[10:26] morning [10:27] morning [11:47] <_stink_> yo [14:57] * greg-g yawns [15:10] * greg-g has been up for a while, took the baby for the morning stroll at 6am instead of Carrie today. Brought him back around 7:30 and they are now all still sleeping. [15:11] wheeee [15:11] Trade off the sleep deprivation :) [15:12] heh [15:12] quality time vs sleep [15:13] yeah, I like my morning/evening walks with Terran. And, I like the semi-stillness of the early morning [15:13] before it becomes the wriggle-worm shit-storm? :) [15:13] yuuuuup [15:20] heh when we used to tent camp the boy would wake up at 5am every morning. First time someone made a sound [15:21] so we'd sneak out to the car in our PJ's, and I'd drive away...into town. [15:21] and listen to an audio book, while he fell back alseep and my wife slept in back at the tend [15:21] tent [15:21] then I'd roll back in around 9am and go take a nap while she got the boy off to the day's activities [15:27] parenting (v): The art of putting little people back to sleep so you can get a reasonable amount of sleep yourself. [15:27] :) [16:15] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaEnaoydUUo [16:19] Scary_Guy: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah [16:20] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPIjst463QM [16:22] Scary_Guy: loling so hard here. [16:24] wub wub wub wub wub [16:26] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p_RrIA_Alc [16:32] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr-Cr999fy0 this one is agrotech though [16:32] oops, original, lol [16:33] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLV0X1VcheQ [16:41] <_stink_> that drum solo is awesome [21:34] rick_h_: man dude, the bears [21:34] what is happening [22:10] jcastro: who? bears are cool. watched lots of katmai thisbseason on youtube