
magicaltroutwhat the hell00:44
magicaltroutwhy is juju deploy trying to open a browser00:45
magicaltrouton a server which runs headless00:45
magicaltroutnow i  juju logout00:49
magicaltroutand can't juju login00:49
magicaltroutokay logged back in00:53
magicaltroutstill getting a browser prompt00:53
lazypowermagicaltrout: that should give you the url you need to copy/paste if its in headless mode01:24
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
magicaltroutlazypower: yes it did after a delay07:08
magicaltroutbut then when i run that url on a server that isn't my remote one, what difference does it make?07:08
magicaltroutor do I curl it?07:08
magicaltroutin the end i logged in with lynx07:09
lazypowermagicaltrout: should be token based. its polling/waiting on a socket to get that auth code back. Pasting that into your workstation browser should have gotten you through.09:42
lazypowerif its not, we need to tag and bag that bug09:42
=== saibarspeis is now known as saibarAuei
rockHi. Can't we install juju2.0 on ubuntu 14.04.1(trusty)?10:15
rockIf we can, could anyone please provide me a reference link for that.10:17
rockActually, I want to do [MAAS+OpenStack base bundle] setup on physical servers. I have taken 5 servers. On one server I configured MAAS 1.9.4 on trusty(14.04). From MAAS UI , I commissioned all remaining four nodes successfully.10:32
rockNow I want to deploy OpenStack base bundle. What exactly I need to do.10:33
rockI integrated our cinder-storage driver charm with Openstack bundle. And I pushed this bundle to jujustore as our own bundle. So now I want to deploy our bundle on MAAS nodes. What I need to do exactly here. Please provide me the clear information.10:35
junaidaliHi everyone, I'm having an issue with juju 2.0 on xenial. The lxds are getting IPs from lxdbr0 bridge rather than the Openstack management network. Any idea what might be the cause?12:18
junaidaliI'm using maas 2.1.0alpha3 and juju 2.0-beta1812:18
beisnerhi junaidali, is this when deploying on top of openstack using juju?12:18
junaidaliin /var/log/lxd/<lxd-name>/lxc.conf, lxc.network.link = lxdbr012:20
junaidalican this might be the issue?12:20
beisnerjunaidali, it is a known issue.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1615917  we do a lot of juju deploys on top of openstack, and have great success in just placing all units in their own nova instance.12:21
mupBug #1615917: juju openstack provider --to lxd results in unit behind NAT (unreachable) <openstack-provider> <uosci> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615917>12:21
junaidalibeisner, when you say deploying on top of openstack, do you mean deploying openstack over openstack?12:28
beisnerjunaidali, are you deploying to maas with juju and getting that network issue?  or do you have an openstack deployed, where you are deploying some other thing on top of that with juju?12:30
junaidalii'm deploying to maas with juju12:30
junaidaliActually this is happening in a fresh  deployment12:30
junaidalisorry for the confusion12:30
beisnerok, so i'm confused12:30
beisnerthe openstack networking won't be in play at that point12:31
rick_h_junaidali: if MAAS is setup to provide dhcp the lxd containers should come up with IP addresses on the network and be reachable across the hosts.12:31
junaidalimachines are getting correct IP, its just the lxds that've the issue12:31
junaidaliyes, but in my case, it is not getting IP from maas.12:33
junaidaliI was previously using an RC release of maas. The error came up when I upgraded to maas 2.1.0 alpha312:34
junaidaliI deleted the maas and recreated the whole environment but it didn't help12:35
=== saibarAuei is now known as saibarspeis
junaidalilxc.conf for an lxd (/var/log/lxd/<lxd-name>/lxc.conf) http://paste.ubuntu.com/23202676/12:36
rick_h_junaidali: maybe check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1566791 where not all interfaces get bridged ootb12:37
mupBug #1566791: VLANs on an unconfigured parent device error with "cannot set link-layer device addresses of machine "0": invalid address <2.0> <4010> <cpec> <network> <juju:In Progress by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1566791>12:37
rick_h_junaidali: a fix for that is on the way, but not 100% sure it's what you're hitting12:37
coreycbjunaidali, I'm hitting similar issues but not sure it's the same as yours.  here's something you can fix possibly: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-September/007801.html12:38
coreycbjunaidali, also when creating your model try this: juju add-model --config enable-os-upgrade=false --config enable-os-refresh-update=false <model-name>12:39
junaidalithanks coreycb, let me try your suggestion12:40
coreycbjunaidali, hopefully it helps. I've not gotten around my issue yet so I'll keep you posted on any results.12:41
marcoceppicoreycb junaidali you can also make that the default in beta18 `juju model-defaults`12:42
coreycbjunaidali, fyi I think rc1 comes out tomorrow for juju and from what I understand the above bugs are fixed in it12:43
coreycbjunaidali, actually the model issue may be an images or cloud-init bug, not sure12:43
=== petevg is now known as petevg_afk
junaidaliI tried the suggestions, still hitting the same issue.  I hope this is fixed in rc1 now15:05
kjackalcory_fu kwmonroe: I will be doing the kafka ingestion bundle again with bigtop charms this time. Where should this bunlde live? I think it should be outside the bigtop source tree since it will have apache-flume in it. What do you thing?15:52
kwmonroekjackal: i think it should live in bigtop-deploy, because i expect it to be updated to use bigtop-flume once we get that charmed15:54
kwmonroei don't think there will be too much concern if we have a non bigtop charm in a bigtop bundle, as long as the expectation is that all charms will eventually be bigtopped15:54
kjackalkwmonroe: I see your point, so we put it inside bigtop and as soon as we get flume ready we create a PR15:55
kjackalsounds good15:55
cory_fukjackal: In particular, I would include a comment in the bundle yaml next to the apache-flume charm URLs saying that they will be swapped out for the Bigtop versions ASAP15:57
=== dames is now known as thedac
lazypowerhttp://imgur.com/a/xrOmO -- not sure if juju is telling prophecies or coincidence17:02
cory_fu@kwmonroe @kjackal How do you feel about changing our repo naming convention to follow the charm-, layer-, interface- prefix convention (where we currently use layer- for both charm layers and base layers)?17:08
kjackalcory_fu: isn't there a case were we might build a new charm over what we consider chamr layer now?17:09
kjackalcory_fu: for example could someone at any point use the client layer to put something ontop?17:10
cory_fukjackal: Yes, there is a possibility that a charm (layered or non-layered) could serve as a base layer, but it is less common and I think it's still useful to indicate that the "base" is a charm in its own right17:11
cory_fui.e., layer- would be reserved for things that could never function as a charm on their own17:11
cory_fuHrm.  I thought there were more repos in juju-solutions that followed that convention, but I only actually see one.17:14
cory_fumarcoceppi: Was I correct in recalling that we wanted to encourage that convention?  ^17:15
marcoceppicory_fu: we never really have enforced /that/17:15
marcoceppicory_fu: I've been doing layer-* reuse and charm-* as either a top layer or built charm17:15
cory_fumarcoceppi: I was suggesting charm-* as top layer.17:16
marcoceppiwe also have some layers in the index that are actually charm layers and probably shouldn't be17:16
marcoceppicory_fu: right, but I also use it for classic charms that have not been layered17:16
cory_fuIndeed.  IOW, anything that can be deployed (possibly after running through `charm build`)17:16
marcoceppicory_fu: this whole "options not defined" bug is killing me17:17
smgollerHey all, I'm trying to deploy openstack on maas 2 with juju 2 beta 18 using ubuntu 16.04 everywhere. Everything comes up, but I can't get networking to work. The bundle configuration references eth1 as presumably the physical interface connected to the provider network, which is eno2 in xenial-land. I can't seem to figure out what's going on. any of gnuoy, thedac, or tinwood awake?17:17
cory_fumarcoceppi: Really?  I thought we sorted that out?17:17
marcoceppicory_fu: we just found where it happens, never patched it17:17
marcoceppismgoller: I hit that earlier today, but someone else fixed it and I'm not sure how17:17
thedacsmgoller: I'll get back to you in just a minute when my meeting is done. OK?17:18
lazypowercory_fu: marcoceppi - +1 to options undefiend bug17:18
smgollerthedac: awesome! thanks17:18
lazypowerworkaround works for now, but its not obvious17:18
cory_fumarcoceppi, lazypower: Somebody should fix that.  >_>17:18
smgollerafk for a sec to run to the toilet17:18
lazypowercory_fu: you fix it in the repo, i'll fix it in charmbox :D17:19
kjackalcory_fu: kwmonroe: am going to push to bigdata-dev a build of the plugin in trusty with openjdk optional. The reason is that we endup with this deployment http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23203686/ where the plugin must be in trusty to relate to flume and it also needs openjdk17:24
cory_fukjackal: I think the plugin might require some additional work, since it currently expects java to be proxied through the principal17:25
kwmonroehold up kjackal17:25
kjackalcory_fu: kwmonroe: didn't we make openjdk optional in the base layer?17:26
kjackalthen I might need to use the apache plugin17:26
cory_fuWe did, but the plugin was previously a special case (because we had a misunderstanding about how relations between two subordinates work)17:26
cory_fukjackal, kwmonroe: Apparently, we can't have a bundle and a charm with the same name.  What should we call the insightedge bundle?  insightedge-core?17:27
marcoceppicory_fu: I tried, and failed, the logic is too complex for me17:29
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
thedacsmgoller: Hi, so Xenial has slightly more unpredictable interface names based on the device type. There are a handful of configuration knobs you can set in the charms to work this. Let me get you a list. One sec17:29
kwmonroekjackal: can you try this one? http://jujucharms.com/u/bigdata-dev/bigtop-plugin-trusty17:29
kjackalthanks kwmonroe.17:30
kwmonroekjackal: cory_fu: ^^ that's a bigtop plugin, specifically built for trusty.. it pulls in puppet from puppetlabs since the trusty archive won't have a new enough puppet.17:30
smgollerthedac: yeah, maas tries to keep it a little more consitent, but xenial instances i've brought up on esxi have names like ens160, ens192...17:30
kjackalcory_fu: how about insightedge-bunlde or sulution? the core sounds like "limited functionality, only for internal use"17:31
cory_fukjackal: I wish we could rename the charm and just call the bundle "insightedge" but that's impossible (within the bigdata-dev namespace) now17:32
kwmonroekjackal: cory_fu, bigtop-plugin-trusty should *not* need openjdk.  that's the charm i was using during the summit specifically because some of our big data charms weren't xenial... i'm like 92% sure it worked without java.17:32
kjackalah that is my doing (I think) we cannot rename a charm :(17:33
cory_fukjackal: Also, I was thinking "insightedge-core" like "kubernetes-core" since we will want to build on the bundle to include things other than just Spark17:33
cory_fukwmonroe: We can't mix Bigtop and vanilla plugins, can we?17:34
thedacsmgoller: In neutron-gateway set the ext-port:17:34
thedacIf you are running HA set vip_iface and ha-bind interface17:34
kwmonroecory_fu: i didn't try17:34
thedacAnd the corosync_bindifcace for hacluster17:34
cory_fuI'm sure we can't17:34
cory_fukwmonroe: I was somehow under the impression that kjackal was dealing with vanilla Hadoop17:35
smgollerthedac: we're not doing HA, this is just a basic install to get things rolling17:35
cory_fuI think I read something backwards, though17:35
cory_fukwmonroe: Thoughts on the insightedge bundle name?17:35
thedacsmgoller: ok, then it should just be the neutron-gateway ext-port.17:35
smgollerok, so i've tried a bunch of different bundles, and the last bundle i tried was your stable one on github.17:36
smgollerI've done the ext-port change and that one didn't seem to make a difference.17:36
thedacsmgoller: oh, ok, then I need more info on *how* things are breaking17:36
kwmonroecory_fu: what's in the bundle?  spark + insightedge?17:37
smgollerthedac: heh, that's a good question. I'm trying to figure that out myself.17:37
cory_fukwmonroe: And Zeppelin17:37
cory_fukwmonroe: Basically, it recreates what the InsightEdge release provides.17:37
smgollerbut first, this is the one i've been using most recently. https://github.com/openstack-charmers/openstack-bundles/tree/master/stable/openstack-base17:37
cory_fu(But in a more modular way)17:38
thedacsmgoller: and you are changing ext-port for the gateway charm? That is needed.17:38
kwmonroecory_fu: i think i agree with kjackal.. -core kinda implies just the minimum.  i wouldn't expect zepp in a core bundle.  unless that's the only interface into insightedge17:38
smgollerdo I need to set ext-port as well?17:39
smgollerbecause the docs say that was deprecated in favor of the options in this one17:39
smgollerwhich is why I switched to this bundle over the one on jujucharms.com17:40
thedacah, let me validate that for you. One sec17:40
smgollerYeah, that data-port line is the only thing I changed from github, from eth1 to eno217:44
thedacsmgoller: sorry, I had to read the docs myself. I am trying to figure out if data-port is *only* used in a flat-network setup. I'd like to run a quick test on my end.17:52
thedacsmgoller: in the meantime, can you say one way or the other that only external networking is failing?17:53
smgollerwell, I can't ping the openstack router provider interface.17:53
thedacsmgoller: `ip netns exec qrouter-$ID ping $INSTANCE_IP`17:54
thedactry that ^^. That will tell us if the internal ovs is working17:54
smgolleron the compute node?17:55
thedacon the gateway node17:55
smgollergot it17:55
smgollerno pings17:56
thedacsmgoller: let me run this test then and get back to you in just a bit17:57
kwmonroecory_fu: back to your naming convention, we would then have 'layer-bigtop-base' and 'charm-hadoop-namenode'?18:29
cory_fukwmonroe: charm-hadoop-namenode because it is deployed (after being built)18:29
cory_fukwmonroe: It's unclear whether we would have charm-hadoop-datanode or layer-hadoop-datanode, since we use it as a base layer and don't publish it in the store, but it could conceivably be built and deployed directly18:30
cory_fukwmonroe: Actually, to be pedantic, we wouldn't have either charm-hadoop-namenode nor layer-hadoop-namenode because that lives in the Bigtop repo.  ;)18:31
cory_fukwmonroe, kjackal: I went ahead and used the charm- prefix for https://github.com/juju-solutions/charm-insightedge-core since I was renaming it anyway18:33
kwmonroevery well18:33
kwmonroei'll let you decide how much confusion you've just injected to the datanode/nodemgr naming.18:33
cory_fuI don't plan on changing them18:34
cory_fuAnd anyway, I was just considering this for future repos18:34
cory_fuThough all of our charm repos should live upstream anyway, so it shouldn't really make any difference18:35
thedacsmgoller: ok, so our test setup does use data-port however, it sets it to the MAC address rather than the interface name ie: br-ex:fa:16:3e:ec:79:d5 Can you test setting the MAC address of the "external" interface? And we can go from there18:37
smgollerok, how would I do that?18:40
smgolleri see18:40
smgollerthe config line explicitly sets a mac address? or do I need it to match to something else18:41
thedacWith MAAS you can tag a host as the gateway. Then use constraints: tags=$GATEWAY_TAG. Then find the MAC address of the interface and in the bundle have data-port: br-ext:$MAC18:41
smgollerok, but since i've already got something deployed i should just ssh in and grab the mac and redeploy?18:42
smgolleror do i need to tear this down and deploy from scratch?18:42
thedacsmgoller: you could test with the current deploy as a first step18:43
smgolleri guess i can just set config on gateway-api?18:43
thedacGrab the mac and juju set neutron-gateway data-port="br-ext:$MAC"18:43
smgollerok, that's done.18:44
smgollerdo I need to do anything to the charm to get it to reconfigure?18:45
thedacLet that settle a moment and see if you can ping the neutron router18:45
smgollerstill no go. you mean the mac address of eno2, the physical interface connected to the external physical network, yes?18:46
smgollerjust to be clear.18:46
thedacyes, correct18:46
smgollershould i reboot the machine?18:47
thedacok, can I see `ovs-vsctl show` from the gateway and one of the compute nodes?18:47
thedacI don't think that will help18:47
smgollerthat's the gateway18:48
coreycbjunaidali, fyi I just tested with a pre-release of juju rc1 and it fixed the lxd bridge issues I was hitting18:48
thedacok, looking18:48
smgollercompute node18:49
thedacsmgoller: simple test. From can you ping Just making sure the tunnels should be expected to work.18:53
thedacsmgoller: so I am not finding a smoking gun the ovs output looks good.18:59
thedachere is a doc I often follow from ODS for troubleshooting neutron http://www.slideshare.net/SohailArham/troubleshoot-cloud-networking-like-a-pro19:00
thedacI think the next step would be a re-deploy and if that still does not work follow this doc until we have a smoking gun19:00
smgollerSounds good. Thank you so much for your help! I'll report back once it's redeployed.19:01
thedacsmgoller: great. And do set the data-port with the MAC in the bundle19:01
smgollerthedac: yup, i just set that.19:01
thedaccool, I'll hear from you soon19:01
kjackalcory_fu: kwmonroe: After some debugging... Seems we are hitting a permission problem on HDFS "Permission denied: user=root, access=WRITE, inode="/user/flume/...."19:04
kjackalcory_fu: kwmonroe: I do not see any way of onfiguring the output directory of flume-hdfs https://jujucharms.com/u/bigdata-dev/apache-flume-hdfs/trusty/3419:05
kjackalIs it acceptable to ask the user to change the permissions of that dir or should we use the apache-hadoop?19:06
cory_fukjackal: I remember when kwmonroe originally hit that permissions issue and it was sorted out, I thought in the flume charm.19:06
cory_fukjackal: That's not an on-disk path, that's an HDFS path.  The Flume charm should be creating and managing that directory inside HDFS19:06
kwmonroekjackal: do an 'hdfs dfs -ls -R /user' and see if the /user/flume dir is there19:07
cory_fukjackal: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-apache-flume-base/blob/master/lib/charms/layer/apache_flume_base.py#L12219:07
kjackalcory_fu: true. but bigtop hdfs pre-creates all directories with permissions we do not like for this usecase19:08
kjackalkwmonroe: yes, /user/flume is there and is owned by flume in the hadoop group19:08
kwmonroecool kjackal, now you need to find out why 'root' is trying to write there.. writes from flume-hdfs should be coming from the 'flume' user19:09
kjackalI see!19:10
kjackalBack to debugging :)19:10
kwmonroefwiw kjackal, the flume source will be setting the output dir based on the 'event_dir'.  so apache-flume-syslog defaults that to 'flume-syslog', which would appear in hdfs as '/user/flume/flume-syslog'19:10
kjackalkwmonroe: yeap19:11
junaidalithanks coreycb19:26
smgollerso i have a maas machine that failed deployment according to maas. Can I recover from this from juju's standpoint or do I need to destroy the model and start over?20:37
smgollerjuju doesn't think the machine is in an error state but maas is pissed20:37
rick_h_smgoller: so if it's a deployment you can destroy the application and redeploy?20:47
rick_h_smgoller: need more info on what happened I guess.20:47
rick_h_smgoller: does juju status --format=yaml show more details on the machine?20:47
smgollerso I did a deployment of a bundle, which required 4 machines20:47
smgolleri blew the model away and redeployed.20:47
smgollerbut for the record, one of the machines failed to deploy according to maas20:48
rick_h_smgoller: k, if it happens again let us know and we can try to help see what's up.20:48
smgollerand juju status showed that machine as "error" state. but I'm sorry I was too impatient. :) If it happens again i'll leave it :)20:49
=== tris- is now known as tris
kjackalkwmonroe: cory_fu: need some help with bundles and the store21:17
cory_fukjackal: Sure, what's up?21:17
kjackalthere is no charm build step for bundles, right?21:17
kjackalcory_fu: charm show cs:~bigdata-dev/bundle/kafka-ingestion-021:17
kjackalcory_fu: I pushed the bundle but I am not sure where did it go in the store21:18
kjackalcory_fu: I do not see it here: https://jujucharms.com/q/bigdata-dev?type=bundle21:18
kjackalI must be mising some thing, eg a metadata.yaml21:19
cory_fukjackal: 1) Did you do `charm release cs:~bigdata-dev/bundle/kafka-ingestion-0`?  2) Did you do `charm grant cs:~bigdata-dev/bundle/kafka-ingestion everyone`?21:19
cory_fukjackal: (Hint, you forgot to grant)21:20
cory_fukjackal: Odd.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23204431/21:22
kjackalSo cory_fu, is this a permissions issue?21:22
kjackalIs the series = bundle correct?21:23
cory_fukjackal: Oh, I think what happened is that you granted before you released, and the stable channel didn't exist yet, so the grant ended up being a no-op21:23
cory_fukjackal: Try granting again21:23
cory_fukjackal: Yes, the commands look fine to me21:23
kjackalAwesome, thanks!21:24
smgollerthedac: ok, I've got it redeployed. I've created the external network according to the docs again. I've also got a manually deployed host as well.21:54
smgollerthedac: at this point, the manual host can ping the router. however, pinging via ip nets exec on the qrouter fails to ping the router.21:55
smgollerthe manual host is mainly just to validate layer1 connectivity21:55
thedacsmgoller: hmm, ok.21:56
thedacI guess I need you to unpack "manually deployed host".21:56
thedacIs that a booted instance on the cloud or something else21:56
smgollera host manually deployed with maas with ubuntu on it21:56
smgolleroutside openstack21:56
thedacbut outside the softare defined network .. ok21:57
smgollerbasically something else connected to the provider network that's not the router21:57
smgolleri have not created a internal network21:57
thedacBeing able to ping the router at all is a good sign. I would finish the config and boot an instance and we can debug from there21:58
smgollerthis is what i used to create the external network "./neutron-ext-net -g -c -f ext_net"21:58
thedacsmgoller: remember there are probably secgroups aslo at play. You might consider making the default secgroup wide open for early testing.21:59
smgollerthe default secgroup seems to be wide open by default22:00
smgollerdownloading an ubuntu image so i can launch an instance.22:02
smgollerthedac: do you want me to go ahead and create an internal network and launch an instance? Or should we continue trying to debug the external part of this?22:03
thedacI would go ahead and create the internal network and boot an instance.22:04
thedacHaving said that when you say the manual host can ping the router. Do you mean or (the likey SDN router IP)22:05
stokachucory_fu: https://github.com/battlemidget/charm-layer-ghost/pull/522:05
stokachuwhen you get a chance22:05
smgollerthedac: the upstream router, not the router in openstack. my apologies.22:09
thedacsmgoller: which is an external device corect? ... ok, I was confused22:09
cory_fustokachu: LGTM, but I didn't test it22:09
stokachucory_fu: thanks, im testing it now22:09
thedacsmgoller: what does neutron router-list show as the IP of the SDN router?22:09
stokachucory_fu: im noticing 5 minute waits between the APT layer running ensure_package_status22:10
stokachunot sure what that's about22:10
thedacsmgoller: ok, and can you ping that?22:10
thedaceither from the manual host or inside the netns?22:10
smgollersudo ip netns exec qrouter-c2a5b6f2-8006-4a78-ad07-c82f8c1fd7ef ping
stokachuyou can see that here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23204650/22:10
smgollerthedac: fails from the manual host22:10
thedacand what is the IP of the manual host?22:11
cory_fustokachu: Strange.  Sounds like maybe it's queueing it but not acting on it during that hook, so it gets processed during the next hook (presumably update-status, after 5 min)22:11
thedacsmgoller: ok, on the neutron-gateway host are eth0 and eth1 in the same VLAN?22:11
thedacsmgoller: they would have to be for that to work22:12
stokachucory_fu: im not sure what package it's queueing as everything was installed on line 97322:12
stokachustub: ^ any idea on that?22:12
smgollerthedac: you mean the physical interfaces on the machine running neutron-gateway?22:12
cory_fustokachu: Where do you see the 5 minute gap?22:13
smgollerthe physical interfaces are both untagged, but they are on separate vlans on the physical switch they're connected to22:13
stokachucory_fu: line 1118 and line 111922:13
thedacsmgoller: Because and are both in the network they need to be in the same broadcast domain. Or you need a different set of network address space for the ext interface22:14
thedacmake sense?22:14
cory_fustokachu: It's not actually installing anything there.  That's just update-status running after 5 min of doing nothing.  The apt layer always logs that it's initializing at the start of every hook, even if there's nothing for it to do22:15
smgollerthedac: I'm misinterpreting something. the manual host's ethernet and the "external" interface (eno2) on the machine running neutron-gateway are in the same vlan22:15
cory_fustokachu: Probably worth filing a bug for stub to remove that log message, as it doesn't seem useful22:15
stokachucory_fu: hmm, ghost is sitting at installing NPM dependencies22:15
smgollerthedac: my initial answer was for the two physical interfaces on the machine running neutron-gateway22:16
thedacsmgoller: ooh, ok, so it has a second ethernet interace in the same vlan as the neutron-gateway's external interface?22:16
cory_fustokachu: Guessing that there's a handler order dependency in how you update your status22:16
smgollerit being the manual host? yes.22:16
thedacyes, ok22:16
cory_fustokachu: Give me a few and I'll take a closer look.  It's probably actually ready22:16
stokachucory_fu: ok22:16
thedacsmgoller: so we expect that ping to work. But to humor me. Will you set the default secgroup wide open with: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23204687/22:17
smgollerthedac: on it22:17
thedacin particular the icmp bit22:17
smgollerthedac: still no go22:18
thedacok, ... /me thinks for a bit22:19
cory_fumarcoceppi: Is this the issue you were hitting with resources not downloading?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23204673/22:20
cory_fuIf so, will it eventually recover?22:20
marcoceppicory_fu: I didn't hit it, lazypower and mbruzek did22:20
marcoceppicory_fu: and no, there was no recover from what I remember22:21
cory_fuOk, then mbruzek, how would handle that?22:21
cory_fui.e., do I have to redeploy the app, start a new model, or tear down the entire controller?22:22
mbruzekcory_fu:  is that with juju 2.0 ?22:22
mbruzekDid you juju attach the resource22:23
cory_fumbruzek: Yes, it's in the store.  This worked several times before this one choked22:24
cory_fuOh, wiat22:24
cory_fuI deployed from local this time22:24
cory_fuThanks, mbruzek22:24
mbruzekwe have code that checks the size of a resource22:25
mbruzekand I do resource-get in a try catch22:25
cory_fumbruzek: Does it sometimes return an empty file?22:25
mbruzekWe did this so we can specify zero byte resources22:25
thedacsmgoller: ok, looking at the neutron-ext-net script it defaults to network-type GRE. For your external network you actually want --network-type flat. So, I would remove the router and networks and re-run neutron-ext-net with --network-type flat22:28
thedacsmgoller: you can prove this to yourself with neutron net-show ext-net22:29
thedaclook at  provider:network_type22:29
smgollerthe version of the script i have doesn't have support that argument22:30
thedacjust to clear up. Are you using the openstack-charm-testing repo to get that script?22:31
smgollerno, but I can grab it.22:31
smgolleris that on launchpad or github?22:32
thedacinteresting, so before I send you there. What does neutron net-show ext-net show for provider:network_type22:32
thedacThat has our version of the script in bin22:33
smgoller| provider:network_type     | gre                                  |22:33
thedacok, so that is still a problem.22:34
thedacLet me track down the neutron commands directly so we are not depending on a script. One sec22:34
stokachucory_fu: yea something is causing dpkg to go into a unconfigured state22:35
smgollerthedac: to be clear, that was the old one. I'm checking out that one from launchpad now22:35
cory_fumarcoceppi, tvansteenburgh: To get the new version of jujuclient on Xenial, do you recommend `pip install --upgrade` over the one provided by python-jujuclient, or is there a ppa I should use instead?22:37
smgollerthedac: that was it. I can now ping from the netns to the provider router22:38
thedacok, great. I think that should get you unblocked22:38
smgollerand i can ping the manual host as well22:38
smgollerthank you so much. So should I be basing my work of the bundle there as well?22:39
stokachuhuh, charm build layer-nginx puts the built dir in ~/charms/trusty, where building my ghost charm places it in ~/charms/build/ghost22:39
thedacsmgoller: no, I the one you are working with is the state of the art22:39
smgollerthedac: roger that.22:39
marcoceppicory_fu: think about what you just said.22:39
smgollerbut the internal network as gre should be fine, yes?22:40
thedacthat is correct22:40
cory_fumarcoceppi: pip install, got it.  ;)22:40
cory_fumarcoceppi: What is the ppa, then?22:40
smgollerthedac: you rock sir, thank you so much for your time.22:41
thedacsmgoller: in that repo you can look at profiles/default for the commands run and use that as a crib sheet22:41
thedacno problem22:41
smgollerthedac: will do22:41
cory_fumarcoceppi: Thank you!22:41
cory_fumarcoceppi: Just for that, I'll go ahead and fix dhx for 2.022:42
marcoceppicory_fu: what about charm build ;)22:42
cory_fumarcoceppi: meh22:42
cory_fumarcoceppi: I probably won't get dhx fixed tonight either, actually.22:43
bdx_hows it going all?22:49
bdx_can someone point me at an example of how to bootstrap to rackspace pls?22:49
stokachucory_fu: im thinking it's something with the apt layer, i can't get my nginx layer to deploy either22:50
cargillhi, is there an example how to use charmhelpers.core.services.helpers.TemplateCallback or an equivalent?22:52
bdx_stokachu: one thing that got me hung up with layer apt when included by a bottom layer, is that the configs specified in config.yaml for the bottom layer werent making into the built artifact22:52
bdx_stokachu: I had to add them to the top layer to get them to persist through to the built charm22:54
* stokachu sad22:55
bdx_was that it?22:55
stokachubdx_: no lol22:55
stokachuit pulls the package from my layer.yaml but then sits in this loop checking package_ensure_status22:56
stokachunothing ever finishes after the apt layer does its thing22:56
bdx_stokachu: I modeled layer-nginx-passenger after your nginx layer, it uses layer-apt -> https://github.com/jamesbeedy/layer-nginx-passenger22:58
bdx_stokachu: are you using it differently then I?22:58
stokachubdx_: have you done a charm build/juju deploy recently?22:58
bdx_errr, not in the last day or so22:58
stokachunah i just built the nginx layer and tried to deploy it locally22:58
bdx_ahh changes in layer-apt then22:59
stokachugoing to download yours and try it22:59
bdx_layer apt hasn't changed22:59
stokachubdx_: yea so im not sure whats going on22:59
bdx_this is how im using it -> https://github.com/jamesbeedy/layer-nginx-passenger/blob/master/reactive/nginx_passenger.py#L22,L2423:01
bdx_not sure if that is correct or not, but it work23:01
stokachubdx_: deploying your layer now to see what happens23:01
stokachubdx_: yours fails too23:04
* stokachu super sad23:07
cholcombeanyone remember the cmd to get the reactive states that are set when debugging?23:07
smgollerthedac: launched an instance and was able to ssh into it just fine.23:13
smgollerthedac: so the host can't really resolve anything, including its own hostname. I'm guessing my options are either define a DNS server to use when I create the internal network, or maybe install designate and designate-bind to get route53-like functionality?23:16
smgollers/DNS server/external DNS server/23:16
thedacsmgoller: yes, when you define the internal network set a DNS server. As long as it can route there that will work.23:17
smgollerwould designate/designate-bind fulfill that as well?23:17
thedacdesignate is a whole other ballgame. More if you want to serve DNS as a service23:17
smgollerthedac: it seems like if I set designate up and link it to nova-compute, then when instances came up, their names would resolve, plus they'd be able to resolve things on the internet normally? Like, I have an instance called "xenial-test". It believes that is its hostname, but it doesn't resolve to anything. designate seems like it would allow that to work.23:19
smgoller"out of the box" that is23:19
bdx_stokachu: mine fails similarly to yours?23:20
thedacsmgoller: I am not going to stop you from using designate. It is a good solution but it is adding complexity to a fairly simple problem23:20
thedacif you find that interesting, go for it23:20
smgollerthedac: a very diplomatic answer. Thank you. :) I'll stick with defining DNS.23:20
smgollerand leave designate for another day23:20
smgollerthedac: one last question before I let you escape: Is it possible to configure the bundle such that the openstack console for instances works?23:22
smgollerI see you can pass custom configuration to nova-compute, but it feels like the configuration for console needs knowledge of its own ip address for it to work, which I don't know if you can model in a bundle23:23
thedacsmgoller: it has been a while since I have plaeyed with that.23:23
smgollerok, then i won't worry about it.23:23
thedacsmgoller: if the charm is missing anything, patches are welcome :)23:24
smgolleroh for sure23:24
smgollerIf I come up with anything I'll contribute back, definitely.23:24
bdx_stokachu: I figured it out to some extent23:25
bdx_stokachu: add a series tag to your metadata.yaml23:26
bdx_stokachu: xenial is what I used that worked23:26
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