
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: docker.io (xenial-proposed/universe) [1.11.2-0ubuntu5~16.04 => 1.12.1-0ubuntu8] (no packageset)00:29
mwhudsoncan someone reject that ^00:30
apwmwhudson, done00:39
mwhudsonapw: thanks00:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected docker.io [source] (xenial-proposed) [1.12.1-0ubuntu8]00:39
mwhudsonapw: you're my favourite SRU queue rejecter!00:39
apwi have my uses it seems00:39
tumbleweedcjwatson, doko, slangasek: temporary home: http://ubuntuqa.tblwd.org/02:24
pittitsimonq2: what are you trying to do? at first sight it just looks like you are missing  britney'2 dependencies, such as python3-amqplib?05:47
pittitsimonq2: err, Packages_* are supposed to be plain files, not compressed05:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: snapd (xenial-proposed/main) [2.14.2~16.04 => 2.15] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server)08:30
* apw is handling ^09:20
bluesabrepitti, can I go ahead and upload greybird-gtk-theme? It's a bugfix release and has been ack'd by the Xubuntu docs, release, artwork, and QA teams (lp 1623855)09:24
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1623855 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Greybird 3.20.1" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162385509:24
pittibluesabre: erm, sure; you don't need my permission :)09:36
pitti(already acked by docs and release teams)09:36
bluesabrewasn't sure if we needed to ack up to the ubuntu release team or if our own subteams were enough09:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted snapd [source] (xenial-proposed) [2.15]09:46
apwtumbleweed, cheeky i know, is there seeded-in-ubuntu info on there too ?10:00
apwtumbleweed, and ignore me and assume i can't read10:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: ruby-babel-transpiler (yakkety-proposed/primary) [0.7.0-1]10:48
LocutusOfBorgsome gitlab-ruby stuff ^^10:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: ruby-sprockets-es6 (yakkety-proposed/primary) [0.9.1-1]10:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: ruby-prof (yakkety-proposed/primary) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1]10:51
LocutusOfBorg^^ and we should be good10:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: keeper (yakkety-proposed/primary) [0.1.0+16.10.20160915.3-0ubuntu1]10:54
LocutusOfBorgpitti, ruby-devise-async is utterly broken, and needed only by gitlab. Since the new gitlab in proposed is not using it anymore, I propose you to demote it to proposed (or ignore the autpkgtestsuite), and help me in make gitlab migrate :)10:57
LocutusOfBorgremoving from the archive might be even better :)10:57
LocutusOfBorgand will be removed from debian in some days too https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=83764410:58
ubot5`Debian bug 837644 in ruby-devise-async "ruby-devise-async is not compatible with devise >= 4.0" [Serious,Open]10:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted keeper [sync] (yakkety-proposed) [0.1.0+16.10.20160915.3-0ubuntu1]11:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-prof [sync] (yakkety-proposed) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1]11:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-babel-transpiler [sync] (yakkety-proposed) [0.7.0-1]11:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-sprockets-es6 [sync] (yakkety-proposed) [0.9.1-1]11:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: ruby-babel-source (yakkety-proposed/primary) [5.8.35-1]11:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby-prof [armhf] (yakkety-proposed/none) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1] (no packageset)11:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby-prof [i386] (yakkety-proposed/none) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1] (no packageset)11:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby-prof [amd64] (yakkety-proposed/none) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1] (no packageset)11:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby-prof [s390x] (yakkety-proposed/none) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1] (no packageset)11:12
xnoxtumbleweed, temporary change dns too? to unbreak the world...11:28
xnoxis there a way to make an upload, in such a way that it is forced to go through review queue? (even though it normally would not)13:00
apwnone that i know of... nice thought i would be ... people in my team who wnat that feature tend to upload it to a PPA and ask for review there13:02
xnoxyeah.... i want to upload something that should not be trusted =)13:02
pittiLocutusOfBorg: kicked to -proposed13:06
rbasakxnox: in our team, we'd probably import it into git and then file an MP against it.13:15
rbasakxnox: I can import a package for you if you'd like to do that.13:16
xnoxit's ok13:17
pittixnox: but no new binary or so?13:22
pittixnox: I suppose asking someone to review from a git branch and/or PPA is most practical then13:22
xnoxack. will do.13:24
xnoxpitti, qemu is stuck in proposed on systemd autopkgtest failure and nova.14:03
xnoxnova used to not be there, i'll check that.14:03
xnoxbut the systemd failure is weird to me... does the systemd autopkgtest do nested qemu and my update breaks that?14:03
pittixnox: it does use nested qemu, for the "upstream" tests; but that's fine, it's the fsck test that failed14:04
pittiplymouth-start did not run, hmm14:04
pittixnox: so, for sure unrelated to qemu, need to investigate14:04
xnoxack retried nova test because results are all PASS but cleanup failed.14:05
pittiit's been doing that for a few days already14:05
pittixnox: hm, that should be a tmpfail; mind filing a bug against autopkgtst with a pointer to the log?14:05
pittii. e. those should auto-retry14:06
xnoxi might be impatient =)14:07
pittixnox: oh, it's fine to manually retry, I just mean for the future14:07
pittixnox: filed bug 1624406, will hint over systemd14:09
ubot5`bug 1624406 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-fsck test started to fail" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162440614:09
pittiLocutusOfBorg: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#ruby-devise is a valid candidate now, but still blocked on some transition14:35
pittixnox: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#qemu → really close now!14:37
pittixnox: did you retry nova/amd64 too?14:37
xnoxno idea where it went14:38
pittixnox: so you did? hang on14:38
xnoxsso did do it14:39
LocutusOfBorgpitti, we need ruby* accepted from new queue14:40
LocutusOfBorgand demoting ruby-handlebars-assets might be appreciated :)14:40
LocutusOfBorgso, demoting handlebars, accepting the three packages in new, migration!14:41
LocutusOfBorg(handlebars has one rdep, diaspora)14:41
pittixnox: hmm, no trace of it anywhere14:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-babel-source [sync] (yakkety-proposed) [5.8.35-1]14:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-prof [armhf] (yakkety-proposed) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1]14:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-prof [s390x] (yakkety-proposed) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1]14:42
pittiLocutusOfBorg: ^14:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-prof [amd64] (yakkety-proposed) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1]14:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-prof [i386] (yakkety-proposed) [0.15.9+dfsg1-1]14:42
LocutusOfBorg<3 pitti14:42
pittiLocutusOfBorg: WDYM with "demoting"? it already is in universe14:42
pitti ruby-handlebars-assets | 2:0.21.0-5 | yakkety/universe          | source, all14:42
LocutusOfBorgdemoting to proposed14:42
pitti ruby-handlebars-assets | 2:0.23.0-3 | yakkety-proposed/universe | source, all14:42
LocutusOfBorgor remove, in debian the new version is in non-free14:42
LocutusOfBorgI'm wondering if you did some mistake in letting it be in universe14:42
pittiLocutusOfBorg: ruby-babel-source is in Debian main, WDYM?14:43
pittioh, -handlebars; no idea, did I let that in?14:44
pittiLocutusOfBorg: anyway, if it has reverse dependencies then we can't just remove it, the reverse depends need to be fixed first14:44
LocutusOfBorgmove both on multiverse :) or demote also diaspora?14:44
LocutusOfBorgthe popcon is "1"14:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby-babel-source [amd64] (yakkety-proposed/none) [5.8.35-1] (no packageset)14:45
pittibah, diaspora also has a gazillion reverse depends14:45
* pitti wants reverse-depends back14:46
pittiok, not that bad14:47
LocutusOfBorgI'm using coccia since reverse-depends is not in place14:48
LocutusOfBorgeven if it is14:48
pitti$ change-override -S -c multiverse diaspora diaspora-installer ruby-handlebars-assets14:48
pitti(in contrib in Debian)14:49
pittiLocutusOfBorg: and once that's published, move hte three to -proposed?14:49
LocutusOfBorgif you mean the three now in multiverse14:50
LocutusOfBorgbut they are broken in Debian, and needs fixing there before ubuntu14:50
LocutusOfBorgincompatible with the other ruby stuff14:50
LocutusOfBorgbabel-source is in new14:51
pittiLocutusOfBorg: no, it's not :)14:53
LocutusOfBorgthis unblocks ruby-sprockets-es6 and ruby-babel-transpiler. Once they are cleared from new, everything migrates (if everything is good)14:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-babel-source [amd64] (yakkety-proposed) [5.8.35-1]14:54
pittiLocutusOfBorg: I think I moved everything now, now needs another publisher cycle15:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby-babel-transpiler [amd64] (yakkety-proposed/universe) [0.7.0-1] (no packageset)15:50
LocutusOfBorgpitti, ^^15:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-babel-transpiler [amd64] (yakkety-proposed) [0.7.0-1]16:26
LocutusOfBorgpitti, ruby-sprockets (universe) is still doing autopkgtest against ruby-handlebars-assets (multiverse) <-- is that normal?16:29
jbichapitti: does "Confirmed" mean you approved the uife for bug 1623855?16:44
ubot5`bug 1623855 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Greybird 3.20.1" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162385516:44
apwthe process says triaged means approved16:56
jbicharight, that's why I'm clarifying what pitti meant17:00
tumbleweedxnox: DNS is in the same hands as the server that's down17:48
tumbleweedpitti: there's a temporary reverse-depends on http://ubuntuqa.tblwd.org/17:49
tsimonq2pitti: I want to get a britney setup running locally to test Kubuntu packages before we whip up an FFe so we are absolutely 100% sure it breaks nothing17:52
tsimonq2pitti: (britney2)17:52
tsimonq2pitti: is there a dep list for britney2 that I'm missing?17:52
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ruby-sprockets-es6 [amd64] (yakkety-proposed/universe) [0.9.1-1] (no packageset)18:29
LocutusOfBorgpitti, last one I hope :D18:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-sprockets-es6 [amd64] (yakkety-proposed) [0.9.1-1]20:39

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