
tsimonq2I have a question I want answered on the Q&A, just one11:29
tsimonq2QUESTION: How do you explain your job to people who don't know much about technology? What specifically do you tell them that you do?11:31
tsimonq2I can't attend the Q&A because of school, so there11:31
dholbachthanks tsimonq211:42
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dpmhi everyone, all up for the Q&A? :-)14:53
wololo_666QUESTION: What tree you would like to be?14:59
mhsabbaghDid the session start or not yet?15:00
dpmabout to go live! :)15:00
dholbachgod, no tree questions please! :)15:02
HomoSapienInfintQUESTION: What be you would like to tree?15:02
CooCooCooQUESTION: can snaps access mir?15:07
mhall119QUESTION: What applications/services do you run from a snap today?15:10
CooCooCooQUESTION: when will the snaps work on the phone and how will the phone update images be just plain snaps?15:11
CooCooCooQUESTION: can you make a snap from ubuntu sdk?15:11
CooCooCooQUESTION: how will the snap deal with different architectures? do we need to make a separate snap for every architecture or it can be bundeled toghether? arm x86 etc15:12
CooCooCooQUESTION: why refresh and not update? why find and not search etc15:13
mhall119"It's complicated" is my common answer15:14
sergiusensmvo mir interface works, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/mir-snaps/ (kgunn keeps it in check with most releases)15:19
mhall119that was for anybody, really15:20
niemeyerI'll answer that one too: mup (the bot, that everyone knows and loves), spread, telegram, mongodb, gromit-mpx, spotify, makemkv, ...15:21
ahayzenQUESTION: If you are creating an app that just depends on Qt or Gtk and you don't care about the display server, are you expected to include all the plugs for X, mir and wayland in your snapcraft? Or are you expected to choose one of them, and then will the display server run inside what the user is using, eg Mir on X or Mir on wayland etc ?15:23
LarreaMikel_I have a very silly question... what is the user and password for the Ubuntu Core 16 Images (for rp2)?15:25
LarreaMikel_I've tried with ubuntu / ubuntu... but no luck15:25
niemeyerLarreaMikel_: It's not a silly question, as it changed.. There's no default user or password.15:25
niemeyersebsebseb: hi15:27
sergiusensoh, for snaps I use telegram, vlc nextcloud and shout15:27
sergiusensand if I did more doc editing I would use libreoffice too15:27
tim_shey, I'm late :)15:27
sebsebsebniemeyer: hi15:27
sebsebsebtim_s: so was I, I just joined15:27
LarreaMikel_niemeyer: so I have to create a user? or is there another way to get into the system?15:27
sebsebsebtim_s:  no time for our good question/s now or is there :d15:28
tim_sQUESTION: (if not already answered): Any news about how/when the transition to snaps on the phone will happen?15:28
niemeyerOn update vs. refresh: snaps are much more lightweight and predictable on updates, and they update automatically by default. That's different from the typical apt update process, and we wanted to prevent that process from being misunderstood for historical reasons. Thus, refresh rather than update.15:28
sebsebsebQUESTION: How many snap questinos were just answered ?15:46
tim_swas my question answered before?15:46
sebsebsebtim_s: no idea15:47
tim_sok :)15:47
niemeyertim_s: it was answered moments ago I think15:47
tim_swhut how could I miss it15:47
niemeyertim_s: It was a bit vague, precisely because we don't have a clear picture on our end15:48
tim_sthanks :)15:48
niemeyertim_s: There's active and on going work, and we can definitely say that from our end (the snapd one)15:48
niemeyertim_s: But since we're not _on_ the phone team, we don't have any idea of dates15:48
tim_sniemeyer: ah I see15:49
tim_sThanks :)15:49
* tim_s needs to watch this thing from the beginning ...15:50
sebsebsebtim_s: h eh if you want,  feel a bit glad to be late to to this one and that it fininsehd a bit early, didnt' seem that exiting to me to beh onest15:50
mhall119sebsebseb: that's what happens when you're late, it's just not as exciting without you :)15:52
sebsebsebmhall119: h eh heh you think?15:52
tim_soh kay, that might be the case for you .-. I'm not that into the whole snap world yet, got to learn a bit more about it15:52
tim_ss/a bit/a lot xD15:53
niemeyerahayzen: Not sure if your point got answered15:53
dholbachall rightie - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :-)15:53
niemeyerahayzen: It's okay to include all of them15:53
sebsebsebtim_s: I think it's one of those things, that for users, doesn't really matter much, who cares as long as the softwre works and easy is to  install and new versions :)15:53
sebsebsebtim_s: for developers on the other hand yes it matters more of course15:53
tim_sya, definitely.15:54
niemeyersebsebseb: Guessing what people care about is a surprisingly error prone subject15:54
sebsebsebniemeyer: depends15:54
niemeyerThanks all, we'll be hanging on #snappy with a lot of good folks if you'd like to chat further15:55
ahayzenniemeyer, ok :-) it was just from an app devs point of view, i just want it to run on whatever the user already has, i don't care if that is Mir or Wayland as the toolkit is supposed to abstract that for us. But was wondering what the current situation is with snaps, i understand it is all moving and change at the moment though :-)15:55
tim_sthank you and see you!15:55
ahayzenthanks niemeyer :-)15:55
sebsebsebmhall119: off topic, but did you get my form request, hopefully that will be accepted :)15:55
mhall119sebsebseb: donations request>16:05
sebsebsebmhall119: yep16:05
sebsebsebfor an event16:05
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