
RhondaAh, makes sense that #ubuntu-security is invite-only.  Can someone of those hanging out there reach out to me in a query?  Potentially someone I know already and can trust? :)08:33
Rhondas/and/know &/08:33
Rhondameh, the know is in there, I can't read.08:33
rbasakRhonda: try #ubuntu-hardened08:35
rbasakRhonda: also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Contact08:37
sladenmdeslaur: chrisccoulson: sbeattie: ^^ could one of you get in touch with Rhonda from Debian re: -security08:41
RhondaAh, no combined key for the security@ email address, that might get cumbersome.08:42
sladenRhonda: well back in the old days mdz was both security@d.o and security@u.c :)08:45
Rhondasladen: I remember that. :)08:47
Rhonda… and security@d.o already has the information, so if there is still any overlap I can drop that issue now. :)08:48
rbasakI believe the lack of a combined key is for security reasons - to allow for security team rotation08:50
RhondaSure.  But either a new key could be issued, or if there is no trust in the team members the team has much more severe issues than rotational wise. :)08:51
* rbasak shrugs08:52
rbasakNot much to do with me :)08:52
mdeslaurhi Rhonda11:10
mdeslaur#ubuntu-hardened is the security channel11:10
mdeslaurnot sure what #ubuntu-security is11:10
mdeslaurI think it just redirects11:11
mdeslaurRhonda: what can I do for you?11:11
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