
=== Eliz is now known as Elizabeth
Mirvslangasek: hmm so qt3d-opensource-src got removed completely from Ubuntu because it was moved to experimental in Debian? and so did qt3d-opensource-src-gles, but that one you reuploaded?05:55
MirvI'm not sure what was on purpose and what not. regardless, we are planning to make Qt3D 5.6 available to app developers, similar to our snapshot git releases of qtpim, qtsystems and qtfeedback that have been included on the phones and tablets from the beginning.05:57
=== feng is now known as handsome_feng
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: qemu (xenial-proposed/main) [1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.4 => 1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.5] (ubuntu-server, virt)08:50
xnoxwhat is the URL for the backup seed-in-ubuntu instance?09:03
apwxnox, they are listed here: http://ubuntuqa.tblwd.org/09:18
Laneyshall we move those over to snakefruit or something?09:19
handsome_fengHi, Laney, Sorry to trouble you. Could you please help me to upload my new wizard package ? I have file a bug in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin/+bug/160920709:25
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1609207 in Ubuntu Kylin "[needs-packaging] ubuntu-kylin-wizard" [High,Triaged]09:25
Laneybleh, he went10:18
apwyeah that is somewhat annoying10:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: davical (xenial-proposed/universe) [1.1.4-1ubuntu1 => 1.1.4-1ubuntu1.1] (no packageset)11:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: awstats (xenial-proposed/main) [7.4+dfsg-1 => 7.4+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1] (ubuntu-server)12:25
Laneytrying: appstream isenkram appstream-generator limba12:47
Laneydid britney always do this?12:47
Laneyput transitions in without (auto) hinting them12:47
smbI would highly appreciate if someone on the release team could look at bug 1621618 and in case there is still something missing, let me know.14:21
ubot5`bug 1621618 in xen (Ubuntu) "[FFE Yakkety] Upgrade to Xen 4.7" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162161814:21
=== Guest14517 is now known as med_
Trevinhobdmurray: I'm continuosly receiving email about possible regressions in libunity... Which are not. I don't know why, but these issues were mostly caused by vala itself. But still nothing new14:35
slangasekMirv: I didn't remove qt3d-opensource-src-gles, I demoted it to -proposed15:10
Mirvslangasek: and what about qt3d-opensource-src?15:11
slangasekMirv: since it's Ubuntu-specific, I felt it was better to keep it around in -proposed for reference than to remove it completely.  But qt3d-opensource-src, I removed because Debian says it's not stable yet; why would you want to give this to app developers via 16.10?15:11
Mirvslangasek: the similar way we provide nonstable qtpim, qtfeedback and qtsystems in our products - developers want it, it's available. by not stable means API is not stable, but qt3d has seen multiple releases unlike those other three modules which we have only git snapshots for and still use them.15:12
Mirvbut qt3d is not necessary either, but there is a lot of interest towards it15:13
Mirvwe've been shipping it in Ubuntu since 2014, so removing it at this point is a bit weird15:14
Mirvcorrection, January 201315:14
slangasekMirv: if you wanted to reintroduce the package to yakkety (reupload, or copy-package), I wouldn't block it, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to me15:14
Mirvslangasek: I don't need it for anything, but people have wanted to play around with it for years now. I just don't get why remove it now after 3.5 years, when it's pretty usable and stable (even if technolgoy preview), but I see there can be multiple points of view.15:16
Mirvbzoltan: ^ if you have opinion on removing or keeping qt3d from Ubuntu15:16
slangasekMirv: removed because we track removals from Debian; but it's not an absolute15:16
slangasekif it's clear that the package is being used in Ubuntu we won't remove without discussion15:17
slangasekthis one is not seeded, had no reverse-depends aside from the gles variant15:17
Mirvright, they started shipping it 2.5 years after us, when upstream released the first (preview) version. we were shipping the version 1 and now later this rewrite of it.15:17
Mirvanyway, it will be back latest for 17.04 with Qt 5.7 where it's no longer called a preview15:18
Mirvit used to be part of ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev dependencies but now that package was removed from yakkety so indeed no reverse dependencies15:19
slangasekMirv: so should we pull the package back in?15:20
Mirvslangasek: I think it'd be nice, but not mandatory. it's for playing around, and as it was part of ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev lots of 16.04 users have it installed.15:21
Mirvanyway, I need to go now15:21
slangasekMirv: copied back in; hopefully this worked right, copy-package gave me no output about binaries being included15:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-pylxd (xenial-proposed/main) [2.0.0-0ubuntu1 => 2.0.5-0ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server)15:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ntp (xenial-proposed/main) [1:4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.1 => 1:4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.2] (ubuntu-server)16:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected python-pylxd [source] (xenial-proposed) [2.0.5-0ubuntu1]16:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-pylxd (xenial-proposed/main) [2.0.0-0ubuntu1 => 2.0.5-0ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server)16:32
bzoltanslangasek:  the qt3d was collecting dust for some time, but since KDAB started to invest in it and started to maintain it for real it has improved and now it is a first class citizen of the Qt modules. It is good that we include it in our offering.16:34
wxlis beta 2 not going up today?16:49
wxlinfinity: i guess you're in charge of beta 2? what's the word?16:49
* rbasak wasn't aware of a freeze16:56
LaneyBeta 2's on the schedule for this week16:56
LaneyUsually coincides with freezage16:56
wxlLaney: it's on the schedule to *release* this week16:58
wxlon the 22nd for that matter16:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: kbd (xenial-proposed/main) [1.15.5-1ubuntu4 => 1.15.5-1ubuntu5] (core)17:56
infinitywxl: RCs and freezing and such will happen soonish.  We've been trying to squeeze a kernel in under the wire.18:25
wxlinfinity: works for me. thx!18:25
infinityapw: ^ what's the status on that?18:25
acheronukso in reality actual beta freeze is in advance of the date here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule18:36
infinityacheronuk: The freeze obviously has to happen before the release, the schedule just seems to be missing the usual (Mon) or (Tue) to indicate that the freeze isn't on Thursday.  Oops.18:41
apwinfinity, the kernel in the pocket is pretty close, we're missing a couple of patches which really ought to go in, but not in "iso affecting" paths18:43
infinityapw: If it won't affect boot, install, or dkms, I think we're safe.18:44
acheronukinfinity: I did wonder. Thanks18:44
apwi believe not, there is an esoteric networking issue, and some overlayfs in userns bits needing wiggling18:47
infinityapw: Kay.  Odds of said wiggling happening by EOW, so we can just slip an update in right after beta?18:47
apwfor sure that, oh but hang on ... xnox reported a udeb issue with crypto ...18:48
apwxnox, what was the scope of the failure there ...18:49
apwwe can cirtainly have a "day 0" kernel for thursday/friday, but we need to circle on xnox's issue i guess18:49
apwa crypto module missing in udebs ...18:50
=== acheronuk is now known as acheron
=== acheron is now known as acheronuk
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: klibc (trusty-proposed/main) [2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1 => 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.2] (core)19:20
artmellohey guys. we have a silo for gallery that is failling the automated signoff with a missing deps in s390x for yakkety: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/181919:30
artmellothis seems to be related with missing upstart there. someone can help me to get gallery build removed from s390x/yakkety? so we can have this silo approved19:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: klibc (xenial-proposed/main) [2.0.4-8ubuntu1.16.04.1 => 2.0.4-8ubuntu1.16.04.2] (core)19:41
infinityartmello: I'm not familiar with that UI so much, but where does it say *why* the automated signoff failed?19:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: golang-petname (xenial-proposed/main) [2.3-0ubuntu1~16.04 => 2.4-0ubuntu1~16.04] (kubuntu, ubuntu-desktop)19:58
artmelloinfinity: on the Automated Test Results you have the excuses files19:59
artmelloinfinity: this is the one for yakkety https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/landing-088/yakkety/excuses.html19:59
infinityartmello: Right.  So, that was removed from yakkety, and it probably shouldn't be built on arches that don't have upstart.20:00
infinityartmello: An artificial build-dep on upstart would "fix" that.20:00
slangasekartmello: so this needs to be fixed in the landing, it's not something the archive team can fix20:00
artmelloslangasek: right, I think some similar fix was done by ubuntu-system-settings. is that correct kenvandine?20:01
kenvandinewe had a direct depends on upstart i think20:02
infinityWould have to be a build-dep, not a dep, if the goal is to not build it.20:03
kenvandinetrue, it was actually a build dep on ubuntu-app-launch20:03
kenvandinegallery-app has a depends on content-hub which is no longer building on s390x20:03
infinityCan we just remove upstart usage from that stack instead? :P20:04
kenvandineok, so i guess just add the build dep20:04
kenvandineinfinity, that would be pretty significant ;)20:04
infinitykenvandine: Yup, but we're also not maintaining upstart, so... Whee.20:04
infinity(And it's not like we haven't had warning of this since about vivid)20:05
kenvandineyeah, ubuntu-app-launch basically wraps upstart20:05
kenvandinebut i'm sure tedg has a plan :)20:05
kenvandineworld domination, if nothing else20:06
artmellook, so should I add the build dep to gallery-app?20:06
infinityMy plan is to stare whistfully out the window at the dreary, rainy afternoon sky, and will a hamburger to come to me, since I don't feel like going out there to go to the hamburger.20:06
infinityartmello: Yup.20:06
wxlsudo apt -y install hamburger20:07
* kenvandine wants a hamburger now20:07
artmelloinfinity: thx20:08
infinityI guess I could be one of "those people" who drives his car two blocks for lunch.20:09
wxli installed the lunch package which depends on the main-course virtual package, which tacos provides as well as hamburger20:09
infinityIt cancels out if I scowl at myself in the rearview mirror and judge myself, right?20:09
wxltacos were a good choice20:11
wxlinfinity: don't you have one of those delivery service things?20:11
infinityI'm frugal.  (read: cheap)20:11
wxlinfinity: well, then you shouldn't drive.20:11
infinityDriving two blocks is a lot cheaper than paying someone to do the same. :)20:12
slangasekhe lives in Calgary, he pretty much just wipes a rag on the ground and squeezes it into his tank to gas up20:12
wxlnot when you consider all the factors involved, such as the affect on long term maintainence, insurance costs, etc.20:12
wxland the cost on health20:13
wxlmore likely to get injured in a car than just about anything else20:13
wxlfor that matter, if you were so frugal, you'd get rid of the car altogether20:13
infinityslangasek: I don't know where you're hearing your rumours, but I assure you, we're far classier than that.  I get my gas out of the kitchen faucet.20:13
infinitywxl: I don't like in a city where being carless is practical.  I drive rarely.20:13
wxlbah. it's not like you live in America :)20:14
infinityNorth America...20:14
wxloh, so Canada, US, same-same?20:14
infinityAnd my part is less densely populated than their part. :P20:14
infinityBasically the same from that POV, yeah.  North Americans view distance much differently from Europeans.20:15
infinityIn that we have a lot of it.  With nothing in the middle.20:16
infinityBut also, the rain stopped, so I can stop with this debate, and walk to my burger.20:16
wxlWell, to me, Canada seems *a bit* more with it.20:16
wxlGood luck :)20:16
infinitywxl: As a people, we're likely slightly more environmentally-conscious (slightly), but the layout of the country as a whole, and some cities specifically mean we still can't be Europe. :P20:17
infinitywxl: I live in a very walkable neighbourhood, and prefer not to drive when I don't have to, but I still pretty much have to own a car to get some things done, or waste years of my life on awful public transit because *good* public transit requires either (a) a densely-populated area or (b) trillions in infrastructure spending to make your sparsely-populated areas connect, and we've got neither.20:18
infinitywxl: To put it in perspective a bit, I live in a city with an eigth of the population of London, but more than twice the area.20:21
infinitywxl: And the next nearest city worth mentioning is 300km away.20:23
* infinity burgers now.20:24
flocculantis that like frying tonight?20:25
* tsimonq2 wonders if infinity picked up on the fact that wxl works for a bike company and dislikes cars :P20:45
wxltsimonq2: to be fair, we live in a car-centric world here in North America. thinking outside that box is something we rarely do.20:46
tsimonq2I agree20:46
tsimonq2but to be fair, you live in Oregon, where puming your own gas is illegal :P20:47
wxlnot sure that's relevant, but ok.20:47
tsimonq2well I've heard that in Portland, bikes are used just as much as cars, if not more20:47
naccportland's traffic doesn't seem to indicate that is really true, but it's what people like to say here20:48
wxlit's not really true20:50
wxlbike use is ever increasing in portland, which has some of the hightest bike use20:50
wxlbut the car traffic there is truly deplorable20:50
wxli.e. for all the improvement, it's still far behind20:50
* nacc lives in portland, and can only agree20:50
naccand i don't even commute anywhere! :)20:51
* wxl used to live there and left because of that fact!20:51
wxltsimonq2: btw here's why the oregon legislature has decided to disallow self-service fueling http://www.oregonlaws.org/ors/480.31520:54
slangasekon paper anyway20:56
wxlthis one goes into a little more history https://www.quora.com/Why-does-Oregon-have-attendants-at-gas-stations/answer/Rick-Hamell#20:57
xnoxapw, infinity - my crypto modules missing in udebs results in not able to mount ext4 which means cannot smash continue repeatedly to finish installation, on s390x.20:57
xnoxwhere smashing enter is actually ".\n" SCLP SEND20:58
xnoxs390x only as far as I understand.20:58
xnoxsorry, i was out for volleyball20:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted golang-petname [source] (xenial-proposed) [2.4-0ubuntu1~16.04]20:59
xnoxbug 162572821:02
ubot5`bug 1625728 in linux (Ubuntu Yakkety) "fails to mount ext4 due to missing crypto-crc32 modules in the udeb" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162572821:02
tsimonq2infinity: when you get a moment, please take a look at the email just sent to ubuntu-release@l.u.c22:54

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