
sakrecoeroooh... we need o package this: http://www.warmplace.ru/soft/sunvox/ heard about it OvenWerks ?12:08
sakrecoeror note...12:16
sakrecoerclosed source since 1.412:17
eylulis the numix theme in yet in the daily? 12:55
sakrecoerthe -default-settings aren't uploaded yet..14:31
sakrecoereylul: ^ 14:31
eylulI see ok :)14:31
eylulok manually changing to numix blue theme, running into a few problems14:50
eylulone: panel seems to go light gray with white icons and dark text - workaround: using theme tweaks14:50
eylultwo: krita has lightgray on lightgray button on splash (rest of the buttons seems fine) might be a bug on the krita 2.9.7. but still worth mentioning14:51
eylul(^ sakrecoer)14:51
eylul(also blackbird color scheme under appearance seems to be a slight better match to dark overall look than numixBlue one but that one is more of a personal opinion14:52
sakrecoereylul: "panel".. which panel?15:58
sakrecoereylul: the best thing to do about for now is to file a bug about it.16:00
eylulsakrecoer: top panel where the application menu, clock etc is. and ok16:48
eylul(well it would be sort of a bug filed on a feature not quite deployed)16:48
eylulflocculant: Belatedly I was able to lock yakkety, and log back in without a problem at the vm, with 09/18 daily. I can't start suspended, but that has to do with VM setup not handling it, so I cannot test for that18:05
sakrecoereylul: panel is alright here oddly..18:24
sakrecoerbut i see what you mean with krita button18:24
eylulkrita button MIGHT be a bug on that version18:24
eylulbecause it is one button that acts weird18:24
sakrecoerregarding blackbird: yes it looks good, but open your webbrowser, go to youtube, and type in its searchbox: dark-white text on white background :/18:25
eylulit would be nice down the line to make it less bright (the menus) at least18:25
eylullike gray bird18:25
eylulbut as I said18:25
eylulpersonal opinion18:25
eylulthe panel on top I am not sure what is going on through18:25
sakrecoerthat is the big issue with most fully dark themes; webpages that set a background-color to their input fields18:25
eylulagain I wouldn't worry too much until we have it enabled by default, because it is possible I am missing turning on a setting somewhere18:26
eylulbut not foreground color right?18:26
sakrecoeri didn't touch anything...18:26
eylulI thought firefox defaults for pages is separate through18:26
sakrecoerthere shouldn't be any need to do settings for the desktop to display as we want it on first boot18:27
eylullike the text in firefox is still black18:27
sakrecoereylul, yes, most pages but try youtube with blackbird ;)18:27
eylulwhen I installed the daily build of yakkety from yesterday numix is not enabled by default18:27
sakrecoeri know.18:28
sakrecoerbut it will be.18:28
sakrecoeronce -default-settings are uplaoded18:28
eylulso I enable it in lightdm settings, and appearances, and window manager, reboot the vm, cue the white panel. ;D as I said it is possible something ends up different when doing via gui, or I forget one18:28
sakrecoerbut i mean, there are no special settings to numixblue except picking it in the appareance prompt18:28
eylulbut I figured I should warn you just in case 18:29
sakrecoerof course :)18:29
sakrecoerand thanks for that! :)18:29
eylul(and yeah I'll try the youtube with blackbird.) 18:29
sakrecoerthe web made me give up on 100% dark themes...18:29
eylulnw. but yeah kryten said, tell sakrecoer, but I was a bit hesitant to file a bug on something that isn't in the distro yet :P18:29
sakrecoer(what does "nw" stand for?18:30
sakrecoerthe way i see the "pannel", its brighter than before, yes, but it matches everything else.18:30
sakrecoerand the contrast is good18:30
eyluldefine brighter?18:31
sakrecoerbighter than with greybird, which was our previous default18:31
eylulits light gray, with white icons18:32
eylulhang on18:32
sakrecoerwell, its not light grey here..18:32
eylullet me do a reinstall and show you18:32
eylul(I do want to recreate the bug anyway, because I do have a slight suspicion it might be for another reason)18:34
eylulnow it is not a brilliant shade of white18:44
eylulwhat on earth...18:44
eylulnvm sakrecoer18:44
sakrecoerwell, lets keep an eye out for it it anyway :)19:18

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