
flocculantbluesabre: so after some mucking about   - seems that bug 1622303 affects mainbuntu00:18
ubottubug 1622303 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "Fails to unlock/ resume to black screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162230300:18
flocculantrunning out of patience to test elsewhere - studio can download their own 6 Tb iso - but I do have Mate and Looby Lou to check early tomorrow00:23
flocculantmentioned in -release now ;)00:24
flocculantthat aside got this 'issue' with partitions - not sure where to go from here on that one00:35
flocculantgparted refuses to see an extended, but lets me resize to include a whole drive00:36
flocculanta new live session sees the same thing - and agrees with a whole drive00:37
flocculantyakky yukky though is now seeing it the same ...00:37
flocculantgiving up till at least 2017 00:38
flocculantbluesabre: checked reboot from lokc/suspend on ubuntu/gnome/lubuntu - all work as expected02:45
flocculantsuggest we go back to xscreensaver :p02:45
ochosibluesabre: that xfce4-notifyd bug i cc'd you on should probably go into yakkety as a patch, it also applies to 0.2.4 and the bug can be observed with gnome software (and certainly more apps, which we probably dont ship by default)08:27
knomeflocculant, mmh, yeah...10:47
knomeflocculant, my only question is who can edit people's rows11:10
knomeflocculant, anybody can edit anything? then we need at least a password, but then again, sharing that publicly defeats the purpose11:10
knomerunning again ->11:12
sepisoad i am developing a c application which is crashing and I would like to get core dump of it upon crashing13:56
sepisoadI already set the ulimimit to unlimited13:56
sepisoadbut there seems to be no core dump out there13:56
sepisoador at least I cannot find it :(13:57

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