
squish102ok so I did it. ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 on 5 machines in my house01:42
squish102not toooo bad an experience01:42
squish102mysql broken on one and plex server didnt start on another01:43
squish102all i found so far01:43
CraigZimmorning all05:26
superflyHi CraigZim 05:33
Kiloshi guys05:54
superflyhi Kilos, dlPhreak07:24
dlPhreaksuperfly: how are you?07:28
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
andrewlsdmorning all07:53
superflydlPhreak: busy! :-)08:25
superflymeetings at work08:25
pavlushkaahoy ZA!15:57
dlPhreakGreetings humans16:09
paddatrapperhey dlPhreak 16:15
dlPhreakHow are you paddatrapper 16:18
paddatrapperdlPhreak: I'm good thanks. You16:25
dlPhreakI'm fine, just tired.16:27
paddatrapperYeah I know the feeling!16:27
pavlushkaping Cryterion :p17:00
pavlushkahello paddatrapper :)17:01
pavlushkaand dlPhreak:)17:01
paddatrapperhey pavlushka. How goes it?17:01
pavlushkapaddatrapper: going cool :)17:01
pavlushkaCryterion: Hey, how are you?17:02
Cryterionall gud and you, just been away on work lately17:02
bushtechpaddatrapper: you got your 1604 connection issues sorted?17:02
Cryterion1604 sounds familiar17:03
paddatrapperbushtech: 1604 connection issue? I'm running Debian. I did fix a conection issue, but that was relating to NetworkManager if I remember correctly17:03
Cryterionok, not the 1604 I'm thinking of17:04
bushtechah ok. me on 1604 now and not a happy camper17:04
pavlushkaCryterion: I am good, here om a break :)17:22
superflyhi Cryterion!19:43
superflyhi kulelu8819:43
kulelu88howzit okes19:43
kulelu88ubuntu-za is quiet without oom Kilos . He is chilling on the sandy Australian beaches these days19:44
superflywhen he's not fainting from too much heat19:54
superflymy sleeping tablet is working, good night everyone20:00
kulelu88Maaz: tell superfly check this link out: https://www.wired.com/2015/06/problem-putting-worlds-code-github/20:05
Maazkulelu88: Righto, I'll tell superfly on freenode20:05
RemonShaihi Kilos .. my bigggggg friend...21:03
kulelu88Kilos: howzit oom21:17
kulelu88hows your tan?21:17
bushtech_Kilos: word nou KilOZ21:29
Kilosno tan in hospital guys21:55
kulelu88you alright oom? 21:55
kulelu88yoh, i'm worried now21:56
Kilosyip imo im fine now21:56
Kilosdocs will be around later to inform me some more21:56
kulelu88what happened? we just heard you in OZ now21:56
Kiloshad a heart attack at the v8 races where tara was singing the national anthem for them21:57
Kilosthey did some work in right pulmonary artery and cleared out some plaque and put a stent in21:57
Kilosnow i wanna go home  but they seem to want to do more21:58
kulelu88you relocated to Oz or home = SA ?21:58
kulelu88you can't be allowed to fly in your condition21:59
Kilosnono home to my girls21:59
kulelu88take it easy oom. 22:00
Kiloslol i am but dunno how we gonna pay this bill22:02
Kilos$15k aud already22:02
kulelu88how much in rands? 22:02
Kilostimes 10 and a bit22:05
Kilostara thinking of opening a help us site22:05
kulelu88yoh. 150,00022:05
kulelu88rather check out soon oom22:05
kulelu88but that is the going rate for heart ops IIRC22:06
Kilosanyway tara had the idea of opening something where you ask for donations but she will need help22:06
Kilos(09/21/2016 08:06:43 AM) Marlene Venter: Tell him we want to set up a go fund me page to raise money for hospital costs Marlene Venter is typing...22:07
Kilosthats what its called22:07
kulelu88Tara just needs to go to the gofundme website and setup a page22:09
Kilosgot wifi here but irc clients and thunderbird mail dont work22:15
Kilosso i have to use webchat on browser to get here22:16
Kilosyou guys should all be asleep22:17
kulelu88no sleep for the wicked oom22:39

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