
mwhudsonis there a getting started guide to snappy on the dragonboard?00:03
mwhudsonoh, it works!00:12
mwhudsonand i still don't have serial00:12
mupPR snapd#1700 closed: add mir to implicit for running gui snaps on unity8 classic desktop <Created by kgunnfront> <Closed by kgunnfront> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1700>01:35
mupPR snapd#1948 opened: add run/udev/data paths to mir interface <Created by kgunnfront> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1948>02:02
mwhudsonwhere is the/a dragonboard model assertion?04:07
mwhudsonah http://people.canonical.com/~vorlon/official-models/04:07
slangasekmwhudson: right, obviously ;)04:07
mwhudsonslangasek: where else could they possibly be!04:07
mwhudsonslangasek: actually the hardest part was remembering your unix username04:08
dholbachhey hey06:38
didrocksgood morning dholbach06:39
dholbachhappy snappy playpen day: https://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2016/09/get-your-software-snapped-tomorrow/ :-)06:40
* zyga works on snap-confine SRU paperwork06:43
seb128hey dholbach, happy snappy day to you ;-)06:51
dholbachand the same to you seb128!06:57
dholbachnice to see we have a bunch of new bits added to the sandpit: https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/wiki/SandPit07:10
dholbach^ can you add your almost-fully-working snaps to that list too?07:11
mupBug #1624963 changed: pulseaudio interface (still) missing permissions <Snappy:Invalid by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624963>07:24
dholbachseb128, is https://github.com/wandrewkeech/snappy-playpen/blob/gimp-git/gimp-git/README.md easy to fix? do you know?07:42
dholbachdiddledan, does corebird work with devmode?07:43
seb128dholbach, no idea sorry, I didn't try to use gobjectintrospection in snaps07:45
mwhudsonogra_: hey i pushed a new probert / subiquity into the canonical-foundations/ubuntu-image ppa today07:48
mwhudsonogra_: copy to snappy-dev/image?07:48
mwhudsonquite a lot of fixes07:48
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diddledandholbach: I can't remember. I'll need to check this evening07:51
dholbachcool, thanks diddledan07:56
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zygamwhudson: I'm pushing through the 1.0.41 SRU process, that will probably take all my day; As a part of that I will have to upload it to yakkety08:36
zygamwhudson: do you think you could do the yakkety upload?08:36
mwhudsonzyga: you don't want to upload it to debian and wait until we can sync it, i guess?08:37
zygamwhudson: no, because we're running out of time08:37
mwhudsonzyga: ok08:37
zygamwhudson: mainly on the SRU overhead08:37
zygamwhudson: I pushed packaging to git.launchpad.net/snap-confine08:38
zygamwhudson: the master branch there can be merged into the 16.10 branch for yakkety08:38
mwhudsonzyga: want to put the 1.0.41 release on github?08:40
zygamwhudson: it's there already08:40
mwhudsonoh wait you did08:40
zygamwhudson: yep :)08:40
* mwhudson pokes uscan with a stick08:40
zygamwhudson: fedora has a live system where it detects the tag and files an update bug08:40
zygait's pretty damn impressive08:40
zygabut fedora will be more complex as I need to work on the /snap move there as well and this needs some more handholding08:41
mwhudsonzyga: oh, there's no snap-confine-1.0.41.tar.gz08:41
mwhudsonzyga: just the 1.0.41.tgz08:41
mwhudsonzyga: do you usually do a make dist & upload that or something?08:42
davidcalledholbach: I'm writing a snap that uses autotools and doesn't have an install step, how do I get everything in parts/<part>/build into the snap?08:42
zygamwhudson: oh? that's odd08:42
zygamwhudson: oh right!!!08:42
zygamwhudson: let me upload it, I forgot :/08:42
dholbachdavidcalle, custom plugin and copy over? :-(08:42
dchmhall119: ping08:42
dholbachdch, mhall119 lives in the US to it might take a while until he responds08:43
dholbachanything anyone else could help with?08:43
davidcalledholbach: hmmm, I already did one to get rid of the Install step of the default autotools... Yeah, I guess that's the way to go08:44
dchdholbach: thanks. I'm one of the committers for apache couchdb & am working on the debian packages as well atm. so I'm quite interested to pair up wrt snaps. I'm pretty sure I can save him quite a bit of time with questions08:44
zygamwhudson: done08:44
dchmhall119: ^ I'm in EU time zone but will be online tonight ~ 20h00 UTC if we can cross paths. I'm usually in #couchdb-dev of course08:44
dchdholbach: one of the questions I did have was is it possible to allow a snap to access data dirs from the previous debian-style package08:45
kasperhello, i would like to install Niagara Supervisor on Ubuntu Core. Supervisor need librariers with dependencies, how i can do use APT manager or can i use another manager?08:45
dholbachdch, nice! did anyone of the two of you start the snap journey for couchdb yet?08:46
dchspecifically /var/lib/couchdb/ and /var/log/couchdb and /etc/couchdb/08:46
dchdholbach: apparently he is already underway08:46
mwhudsonzyga: so there's no non-trivial packaging changes this time?08:46
dchI have a customer who does medical appliances, so snaps are a little *too* new for them -- updates are very very hard to do, the whole thing needs re-certification. But I hope we can get the community underway very soon.08:46
dholbachdch, yes, that sounds like a good plan :)08:47
dholbachdch, http://snapcraft.io/docs/reference/env explains the world view of a snap quite well08:47
zygamwhudson: no, it should be a relatively smooth ride08:47
zygamwhudson: there's a new executable08:48
zygamwhudson: but nothing else08:48
zygamwhudson: oh wait08:48
zygamwhudson: maybe there is08:48
zygamwhudson: I believe we need to bump our dependency on apparmor08:48
mwhudsonzyga: that doesn't seem to be in your packaging?08:48
mwhudsonzyga: debian/patches/0001-Don-t-shellcheck-files-spread-prepare-script.patch can be dropped i take it08:48
zygamwhudson: the packag contains it automatically, no change was required08:48
mwhudsonoh ok08:48
zygamwhudson: (spread tests ran against this packaging all the time so if it wasn't packaged it would not be possible to test it)08:49
dchdholbach: the main issue is /var/lib/couchdb as people have 100gb upwards in these and "just" copying them around is dangerous & slow. from what I've read so far, I've not seen anything about making that possible to access.08:49
mwhudsonzyga: heh08:49
zygamwhudson: since I change spread to use packaging and real dist tarballs releases should be relatively painless08:49
zygamwhudson: let me grep for the right apparmor version to depend on08:49
mwhudsonzyga: and 0001-Stop-using-deprecated-readdir_r.patch too?08:49
zygamwhudson: all patches are dropped08:50
zygamwhudson: 17:44 < tyhicks> zyga: you should depend on 2.10.95-0ubuntu2.2 or newer08:52
zygamwhudson: please merge that change into master if you can08:52
zygamwhudson: do you have commit access to git.launchpad.net/snap-confine?08:52
mwhudsonzyga: i doubt it08:52
* zyga looks08:52
mwhudsonzyga: 'master' ?08:53
mwhudsonin my tree master is upstream master08:53
mwhudsonthere is a debian branch, and i guess i'm about to create one called ubuntu, or ubuntu-yakkety or something like that :)08:53
zygamwhudson: you need to request access https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev08:53
mwhudsonzyga: restricted team, i can only be added08:54
zygamvo: ^ can you please add mwhudson there08:54
dholbachdch, I'm not quite sure - I'll ping the snapd guys to get an answer on this one. :)08:54
zygamwhudson: so that repo is a bit weird; it contains just the debian directory and has branches for each distro version08:54
* mwhudson updates his schroots08:54
zygamwhudson: I found this easier to work with than a few separate repos for the "traditional" approach08:55
mwhudsonah ok08:55
zygamwhudson: I'm happy to change it as long as we can also use it in spread08:55
zygamwhudson: note that spread just branches the appropriate branch and builds the package against the debian directory there and the tarball08:56
zygamwhudson: if we had the full git tree it would probably work as well but might be less obvious that only the debian directory is relevant08:56
zygamwhudson: and no dedicated tooling seems to work with this approach08:56
mwhudsonzyga: uupdate?08:57
zygamwhudson: (because it is uncommont to maintain many distro revisions in the debian world; I suspect)08:57
mwhudsonyou could use that with the debian branch from alioth i think08:58
mwhudsonbah i have too many chroots08:58
zygamwhudson: I want to include debian in this repo08:58
zygamwhudson: and merge those08:58
zygamwhudson: (those repositories)08:58
mwhudsonyes, makes sense08:59
zygamwhudson: ideally there'd be one repo with a branch per release and master where all new things get added08:59
zygamwhudson: we can keep it on alioth, that's perfectly fine, I just need to finally do that paperwork for it08:59
mwhudsonzyga: branch per distro, surely?08:59
zygamwhudson: yes08:59
mwhudsongood :)08:59
zygamwhudson: branch per distro*release08:59
mwhudsonwell distroseries, in launchpad terminology08:59
zygamwhudson: nice :)09:00
mwhudsonzyga: what i do for go (and i don't know if this really makes sense here) is to have the debian bits on alioth but i only push the ubuntu bits to git.lp.net09:00
mwhudson(except occasionally when i screw up and have to delete 10s of tags from alioth)09:01
zygamwhudson: I guess we might do that, it is per-branch after all09:01
mwhudsonzyga: where are the spread bits that make the packages?09:03
mwhudsonzyga: ok, builds fine in my yakkety and sid chroots, just waiting on that apparmor version :-)09:16
zygamwhudson: ^09:20
mwhudsonzyga: oops09:20
zygamwhudson: I pasted it above09:20
zygasorry, on a call09:20
zygamwhudson: in snap-confine master, look for spread-prepare.sh09:21
mwhudsonzyga: i guess i'll depend on >= 2.10.95-0 for the debian upload09:23
mwhudsoner -109:23
mwhudsonactually no, the ubuntu version should be fine there09:24
mwhudsonno sense carrying a delta for no reason09:24
arazyga, lost you :)09:26
mwhudsonzyga: ok, ready to upload, do you want to look at a debdiff or do you trust me? :)09:27
mwhudsonzyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23206344/09:32
* zyga looks09:42
zygamwhudson: I trust you but I can review it :)09:42
zygaouch :)09:43
zygaI stopped at ~100009:43
zygalet's get it in09:43
mwhudsonzyga: heh maybe search for debian :)09:43
mwhudsonbut ok09:43
mupPR snapd#1911 closed: snap: add additional checks for snap run symlinks <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1911>09:43
mupPR snapd#1774 closed: tests: add test for current snapd with ubuntu-core/edge interactions <Decaying> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1774>09:44
mwhudsonzyga: uploaded to yakkety & sid09:47
zygamwhudson: woot, thank you09:50
ypwongwhen I install a snap that I packaged and uploaded some time ago on the latest image, I got this error:09:51
ypwong- Fetch and check assertions for snap "shadowsocks" (5) (cannot verify snap "shadowsocks", no matching signatures found)09:51
ypwongwhat does that mean?09:51
kalikianaTry --force-dangerous09:55
ypwongtrying now09:55
ypwongkalikiana, doesn't work :(09:56
zygaypwong: upload it again to the store09:56
zygaypwong: store will sign it now09:57
ypwongzyga, thx, will try that09:57
mupPR snapd#1949 opened: ensure http{,s}_proxy is defined inside the fake-store <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1949>10:10
mwhudsonzyga: ftbfs https://launchpadlibrarian.net/285513548/buildlog_ubuntu-yakkety-amd64.snap-confine_1.0.41-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz10:25
mwhudsonzyga: possibly old kernel on the builders?10:25
zygamwhudson: possibly10:32
zygamwhudson: hmm10:32
zygamwhudson: but perhaps not10:33
mwhudsonzyga: only failed on intel fwiw10:33
zygamwhudson: intel as in i386?10:33
mwhudsonzyga: i386 & amd6410:33
mwhudsonzyga: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snap-confine/1.0.41-0ubuntu110:33
zygamwhudson: NSFS_MAGIC is taken from an include file, I don't hardcode it10:34
zygamwhudson: hmm hmm, thanks, let me see if I can reproduce it10:34
mwhudsonzyga: kernel version is just my go-to blame target when a build fails on the builders but not my machine10:34
zygamwhudson: but it builds for you in sbuild, right?10:34
mwhudsonjust building again to be sure...10:34
zygamwhudson: right, so I'm not going crazy10:35
* zyga does the same10:35
mwhudsonzyga: well, not for this reason anyway10:35
mwhudsonyeah, built fine here again10:35
zygamwhudson: what kind of options do we have?10:36
mwhudsonzyga: the failing kernels are much older, 3.13 vs at least 4.2 for the others10:36
zygamwhudson: disable that test or .. dunno?10:36
mwhudsonzyga: i guess disabling the test for now if uname -r < whatever10:36
zygamwhudson: can you please look at the test and tell me if the code there makes sense to you?10:36
mwhudsonzyga: i hear people want snappy to work on trusty, so some lucky person gets to figure out if this matters :-)10:37
zygamwhudson: that's tvoss but the solution is to use new kernels10:37
fgimenezhey ogra_ :) i'm not able to boot the latest dragonboard beta image http://paste.ubuntu.com/23206434/ it hangs in the last line, is this a known issue?10:37
mwhudsonah ok10:37
zygamwhudson: as for 3.1X for devices, lots of backporting I guess10:37
zygamwhudson: so wait, what is the kernel version on the builders?10:37
cjwatsonwe have a ticket open to upgrade builders to xenial, but it will take a while10:37
cjwatsonzyga: it's on the third line of the build log mwhudson pasted above10:37
mwhudsonzyga: it's the first or second line in the build log10:38
zygamwhudson: Kernel: Linux 3.13.0-96-generic amd64 (x86_64)10:38
zygais that i?10:38
zygaokay, that might explain it10:38
zygalet me try that kernel locally10:38
zygathat's trusty kernel with xenial/yakkety chroot?10:38
cjwatsonyakkety, in this case10:38
zygamwhudson: I guess we'll need a patch but let me explore it first10:38
mwhudsonNSFS_MAGIC changing between kernel versions would be ... something10:39
zygamwhudson: can you fild a bug for tracking this with the relevent part of the log10:39
mwhudsonmaybe older kernels just didn't set it at all or something10:40
mwhudsonzyga: on github or lp?10:40
zygamwhudson: on launchpad please10:40
mwhudson40864 seems to be PROC_SUPER_MAGIC10:44
mwhudsonzyga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snap-confine/+bug/162556510:44
mupBug #1625565: 1.0.41-0ubuntu1 ftbfs on amd64, i386 <snap-confine (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625565>10:44
zygamwhudson: thanks10:44
mwhudsonand NSFS_MAGIC was only added to the kernel in a commit from Sat Nov 1 10:57:28 2014 -040010:45
mwhudsonso that's not going to be in the 14.04 release kernel10:45
zygamwhudson: so even the kernel headers have that macro, the relevant files in the kernel don't use it?10:46
mwhudsonzyga: well the kernel headers you are building against are from yakkety presumably10:47
zygamwhudson: yes, I just checked that :/10:47
zygamwhudson: the mount namespace file in the kernel is indeed procfs10:47
zygamwhudson: I guess this test needs to be skipped10:47
zygamwhudson: and we might need a separate check for this in snap-confine proper10:47
zygaso that if we open and see PROC_SUPER_MAGIC we can die()10:48
zygamwhudson: I'll work on a patch, can you still upload it in £30 minutes?10:48
mwhudsonzyga: getting pretty late, i'm sure you can find another core dev10:49
zygathanks, I'll talk to you tomoror  :)10:49
zygatomorrow :)10:49
mwhudsonzyga: ttyl!10:49
ogra_mvo, how hard would it be to make snap prepare-image alo print the revision number when printing the "Fetching $package" ?11:02
ogra_(that would really help regarding getting the manifest)11:03
jgdxpossible to use a ppa in addition to whatever snapcraft uses to install debs?11:06
ogra_yes, just have it in your hosts sources.list11:06
jgdxogra_, okay, that's great11:07
ogra_(not sure how you do it with cleanbuild though, i guess you need a pre-made lxc image for that)11:08
jgdxogra_, what uses cleanbuild?11:08
mvoogra_: I like the idea11:08
ogra_you ?11:08
ogra_mvo, i'll file a bug11:08
jgdxogra_, I use $ snapcraft11:09
ogra_jgdx, to build a snap you can call "snapcraft cleanbuild" ... while a normal call of snapcraft will just use the host, cleanbuild does the build inside a clean lxc container11:09
jgdxgood to know, thanks11:11
ogra_ppisati, hmm, more OOPS fun on bbb ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/23206676/11:14
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ogra_it seems to hang in resizing the disk and eventually oopses after a few min11:14
ypwongTo install a snap locally, do I always need to provide --force-dangerous argument?11:20
zygamwhudson: if around by any chance: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/150/files11:20
mupPR snap-confine#150: Skip tests that require Linux kernel 3.19+ <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/150>11:20
* zyga needs a reviewer for a simple patch ^^11:20
ogra_ypwong, the option will soon change to just be --dangerous ... and --devmode selets it automatically ... if you install a local snap you always need it (but dont need to specify it when using --devmode)11:21
ypwongogra_, will plugs be automatically connected?11:23
ypwongseems when i use --force-dangerous, it doesn't11:23
ogra_the auto-connect ones will, sure ...11:23
ypwongstrange, let me dig deeper then11:23
ypwongI use network and network-bind, these should be auto-connect11:24
=== Michaela is now known as Mikaela
ogra_though i'm not sure actually ... zyga should know if --dangerous kills auto-connect11:25
zygaogra_: I don't think so but let me grep11:25
ogra_mwhudson, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/daily/current/ has the latest probert/subiquity11:26
zygaogra_: no, it has no inpact on this11:27
ogra_thought so ...11:28
ogra_ypwong, ^^^^11:28
ypwongogra_, zyga: thx, i will investigate what's wrong11:29
ppisatiogra_: i'm looking into the previous one11:30
ppisatiogra_: i stuck some debug code in the sysfs code, but i still can't find where it writes11:31
ogra_ppisati, heh, yeah, i was just hoping that brings perhaps more hints11:31
ppisatiogra_: my bet is that it removes all the network devices11:31
mupPR snapcraft#808 closed: Don't litter /tmp with test artifacts <Created by josepht> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/808>11:31
ppisatii've seen quite some fixes about PM code and TI device removal11:31
ppisatiso i'll give that a shot too11:32
ppisatibut this one is new11:32
ppisatiogra_: btw, is is so difficult to roll a new image for BB?11:32
ogra_you need a signed assertion and the snap that you want to replace locally11:32
ogra_ppisati, see pm11:34
ppisatiogra_: ok, i'll give it shot later on11:36
* ppisati is accumulating later shots11:36
zygajdstrand: hey11:43
zygajdstrand: could you please add a comment to https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/97 that confirms you are okay with the change that lowers the restriction on encrypted home directory (we drop the owner stanza)11:43
mupPR snap-confine#97: Restore creation of $SNAP_USER_DATA <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/97>11:43
zygajdstrand: just some paperwork for SRU11:43
zygajdstrand: I recall you +1'd it but I need a paper trail for the whole process11:43
zygajdstrand: and I cannot see that +1 on the pull request there11:44
jdstrandzyga: I don't recall ever giving a +1 on that. I recall a +1 on the 'new-style encrypted $HOME'11:47
jdstrandzyga: why doesn't owner match work? shouldn't we have already dropped privs to the user when creating SNAP_USER_DATA?11:47
zygajdstrand: beuse we run as root via sudo11:49
zygajdstrand: this is just for the sudo case11:49
zygathe bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/1612291 has a lot more details now11:49
mupBug #1612291: cannot create $SNAP_USER_DATA when using ecryptfs and sudo <verification-done> <Snappy Launcher:Fix Released by zyga> <snap-confine (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <snap-confine (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612291>11:49
zyga(this is in xenial for a while FYI)11:50
ogra_OH GEEZ !!!!!11:51
zygaogra_: ?!?11:51
ogra_so i wasted a full day trying to fix a prob that wasn't actually one, just because i missed that the store did unset the channel for a manually published snap !11:52
ogra_(well, it was actually auto-published, but failed the review ... seems the manual review approval auto-unsets the channel that had been originally selected for the package)11:53
ogra_so the uploaded fix never made it into the image ... since it caused snap list to not work i couldnt actually find out that the fixed snap was a revision behind ...11:53
ogra_what a mess11:54
jdstrandniemeyer: let me know if I am not using the 'Reviewed' tag correctly. I see you like to mark things 'Reviewed' after you leave feedback. If I respond to your feedback, I remove 'Reviewed'. If the process is different, please let me know12:00
zygajdstrand: the reviewed tag is gone now12:00
zygajdstrand: with new github features it is not required12:00
zygajdstrand: same as blocked12:01
jdstrandzyga: well, maybe, but it showed up with a review from last night/this morning12:01
pedroniszyga: no, after futher thinking, we are still using the labels12:02
pedroniszyga: you don't see the other stuff in the PRs list for one12:02
zygapedronis: yes?12:02
zygapedronis: I think gustavo wrote about this yesterday but perhaps I didn't see a follow-up that undoes it12:03
jdstrandzyga: right, so I read that bug but I think this is just papering over the larger issue of sudo creating things in the user's dir rather than /root12:03
pedroniszyga: he wrote something else, we are using the features and we are using the labels12:03
pedronisthe discussion about the labels was in chat12:03
zygajdstrand: that's interesting, I think we could consider switching to /root when sudo is used but I don't think we made that choice yet12:03
zygapedronis: ah, that explains it, I only read my mail about that12:04
zygapedronis: thanks!12:04
jdstrandzyga: I maintain we should not be doing that. HOME should be set to the root user if run under sudo because we will never get the permissions right in the user's directory cause half the time we will be right and half the time wrong regardless of the decision, but if creating in /root at least it is consistent12:04
jdstrandzyga: I was literally just going to ask if an architect took a definitive stance on that12:05
jdstrandI thought someone did, and I thought it was for /root, but I may be misremembering12:05
zygajdstrand: I think we did that for /root and *services*12:06
jdstrand'it is consistent and we aren't creating permissions problems for the user'12:06
zygajdstrand: well, FYI this is in xenial :/12:06
zygajdstrand: I'm just massaging the paperwork now12:06
zygajdstrand: I think there's a strong distinction between servies and sudo12:07
zygajdstrand: but still, regardless, I wonder how to proceed now12:07
* zyga is *sure* we talked about this12:07
* ogra_ grumbles and files bug 162560512:07
mupBug #1625605: manual review should not unset the channel for auto-uploaded snap <Snappy:New> <Software Center Agent:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625605>12:07
zygaperhaps that was tyhicks12:07
mupBug #1625605 opened: manual review should not unset the channel for auto-uploaded snap <Snappy:New> <Software Center Agent:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625605>12:08
jdstrandzyga: I gave a +0 that at least gives you a "won't block" from the security team12:10
jdstrandzyga: (see comment in the PR)12:10
zygajdstrand: thank you12:12
zygajdstrand: I'll raise this today with gustavo12:12
zygajdstrand: I'm happy to change it if we so desire though I wonder if we should just change sudo12:12
zygajdstrand: after all, this is sudo's code that preserves HOME12:12
jdstrandthere is a bug on that12:12
zygajdstrand: and that was a vert conscious choice on our end (our == ubuntu)12:13
zygajdstrand: can you share the bug please?12:13
jdstrandthe difference is that in ubuntu running the sudo command, the command most often does not create files in the user's home dir (it is highly application dependent). in snappy, running a snap command 100% of the time creates the directories and files with root ownership12:14
jdstrand(when they don't already exist)12:14
ogra_mvo, bug 1625607 for you12:14
mupBug #1625607: snap prepare-image should print the revision used in the "Fetching $package" output <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625607>12:14
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
zygajdstrand: that's true though I'd say that "it is application dependent" is very common12:17
mupBug #1625607 opened: snap prepare-image should print the revision used in the "Fetching $package" output <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625607>12:17
jdstrandzyga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1466234/comments/612:17
mupBug #1466234: Apparmor denial for access to SNAP_APP_USER_DATA_PATH as root <Snappy:Fix Released> <ubuntu-core-launcher (Ubuntu):Invalid> <ubuntu-core-security (Ubuntu):Fix Released by jdstrand> <ubuntu-snappy (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466234>12:17
jdstrandzyga: in fact, it looks like we decided on option #1 (using /root) but no one implemented it12:18
jdstrandzyga: seems it was undone at some point12:18
zygajdstrand: interesting, I wasn't aware of it12:20
jdstrandzyga: so yes, it came up, options were presented, one was decided on, it was implemented, then reintroduced later12:21
jdstrands/then reintroduced/then the issue was reintroduced/12:21
zygacjwatson: crazy idea, let launchpad bugs affect snap names12:30
zygacjwatson: like packages in a distro or upstream projects12:31
ogra_zyga, awesome idea ... but would indeed only work for snaps that are built in LP12:31
zygaogra_: no, why?12:32
cjwatsonConceptually useful, but we'd have to model the snap names somehow, which is complex since LP doesn't own them.12:32
zygaogra_: just any snap12:32
cjwatsonogra_ is incorrect12:32
zygacjwatson: I bet we can eventually figure it out12:32
cjwatsonIf we did this we'd do it by syncing snap names from the store12:32
zygacjwatson: just realized that more and more of what I do will be fixed in a given revision of a given snap12:32
ogra_cjwatson, well, you just said yourself that LP doesnt own them ... except for a snap LP builds, there it knows the store name12:33
cjwatsonogra_: See the last thing I said.12:33
cjwatsonIt doesn't own them, but it could know them.12:33
zygaogra_: launchpad doesn't own other things it can track12:33
ogra_right, i was just referring to the ones it already knows :)12:33
cjwatsonIt won't be soon, but by all means file a bug.12:34
zygacjwatson: with pleasure12:35
jdstrandpstolowski: ok, I gave my +1 on the kmod backend, but think you want to have niemeyer take a quick look. that could happen in the PR if you prefer12:36
cjwatsonIt might be easier to do if we didn't try to overlap the namespace with the existing "ubuntu", though.12:36
jdstrandpstolowski: I can't help wanting to not require the json file, but understand why you have it and can't come up with a cleaner solution that doesn't introduce parsing metadata in /etc/modules-conf.d12:37
jdstrandor loading modules twice12:38
zygacjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/162561712:38
mupBug #1625617: Allow bugs to affect snap (snap names) <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625617>12:38
zygajdstrand: json?12:38
zygapstolowski: where's the pull request?12:38
jdstrandzyga: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-kSrNGLxIeSHJOZJBdumAL8QQIt0DBa_TLMzYDQEPM4/edit#12:39
jdstrandzyga: no pull request-- design doc12:39
zygapstolowski: This database is persistent and stored in /var/lib/snapd/kmod-state.json (restored on startup).12:39
popeyogra_: got a pi handy with classic enabled? libssl-dev seems broken on arm:- libssl-dev : Depends: libssl1.0.0 (= 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.2) but 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.3 is to be installed12:39
zygapstolowski: why do you think this is needed?12:39
jdstrandzyga: see my comments12:39
pstolowskijdstrand, thanks for your time!12:40
jdstrand(in the doc)12:40
ogra_popey, only half eaten pi's here (all broken atm) ... but i'll check once i get to one ... which image is that ?12:40
jdstrandzyga: basically, it boils down to disconnect12:40
jdstrandzyga: if two snaps are connected and one isn't, you need to know if other snaps are connected12:40
zygapstolowski: this database is redundant information, it is completely derived from connections, am I missing something?12:40
zygajdstrand: snapd knows all of this12:41
jdstrandthat didn't come out right12:41
popeyogra_: previous beta (not yesterdays)12:41
popeyogra_: with classic enabled.12:41
jdstrandzyga: if two snaps are connected and one of those is later disconnected, you need to know if other connections are available12:41
ogra_popey, there was an issue that we used to build ubuntu-core against -proposed which got fixed after first beta12:41
jdstrands/available/still in effect/12:41
popeyam about to try yesterdays12:41
popeywith a pi312:41
ogra_popey, well, snap refresh should theoretically just get you all the latest snaps12:41
ogra_theoretically there is no need to ever reinstall12:42
zygajdstrand: to be more accurate, since we restore this on startup we can just keep this in memory12:42
zygajdstrand: so no computational overhead on disconnect12:42
ogra_(practically there are differences in the setup process ... but not in the runtime)12:42
zygajdstrand: unless someone proves me wrong I'd -1 the extra json file12:42
jdstrandzyga: so, if I snap disconnect foo:firewall-control, then snapd will be able to know that bar is still connected and make decisions? where is an example of that, cause I only see the snap name in current code12:42
zygajdstrand: yes12:43
zygajdstrand: specifically snapd knows about all the backends and all the connections12:43
zygajdstrand: we need a channel to convey this to the backend12:43
jdstrandzyga: hey, I'm fine without the json file-- I don't like it :)12:43
popeyogra_: well, i was gonna test the new one anyway, so neat to have them side by side to compare12:43
zygajdstrand: but the extra json file does not help there12:43
zygapstolowski: ^^12:43
popeyif i can find my pi 312:43
pstolowski i'm happy to get rid of it too12:43
zygapstolowski: look at the startup sequence in overlord/ifacestate12:43
pstolowskijdstrand, zyga need to digest that12:43
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/images/snappy$ LC_ALL=C df -h /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdc212:44
ogra_Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on12:44
ogra_/dev/sdc2       475M  -32T   33T    - /media/ogra/writable12:44
ogra_/dev/sdc1       127M   23M  104M  19% /media/ogra/system-boot12:44
ogra_wow ...12:44
zygapstolowski: think about it, perhaps I am missing something but if not we just drop some complexity12:44
ogra_(thats definitely not what they printed on  this SD card)12:44
zygaogra_: that's a nice SD card you have there12:44
ogra_yeah !12:44
zygaogra_: care for a copy of the internet?12:44
zygadon't foret to unmount before ejecting12:45
ogra_right ... on the beaglebone i use it in ...12:45
ogra_seems it doesnt really get along with SDXC12:45
* ogra_ tries to find out if he even actually owns plain old SD ones still 12:46
zygaogra_: to quote hrw "no sata, meh"12:47
jdstrandzyga: so you are suggesting that pstolowski use getConns() from helpers.go to see if there are still connected interfaces. if so, on connect, do nothing, on disconnect, do nothing?12:47
jdstrandzyga: something along those lines?12:47
zygajdstrand: without any deeper understanding the json file can be just maintained in memory12:48
pstolowskizyga, all I need is to know if I should rmmod module(s) or not, depending on whether there are other connected interfaces needing them12:48
pstolowskijdstrand, ^12:48
zygajdstrand: this is all an in-memory problem12:48
pstolowskijdstrand, zyga also, note there may be overlapping modules for different interfaces12:48
pstolowskijdstrand, zyga interfaceA needs module1 & module2, interfaceB needs module212:48
ogra_pstolowski, please "modprobe -r" not rmmod ... else the dependencies stay in ram12:48
jdstrandpstolowski: well, you need to know if to rmmod and to update the file in /etc/modules-conf.d to remove the modules12:48
zygapstolowski: just track this on connect/disconnect, the persistent file gains you nothing12:48
pstolowskijdstrand, yes, sure12:49
pstolowskiogra_, noted, thanks!12:49
zygapstolowski: and if you need persistent state you have one already, the extra file will be likely NAKed by gustavo12:49
jdstrandzyga: ok, so you can either reconstruct the 'json file' in memory on startup like you said, or you could query the state of interfaces connections (getConns()(?)) each time12:50
zygajdstrand: yes12:50
zygajdstrand: in either case the file is redundant and overlaps in responsibilty with state.json12:51
jdstrandok cool12:51
zygajdstrand: state tracks connections today12:51
zygajdstrand: (that's why they exist on restart)12:51
zygajdstrand: the interface repository has in-memory representation of this12:51
jdstrandI think that querying getConns() each time will be easier to implement than trying to maintain a global map12:51
jdstrand(a separate global map)12:52
zygapstolowski: FYI, you will probabl have to introduce some changes as currently backends are stateless12:52
jdstrandie, no need to recreate the map if we can query an existing one12:52
zygapstolowski: so either make them stateful (perhaps not desired) or let them peek at the state (easy)12:52
mhall119dch: pong, and good morning :)12:53
pstolowskizyga, jdstrand one bit i'm missing with getCons() is that i'm actually interested in their security snippets12:54
zygapstolowski: if you want I can talk to you about this after the standup12:57
pstolowskizyga, okay12:59
jdstrandpstolowski: well, are you? consider the firewwall-control interface. you need only ask getConns() if anything other than you is using the interface. then maintain a file called /etc/modules-conf.d/snapd-firewall-control.conf. then for the ppp interface, you ask what else is using the ppp interface and maintain a file called /etc/modules-conf.d/snapd-ppp.conf. that said, do talk to zyga-- he has thought about it more than I13:01
ogra_sigh ... so setting up the store account on the bbb takes almost 20min13:01
ogra_this is below sub-optimal13:02
dchmhall119: hey13:03
zygaogra_: cpu bound? ram bound? ?13:04
ogra_zyga, python bound i bet ... (which indeed boils down to only single core CPU and 512MB13:04
ogra_remember why we re-wrote snappy from python initially ? :)13:05
ogra_great ... and it seems console-conf was still busy in bg, even though it had "finished"13:06
ogra_[  937.295627] systemd-shutdown[1]: Remounting '/' read-only with options ''.13:06
ogra_[  937.304326] systemd-shutdown[1]: Remounting '/writable' read-only with options 'data=ordered'.13:06
ogra_[  937.314808] systemd-shutdown[1]: Unmounting /writable.13:06
ogra_[  937.320368] systemd-shutdown[1]: Could not unmount /writable: Device or resource busy13:06
popeyogra_: tried pi3 image, it just sits at 4 raspberrys and heartbeat blinks at me... should it take a long time first boot?13:06
* ogra_ has about 1000 lines of that on the console now13:06
ogra_popey, whats on the serial ?13:07
popeyi only have ethernet and hdmi connected13:07
ogra_yes, you are using an embedded board ... so i expect you to have a serial console attached :P13:07
popeyhahah, olde ogra_13:07
popeyhello, welcome to 201613:07
ogra_this is really essential13:07
popeyle sigh13:08
ogra_(how else would i get any debug info from you :P )13:08
zygaogra_: from python!? really?!13:08
zygaogra_: wow13:08
zygaogra_: I didn't know this13:08
ogra_zyga, we dropped the pythjon based snappy back then because even installing a package could take 20min on the bbb (which back then was still an official target)13:09
popeyogra_: this is the first time I have ever had someone ask me about a serial cable on the pi.. ever.13:09
zygaogra_: ouch13:09
zygaogra_: lesson learned13:09
popeyso forgive me if I don't own onw :(13:09
ogra_popey, well, because the pi foundation makes you think that this embedded board is a PC :P13:10
zygaogra_: that board is x100 faster than linus' first pc13:10
ogra_popey, anyway, you can hack cmdline.txt on the sysstem-boot partition of the SD ... and change the console= arg tp point to tty113:10
ogra_though i would suggest doing a fresh flash first ... the beta images are no safe against rebooting before console-conf finished (thats fixed in the dailies)13:11
popeyit is a fresh flash13:12
popeyfrom 20 mins ago13:12
ogra_did you power on the pi with the SD plugged in ?13:12
ogra_(then it is tainted if you were not able to finish console-conf)13:12
* popey reflashes13:13
ogra_the dailies are already miles ahead (new console-conf today) but well ... use edge ...13:13
popeywill flash, edit cmdline.txt and try again13:14
pstolowskijdstrand, i think we need more awareness, down to individual modules, because some modules can be used by different interfaces and we need to know when it's safe to unload them from kernel. i'm happy to get rid of the persistent json file but I need to derive this information from somewhere else (all connections + their list of modules returned by SecurityKMod snippet).13:20
mupPR snapd#1641 closed: interfaces/builtin: implement systemd-control <Decaying> <Created by morphis> <Closed by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1641>13:20
csutherlmhall119, hi13:22
zygapstolowski: that sounds good13:22
zygapstolowski: I'm not disputing the data that is needed to complete this13:22
popeyogra_: tried that, now I get perma green and red light and no display :(13:24
popeygonna try again after meetings, but any other suggestions welcome13:24
ogra_i dont have any13:25
ogra_it works fine to run it without HDMI on a serial console13:25
* zyga finished paperwork for 1.0.40 update13:30
jdstrandpstolowski: or you could skip the modprobe -r altogether... starting to think that it might always fail cause of modules that depend on those13:30
zyganow time for 1.0.41 :/13:30
zygajdstrand: hmm, good point13:30
jdstrandpstolowski: always in practice that is.13:30
zygajdstrand: so just modprobe13:30
zygajdstrand: and just reboot to alter13:30
jdstrandeg, firewall control will for sure13:30
zygajdstrand: the module might not be possible to remove perhpas13:30
mhall119hello csutherl13:31
ogra_jdstrand, the kernel shoudl know which deps are stiull in use and modprobe -r should actually leave them alone13:31
zygapstolowski: ^^ I think simplifies your problem a lot13:31
pstolowskizyga, it does but i'm not convinced :/13:31
zygaogra_: should we fail when modprobe -r fails?13:31
ogra_i'd check if the module you called -r on is still there ... and then fail ... but only then13:32
pstolowskino, i'd say we try to unload modules, but never fail13:32
ogra_well, or warn13:32
jdstrandwho cares if it doesn't unload13:32
pstolowskiand there may be users of the modules outside of snap world. we don't know13:32
jdstrandyes, good point13:32
csutherlmhall119, i figured it's probably easiest for me to talk to you in real time :) im a bit busy, but im always on irc13:33
jdstrandperhaps the admin add a file to /etc/modules-load.d that happens to overlap13:33
csutherlmhall119, i created a snap from your config, but haven't tested it or anything yet. the idea of snaps seems similar to containers, right?13:33
mhall119similar in spirit, not in implementation13:33
jdstrandthen we just go and unload it13:33
jdstrandthat wouldn't be good13:33
mhall119snaps are run on the local host, but confined with apparmor (and selinux in the future)13:33
pstolowskijdstrand, hmm, that's a valid point & case13:34
jdstrandmhall119: s/and/or/ (nitpick, but it won't ever be both at the same time)13:34
pstolowskijdstrand, zyga no unloading then? that simplifies it quite a lot13:35
jdstrandpstolowski: I think I just convinced myself no unloading13:35
ogra_mhall119, csutherl, well, a container means your snap would actually be installed in / and run against a VM or chroot or some such ... snaps dont do that, there is no such path mangling like in chroot or VM environments13:36
csutherlogra_, ah. thanks for the explanation. i haven't had much time to look into it other than to install and run snapcraft :)13:37
ogra_the paths are actually all underneath $SNAP ...13:37
jdstrandcsutherl: snaps integrate with the system and with each other and we use some container technologies to do that13:37
csutherlso why would i use a snap instead of docker, for instance?13:38
csutherlim just trying to get an overview of use cases13:38
ogra_right, but we do not make it look like $SNAP/usr/bin is actually /usr/bin ... which a container does13:38
zygacsutherl: it is easier to let one snap to work with other snaps and with the system13:38
zygacsutherl: and the snap might be smaller as it re-uses the core snap13:38
ogra_there is strict separation in our setup13:39
jdstrandcsutherl: it depends on what you want. with docker, you manage the app with docker and it doesn't integrate with the system (maybe that is your workflow, that's fine). with snappy, normal tools like ps, top, ls, etc all work as expected for the snap and that snap might connect to another snap-- eg, download the bluez snap and then another snap that uses it13:40
zygacsutherl: snanps also integrate better with regular users on the system and allow them to have per-user state13:40
jdstrandcsutherl: that is harder to do with docker13:40
jdstrandcsutherl: it just depends on what you want and what your workflows are13:41
csutherljdstrand, zyga ogra_ thanks for the responses :)13:42
jdstrandyou're welcome :)13:42
csutherlmhall119, ok. back to you. what exactly were you looking for help with ? just testing your snap or something more?13:44
jdstrandpstolowski: do you have everything you need at this point?13:44
pstolowskijdstrand, yes! thank you for feedback!13:44
jdstrandpstolowski: you're welcome and thanks to zyga for reminding me that the state is right there at your fingertips :)13:45
pstolowskijdstrand, fyi.. i've already made some progress on the impl (well, it's 90% ready the way I described it in the doc with persistent state). so now i only need to rework it a bit ;)13:48
mhall119csutherl: I'm really looking for help testing and improving the snap right now, and getting it upstream once it's in a good state13:48
pstolowskijdstrand, so I hope to have something ready for review this week13:49
jdstrandpstolowski: nice!13:49
csutherlmhall119, what does 'getting it upstream' mean?13:49
csutherli dont know anything about the infrastructure, etc atm, so assume i know nothing :)13:49
mhall119in the not to distant future I wanted to make it possible to deploy .war files as snaps that connect to the tomcat snap, or to make tomcat a snapcraft "part" that developers could use to bundle it with their webapp13:49
mhall119csutherl: getting the snapcraft.yaml into the upstream source code, and building snaps as part of the normal CI process rather than as a one-off manual task13:50
csutherlmhall119, upstream as in asf tomcat or some snap store type thing?13:51
mhall119asf tomcat13:51
csutherlb/c asf afaik doesn't generally accept distribution stuff :)13:51
csutherlwhich is why im the only person that responded to you13:51
csutherli maintain fedora/rhel tomcat13:51
mhall119who could then upload it to the snap store or make it available as a download (or both)13:51
mhall119csutherl: it would be more inline with asf project packages for windows or mac, rather than distro-specific13:52
csutherlmhall119, you can always give it a shot and see13:53
mhall119since the snap could be installed on to Arch or Debian, for example13:53
mhall119csutherl: if you can help me figure out why the JSP views aren't working, that would be a huge help :)13:57
mhall119my guess is that it's trying to write the compiled pages somewhere that is read-only, but I've forgotten where Tomcat tries to do that13:57
csutherlmhall119, gotcha. sure14:00
csutherlmhall119, it writes the compiled jsps into the work dir (or temp, i dont remember)14:00
csutherlmhall119, do the example apps fail?14:00
mhall119only on the JSP side, the servlet works fine14:00
mhall119it's created $CATALINA_BASE/work/Catalina/localhost/sample just fine14:01
mhall119so maybe it's trying to use a temp directory it doesn't have14:02
csutherlill pok earound with it when i get freed up later today14:02
mhall119thanks csutherl14:02
csutherlmhall119, np14:02
mupPR snapcraft#814 opened: Make source-depth a parameter and opt-in <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/814>14:16
mupPR snapd#1949 closed: tests: ensure http{,s}_proxy is defined inside the fake-store <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1949>14:18
mupPR snapcraft#809 closed: make plugin: improve artifact copying (LP: #1624798) <Created by jaymell> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/809>14:25
mupPR snapcraft#792 closed: Fix `git clone` when transport is http and it does not support --depth <Created by ehbello> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/792>14:28
mupPR snapcraft#802 closed: Add the TEST_STORE environment variable to the travis script <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/802>14:31
ppisatiogra_: FYI, i think i fixed the BB panic14:32
ogra_awesome !14:32
ogra_what was it ?14:32
mupPR snapcraft#761 closed: Remove dangling symlink from JDK plugin <Created by gnuoy> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/761>14:34
ppisatiogra_: the PM code tried to suspend (IOW access) a device that was already removed14:36
ppisatiand kaboom!14:36
ppisatibut i'm running another test now14:36
ogra_lovely !14:36
ppisatifingers crossed14:36
ogra_sadly i didnt get much firther with console-conf on the bbb nor with making the FS resize operate at a bearable speed :/14:37
ogra_using a 64GB SDXC card takes about 30min to resize the writable partition :/14:38
ogra_it works all fine using something like a 4GB SD though14:38
ogra_though the fact that console-conf is python bites badly :( setting up the user account is also in the tens of minutes14:39
ogra_but if you can live with the inital slowness the board works quite well after the first setup :)14:39
mupPR snapd#1871 closed: snap: lessen annoyance of implicit interface tests <Created by zyga> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1871>14:41
dholbachUbuntu Community Q&A with Michael Vogt starting in 15m (15 UTC) on http://ubuntuonair.com14:47
zygaway to go mvo! :)14:47
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mupPR snapd#1950 opened: store,snap: initial support for delta downloads <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1950>14:58
Saviqhi all, any idea about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23207400/ ? I'm trying to follow https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/mir-snaps/ but can't even create the image... grub-install is obviously there on my machine15:03
ogra_grub-install ???15:04
* ogra_ reads the paste15:04
ogra_hmm, if it would open15:05
sergiusensSaviq migt want to tell kgunn to update that guide to use ubuntu-image15:05
Saviqsergiusens, ~same args?15:05
ogra_Sano, completely diffferent15:06
sergiusensSaviq I have been completely decoupled (finally) from image building :-) \o/ !!!15:06
Saviqwhere do I get ubuntu-image? snap find doesn't yield anything15:06
ogra_sigh .. so this was 12min waiting for console-conf to set up the user ... go python15:06
sergiusensuse --edge15:07
ogra_Saviq, see PM ... though whats the reason to actually create an image instead of using either the beta or daily ones that we already have ?15:09
* ogra_ points to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-snappy/16.04/current/ (for beta) and http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/daily/current/ for dailies15:11
ogra_there shoudl really be no reason to build your own image15:11
niemeyerjdstrand: Super easy one (I hope), for when you have a few seconds: snapd#194815:12
mupPR snapd#1948: interfaces/builtin: add run/udev/data paths to mir interface <Created by kgunnfront> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1948>15:12
Saviqogra_, I suppose to give it more space or something?15:12
jdstrandyeah, that is. we discussed it15:12
jdstrandniemeyer: fyi, pushed the docker change15:12
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks!15:12
Saviqdunno, really - will try with the published image15:13
ogra_Saviq, well, the beta ones have 3.8G ... the dailies around 3G ...15:13
Saviqogra_, ack, trying the daily15:13
ogra_(at least for kvm ... )15:13
Saviq500 kBps on a 600Mbps link... why, oh why!?15:13
mupPR snapd#1948 closed: interfaces/builtin: add run/udev/data paths to mir interface <Created by kgunnfront> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1948>15:14
niemeyerjdstrand: Don't see the docker change..?15:15
ogra_there is a new PR15:15
ogra_(for docker)15:16
* ogra_ noticed it in the mail spam ... 15:16
niemeyerogra_: That's the one we're discussing, I think/hope15:16
popeyogra_: tried both pi 2 and pi3 images from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-snappy/16.04/current/ and neither gives any output on HDMI15:17
popeyi set console=tty1 and nothing15:17
ogra_popey, they do for me15:17
Saviqkgunn, do you know if we still need the self-built image for https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/mir-snaps/ ? ogra_'s proposing either http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/daily/current/ or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-snappy/16.04/current/15:17
Saviqah d'oh15:17
* Saviq needs to read better, is all15:18
ogra_popey, i always test using HDMI for one of them to run the console-conf wizard ... (and the other i test purely via serial)15:19
ogra_usually alternating between them for each test ...15:19
ogra_it might be that the boot stalls if there is no serial at all though ... i doubt anyone of us has ever tested without serial attached15:19
dholbachhow do I resolve something like this?15:20
dholbachdaniel@daydream:~/dev/snappy/snappy-playpen$ snap remove sayonara15:20
dholbacherror: cannot remove "sayonara": snap "sayonara" has changes in progress15:20
ogra_dholbach, snap changes15:20
ogra_find the change in progress15:20
ogra_then "snap abort $changenumber"15:21
dholbachnice one15:21
dholbachlet's see how this goes15:22
popeyogra_: it brings up IP and no hdmi, but ssh with ubuntu@ the password 'ubuntu' fails. I don't understand this15:24
ogra_popey, there is no ubuntu user anymore15:25
popeyok, can i ssh in at all? before any setup?15:25
popeyssh is running though15:25
ogra_well, the network setup is also interim15:25
popeyso, what's a way forward here?15:25
ogra_you only get proper configs in place after you ran through console-conf ...15:26
popeyI am using an announced image on commodity hardware and I get nothing on the screen15:26
niemeyerjdstrand: There's probably a push missing on the docker branch15:26
ogra_popey, it is an IoT image ... use it in this context ... really ...15:27
jdstrandoh, I did!15:27
ogra_(read: there will most likely *not* be any 20" HDMI screen on top of your robot or drone)15:28
popeythis is quite possibly the most frustrating I have felt for some time.15:28
popeyI give up15:29
jdstrandniemeyer: ok, pushed for real15:29
ogra_well, i cant really help you if you dont use a serial cable15:29
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks!15:29
popeydon't worry, I'll put them in a box and forget they exist15:29
ogra_how am i even supposed to knwo whats going on without you being able to give me any debug info from the console15:29
popeythis worked with a previous image15:29
popeymy expectations clearly need a reset15:30
ogra_it works every day here on my Pi's15:30
popeyI am happy for you.15:30
ogra_and i cant tell if your SD has issues or anything if i cant get your serial output15:30
popeythe sd card worked fine, then i had to reflash because of the libssl issue I mentioned earlier15:31
popeyI have tried two sd cards and two generations of pi15:31
ogra_do you see the rainbow square on screen when waiting for it to come up ?15:31
ogra_then it just idles15:31
popeyi see heartbeat and network flash15:31
popeyand ssh on that port15:31
ogra_how big is your SD ?15:31
ogra_hmm, that should take less than a minute to resize15:32
dholbachogra_, have you seen anything like this before? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23207556/15:32
ogra_dholbach, oh, nope,. thats new15:32
popeydholbach: yes, i have, make sure you kill all shells in that directory15:33
popeydholbach: probably a bash running or something in there15:33
dholbachok, I'll restart after the hangout :)15:33
ogra_popey, you can try something else and completely dumb down HDMI ... edit config.txt on the system-boot partition and add  hdmi_safe=1 ... see if that helps in any way15:34
ogra_and as before ... if you dont use the daily image, re-flash before first boot15:34
ogra_else the setup is likely messed up15:34
ogra_(or just use the daily, thats way more robust)15:36
ogra_(and 10x faster to flash)15:36
popeywhere is the pi3 daily image please?15:37
popeybefore I flash, here's the syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/23207584/15:38
mupBug #1625698 opened: console-conf on beaglebone takes unbearable long <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625698>15:39
dduffeymatteo, morphis : i am using the current xenial pi3 image and when it boots i configure the network (just accept the defaults, it gets a dhcp address on eth0), and then enter my david.duffey@canonical.com.  I then can ssh into the pi3 ... but as soon as i reboot it goes back into "configure" first boot and then fails to create the existing user15:40
ogra_popey, looks all fine ... it is most likely sitting theer waiting for input on the console15:41
ogra_Sep 20 14:52:52 localhost systemd[1]: Started Ubuntu Core Firstboot Configuration tty115:41
ogra_that is what i see close to the end15:41
dduffeymatteo, are you using the current pi3 for your openwrt testing, or daily / edge?15:41
matteoI made an image witu ubuntu-device-flash15:42
mupPR snapcraft#742 closed: Handle missing source type packages in the parser <Created by josepht> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/742>15:43
ogra_dduffey, is that daily or the beta image from cdimage ?15:46
dduffeyogasawara_, the beta image from cdimages15:46
dduffeyogasawara_, dates sept 1915:47
dduffeyogasawara_, it may have something to do with on first boot it doesn't see wlan015:47
dduffeyand then when you reboot it finds wlan015:47
ogra_(you should use three chars for your autocompletion ... though i guess leann is happy to collect pings)15:47
dduffeyogasawara_, sorry15:47
ogra_dduffey, yes, most likely ... that should be a bit better in the daily image ...15:48
dduffeyogra_, the daily image pulls snap from the edge channel, right?15:48
ogra_but even if the wlan0 issue is at fault, it should never bring you back to the config screen15:48
ogra_there landed a new console-conf today in the ubuntu-core snap in edge15:49
ogra_so todays daily might not have that issue anymore (i havent tested pi's today, so ui cant really tell)15:49
* ogra_ was battling with the beaglebone images ... 15:50
dduffeyogra_, okay, I will try ... another question ... in the past the snappy list -v showed all the snaps (including the prior installed snap) ... what is the 16 equivalent15:50
ogra_snap list ...15:50
ogra_but i dont think it shows former snaps ...15:51
ogra_but the new snap keeps logs ... you can check with "snap changes"15:51
dduffeyI ask because on this image yesterday a "snap refresh" downloaded an ubuntu-core, today it said there was no updated but i think that is because it already snap refreshed on it's own ... I just want to verify15:51
ogra_and you can see details with "snap change $number"15:51
ogra_(with the number listed in "snap changes")15:52
dduffeyyou read my mind ... thanks!15:52
dduffeyyes, i see that it did update ubuntu-core on it's own15:52
popeyogra_: so, cmdline.txt:- dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1,115200 elevator=deadline15:53
popey(also hdmi_safe)15:53
dduffeyogra_, so this is where you would recommend downloading from? (and I'm assuming this will move out of your account someday): people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/daily/current/15:54
ogra_popey, yeah, that should work ... and in config.txt you set the hdmi option from above15:54
ogra_dduffey, yeah, for the dailies use that url for now ... once infinity has set up dailies on cdimage i will shut that place down15:54
popeyogra_: i get output!15:55
ogra_sadly the Pi will now never read your EDID :)15:56
ogra_or any useful info from your monitor15:56
dduffeymatteo, once I try the pi3 daily, what do you recommend I do before installing the openwrt snap ... i.e during the first boot config ... dhcp on eth0 (so service it an ip address and browse to luci) ... and what about wlan0 setup?15:56
popeyogra_: now it's been sat at "random: nonblocking pool is initialized" for 3 mins16:00
matteowhen you start openwrt it will always configure eth as wan interface, and wlan as lan16:00
matteoso, dhcp on eth016:01
matteoan access point will bringed up on wlan016:01
dduffeymatteo, okay thanks ... should i pre-setup a static config at first boot ... it seems like ubuntu core doesn't let me leave wlan0 "unconfigured" (i.e. it wants me to fill out the ssid)16:05
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ogra_popey, whats above that ?16:14
popeyogra_: it finally finished :)16:15
ogra_(there should be some info abnout resizing ... that might take a few mins)16:15
popeywas doing the resize for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages16:15
ogra_yeah, 32GB ...16:15
ogra_the image is only like 300MB ...16:15
popeyand now I have lots of space :)16:16
* popey presses enter to configure, as told16:16
ogra_it seems to only be that slow on non GPT installs ...16:16
ogra_i wonder if we could switch the Pi's to GPT16:17
ogra_but i guess that will make the proprietary bootloader fall over16:17
popeyI *love* this console setup thing16:18
popeyproperly LOVE it16:18
popeywho made it?16:18
ogra_yeah, it is great if it works :P16:18
ogra_(still has a good bunch of issues, but getting better with every release)16:18
ogra_popey, thats mwhudson ... and a bit cyphermox16:19
popeyeven if the keyboard layout isn't right :)16:19
popey(i saw the thread)16:19
ogra_the new installer16:19
ogra_well and it cant realyl be right16:19
ogra_we dont ship any keymap16:19
ogra_the advantage is that the current install is only 160MB big :) ... and given you always only log in via ssh, the console keymap only kicks in at the config tool16:21
ogra_ssh will use your hosts keymap and we dont set up local logins16:21
popeybut first setup the layout is wrong, for logging into the store16:21
popeyso I get my password wrong16:22
popeyalthough this time wasn't needed I guess because it recognised my device from last time?16:22
ogra_your password ?!?16:22
* ogra_ has never seen a password prompt16:23
popeyit used to ask for pw/2fa?16:23
popeyor am I imagining that?16:23
ogra_well, if it does, it has not asked me since i know that tooL (about a month now and i use it daily)16:23
ogra_it should only ask for your LP email ...16:24
popeypretty sure I typed my 2fa in at least once16:24
ogra_which means the @ is an issue16:24
popeywill see on the pi3, which I haven't ever setup like this16:24
ogra_it really shouldnt ask for anything16:25
ogra_are you on the daily now or on beta still ?16:26
ogra_and the pi3 where you think you saw that, was that an official release or something rolled with ubuntu-device-flash16:26
popeydaily from same place16:27
popeyi havent set that up yet, doing now16:28
ogra_btw bug 162137816:28
mupBug #1621378: console-conf should tell the user that the keyboard is US only <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621378>16:28
cyphermoxwell, we'll actually make it do proper keyboarding16:29
ogra_cyphermox, how ?16:29
cyphermoxUS only is bad for the fr_FR16:29
cyphermoxthere is a way to pick keyboards, and to apply keyboard settings16:29
ogra_we dont have any keympas, locales or other language related bits on the image ...16:29
cyphermoxI'm sure you have enough16:29
ogra_pretty much zero16:30
cyphermoxor I'll find out that I'm wrong and cry myself to sleep16:30
ogra_not sure, can you generate one on the fly ?16:30
cyphermoxor let mwhudson to do all that, if it happens that I'm pulled into somethign else16:30
ogra_without any of the ablev16:30
cyphermoxI'm not sure16:30
cyphermoxI need to go steal code from console-setup to do that16:30
ogra_well, even that has input files16:31
cyphermoxmy problem :)16:31
popeyship a free US keyboard with every image16:31
ogra_well, if you grow by more than 1MB it becomes mine :P16:31
cyphermoxI mean, US-only keyboard is really bad when your keyboard keys really don't have anything to do with US16:31
cyphermoxogra_: I don't think it will have to grow by that much16:32
ogra_i'll quote you on that :)16:32
cyphermoxfrom what I see right now, maybe 22k?16:32
ogra_oh, thats good16:33
popeybet ogra_ is sucking air over his teeth now... "oooh.. 22k.. can't do that guv"16:33
cyphermoxthat's assuming I need all that console-setup currently needs, which is probably not quite true16:33
* ogra_ looks around fro the hidden mic16:33
cyphermoxthe truth is, I don't know right now how much we'll need, so we'll have to do some testing to find out16:33
ogra_well, d-i doesnt need much either ... i guess you can steal from there16:34
cyphermoxyeah, that's the initial plan, I would say16:34
ogra_that should be even less than console-setup16:34
cyphermoxwell, it *is* console-setup16:34
ogra_unless it switched to it nowadays16:34
cyphermoxconsole-setup-udeb; but still console-setup, minus some weight16:35
ogra_(i remember there were times before console-setup )16:35
ogra_yeah, that should be fine16:35
cyphermoxI think I can get away with a subset of that, where we don't deal with as many corner-cases and migration from old things16:35
cyphermoxand probably no keyboard detection16:35
* ogra_ is just scared to having to add locales back or some such16:35
cyphermoxit doesn't include locales16:36
ogra_no, "... now that we have proper keyboard support, couldnt we also have localized firstboot setup ?"16:36
ogra_this is the line that scares me :)16:36
ogra_and boom, the install is back from 160MB to 500 or so16:37
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ df -h /writable16:37
ogra_Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on16:37
ogra_/dev/mmcblk0p2  3.5G  168M  3.1G   6% /writable16:37
ogra_i really like that :)16:37
cyphermoxwhat can you do really16:38
ogra_(and there is still stuf ui could rip out)16:38
cyphermoxor we can decide that it should just be US-only and that's it16:38
cyphermoxbut this is a policy decision that is not mine to take16:38
ogra_right, but we need a note on screen if we do that16:38
* ogra_ guesses if he would be super-size-nazi we could go down to half of the above 16:39
cyphermoxmy question is, is this just an appliance thing, so we don't need to care much about the keyboard and ssh and VT access ?16:39
ogra_i.e. *really* rip out everything that is not used16:39
ogra_well, it is an IoT image ...16:39
ogra_but ...16:40
cyphermoxor is it already targetting more hands-on access where the keyboard matters more?16:40
ogra_it migth be the base for other stuff16:40
dduffeyogra_, morphis just an update that I tried the daily and don't see the same issue (first boot config comes up a second time after reboot)16:40
cyphermoxbut we can ship keymaps and locales as separate snaps later16:40
ogra_if there is a unity8 snappy image for the dragonboard one day, it might use the current image underneath16:40
cyphermoxie. we can later have a french pack that give you all the magic.16:40
ogra_dduffey, awesome to hear ... does the IP setup persist too ?16:41
ogra_cyphermox, yeah, and given the image sitze we could perhaps even have per-country images :)16:41
popeyogra_: pi 2 and pi 3 all setup, thanks for the help, sorry for the grumpyness16:41
ogra_popey, well, you are totalyl correct to be grumpy ... after all kgunn wants to run mir on all these boards one day16:42
cyphermoxogra_: who would make that policy decision on keyboard?16:42
dduffeyogra_, yes ... although first boot did not show wlan0, there is a similar bug already filed (you pointed to it in your announcement)16:42
ogra_popey, i'm pondering to use hdmi_safe by default, but i am scared we lost to much on proper monitors then16:42
ogra_cyphermox, dunno, lets bring it up at the sprint16:43
popeyogra_: is there a new way to enable classic?16:44
ogra_cyphermox, given that mark ran into it, it will surely get some more attention :)16:44
dduffeyogra_, it looks like your daily is actually using the stable store (had to snap install --edge snapweb)16:44
cyphermoxogra_: is that a sprint I'm going to? do you need to get this by email or something so that it's not forgotten?16:44
ogra_popey, sudo snap install classic --devmode --edge && sudo classic16:44
ogra_cyphermox, the le hague sprint in oct ... i would expect you to go there ... its also the final snappy sprint16:45
ogra_before final release16:45
cyphermoxogra_: is this a subjet you could bring up for us? I don't think I or mwhudson are going.16:47
ogra_you realyl should be there, given you work on an essential part of snappy16:47
cyphermoxor tell me if I can put it down somewhere so it comes up16:47
ogra_well, feel free to abuse bug 1621378 for it16:48
mupBug #1621378: console-conf should tell the user that the keyboard is US only <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621378>16:48
ogra_as a whishlist item16:48
ogra_i guess we could wlak on from there16:48
ogra_yeah, i dont see you on the attendees list ... not even slangasek ... but infinity is listed (without any dates thoguh)16:51
seb128ogra_, yeah, foundations are not in UES anymore so not invited16:52
ogra_seb128, well, given it is the final snappy sprint before we release golden images i was expecting anyone who works on snappy related bits to be invited alongside16:53
seb128no p_itti either16:53
ogra_paolo is there as well ... semmingly as the only kernel team person ...16:53
lucacomequick question, does snap use LXD?17:04
ogra_normally not, but they can17:06
ogra_i.e. there is an lxd snap that you supposedly can use in your snap through an interface ... and also a docker snap ... both would need special setup for your snap though ... by default snaps dont use any container technology17:07
lucacomethanks ogra_17:08
lucacomeI was reading "is confined from the OS and other apps through security mechanisms"17:08
lucacomebut it's not very detailed :)17:08
nacclucacome: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/security-whitepaper/ might have more details17:09
ogra_i thihnk there is some online docs ...17:09
ogra_ah, nacc is fast :)17:09
lucacomethank you17:10
ogra_wow, compared to the sikipages we had in 15.04 that became a "rainy sunday afternoon reading"17:11
* ogra_ EODs --- 17:14
mupPR snapcraft#815 opened: Replacing deprecated API for searching snaps <Created by cprov> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/815>17:20
mupPR snapcraft#791 closed: Enable crosscompilation for dump and copy plugins <Created by ehbello> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/791>17:32
mupPR snapcraft#816 opened: Report the proper line number on bad yaml errors <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/816>17:32
IshuCan we install snappy on rpi3?17:38
IsCan we install17:39
IsSnappy on rpi317:40
IsCan i install snappy on raspberry pi 3?17:41
mupPR snapd#1951 opened: interfaces/builtin: improve testability and add regression test for LP: #1625291 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1951>18:05
zygalaunchpad seems to fail on writes for me18:06
mupBug #1625291 changed: ConnectedSlotSnippet not invoked when connecting two snaps <Snappy:Invalid by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625291>18:09
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygajdstrand: hey, do you think you could add something here https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/162162418:36
mupBug #1621624: /dev/pts/# denial when running snap-confine under sshd configured for pam-apparmor <Snappy Launcher:Fix Released by jdstrand> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621624>18:36
zygajdstrand: speciically to the [Test Case] section, this is a part of the SRU paperwork18:36
jdstrandzyga: the test case requires a pretty advanced setup. I think so long as the policy compiles and you can login via and use hello-world, then you are good. I can then do the pam-apparmor testing on my system to mark it as verification done18:38
jdstrandlogin via ssh*18:38
zygajdstrand: thanks I'll think of something18:41
jdstrandzyga: well, I'm trying to save us time :)18:42
mupPR snapd#1942 closed: store,snap: initial support for delta downloads <Reviewed> <Created by absoludity> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1942>18:42
mupPR snapd#1950 closed: store,snap: initial support for delta downloads <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1950>18:42
zygaeh, three more bugs to describe18:42
zygathis is a _lot_ of work18:42
jdstrandzyga: all it does is expand access in a corner case configuration. all that is needed for that with SRUs is to prove it didn't regress18:42
jdstrandzyga: that's how we normally do apparmor policy SRUs18:42
jdstrandzyga: if it compiles and you only added access, the SRU is fine. ping me when verification-needed and I'll verify it works for my configuration18:43
zygajdstrand: thanks :)18:47
zygaone bug to describe left19:03
* zyga is starving, brb19:08
zygaI left the hardest bug till the end19:08
zygajdstrand: I'm EOD now but if you want to add anything to https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1611444 please do19:38
mupBug #1611444: Cannot share a namespaces created with 'ip netns' between apps in a devmode SNAP <snapd-interface> <Snappy Launcher:Fix Released by zyga> <Snappy:Invalid by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611444>19:38
zygajdstrand: I've added SRU information to each bug in the 1.0.40 and 1.0.41 milestones and I will see what's the next step tomorrow19:39
zygajdstrand: I suspect I need a version of snap-confine from yakkety that has a long changelog entry that includes two dozen bug numbers19:39
zygajdstrand: and have someone upload that19:39
zygamwhudson: (perhaps you can do that?)19:39
zygajdstrand: I've done my part for today, I really need to take a break now19:40
jdstrandzyga: thanks!19:40
jdstrandzyga: I think I'll treat that bug the same as the other and demonstrate that ip netns works when it gets the verfication-needed tag19:41
jdstrandzyga: enjoy your evening :)19:41
niemeyerSpread has been updated. Please report any fires.19:58
mupPR snapd#1925 closed: tests: adjust regex after changes in stat output <Reviewed> <Created by vosst> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1925>20:03
diddledanjust informational: corebird snapped by github.com/diddledan/corebird-snap in devmode launches but cannot open browser windows to login to twitter with error: Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name com.canonical.SafeLauncher was not provided by any .service files20:08
mupPR snapd#1930 closed: many: support snapctl -h <Reviewed> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1930>20:08
mupPR snapcraft#817 opened: lxd: use built-in image streams <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/817>20:09
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mupPR snapd#1872 closed: tests: use in-tree snap{ctl,-exec} for all tests <Reviewed> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1872>20:18
mupPR snapcraft#816 closed: Report the proper line number on bad yaml errors <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/816>20:21
mupPR snapcraft#811 closed: Support deb files as sources <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/811>20:30
mupBug #1625805 opened: arm64 kernel panic for l2 mmu with unity8 session snap <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625805>20:34
mupBug #1625813 opened: hardware-observe does not allow reading temperatures <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625813>21:01
* mwhudson waves at zyga21:03
mupBug #1625817 opened: Document snap prepare-image options <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625817>21:16
Chipacaogra_, you around?21:17
Chipacaogra_, n/m, nothing urgent, i'll pester you tomorrow if i have a chance :-)21:19
oparozHello, have people tried to snap dockers yet?21:29
zygamwhudson: hey21:51
zygamwhudson: I did some untold number of SRU paperwork bug updates, if you want to collect them in a xenial upload that would help me a lot21:53
zygamwhudson: each bug from 1.0.4{0,1} qualifies, some are already in xenail and I marked them as such21:53
kyrofaoparoz, might be worth emailing the list21:59
oparoz_kyrofa, you're probably right22:06
mwhudsonargh does the systemd journal not persist between boots on snappy systems?22:07
mwhudsonzyga: so you want me to write the changelog entry and upload?22:07
mupPR snapd#1952 opened: configstate,hookstate: add snapctl set <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1952>22:10
zygamwhudson: you'd have to mkdir /var/log/journald AFAIK22:25
zygamwhudson: yes, please add a changelog entry, link to the gazillion bugs and upload if you can22:25
mupPR snapd#1785 closed: many: add vendoring of dependencies by default <Reviewed> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1785>22:25
zygamwhudson: we'll fight the SRU dragon :)22:25
mwhudsonzyga: ok22:25
mwhudsonheh i seem to spend a lot of time doing that22:26
mupPR snapd#1862 closed: tests: add tests for the classic dimension <Reviewed> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1862>22:31
mupPR snapd#1640 closed: tests: add gsettings interface spread test <Decaying> <Reviewed> <Created by fgimenez> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1640>22:44
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