd?18:03
ouroumov_Actually nevermind18:04
newmateI'm inWindows 7, and just used the burn option that is built into it18:04
ouroumov_newmate, why don't you use a bootable USB instead?18:04
newmateOnly reason is thatI thought the DVD option would be easier (since w7 has a built in tool for it)18:04
ouroumov_Have you killed "Secure Boot" and stuff like that in the BIOS?18:05
newmateNo, the only setting I touched was the boot priority order18:05
ouroumov_Check and see if your BIOS have a "Boot Override" option, as in, without changing the boot order, manually pick the drive to boot18:06
newmatedontsee one, and dont seea secure boot option either18:09
ouroumov_Well, my recommendation is to try and burn an USB stick.18:10
newmateokay,I will do that18:11
newmateis rufus still a good option for boot drives?18:12
ouroumov_hi Linuxxx18:15
ouroumov_newmate, there's instructions on the website for burning USB sticks18:16
Linuxxxany guy connected?18:24
sixwheeledbeast93 people in room?18:25
rahtgazyeah. no one's connected18:27
ouroumov_Linuxxx, can we help you with something?18:32
Linuxxxi just need how to activate office 2010 lool18:44
Akulilibreoffice should be everything you need18:45
Linuxxxyes but i started school a week ago18:45
Linuxxxand i don't have time to learn about libre office18:45
linux-masochistLinuxxx: What OS are you using?18:46
LinuxxxUbuntu MAte 16.0418:48
Linuxxxwhat about you?18:48
linux-masochistDebian based on a Pi. I think the options you have are to run office and windows on a VM, use WINE (not sure if it supports office) or give libre office a go and see how you get on.18:50
linux-masochistAre you essay writing? or are your needs more complex? spreadsheets and databases?18:51
Linuxxxi go to high school man haha18:52
Linuxxxi only do like basic things or essay18:52
linux-masochistAh OK. In that case Libre should do the job. you can export to any number of formats.  give it a whirl.18:53
Linuxxxyeah, thanks18:54
Monerygreetings all... is 16.10 a big deal for some reason to IBM chip users?18:55
Monerychecking to make sure that the beta iso's downloaded and were shared last night... saw they were downloaded 3x as much as the other two combined18:55
ouroumov_IBM makes chips?18:56
MonerySorry, Motorola18:57
ouroumov_That's even more confusing18:57
Monerythose Power8 CPU?18:57
Monerythe 3rd version of UM to come out?18:57
ouroumov_Are those x86?18:57
Monerythe non-x86 ones18:58
Moneryer one18:58
Monerydamn, sorry brain issues atm, the PowerPC iso18:58
Monerydon't own any hardware, but i do host it18:58
Monerydon't follow PPC bug tracker so why in 8 hours did i upload 20GB of it18:59
linux-masochistLinuxxx: No problem. Good luck.19:00
rahtgazI think it may have to do with the PPC being first supported on 16.1019:00
ouroumov_Monery, and you're saying the ppc iso is getting more downloads?19:00
Monerysorry ouroumov_, on pain meds at the time let me stop trying to be clever...19:01
ouroumov_Monery, no problem, take it easy19:01
rahtgazbefore it was a payed support from canonical. now it is community driven. that change occurred on 16.1019:01
Monerywait so PPC you had to get a subscription?19:02
rahtgazapparently you did19:02
Monerythe funs of not using intel/amd19:04
Moneryrahtgaz, you know PPC world at all?19:04
rahtgazthat actually maybe a good thing. It may open the way for a PPC ubuntu derivative distro19:04
rahtgazMonery: no. very little. i just keep on with computing news19:04
Moneryjust a question about PPC tho...19:05
ouroumov_<Monery> wait so PPC you had to get a subscription? -> I don't think so19:05
Monerythose were used by IBM, Apple, and someone else... awhile ago... are there still that many out that functing?19:05
ouroumov_You can pay canonical for support for proper Ubuntu too yknow.19:05
Akulii have an old imac g319:05
Akuliruns ubuntu 12.04 without a gui, works great19:05
Monerymay i ask what you use it for?19:05
Moneryi have tossed or donated stuff that age myself... didn't really have a use for it anymore19:06
rahtgazMonery: yes. a lot. PPCs are very common on some embed controllers, and network devices19:06
rahtgazthe top of the line PPCs are also widely available on IBM RS and As computers too19:07
AkuliMonery, honestly not that much for anything :D its mostly a nice toy to have for me19:07
Akuliif it was my only computer i'd be happy with it19:08
Moneryi just throw problems at my pi3 or dual APU if they are small...19:08
rahtgazyou pi3 can tackle big problems too :)19:13
MoneryI was waiting for ouroumov_ to tell me some epic story about a major bug fix19:13
Moneryoh ya, I use it for all sorts of things19:13
Moneryeven have battery and 3G for her if I need her outside the house19:14
Monerywanna get a mast for the camera so i can pan and tilt19:14
ouroumov_I don't really know any stories, just what goes in the news19:14
rahtgazif anything, you know have a new bug; canonical no longer provides payed support for ppc :)19:19
rahtgazsheesh! i'm particularly typo-able today19:20
Akulitpygning erorrs19:24
Monerygotta move out of here, getting too cold, thanks for the info... c ya19:25
bro_marcguys, how to i make the grub menu appear on boot instead of this grey box?19:30
ouroumov_hey bro_marc19:31
ouroumov_bro_marc, you mean you can't see grub menu items?19:31
bro_marci only get a grey box19:31
bro_marccovering the whole screen19:32
ouroumov_bro_marc: sudo pluma /etc/default/grub19:32
ouroumov_Uncomment line 20 GRUB_TERMINAL=console19:32
ouroumov_save, close, then: sudo update-grub19:32
bro_marcalright, i'll try19:32
Akuliouroumov_, sudo nano or gksudo pluma, not sudo pluma19:35
nomicpluma = gedit19:35
Akuliyes nomic19:36
nomicfigured out  that gedit didn't work anymore on mate19:36
ouroumov_Akuli, are you saying that because it's a security issue Akuli ? Because it works.19:36
Akuliouroumov_, gui apps like to change ownership of stuff in your home folder to root when you run them with plain sudo19:36
ouroumov_Seriously? Could that be the cause of ~/.config/cache being owned by root Akuli ?19:37
ouroumov_Holly damn.19:37
ouroumov_Akuli, are you running Ubuntu MATE 16.04 ?19:37
Akuliyou can run `sudo chown -R $USER ~` if you have trouble with it :)19:37
Akuliouroumov_, devuan 819:37
Akulian important note: both $USER and ~ are evaluated before the command is given to sudo19:38
Akulitry this out: echo $USER ~19:38
ouroumov_Damn, I'll need to test this19:38
Akulii'm not actually sure how much truth there is in that ownership changing myth, but once some of my files were owned by root and some by me after running gui apps as root19:41
Akuliwith sudo19:41
ouroumov_I'll have to check the permissions on a fresh install19:42
ouroumov_If I've been recommending something dangerous to people that needs to stop.19:42
Akulii just use nano :)19:43
Akulianyone can learn it in just a few seconds, its so simple19:43
Akuliawesome for quick config file editing stuff19:43
LangleyHelp, sometimes when I connect/disconnect my laptop to a monitor with HDMI, the screens goes crazy with flickering and I have to force shutdown20:29
ouroumov_Langley, this is likely a kernel/driver issue. You should have better luck asking in #Ubuntu I think.20:31
LangleyOkay thanks20:31
ubuntu-mateHello I am My name is Bob R  I am trying to get an Epson Perfection V37 Scanner to scan with uggestions?Linux Any s21:05
nomicis a general question about ubuntu and #ubuntu channel21:06
nomicwill help21:06
nomiccos theres more people in it21:06
ubuntu-mateWill Akuli be back tomorrow?21:06
nomici dunno21:06
nomicthere are also the forums21:06
nomicubuntu forums, ubuntu mate forums21:06
nomicvery busy = ubuntu forums21:06
nomicyou use sane21:07
nomicfor scanner21:07
nomicyou have tried to run "sane"?21:07
ubuntu-mateCan I communicate later tonight?21:07
nomicxsane is the scanner program21:07
nomicsudo apt-get install xsane21:07
nomicyou can communicate any time you like21:07
nomicyou may find the scanner is auto-detected21:08
ubuntu-mateDoes xsane work on Linux Mint v18 32Bit?21:08
nomicafter installing/running "xsane", then plugging your scanner in , usb ubuntu-mate .. but otherwise21:08
nomicrefer to article21:08
nomicpretty sure it will21:08
nomicsudo apt-get xsane gets you the xsane program21:09
nomicthen run "xsane"21:09
nomicplug your scanner in, usb cable21:09
nomicit should be automatically detected21:09
nomicotherwise, refer to article21:10
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, you've clicked the chat button two times too many21:23
godfuturehey, does somebody know what to do when the usb live distro is not showing any desktop panel? I see only my wallpaper. somehow I have the feeling two monitors are attached21:27
godfuturebecause the my mouse disappears over the left corner21:28
ouroumov_hi godfuture21:28
godfutureHey :)21:28
ouroumov_hm, that's a weird problem21:29
godfutureone computer, one display,21:29
godfuturehow to start display manager from console?21:29
ouroumov_I'm looking that up21:30
linux-masochistgodfuture: does the device have a separate gfx card as well as an on board gfx?21:30
linux-masochistgodfuture: startx ?21:30
linux-masochistif on board gfx and additional card, disable on board gfx in bios21:31
ouroumov_godfuture, I've got the name for you21:40
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dfdsgnbhsfdoes someone know a good private mail sevice22:16
godfuturecool, I will try22:19
ubuntu-matehow come that ubuntu is recognizing VGA-0 and DisplayPort-0?22:23
ubuntu-mateI have only one cable22:23
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, you still have the two screen detected problem?22:25
ubuntu-matewell, opening mate-display-properties shows me two screens, by default VGA-0 was primary display, but somehow my monitor was connected to DisplayPort-022:26
ubuntu-mateI have set VGA-0 as default and disabled DisplayPort-022:27
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, that's very unusual behavior, I've never seen it myself.22:28
ouroumov_Maybe there's something stuck in the DisplayPort? :/22:28
ubuntu-mateits very weird. How its possble that two monitors are available...22:30
ubuntu-mateI run AMD E-35022:30
ubuntu-mateI started mate live because I had openElec installed. but somehow suddenly got a black screen after boot22:31
ubuntu-matethe same to all other distros22:31
ubuntu-mateand now the live shows two displays22:31
ouroumov_I've been having a weird graphics problem with an AMD Sempron (old machine)22:32
ubuntu-matedriver issue?22:32
ouroumov_dunno, probably22:33
ouroumov_I've never owned AMD machines, this is an old beast someone wanted to trash22:34
nedstarkanyone have an ubuntu phone in the us22:37
ouroumov_I have one but I'm in France22:38
nedstarkdoes it have apps?22:38

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