
tsimonq2pitti: hello00:34
tsimonq2pitti: when using both of your scripts on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/LocalSetup , I've experienced a problem where your script doesn't automatically gunzip the Packages files. I've been using the following one-liner in the data/yakkety and data/yakkety-proposed to get it decrypted:00:35
tsimonq2pitti: for arch in amd64 arm64 armhf i386 powerpc ppc64el; do mv Packages_$arch{,.gz}; gunzip Packages_$arch; done00:35
tsimonq2pitti: also, I'd like to deploy britney2 in a setup with multiple PPAs, if you have a minute, it would be awesome if you could tweak your script to allow for multiple PPAs to be under the sudo yakkety-proposed00:36
tsimonq2pitti: thanks for the scripts :)00:36
tsimonq2pitti: (s/decrypted/unzipped/)00:37
tsimonq2pitti: in addition, I've been getting FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/yakkety/state/age-policy-dates' which could be fixed by creating an empty file at that location. also something to consider adding to both of the scripts. :)00:38
tsimonq2pitti: (it could be really helpful to get the scripts either into the Ubuntu or Debian britney2 code so people can make these sort of changes)00:39
tsimonq2pitti: there's a couple other files that could be created with your script, if you run it fresh locally it's obvious ;)00:45
tsimonq2pitti: fwiw I filed something on GitHub: https://github.com/Debian/britney2/issues/1301:23
tsimonq2pitti: here, I implemented some of these things. Take a look: https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git/kubuntu-britney2/plain/britney-indexes-ppa04:36
Mirvok this time I'll grab the autopkgtest infra on Sunday, hopefully it's slightly more friendly...04:58
Mirvpeople would be otherwise mad at me for slowing down their Final Beta Freeze rush uploads tomorrow :)04:59
Mirvplus, luckily the previous qtbase upload's autopkgtests finally passed for good, so it migrated to release pocket04:59
SaviqRAOF, when you get up, will you please click ♻ on the two regressions in https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/landing-078/yakkety/excuses.html ? thanks!16:32
RAOFSaviq: I presume someone else has, because I don't see any regressions on that page.23:47

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