=== WallyWorld is now known as Guest84725 [12:27] Hello. [12:28] Is there any sources.list entry I've to enable in case I want to install ubuntustudio on my regular 1604 install? [12:28] Mainly I'm looking for packages of ardour5 & a lowlatency/preemt/rt kernel. [12:30] I've found: linux-lowlatency so far. Is ardour5 already packaged? [12:39] Ah, anyways I'll compile it from the debian sources. They already have the package in unstable. [12:40] Just remove licenscheck in debian/control and it compiles. [12:40] Thanks & bye. [19:41] Hello? I'm new to this and need some help. === sakura is now known as Guest95894 [22:14] come faccio per cambiare password