codepython777 | is there a way to configure a ubuntu box to boot within a second? | 02:27 |
JanC | depends on what hardware & what you want to have running on it, I guess... | 02:35 |
codepython777 | JanC: Seems like some people in #ubuntu are helping me out, perhaps we can talk about this there? | 02:36 |
JanC | I'm going to sleep now :) | 02:37 |
codepython777 | JanC: G'nite | 02:40 |
RoyK | codepython777: why bother about those seconds? | 03:07 |
lordievader | Good morning | 07:34 |
ducasse | if any ops are present, could they please remove the last sentence from the topic? | 07:49 |
=== Guest52985 is now known as patstoms | ||
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bipul | What are block devices And how it works? | 09:41 |
samba35 | in 16.04.1 ,if i dont configure any thing in /etc/network/interface still i should get ip from dhcp server ? | 13:16 |
k2gremlin | samba35, Yes, my understanding is that by default, any eno adapters are auto up | 13:33 |
k2gremlin | and defaulted to dhcp | 13:33 |
samba35 | ic | 13:33 |
k2gremlin | ip addr, do you see the interface? | 13:33 |
k2gremlin | either an EthX or enoxxxxx | 13:33 |
samba35 | enp ? | 13:33 |
k2gremlin | the naming of the nics | 13:34 |
k2gremlin | changed to default eno for some reasons.. | 13:34 |
samba35 | yes i can see with ip addr and ifconfig -a | 13:34 |
k2gremlin | | 13:35 |
k2gremlin | So it worked? | 13:35 |
k2gremlin | enoxxxxx has an IP? | 13:35 |
samba35 | if i am using bridge with openvswitch where i should see ip address in bridge (br0 ) of enpxx interface ? | 13:36 |
k2gremlin | I haven't used openvswitch.. but does it change the configuration on the eno interface to attach it to the bridge? | 13:37 |
k2gremlin | If so, should see br0 with an IP | 13:37 |
k2gremlin | if not, than you need to configure it in your /etc/network/interface | 13:37 |
k2gremlin | I have some bridges and taps built using the interface file. Works pretty well lol | 13:37 |
samba35 | thanks | 13:38 |
k2gremlin | If your just trying to build a bridge, no additional software needed. | 13:38 |
samba35 | can you please please tell me what is difference in bridge and tap interface ? | 13:38 |
k2gremlin | | 13:38 |
samba35 | yes i use linux bridge but i just want to understand openvswitch as people say it give more features over linux bridge | 13:39 |
k2gremlin | | 13:39 |
k2gremlin | errr | 13:39 |
k2gremlin | | 13:39 |
k2gremlin | Gives you a pretty good breakdown | 13:40 |
samba35 | k ,thanks | 13:40 |
samba35 | ok | 13:40 |
k2gremlin | Like I said never used openvswitch. I assume its like any other virtual switch. I use the vSwitches in VMWare and love them. So easy to use lol | 13:40 |
samba35 | yes true but my hardware it doesnt support vmware esxi ? | 13:41 |
k2gremlin | :/ | 13:41 |
samba35 | vmware is costly also :) | 13:42 |
samba35 | kvm is free :) | 13:42 |
samba35 | right sir | 13:42 |
samba35 | k2gremlin: have you tryed ubuntu maas or juju or lxd ? | 13:43 |
k2gremlin | nope | 13:43 |
samba35 | ok | 13:43 |
=== Thorn__ is now known as Thorn | ||
samba35 | how do i install a local package with depedancy fix ? aptitue ?or dpkg ? | 15:04 |
tsimonq2 | samba35: could you please be more specific? | 15:04 |
samba35 | i have package with teamviewer but i am not able to install it ,i have downloaded package from web site and its 386 and i am on 64 bit | 15:05 |
tsimonq2 | samba35: could you please join #ubuntu ? they will be able to help you a lot more than I can. :) | 15:07 |
samba35 | ok | 15:07 |
compdoc | teamviewer is pretty horrible, and there are versions that are cracked and spu on you | 15:08 |
compdoc | *spy | 15:08 |
samba35 | 'sudo apt install ./package.deb' this way it was fix :) | 15:17 |
samba35 | if i am downloading some iso from internet but i am now aware where it is going to save ,in that case how do i check where the file is getting download | 16:17 |
samba35 | i am trying to download image from/for maas | 16:17 |
PryMar56 | samba35, ~/Downloads <-- guess | 16:23 |
PryMar56 | or ~/Desktop/Downloads | 16:24 |
samba35 | no ,sorry ,its not there | 16:24 |
samba35 | i am trying... yes trying to understand maas | 16:25 |
coetry | I have enabled php5-fpm on apache 2.4 and have set the forwarding rules for my vhost accordingly, yet it doesn't render the .php, it just displays it as plain text | 18:51 |
coetry | does anyone know what could be the problem? | 18:51 |
coetry | | 18:51 |
=== NetworkingPro is now known as dnf | ||
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tomreyn | coetry: show your configuration, using | 19:40 |
tomreyn | !pastebin | 19:40 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:40 |
tomreyn | (you can edit / redact sensitive info) | 19:41 |
daniela_perez | How to hide/mask url extensions | 19:52 |
daniela_perez | How to hide/mask extensions for sub-folders/path so that will always display in the address bar | 19:55 |
tomreyn | you could use an iframe for this. but that's technically ugly, and easily worked around. | 19:57 |
tomreyn | what'S the use case? | 19:57 |
daniela_perez | I would pretty sure using iframes | 19:57 |
daniela_perez | I want it the Apache way | 19:57 |
daniela_perez | mod_rewrite, but which way ? | 19:58 |
daniela_perez | I ...*avoid* ... iframes | 19:58 |
tomreyn | why do you want to do this in the first place? it's not really a good idea. | 19:58 |
tomreyn | is it about 'protecting content'? | 19:59 |
tomreyn | is it about 'clean urls'? | 19:59 |
daniela_perez | tomreyn: Security reasons | 20:33 |
daniela_perez | Blackboxish | 20:33 |
tomreyn | daniela_perez: this is not a security mechanism | 20:49 |
tomreyn | if you want to harden your web application then use firewalling and access restrictions (htbasic / htdigest password authentication, source ip access restrictions, ...), use secure passwords securely, use multi-factor authentication, read the OWASP secure web application development guide (if you're developing it yourself). | 20:53 |
tomreyn | if you're not developing it yourself, use web applications which are known to have undergone extensive security review and testing only, and make sure you follow their installation and configuration guides (documentation) closely. | 20:54 |
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