
daftykinsducasse: still in the US yep :)02:04
ducassedaftykins: ok, have fun then :)06:14
=== lordieva1er is now known as lordievader
lordievaderGood morning08:32
lordievaderHey ducasse, how are you?08:42
ducassegood, thanks - and you?08:42
lordievaderDoing good here :)08:43
lordievaderPlaytesting my ipad + keyboard setup08:44
lordievaderWorks pretty well.08:44
ducassei'm still playing with my new das keyboard 4, i wish all hardware was this nice :)08:45
lordievaderYeah, they make nice keyboards :D08:47
ducasseabsolutely, very happy with it. cherry blue switches, so nice clicky sound as well :D08:49
lordievaderAh, got the brownes myself. Lot quieter :)08:49
ducassei was considering that, but i had a razer before that was based on cherry blue. this is much better, though. might get some damper rings if it gets annoying.08:52
lordievaderThe advantage is that I can pick this up and use it somewhere where there are people around ;)08:59
lordievaderWith blues it quickly gets annoying for other people.08:59
ducassei get that, but there's only me and a cat here, and she doesn't mind :)09:01
ducassein another setting i'd get the browns as well, even though they have a higher actuation point afair.09:02
lordievaderYeah, they it doesn't matter much.09:05
lordievaderIn any case, enjoy ;)09:05
ducassethanks, hope you're happy with the ipad kb :)09:06
lordievaderI am :D09:10
ducassesome here might be interested in this, comparing an ubuntu box to various other offerings: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/09/the-router-rumble-ars-diy-build-faces-better-tests-tougher-competition/09:15
BluesKajHiyas all11:18
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:45
OerHekshi lotus16:46
lotuspsychjehey OerHeks all ok?16:46
OerHeksSure, weekend :-)16:47
JanCducasse: a router test that only tests HTTP is rather stupid, no?16:47
lotuspsychjeim on holiday and trying to get ps3 controller synced16:47
lotuspsychjeseems like those wireless controllers are dead, not blinking at all and reset button doesnt work16:48
JanCunless HTTP is _really_ the only thing you, which is doubtful16:48
lotuspsychjehi ducasse & JanC16:48
JanC*only thing you do*16:49
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: lol your being ignored in main17:02
OerHeksi am happy17:02
OerHeksi don't take weekend support too much seriously17:03
ducassehi, lotuspsychje - happy on holiday? :)17:09
lotuspsychjeducasse: yeah very, house with inside pool :p17:15
lotuspsychjecheck this17:16
OerHeksI have a pool too, 4 ft x 4 ft and 2 inch deep, with shower!17:17
OerHeksoh, that is nice17:17
ducasselotuspsychje: weekend trip or longer? if the controller doesn't respond, the battery might be dead. plug it in and let it charge for a while, i used to have a ps3.17:22
lotuspsychjeducasse: good idea, would the controller load battery with usb ==> pc also?17:23
ducassemost likely.17:23
lotuspsychjeducasse: 1 week swim holiday17:23
lotuspsychjeducasse: ok ill connect to laptop, leds should be blinking after a while?17:24
ducassei think you hold the reset button in to sync with ps3, don't quite remember.17:25
lotuspsychjeducasse: tried that, and the ps3 asks to hold PS button at start screen17:26
lotuspsychjebut no luck17:26
lotuspsychjecontroller doesnt respond in any way17:26
ducasselotuspsychje: let it charge for about 30 mins, then try. i only used the ps3 intermittently, had to do that every time.17:27
lotuspsychjeok great ill try17:28
lotuspsychjelsusb doesnt show controller neither is that normal?17:28
ducasselotuspsychje: never tried connecting it to a pc, so i don't know.17:29
ducasselotuspsychje: as i remember it though, the controller was absolutely dead until it reached a certain charge level.17:31
lotuspsychjeah i see17:31
lotuspsychjethat would be the only logic reason, unless its real dead...but both controllers not working17:32
lotuspsychjeand there's an external wireless docking station for them too17:32
lotuspsychjei mean usb connected/wireless17:33
ducassei would imagine the docking is to keep the controllers charged when not in use.17:33
lotuspsychjebut only when the ps3 is ON?17:34
lotuspsychjeor would it take power OFF too?17:34
ducassethe dock is connected to the ps3 or to power?17:34
lotuspsychjeto the ps3 front usb17:35
lotuspsychjeperhaps, when playing with 1 controller, the other is suppose to charge17:36
ducassehmm. i didn't really use the ps3, just had it for my nephew to use when visiting, all i remember was having to charge the controller every time the battery went dead. it was mentioned in the manual in small writing, i first thought the controller was dead when i had just bought it.17:37
lotuspsychjeyeah sounds logic to me17:38
lotuspsychjeill come back later to see if its charged, tnx for the hint ducasse17:38
lotuspsychjenow swimming time :p17:38
ducasseenjoy :)17:38
lotuspsychjeducasse: didnt charge yet so far18:36
lotuspsychjeill try again tomorrowz18:37
ducassehmm, no other ideas, sorry.18:37
lotuspsychjeperhaps not long enough yet18:37
lotuspsychjeor both dead :p18:38
lotuspsychjelaterz guys, have a nice evening!18:39
OerHekssome trolls make me want to watch Jeff Dunham again19:23
pauljwany excuse is a good one to watch Jeff Dunham!  :)19:25
BluesKaj_ok I'll bite, whois jeff dunham?19:31
OerHeksuhhhhh ... a guy that plays with dolls ?19:33

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