
MaNIbats also06:04
andrewlsddlPhreak: referring back to a previous day's discussion re Active Directory. Have you tried Red Hat IDM / FreeIPA?06:21
andrewlsddlPhreak: referring back to a previous day's discussion re Active Directory. Have you tried Red Hat IDM / FreeIPA?06:24
andrewlsdMornings all. Sorry about the duplicate send. Quassel connection fail on my part.06:25
Kiloshmm... what a business07:00
Kiloswifi in hospital wont allow irc or emails07:00
Kilosoh 9am in za land07:03
dlPhreakandrewlsd: I have not but I've heard RHEL IDM is quite good. How does it compete with window AD?07:19
superflyhi Kilos, how are you?07:47
superflymorning MaNI, andrewlsd, dlPhreak07:48
Kiloshi superfly im recoveringt from an episode07:48
superflyKilos: ai :-(07:49
dlPhreakMorning, Kilos, superfly, MaNI 08:36
Kiloswas at the super hi inetpro dlPhreak CraigZim 08:46
Kilosnot serious superfly , got bp drop at racecourse where tara was singing the anthem and next thing collapsed and heart pain started08:47
superflyKilos: take care of yourself oom. We can't lose you!08:47
Kilosparameds and debs took over and three hours later they finished the op to unblockthe pulmonary artery to right side and i was pain free08:48
Kilosyou starting to sound like debs08:48
Kilosim actually fine now, but they want me here till wednesday or thursday to check no more bad things happen08:49
Kilosthey not shy to charge though, bill already 15k aud09:05
Kiloschanging roooms09:18
inetprono wonder he be so quiet09:55
inetprogood mornings everyone09:55
inetproandrewlsd: do you use Red Hat IDM / FreeIPA?09:57
inetproor anyone else here use it even?09:57
dlPhreakMorning inetpro10:00
dlPhreakI've been wanting to set a virtual environment to try it out.10:01
inetprogood idea, I should do that as well10:04
inetprodlPhreak: good to see that your problem solved itself eventually10:05
dlPhreakinetpro: Yeah strange how such things happen.10:05
inetproit's not a perfect world, way too many things that can still break like that 10:06
jeritjust realized I haven't had this chan in my znc auto join list16:22
jerithello :)16:22
kulelu88howzit and welcome jerit 16:32
andrewlsdinetpro , yes, we use it17:03

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