
floridagram9<AdamOutler> http://cdn1.rack1.net/15may2016-Hack-Miami-Attempts-To-Get-Adam-Outler-To-Connect-To-The-LAN  I got my buddy with this.  He was asking me why I don't go to Capture the Packet.  I don't want to connect my computer to the LAN.01:58
floridagram9<ahoneybun> fail01:58
floridagram9<ahoneybun> I just applied for SeaGL in Nov01:58
floridagram9<KMyers> Haha @AdamOutler01:59
floridagram9<AdamOutler> @KMyers isn't it appropriate?01:59
floridagram9* ahoneybun invites @KMyers to come01:59
floridagram9<KMyers> What's that?02:00
floridagram9<ahoneybun> http://seagl.org/02:00
floridagram9<ahoneybun> conf in Seattle02:00
floridagram9<ahoneybun> 2 Kubuntu members are going02:00
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Yeah, I'm there @ahoneybun but the site doesn't seem to have any substantial content on it.02:00
floridagram9<AdamOutler> As in, it's like they want to hold a conference, but they haven't decided what to hold it on yet, or what the overall theme is, nor why anyone would want to attend.02:01
floridagram9<AdamOutler> All I see is a seagull and a mention of FOSS.02:01
floridagram9<ahoneybun> yea I know02:01
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I have no idea why I'd want to attend that.02:02
floridagram9<ahoneybun> I get it02:02
floridagram9<KMyers> I will pass as well02:03
floridagram9<ahoneybun> ok02:03
floridagram9<KMyers> I hate Seattle02:03
floridagram9<ahoneybun> never been02:03
floridagram9<AdamOutler> @KMyers I set up a virtual network on a desktop this week.02:04
floridagram9<AdamOutler> It has 5-VMs, a pFsense Firewall, a vhost distributor, a tools server, a jira server, and a dedicated database02:05
floridagram9<AdamOutler> tools: pastebin, owncloud, jenkins02:05
floridagram9<govatent> Nice02:05
floridagram9<govatent> What vm platform?02:05
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Oracle VirtualBox02:05
floridagram9<govatent> Did you set it up to use kvm as a hyoerviser?02:06
floridagram9<AdamOutler> no.02:06
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I'm planning to use virtualbox on the server.  I will set it up as headless with an XOrg server so I can "ssh -X" from another machine and manage the VMs02:07
floridagram9<AdamOutler> @govatent the fun thing about pfSense is it's going to make the information managment people tear their hair out trying to scan :D02:07
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I set up full security across the network.  We still need to deploy a Jira-UAT and a Galara cluster for MySQL.02:08
floridagram9<govatent> Nice02:08
floridagram9<govatent> You can squeeze extra performance on virtualbox by using the new options that allow it to use Linux kvm as a hypervisor02:09
floridagram9<govatent> Check out the docs02:09
floridagram9<govatent> Should be possible on headless mode as well02:09
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I'm a bit worried that KVM would make hardware configuration substantially more difficult.02:10
floridagram9<govatent> You mean the hardware used in the vm?02:11
floridagram9<AdamOutler> yeah.02:11
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I don't know if I want to add processors, RAM, or hard disk space yet.02:12
floridagram9<govatent> Hum.. Maybe. I've not run into any issues with it running windows and Ubuntu vms02:12
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Currently, due to the nature of the computer I'm operating on, everything has 2-processors running at 30%max. Each machine is limited on memory with pfSense getting just 256mb.02:13
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Until today, i was virtualizing 5 machines with just 8-gigs of memory.  I put in an Amazon Prime order and got 16gigs delivered in 25 minutes.02:13
floridagram9<AdamOutler> the full hardware will be awesome resources with a requested 14-cores.02:13
floridagram9<AdamOutler> So yeah, for now I'm just trying to keep things running and make it easy.02:14
floridagram9<govatent> Dang. Sweet!02:14
floridagram9<AdamOutler> That extra 8-gigs today was a life saver.  I couldn't even use my computer because it was caching so much.02:15
floridagram9<AdamOutler> @KMyers any tricks to make things really pop to managment when you deliver servers for deploment?02:17
floridagram9<ahoneybun> you watch Unbox too @KMyers ?02:18
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I think we all do :)02:19
floridagram9<ahoneybun> was not sure lol02:19
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Actually, I just unsubscribed last week after that string of shitty videos.02:19
floridagram9<ahoneybun> bad videos?02:19
floridagram9<AdamOutler> he's pushing too hard.02:19
floridagram9<AdamOutler> drink chiller, a keyboard that is just an overpriced keyboard, a speaker...02:20
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I guess it was just acouple of days ago.02:20
floridagram9<ahoneybun> I like his tone02:27
floridagram9<ahoneybun> he's kinda funny too02:27
floridagram9<ahoneybun> mm this fresh install VM is already having kernel issues...02:30
floridagram9<ahoneybun> it's an LTS too02:30
floridagram9<ahoneybun> wow02:31
floridagram9<ahoneybun> hitting a kernel panic02:31
floridagram9<SivaMachina> http://phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Libreboot-Not-GNU05:56
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> I can't find that story anywhere, is there any proof that was the reason for the firing if it happened at all? If so, I'd be the first to put an X over all my fsf stuff08:36
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Buzzfeed's content is going downhill https://news.adamoutler.com/FriSep16083915EDT2016/12:39
floridagram9<SivaMachina> @AdamOutler, Has?14:42
floridagram9<SivaMachina> It's been gone14:42
maxolase2squadSivaMachina, try the link, a new low for sure.14:45
maxolase2squadIt's back to 2007 levels.14:46
floridagram9<SivaMachina> Rick Astley.... Much rather get rick rolled then hsve to watch something from Buzzfeed14:49
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> I question any link in here that comes from Adam and Keith14:51
floridagram9<SivaMachina> I did as well when I actually looked at the link14:53
floridagram9<SivaMachina> https://m.reddit.com/r/linuxmasterrace/comments/52zfd6/libreboot_is_not_gnu_libreboot_anymore/15:05
floridagram9<SivaMachina> It seems Leah has a burden of proof issue. So most likely she latched onto this to further her own agenda.15:08
floridagram9<KMyers> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJlbPXZEpRE&feature=youtu.be15:47
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> If you think about, that's the best place for bass... Or the worst...18:59
floridagram9<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze - Come on, you did not expect Apple to want you to keep it in your pocket when listening.19:06
floridagram9<RazPi> bass in the ass19:41
floridagram9<ahoneybun> hold up @RazPi this is logged now19:42
floridagram9<RazPi> Good.19:42
floridagram9<ahoneybun> :(19:43
floridagram9<RazPi> I stand by my comment. ♥19:43
floridagram9<RazPi> Anything going on this weekend?19:43
floridagram9<ahoneybun> not that I know of19:44
floridagram9<ahoneybun> are you back yet?19:44
floridagram9<RazPi> Yes!19:44
floridagram9<ahoneybun> @RazPi I believe that this room must follow the Ubuntu CoC19:44
floridagram9<RazPi> Ah, I had no idea this was an official room. My bad.19:45
floridagram9<ahoneybun> well it's our LoCo room19:45
floridagram9<SivaMachina> So is bass in the butt acceptable?19:45
floridagram9<KMyers> Would be up to coffee19:45
floridagram9<ahoneybun> and it's going to the official  IRC room19:45
floridagram9<RazPi> @SivaMachina I believe so!19:45
floridagram9<RazPi> When did we become all official and stuff.19:45
floridagram9<ahoneybun> I've never been good about keeping the room clean19:46
floridagram9<SivaMachina> a week or so ago.19:46
floridagram9<KMyers> Coffee19:46
floridagram9<ahoneybun> Tomorrow?19:46
floridagram9<RazPi> Just call us the pirates of south florida and claim that certain words aren't vulgar, but meaningful local jargon.19:46
floridagram9<RazPi> My sleep schedule is f-- not normal lately. The later the better.19:47
floridagram9<RazPi> But I do miss you all.19:47
floridagram9<ahoneybun> @RazPi @KMyers @Ivoriesablaze coffee tomorrow?19:48
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I'm down.19:48
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Where at?  Donut shop?19:48
floridagram9<RazPi> D-- well geez. Now that I know that I can't curse I can't stop thinking about it, and now its hard not to.19:49
floridagram9<RazPi> I need a new icon.19:49
floridagram9<RazPi> be right back19:49
floridagram9<ahoneybun> well just lay off them a little19:49
floridagram9<ahoneybun> I can't expect everyone to be perfect19:49
floridagram9<ahoneybun> perfect = imperfect19:50
floridagram9<RazPi> bark bark bark19:50
floridagram9<SivaMachina> I would be suprised if Conanical was tyat anal about stuff like that. Well at least concerning the communitys19:51
floridagram9<ahoneybun> maybe not super anal about it19:52
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Has anyone been able to install LibreOffice OnLine (LOOL)?19:52
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I think it's just a myth that people can LOOL about.19:52
floridagram9<ahoneybun> but I've believe the CoC covers it19:52
floridagram9<KMyers> @AdamOutler - The instructions for it are pretty bad19:52
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I've been attempting to install it for hours.19:53
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I can't get anything out of it.19:53
floridagram9<RazPi> AbiWord all the way19:53
floridagram9<AdamOutler> AbiWord, is that collaborative editing which supports Excel?19:53
floridagram9<RazPi> Not even in the least19:53
floridagram9<RazPi> Its just "Pretty much everything most people use Word for."19:54
floridagram9<AdamOutler> ahhaha, I googled it.19:54
floridagram9<AdamOutler> It's less than I use word for.  Macros or go home.19:54
floridagram9<ahoneybun> it's a little weight text editor really19:54
floridagram9<RazPi> Ooh power user19:54
floridagram9<RazPi> I just had college papers, it suited that well19:54
floridagram9<RazPi> But yeah, it can't do anything fancy19:55
floridagram9<ahoneybun> LibreOffice works well when I;m in college19:55
floridagram9<AdamOutler> it's a heavy-weight text editor.  Lightweight is notepad.  medium is notepad++19:55
floridagram9<ahoneybun> well they desribe it as light weight19:55
floridagram9<KMyers> I am shocked that Judd does not just use LaTEX19:56
floridagram9<RazPi> I hate to admit it but google spreadsheets is pretty suitable. I even used their power point maker during an internship.19:56
floridagram9<RazPi> @KMyers Give me time. Give me time.19:56
floridagram9<RazPi> emacs+latex19:56
floridagram9<RazPi> I'm actually spending today assembling an emacs environment for python dev19:56
floridagram9<ahoneybun> Vi just got an update19:56
floridagram9<RazPi> Vi or Vim19:56
floridagram9<AdamOutler> :/  I had to learn VI for Linux+, but I regretted every second of using it.19:57
floridagram9<AdamOutler> same for emacs.19:57
floridagram9<ahoneybun> nano or go home19:57
floridagram9<AdamOutler> nano or go home.19:57
floridagram9<ahoneybun> if I want to do work I go nano19:57
floridagram9<ahoneybun> or kate19:57
floridagram9<RazPi> I use Ed.19:57
floridagram9<ahoneybun> with vim/vi I'm more likely to mess something up19:58
floridagram9* ahoneybun loves that @KMyers has not seen what @AdamOutler said on G+20:00
floridagram9<SivaMachina> http://store.steampowered.com/sale/aspyr/20:05
floridagram9<RazPi> This has been my favorite game lately http://store.steampowered.com/app/447530/20:07
floridagram9<SivaMachina> I was thinking about getting this.20:09
floridagram9<SivaMachina> http://store.steampowered.com/bundle/575/20:09
floridagram9<SivaMachina> $12.27 out of $149.34.... kinda hard to beat that20:11
floridagram9<KMyers> http://cdn1.rack1.net/http//store.steampowered.com./bundle/234247 is a good buy as well20:12
floridagram9<SivaMachina> fail20:12
floridagram9<SivaMachina> http://cdn1.rack1.net/http//store.steampowered.com./bundle/133720:13
floridagram9<SivaMachina> http://bit.ly/2bNepgE20:14
floridagram9<RazPi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teKGPxr86ME20:19
floridagram9<RazPi> This should be our logo.20:19
floridagram9<RazPi> and anthem20:19
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Feast your eyes upon this badassness https://office.adamoutler.com/loleaflet/1.8.3/loleaflet.html?file_path=http://office.adamoutler.com/index.html20:47
floridagram9<KMyers> You did it?20:48
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I has an error, but that's all so far20:48
floridagram9<ahoneybun> yea I can't edit that doc20:48
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I'm working on it.20:48
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I'm just excited to see something happening here.20:49
floridagram9<KMyers> On the same server as your owncloud20:49
floridagram9<AdamOutler> yeah20:49
floridagram9<KMyers> I may need your help with that later20:50
floridagram9<AdamOutler> docker run -t -d -p -e     "domain=office\.adamoutler\.com" --cap-add MKNOD collabora/code20:53
floridagram9<AdamOutler> https://pastebin.adamoutler.com/KmJq20:54
floridagram9* ahoneybun might need help with wordpress20:58
floridagram9<SivaMachina> and it's gonna be UGE21:55
floridagram9<AdamOutler> holy crap, @KMyers i just upgraded to owncloud.    1. wget  2. unzip 3. cp config.php 4. change vhost location21:59
floridagram9<AdamOutler> much more setup options22:00
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Theaming options22:00
floridagram9<AdamOutler> everything works22:01
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> Can't tomorrow, without a car right now22:46
floridagram9<ahoneybun> Leg still bad?22:47
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> Nope, my car has no headlights right now and my sister is taking her car22:48
floridagram9<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Let me see how tomorrow goes. I may be up to a drive. I have some other family coming in for the weekend but they will be out most of the day22:50
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> Nah, unless its going to be something up here and only during the day, don't worry about me22:58
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> I need to catch up on hw and twitch streaming anyway22:59
floridagram9<ahoneybun> mm so I should place the index.html into a domain dir?23:00
floridagram9<ahoneybun> like : /var/www/html/ubuntu-fl.org/index.html?23:00
floridagram9<AdamOutler> hrm. this looks promissing.  https://tlhp.cf/libreoffice-online-review/23:14
floridagram9<AdamOutler> a virtualbox already set up.23:14
floridagram9<AdamOutler> anyone ever "ssh -X" into a headless server to run a graphical app on the server?23:20
floridagram9<AdamOutler> It's a rather cool feature.23:20
floridagram9<KMyers> Yes, @AdamOutler - I do it all the time23:37

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