
floridagram9<ahoneybun> @KMyers any reason why this N4 would see a cricket sim but not a t mobile one?00:21
floridagram9<ahoneybun> my cousin has had it on tmobile since it came out00:21
floridagram9<ahoneybun> sweet someone forked my script!01:58
floridagram9* SivaMachina installs Plank. Then he pushes the typo demons off of it.02:55
floridagram9* SivaMachina 02:55
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> Google’s October 4 “Pixel phones” Nexus event is official - SlashGear … http://www.slashgear.com/googles-october-4-pixel-phones-nexus-event-is-official-19456687/11:19
floridagram9<KMyers> Want but dont want15:40
floridagram9<RazPi> I need to decaffeinate.20:45
floridagram9<KMyers> Again?20:45
floridagram9<RazPi> Yeah it got bad~20:45
floridagram9<RazPi> Also I miss you guys.20:46
floridagram9<KMyers> We need to plan something small20:46
floridagram9<KMyers> Also, I still have your hat in my car20:46
floridagram9<RazPi> haha, I worked out that it was cheaper to buy a new hat than it was to go down to miami to get it. Feel free to use it ♥20:47
floridagram9<RazPi> use it / keep it I mean20:47
floridagram9<RazPi> We can be hat buddies.20:48
floridagram9<KMyers> Not my style20:49
floridagram9<RazPi> Aw alright~20:49
floridagram9<KMyers> We need to plan something in early October. I am going to be busy this week. Going to do some major remodeling of my room20:50
floridagram9<RazPi> Sure thing20:50
floridagram9<RazPi> Anki just hit my credit card, looks like they're gearing up to ship those robots20:50
floridagram9<KMyers> I cannot wait to see it20:50
floridagram9<RazPi> Yes~!!20:51
floridagram9<KMyers> It looks like it has a lot of potential20:51
floridagram9<RazPi> I'm so excited.20:51
floridagram9<RazPi> Supposedly the api is generic, so although they start out with python you can use anything20:51
floridagram9<KMyers> I am going to be setting up a real workspace to give me space to make/build and fix things20:53
floridagram9<KMyers> I setup a mini one a few weeks ago but am going to expand it by knocking down a wall20:53
floridagram9<RazPi> !!20:54
floridagram9<RazPi> That sounds fantastic20:54
floridagram9<RazPi> You're gonna have your own makerspace?20:54
floridagram9<KMyers> Mini Makerspace20:54
floridagram9<KMyers> I just need room to work on projects20:54
floridagram9<RazPi> Can more than one person work in it at a time?20:54
floridagram9<RazPi> Sounds like a fun gathering point20:54
floridagram9<KMyers> Yes, while it wont be massive, there is room for more than one20:55
floridagram9<RazPi> sweet~20:55
floridagram9<KMyers> So I am going to be tearing down the wall late this week and do painting over the weekend20:55
floridagram9<RazPi> Awesome :)20:55
floridagram9<KMyers> I am going to tile early next year20:55
floridagram9<KMyers> I also got TONS of filament - at least 20 rolls on hand20:56
floridagram9<RazPi> holy cow20:56
floridagram9<KMyers> I have 13 rolls of white, 6 rolls of black, 1 roll of clear, 2 rolls of red, 1 roll of brown and 1 roll of wood20:57
floridagram9<KMyers> I have a few partial rolls of red, steel, carbon fiber , white and black20:57
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> Wait, robots?21:05
floridagram9<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Yes, Judd posted the link to the pre-order a few months back21:06
floridagram9<Ivoriesablaze> Ah21:07
floridagram9<ahoneybun> http://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2016/9/20/12986234/biggest-sd-card-1-terabyte-sandisk23:53

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