
paddatrapperHey superfly05:37
superflySup paddatrapper 05:38
paddatrappersuperfly: today is so up in the air I don't know what to make of it. And it's not even 8am yet! 05:40
paddatrapperHow about you? 05:40
superflyStill on the way into town. Two weeks of this left. 05:41
superflyStill trying to wake up 05:42
chesedomorning superfly paddatrapper and others05:55
paddatrapperMorning chesedo06:02
superflyMolo! 06:26
dlPhreakHow are you superfly ?06:33
paddatrapperHey dlPhreak06:41
dlPhreakpaddatrapper hi!06:41
paddatrapperdlPhreak: how are you doing? 06:43
dlPhreakmeh, i'm okay just feeling very mush.. yourself paddatrapper ?06:49
paddatrapperdlPhreak: riding the adrenaline of a disrupted campus. I'm probably going to crash tonight... 07:03
inetprogood mornings07:04
dlPhreakmorning inetpro 07:04
dlPhreakthat sounds quite epic, paddatrapper 07:05
paddatrapperdlPhreak: it is pretty fun07:14
superflydlPhreak: tired, mostly. and busy07:27
=== zipper is now known as oneTrueGod
=== oneTrueGod is now known as zipper
pavlushka-ahoy za!14:20

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