
=== JanC is now known as Guest19696
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== Lawayney is now known as Laney
mowthegrassHi Has anyone faced boot problems with boot screen just hanging with the messaged "random: lvm urandom read with 25 bits of entropy available"10:40
mowthegrassJust installed a new kernel apt-get install -y linux-headers-4.4.0-34-generic && apt-get install -y linux-image-4.4.0-34-generic && apt-get install -y linux-image-extra-4.4.0-34-generic 10:40
mowthegrasspost which system just doesnt boot, Recovery mode doesnt help too 10:41
mowthegrassI get the below error in Recovery mode 10:41
mowthegrassGave up waiting for root device. Common problems:10:41
mowthegrassBoot args (cat/proc/cmdline)10:41
mowthegrasscheck rootdelay = (did the system wait long enough?)10:41
mowthegrassCheck root = (did the system wait for the right device?)10:41
mowthegrassMissing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls / dev)10:41
mowthegrassALERT! /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell!10:41
mowthegrassHowever i am able to fall back to the old kernel which was installed prior to
apwmowthegrass, that has not been reportred ... lackof entropy can trigger stalls waiting for new entropy, which could be difficult in early boot10:44
apwif you oculd file a bug against the kernel and indicate the last working version/first broken version you are aware of ... "ubuntu-bug linux"10:44
mowthegrassapw, This doesnt seem to be a BUG whenever we do a new kernel install it throws up with this error , we observed the same while we did 3.19 from 3.16 10:46
mowthegrassnot really able to figure this out to be a BUG or something going fishy with the H/W 10:47
apwwell unless installing hte kernel flushes the saved entropy somehow, i am a little confused10:47
apwhave you tried exiting after a few minuted from the initramfs shell to see if by then it is moutnable ?10:48
mowthegrassno no keystrokes are accepted on the console 10:52
mowthegrassits just dead with the screen 10:52
apwyou ought to be able to interact with the initramfs shell so that sounds like a console configuration problem on the kernel command line10:53
mowthegrassI am trying to install linux-image-extra-4.4.0-34-generic to see if anything went missing 10:55
apwmowthegrass, is this a virtual machine ?10:56
mowthegrassNo 10:56
mowthegrassits a DELL R72010:56
apwyou would want -extra installed then, was it not ?10:56
mowthegrassyeah it wasnt installed 10:59
mowthegrassjust did it now 10:59
mowthegrass it helped 11:03
mowthegrassapw, Thanks for your time 11:34
mowthegrassapprecicate it 11:34
apwmowthegrass, if you have the right meta package installed it should dpeend on that kernel -extras package11:34
apwto make sure this does not occur again11:34
mowthegrassyep got it 11:35
=== ricotz_ is now known as ricotz
manjoapw, looks like some apparmor stuff landed in unstable .. are you still waiting on more ?or is that the complete list?15:12
manjojjohansen, ^ 15:12
apwmanjo, 4.8 in theory is complete15:13
manjoapw, cool thanks 15:13
manjortg, I see that you guys are active on the Ubuntu-4.8.0-12.13 tag for Y .. if I were to check out a 4.8 tag what would you recommend ?17:08
manjortg, thanks17:11
manjortg, would you be open to pulling some ACPI related patches from 4.9 next if I made an SRU req ? 17:13
manjortg, for arm64 17:13
rtgmanjo, mail 'em on the k-team list17:13
manjortg, yep will do once it is backported and tested 17:13
rtgnote that 4.9 merge window is still at least 2 weeks away17:14
manjortg, are you planning on merging from 4.9 onto Y ? 17:14
rtgmanjo, nope, 4.8 is the 16.10 kernel17:15
manjogot it 17:15
manjortg, yeah few critical ACPI patches for arm64 did not make 4.8 and are sitting in 4.9 next.. so will email ukml once it is ready .. you still need an SRU correct ? 17:16
rtgmanjo, if it is post kernel freeze, which those most assuredly will be17:17
manjoyes that was my feeling for timing as well .. ok thanks a ton 17:17
_ami_ is there any document on explanation of hid driver in linux kernel? 17:20
_ami_why few drivers overrides report? e.g. .report_fixup = _override_report;17:21
_ami_is it because of firmware bugs?17:21

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