
floridagram9<ahoneybun> I'm having DNS issues with Ubuntu00:22
floridagram9<ahoneybun> Its looking at my router as a DNS nameserver00:22
floridagram9<ahoneybun> How do I fix that?00:22
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Change your router to stop serving itself as DNS.00:27
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Otherwise you can specify a DNS at
floridagram9<ahoneybun> I know00:27
floridagram9<ahoneybun> But the issue is wifi00:27
floridagram9<AdamOutler> I have per-host DNS on pfSense.00:27
floridagram9<ahoneybun> I can't ping or googlr00:27
floridagram9<AdamOutler> OK.  So you're not routing properly.00:28
floridagram9<AdamOutler> If down, if up?00:28
floridagram9<KMyers> Can you ping
floridagram9<ahoneybun> Nope00:28
floridagram9<KMyers> Then it is not a DNS issue00:29
floridagram9<ahoneybun> Connected to my phone for WiFi atm00:29
floridagram9<ahoneybun> So I know my data works here00:29
floridagram9<ahoneybun> What file do I need to edit for WiFi?00:30
floridagram9<ahoneybun> Ethernet cable works at home as well as my WiFi there00:30
floridagram9<ahoneybun> Any idea?00:36
floridagram9<ahoneybun> @KMyers seems I can ping that address now00:55
floridagram9<ahoneybun> Kinda losing a few packets00:55
floridagram9<ahoneybun> https://www.facebook.com/events/172411389859077/04:01
floridagram9<ahoneybun> @KMyers @RazPi @AdamOutler04:01
floridagram9<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze also04:01
floridagram9<RazPi> @KMyers WE NEED TO DO THIS AGAIN https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3Bicy50d2ltZy5jb20vbWVkaWEvQ0FsVlVXdlZFQUFoUktOLmpwZzpsYXJnZSJ9.VX_I1Ndwv0qPp3wqCnGLYKC8b7E07:54
floridagram9<AdamOutler> Whoah..  that's too late for coffee, man.13:16
floridagram9<ahoneybun> For some people Adam lol15:32
floridagram9<ahoneybun> @KMyers coffee?19:06
floridagram9<KMyers> I may have to put it off until tomorrow. My step brother came in with no notice19:09
floridagram9<ahoneybun> alright, I have 2 lawns tomorrow but I'll try to get up early to get them out of the way19:10

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