
elachecheHello akaisora08:05
elachecheMornign folks08:06
elachecheNa3iL marwen_ : o/08:06
akaisoraelacheche: good day!08:09
akaisoraHow is it going?08:10
elachecheHope it'll be good :)08:10
akaisorayeah :) good to be positive08:11
Na3iLMorning guys08:26
elachecheHello Na3iL :)08:34
Na3iLelacheche, how are you today?08:34
elachecheI need a 3rd coffee Na3iL08:38
akaisoraNa3iL: morning!08:40
akaisoraelacheche: you need a coffee machine next to your laptop xD08:41
elachecheakaisora: :)08:46
Na3iLelacheche, I have a mug of coffee next to me, I will send it to you :D08:47
Na3iLakaisora, good morning, glad to see new faces here :D08:47
Na3iLYou are from Tunis, right?08:47
akaisoranah Sousse but I work in sousse :-)08:48
akaisoraI work in Tunis *08:48
Na3iLAh, good. You will be present during the SFD this year, right?08:48
elachecheOh! I see why you asked about my company akaisora :)08:50
elachechethe company I work for name*08:50
akaisoraelacheche: do you know Marwen Chouri?08:50
akaisorahe had an internship in your company08:50
* elacheche needs and other coffee, so it's up to you to decode his weird sentences..08:50
* akaisora can handle it :D08:51
elachecheI gogoled the name, I remember the face..08:52
akaisoraanyway xD i'm his cousin08:52
akaisorathe name is Soulaymen Chouri08:52
elachecheNice to meet you :)08:52
akaisoranice to meet you too ^^08:53
elachecheI didn't had direct cotnact, with my poor memory I can really remember people only after the 10th direct contact at least x(08:54
elachechedidnt had direct contact with him08:54
akaisoraelacheche: I see ^^09:20
akaisoraI just recalled that we are friends on linkedin as well :D09:21
elachecheOh! Yes we are x)09:24
elachecheI like when associate niknames with real names and faces.. that helps my memory09:25
akaisoraYeah xD09:30
akaisoraadd more coffee and it willhelp even more09:30
akaisoraNa3iL: when is the SFD?10:17
elachecheNext month akaisora10:19
Na3iL18 october if I am not mistaken10:19
Na3iLright elacheche ?10:19
akaisoramy university? XDDDD10:19
elachecheDon't know Na3iL.. That Clibre's meeting is holding too much actions and news :/10:20
=== marwen_ is now known as MarwenDo
elachecheLet's ping them on that thread on the ML? :D10:24

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