
chamoisHi everyone!07:44
sakrecoerhi chamois !08:45
chamoissakrecoer : I don't understand what Jonathan Aquilina wrote on the email08:46
chamoisI mean, I didn't send an attachment, just a link to youtube08:46
sakrecoerchamois: i haven't seen it yet, let me check08:46
sakrecoerchamois, i see no attachement either, let it be.. :)08:50
chamoisok thanks!08:50
sakrecoerthat said, YOU ROCK!!!! chamois08:52
sakrecoermaybe i miss tye cool rotation of titles.. but i can live without them :) perhaps that effect is too MTV (Fromwhen it broadcasted music) for evryone to follow :D08:53
sakrecoerthat effect = title rotation08:53
sakrecoerchamois: let me know if you want me to render it for you :)08:54
chamoisAhaha sakrecoer thanks! I know I miss it too but I think geirdal was right, the last version is more elegant, clear and it gets straight to the point.09:05
sakrecoeryes, its easier to read as you did it now, chamois :)09:10
chamoissakrecoer : That depends on how many samples we want.. If 100 is enough, I can handle it by myself. If not, I'll need your help ;)09:11
sakrecoerwhat do you think, chamois ? is 100 enough?09:12
sakrecoerwe do want great quality :)09:13
sakrecoeri think it would be nice to have the source-file regardless.. 09:14
sakrecoerwould you be ok with sharing the source file in the website assets repository on launchpad, chamois ?09:15
chamoisThis is with 100 samples09:16
chamoisand yes!09:16
chamoisWhat do you mean.. the .blend file?09:17
sakrecoeryes, the .blend file09:17
sakrecoeryou can share it with us via pasteall.org, before you do, make sure all external data is embedded, and open a text-editor window in blender and add your credits and license ;)09:18
chamoisI have never done something like this.. What should I write in the credits and license?09:48
sakrecoerJust write something like "Creadted by One Chamois 2016, Creative commons license (preferably https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ )09:50
sakrecoerchamois: ^09:50
sakrecoerand then you can go fancy for the rest, like: "respect the penguins, big up to all GNUs. Peace love and having fun! Remember kids, drugs are bad" (nothing harmfull, hatefull, no bigotry, no sex etc of coursE)09:51
sakrecoerchamois: actualy, this one is better: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ (international)09:55
chamoissakrecoer: so "Created by One Chamois 2016, Creative commons license 4.0"?10:03
sakrecoerchamois: yes, but include the link to the license, so we know which one it is :)10:05
chamois"Created by One Chamois 2016, Creative Commons license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" ?10:06
chamoissakrecoer : Can I use One Chamois as name?10:07
sakrecoerchamois: yes, like that. you can use whatever name you are comfortable with. :)10:17
chamoisOk thank you very much sakrecoer10:17
sakrecoerno problem chamois :) thank _you_ !10:56
chamoissakrecoer : I will change the video a little bit following the advices of Thomas.. I suppose that I should share the final version, right?11:09
eylulChamois I think thomas means, adding the names of the open source programs not the adobe ones. Unless I misunderstood the email? So having more program names in each category I believe11:35
chamoiseylul : You are right, thanks11:56
eylulbtw nice job with the video11:56
eyluland thank you for working on it11:57

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