floridagram9 | <KMyers> I may have an AM3+ board for you @ahoneybun - not sure if it is the board or processor on it that went bad but you are welcomed to it | 00:11 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> XD so if I buy a CPU and it's the board I'm out lol | 00:12 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Any 1150 i7s? Lol | 00:19 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Meh, worth a shot | 00:20 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> I'm thinking about getting the deal and just getting a new motherboard, it is getting a little dated, anyway | 00:22 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> On the other hand, if I do that, I may as well get a mobo/cpu combo | 00:24 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> yep | 00:24 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> Newegg for that stuff | 00:24 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Of.course | 00:25 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> http://www.androidpolice.com/2016/09/18/automagisk-allows-root-users-play-pokemon-go-use-android-pay-without-constantly-toggling-root-off/ | 01:43 |
floridagram9 | <AdamOutler> Hey, you got WordPress going. Now let's get a Rick roll subdomain up. @KMyers you are needed. Cdn1.ubuntu-fl.org needs a global redirect. | 02:00 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> http://fossforce.com/2016/09/fsf-says-firing-wasnt-discrimatory/ | 03:00 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> and no @AdamOutler | 03:00 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> not on that iste | 03:00 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> *site | 03:01 |
floridagram9 | <KMyers> @RazPi - https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/news/NEWS.25.1 | 14:01 |
DammitJim | hey mhall119 | 20:28 |
DammitJim | I finally got a rpi for my bday | 20:28 |
DammitJim | and the kids loved it! | 20:28 |
DammitJim | there is so much I want to do... just so little time. Did you say your library did sessions? | 20:28 |
DammitJim | how is the planning for 16.10? | 20:30 |
ahoneybun | the release party? | 20:30 |
DammitJim | yeah | 20:32 |
ahoneybun | we put out a poll to pick a date for it | 20:32 |
ahoneybun | Nov 5th is winning in that area | 20:32 |
ahoneybun | planning to have it in the Orlando area | 20:32 |
DammitJim | nice | 20:33 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> @KMyers up for a trip to Orlando this weekend? lol | 20:33 |
floridagram9 | <AdamOutler> @ahoneybun you gave them a choice and put the wrong option at the top. Given a choice, people will randomly distribute. It makes no sense to have a ubuntu release party in November. | 20:33 |
floridagram9 | <AdamOutler> However, the first option is always the best. | 20:34 |
mhall119 | DammitJim needs to stick around longer after asking questions :( | 20:38 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> why does it not make since? | 20:40 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> *sense | 20:40 |
floridagram9 | <AdamOutler> Because it's an Ubuntu 16.10 release party. | 20:41 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> and? | 20:41 |
floridagram9 | <AdamOutler> and the release is in early october. | 20:41 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> and? | 20:41 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> there are no rules on when you can have a release party | 20:42 |
floridagram9 | <AdamOutler> It's not much of a party a whole month after it's been released. nothing to be excited about. | 20:42 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> I think it is | 20:42 |
floridagram9 | <AdamOutler> at that point we're just 5 months away from Ubuntu 17.04 | 20:42 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> besides it's always been more get together then a party anyway | 20:42 |
floridagram9 | <AdamOutler> Yeah, it's a place where we can talk about installation issues and new features. That's the purpose. | 20:43 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> so what is the problem of having it later? | 20:44 |
floridagram9 | <AdamOutler> Well, then it's just a get together. | 20:45 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Adam, stop being so literal | 20:46 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> We're celebrating a new release, perhaps it's a recent update from the day before | 20:46 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Update release party! | 20:46 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> Party time! | 20:48 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> even if it's just seen as a get together I like the idea | 20:49 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> of a get together | 20:49 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze did you play Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 1? | 20:58 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Yep | 21:35 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> I wonder if they will pull a Raven with Rey in the next star wars | 21:37 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Happy talk like a pirate day to Allie scaliwags! Arrrrrrrrr | 21:42 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> All ye | 21:42 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Stupid autocorrect | 21:42 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> It shall walk the plank! | 21:42 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> XD | 21:44 |
floridagram9 | <KMyers> @ahoneybun - busy this weekend. Going to be tearing down that closet in my room and painting | 21:45 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> Oh boy | 21:46 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Arrrrrrr | 21:57 |
floridagram9 | <ahoneybun> pirates are free | 21:58 |
floridagram9 | <Ivoriesablaze> Talk like a pirate | 21:59 |
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