
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
g66khello everyone08:49
g66kim trying to share the web dir with windows but seems there is an error permission denied i cant edit files from windows08:50
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest66320
echoeis there anything known to cause a bootup error sometimes? like, I am getting a failure to launch linux/x and blank screen/blinking caps lock, but only, like, 20% of the time I boot. I've got an x220t if that helps.13:13
hateballechoe: check dmesg and such13:14
hateballmake sure filesystem is fine, and physical hardware as well13:14
echoedmesg hasn't said anything. it's possible that it's some part of the physical hardware but I don't really know how to check that. filesystem should theoretically also be fine, it's only been installed for a day or so. ... probably a physical hardware thing I think, but how do I check anything with that?13:28
hateballechoe: liveboot and run memtest for RAM13:29
hateballechoe: or install smartmon-tools and run smartctl to check your HDD13:29
hateball(if it is HDD and not SSD13:29
echoe'tis an SSD13:29
echoethe thing is, though, it's basically only on boot and resume from suspend13:30
hateballechoe: when the freeze happens, are you able to to switch to a tty and check dmesg?13:30
hateballI mean, if it's just X that fails13:30
hateballalso suspend is a different beast entirely :D13:31
echoeI think that everything fails, it looks like a kernel panic but I'll check when it does happen again!13:31
hateballechoe: you can trying using this kernel param if it's some SSD related issue "libata.force=noncq"13:32
hateballI had this with my samsung drive, it has since been blacklisted in kernel13:32
hateballbut when that happened, it would at least spit out errors in a tty iirc13:32
echoeI've added it just in case :) I don't need the additional speed that it looks like that change removes? ... this thing boots in like 4s anyways13:36
echoethank you so much!13:36
hateballechoe: I've had no real world change in speeds anyhow13:36
echoeI assume it's just the difference in sata 1 vs sata 2 or something. my drive is also pretty crappy, I bought a patriot torch 60gb like a while back13:37
hanshenrikis 16.04 using LXDE or LXQT?21:03
wxlhanshenrik: you get around. :) lxde.21:03
hanshenriki guess that somewhere there is a trash.desktop file or something on a standard lxde installation,21:06
wxlthis is on debian, no?21:07
hanshenrikcould someone do like `cat trash.desktop | pastebinit` ? i want to see the syntax of that file21:07
hanshenrikyes it is21:07
wxlso why not shake the tree of the debian folks?21:07
wxlit's not really safe to assume that everything is the same with us.21:07
hanshenrik.. i did, but no response21:08
hanshenriki guess most debian people aren't really using lxde anyway21:09
wxlusually with irc, patience is a virtue21:09
hanshenrikinitially i thought it'd be overkill to install a whole new system with a normal lxde just to see how the trash icon was made, now im not so sure x.x21:10
wxlthere are live cds21:12
hanshenrikyup, ill do that ^^ thanks for the warning i guess21:12
wxlhanshenrik: not finding anything interesting regarding trash at all and certainly not a desktop file21:19
wxlseems to be a folder pointing to trash:///21:20
hanshenrikoki, thanks for looking! :)21:20
wxli think pcmanfm must implement it under the hood somehow21:21

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