
DaDaCinnamonHello the 5am club !04:28
DaDaCinnamonHi cfhowlett !05:22
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, greetings05:22
DaDaCinnamonWhat part are you to-do with ubuntu-studio, exacta-mundo-ly ?05:23
cfhowlett ... if I understand your question ... I have been known to make the occasional podcast, video edit and photo edit with US tools.05:24
DaDaCinnamoncfhowlett: What ubuntu-circle or something ?05:25
cfhowlettI did make one of the 16.04 ubuntustudio wallpapers.05:25
DaDaCinnamonTried to use Open-shot. But it wouldn't even preview the video file ..05:26
* cfhowlett actually repurposed and edited an older 14.04 xubuntu wallpaper.05:26
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, error msg's?05:26
DaDaCinnamonno error mag's on openshot - just wouldn't work.05:27
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, export the vid and view it in a proper video player.05:27
* DaDaCinnamon thinks the developer ran off with the money from kickstarter thou05:27
DaDaCinnamonDont worry about open shot - I'm just complaining for complainings sake .. don't worry.05:28
DaDaCinnamoncfhowlett: Where are the wallpapers, then at ?05:32
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, in 16.04?05:32
cfhowlettright click on the screen > desktop settings > background05:34
DaDaCinnamonI meant where are they all on the website for dwnload ? I'm on a chromebook for IRC ...05:34
cfhowlettah, different.05:35
cfhowlettare you in ubuntu on the cbook?05:36
DaDaCinnamonchromeos asis05:36
DaDaCinnamonjust looking for some example of your work (?)05:37
DaDaCinnamonI take it you are in EU  ?05:37
cfhowlettno where near it.  Jpn05:38
DaDaCinnamonsorry - sounded english for a second-there.05:39
cfhowlett   /usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntustudio/05:40
cfhowlettas demonstrated ... we had contributions from a whole LOT of talented folk.05:43
DaDaCinnamonopening .....05:43
DaDaCinnamon*we* ? So your on the team, then ?05:44
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, I am on the Art team05:44
cfhowlettbut most of our contributions came from users.05:44
cfhowlettand, notably, we had some stellar pieces from a couple of other teams.05:44
DaDaCinnamoncfhowlett: Could you do a couple for this site ? please ? http://community.badvoltage.org/t/happy-sunday-lets-start-a-brill-artwork-thread/1050005:51
DaDaCinnamonhappy to give you a fiver for the effort :)05:52
cfhowlett:)  My skills are extremely limited.  Suggest you direct a message to the ubuntustudio list and request artists via that medium?  ubuntu-studio-users@lists.ubuntu.com05:55
DaDaCinnamonAh-right -oh05:56
DaDaCinnamoncfhowlett: You like Jono Bacon ?05:57
cfhowlettbeen reading him for years05:58
DaDaCinnamonyep - miss the q and a's he used to do. v. much so.05:58
DaDaCinnamoninfact theres one on today at 4pm UTC - but its shit.05:58
cfhowlettthey can't all be diamonds ... :)05:59
DaDaCinnamontrouble is ubuntu q and a's are just canonical saying "use google for that .." nothing more.06:00
* DaDaCinnamon grumbles06:00
DaDaCinnamonright I'm off for a fag - when are you signing off cfhowlett  ?06:00
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, I'll be around for a bit.  enjoy your break06:01
DaDaCinnamonc u in a bit or two ...06:01
DaDaCinnamonput some cream in my coffee :)06:12
DaDaCinnamoncfhowlett: I shall inspect bountysource for ubuntustudio, now .....06:13
DaDaCinnamonIt's not registered :(06:14
DaDaCinnamonwe need to do that.06:14
* DaDaCinnamon does that ....06:14
DaDaCinnamonwhere do I find the logo ?06:15
cfhowlettwhich logo would that be? the US?06:15
DaDaCinnamonI'm here : https://www.bountysource.com/teams/new06:16
cfhowlett  cof = "circle of friends" logo       http://ubuntustudio.org/support/06:17
DaDaCinnamonopening ...06:17
DaDaCinnamongot this one - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4a/Ubuntustudio_v3_logo_only.svg/534px-Ubuntustudio_v3_logo_only.svg.png06:20
cfhowlett yep.  "cof"06:21
DaDaCinnamonIs this the bug tracker ? or do I have it wrong ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio06:23
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, wait 106:23
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, yes, I think that's the current page.06:25
DaDaCinnamonk .. joining up the dots ...06:25
DaDaCinnamonThink I darn-gone mucked up ! https://www.bountysource.com/trackers/45573274-ubuntustudio06:30
sakrecoerDaDaCinnamon: the logo on wikimedia is corrupt..06:43
sakrecoermorning also :)06:43
sakrecoerhold on, i'll give you the correct one06:43
DaDaCinnamonYeah, I made a team when I should've just started a tracker .. I'll PM them to remove the team.06:43
sakrecoerbut good catch... now i know where everybody gets that broken logo from!06:44
DaDaCinnamonopening ...06:45
DaDaCinnamoni dont se any 'artwork' there. But thanks.06:47
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, those are the "official" ubuntustudio logo and brandmark assets06:47
DaDaCinnamonall i saw was code.06:48
cfhowlettDaDaCinnamon, .svg are images06:48
cfhowlett*should* open ... something ... in ChromeOS06:49
DaDaCinnamondefine image ?06:49
cfhowlett.svg = scalable vector graphic06:49
sakrecoerDaDaCinnamon: i ment the broken CoF-imge in svg :I06:50
sakrecoer:) sorry06:50
sakrecoertypoed my smiley lol06:50
DaDaCinnamonanyway ... MORNING EVERYBODY !06:50
* DaDaCinnamon still has toothache :(06:51
DaDaCinnamonI need to get dressed - back in 15 .06:52
cfhowlett... TMI06:52
sakrecoerDaDaCinnamon: do view the image, you need to click on "download file" and open it localy :)06:59
sakrecoersvg contains text in some sort of xml, this gets tranlated by picture viewers like an image. its stand for "scaleable vector graphics"07:00
sakrecoerbut on launchpad, it shows the text...07:01
DaDaCinnamonsakrecoer: Yeah, it works .. off to the shops.07:04
cri13hello, i made a mistake, anyone can help me please ?12:11
DaDaCinnamoncri13: Whats the problem, exactly ?12:14
cri13hello Dada, well. i think i uninstalled snd_dice12:14
cri13i typed this :12:14
cri13in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-firewire.conf:12:15
cri13typed : install snd_dice /bin/false12:15
cri13i added this line at end of black list firewire conf12:16
cri13and now i got no more sound, the speaker icon has gone, and pulse mixer wont work12:16
DaDaCinnamonThis is beyond my knowledge - but if you stick around for an hour or put your question on askubuntu - I am sure you'll get a response.12:16
DaDaCinnamonsakrecoer: ping for cri1312:17
cri13i posted here : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=233763112:17
DaDaCinnamonyeah, you need to use askubuntu too.12:17
cri13ok i gonna check12:17
cri13thx anyway12:17
DaDaCinnamonno worries :)12:18
cri13im scared lol, dont want to reinstall12:23
cri13asked here : http://askubuntu.com/questions/827388/no-more-sound-i-think-i-uninstalled-snd-dice-newbie12:23
DaDaCinnamoncri13: Calm down - do you have a deadline or something ?12:23
cri13no i think12:23
DaDaCinnamonWell, just wait a day & yo'll get it back .... :)12:24
cri13i hope12:25
DaDaCinnamonI'm off .. bye bye.12:29
Bruce40Hello. I'd like to cusomize my resolution to 1280x800, please. Att, Bruce4016:14
=== No_One is now known as kspencer
izzabooHi All. Feeling like I exhausted my google-fu so am checking in here hoping somebody can help me with the Compose Key in ubuntustudio 16.04.18:21
sakrecoerizzaboo: what is it you  want to do with the compose key?18:39
sakrecoersorry izzaboo i have to leave... you can try ask your question on the mailing list, or try #ubuntu" since they can probably help you on that question18:52
izzaboosorry to have missed the Q. I stepped away for a few minutes.19:12
izzabooI'm trying to learn how to configure the Compose Key in Ubuntu Studio. I didn't have much luck with searching the web.19:13
izzabooMostly what I could find was for other GNOME or Unity, etc. Not much for XFCE.19:14
* izzaboo is posting in #ubuntu now too19:16
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=== kspencer is now known as ZeeNoodley
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fribhi.  does anyone know of a way to crop a jpg image without modifying any pixels?  I tried both gimp and gthumb.  they both change rgb values of pixels.  thanks!20:27
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