
sarnoldstrace shows it hanging in a recvfrom call: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23189423/00:00
sarnoldbzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu-security-tools/ and bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu-cve-tracker/ both act the same00:01
sarnoldat least the ubuntu-cve-tracker one worked roughly an hour ago, for both bzr up and bzr ci00:02
dobeysarnold: i'm guessing nobody around at the moment, given the hour/day. i was having issues earlier with apt-get update and upgrade both hanging on ppa.launchpad.net. quickly resolved itself though. maybe an intermittent network issue or DoS attack?00:02
sarnolddobey: interesting00:02
sarnoldah! I think this one is self-induced00:05
sarnolda fourth attempt showed ssh error messages that explain everything00:06
dobeyah ok00:06
sarnolda bunch of these:00:06
sarnoldmux_client_request_session: read from master failed: Broken pipe00:06
sarnoldControlSocket /home/sarnold/.ssh/sockets/hunt-bazaar.launchpad.net-22-seth-arnold already exists, disabling multiplexing00:06
sarnold.. I've got ssh configured to re-use connections when it can; and I just dropped off the VPN because I didn't need it any longer, but those connections were still around..00:07
sarnoldthanks dobey :)00:09
dobeynp :)00:09
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M-berdarioHi, I was using Launchpad a few years ago... now I needed to branch a project from there, but I cannot20:22
M-berdarioit just hangs there, and even if I add `--verbose` I don't get any further output20:22
M-berdarioI checked with strace, and it hangs ona  `recvfrom` syscall20:23
M-berdarioI'm using bzr 2.7.020:23
M-berdarioDo you have any idea what might be going wrong? Is launchpad down?20:23
slackner_does someone have an idea whats wrong with the git import branch https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/wine/master-git ? it looks like there are frequent imports, but the latest revision is from four days ago23:23

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