=== hyperair is now known as Guest16390 | ||
r14 | I created app in ubuntu 16.04 using qt shared library and when i run this on my virtual box using ubuntu it gives error " no version information available " | 09:15 |
r14 | appdevs | 09:16 |
r14 | I created app in ubuntu 16.04 using qt shared library and when i run this on my virtual box using ubuntu it gives error " no version information available " | 09:18 |
adroit_machine | Hi, I have juset finished a course in core and advance java(J2EE), I was wondering if I can contribute to the development of ubuntu in any way? | 09:19 |
r14 | adroit_machine: you can create application(system) or application for ubuntu store which si used by users. | 09:25 |
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adroit_machine | Hi everyone, I have just completed a course in advance and core java(J2EE), I was wondering if I can contribute to the development of ubuntu? | 12:20 |
maxed | adddevs, I'm still stuck with implementing payments in my game for Ubuntu Touch. In short, I need to show Qt-based pay ui from non-Qt-based OpenGL application. I filled a bug about lack of API for non-Qt apps, but for now, I'd be happy with any kind of a hack. I guess I need to start a Qt application FROM my app, communicate with using some form of IPC to get information about available... | 12:57 |
maxed | ...puchases etc., then somehow show its window over MY app's windo for payment process, then come back. Any ideas how to do any of that? Or am I thinking in the wrong direction? | 12:57 |
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=== aldrog is now known as aldrog_ | ||
JanC | maxed: I think you meant "appdevs", not "adddevs"? :) | 13:40 |
maxed | JanC, oh, yeah :) | 13:40 |
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=== aldrog is now known as aldrog_ | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
maxed | Another new interesting problem :) If I try to link my app with Qt, I get error saying undefined reference to symbol '_ZNSaIcEC2Ev@@GLIBCXX_3.4' in one of my files (but if I don't link with Qt, everything compiles) | 16:23 |
maxed | However, if I compile a separate Qt-using app, again, the error does not surface... | 16:24 |
maxed | "The kit UbuntuSDK for device-armhf (GCC armhf-ubuntu-sdk-15.04) has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem." | 16:28 |
maxed | Yes, IDE shows this kit with a warning sign, and warning include "Device type is not supported by Qt version". | 16:29 |
maxed | Yet, I see that Qt version in kit is Qt 5.4.1 (device-armhf) | 16:30 |
maxed | What is even broken here... Is it IDE (reporting problems with kit which actually aren't problems), or kit, or something else? | 16:30 |
maxed | Maybe I should just re-install the whole development package... | 16:33 |
maxed | But how to do that properly... Which packages to remove... Questions, questions, and no answers in sight :( | 16:36 |
JanC | I think bzoltan is the person who might be able to help with the SDK/IDE | 16:36 |
JanC | but not sure he's around right now (it's Saturday evening, after all) | 16:37 |
maxed | What better time to mess around with your PC?! :) | 16:37 |
maxed | OK, brb, rebooting... | 16:38 |
maxed | Actually, the first problem I get (after updating to 4.1 version of SDK) is that sometimes after I change CMakeLists.txt, "Run CMake" breaks. It starts giving error message "Qt Creator needs a CMake Tool set up to build. Configure a CMake Tool in the kit options." | 16:50 |
maxed | Even though CMake IS configured, and was working just a minute ago... | 16:50 |
maxed | The more I dig, the more things seem completely broken. | 16:59 |
maxed | It seems I lost the ability to specify CMake parameters. In theroy, SDK 4.1 provides a nice dialog to set them up instead of just command line specification that was used before. | 17:00 |
maxed | In practice, it seems that whatever I set there is NOT passed to CMake. | 17:00 |
maxed | Either the new SDK release is beyond broken, or my system is totally misconfigured (possibly after the update). I believe this channel isn't a proper place to discuss this in depth. But I don't want to file bugs, because I'm not sure it's not my fault... | 17:02 |
DanChapman | maxed: hey! bzoltan or zbenjamin would be the guys to talk to about SDK issues. I know some others have had similar issues. They might not be around until monday though :-( | 17:10 |
maxed | DanChapman, I'll try emailing bzlotan, I think. This might be a lenghty discussion which is better suited to e-mail than to IRC anyway. | 17:11 |
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