
flocculantshould see beta freeze today - image looks ok06:51
flocculantif we want to use release note from x.org instead of u.wiki then someone should get that sorted out 06:52
flocculantbluesabre: if we've still got bug 1622303 (and I really suspect we will) I'm not going to mark image ready - and I'm of the opinion that we don't release on Thursday07:13
ubottubug 1622303 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "Fails to unlock/ resume to black screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162230307:13
flocculantbluesabre: followed up here a bit - purge lightlocker, install xscreensaver - works perfectly07:25
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-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [yakkety] r620 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-core-doc)08:46
bluesabreflocculant, can you check something else along with that?09:16
bluesabreWith xscreensaver, click "Swith User" (or equivalent) which will return you to the login screen, and then login/unlock09:16
flocculantbluesabre: that didn't seem to work - got something about gdmflexiserver and a list of my path11:42
flocculantappears we might get a day and a bit to test this beta16:38
Unit193Soon I should be able to test UEFI/secure boot in qemu again too.17:08
flocculantnot worrying about this beta too much tbh -  chances of getting lock working by Thursday morning are slim at best I'd guess17:11
flocculantand I'm not ok'ing an install which fails to come back after suspend without losing anything someone might have not saved when suspending17:12
knomepleia2, flocculant, bluesabre, ochosi (know you're away, but for information): http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-council-article17:53
flocculantknome: looked, hit the strikethrough button a few times - changed a few bits - thanks for doing it 18:16
knomeshall extend that, probably pushing out when ochosi is back18:17
flocculantright - did wonder, seemed a bit skeletonish :p18:22
flocculantknome: did you see "if we want to use release note from x.org instead of u.wiki ..." earlier today? assuming so18:22
knomei didn't18:24
knomebut now i did :P18:24
flocculantthat said - not sure it's going to say more than 'there isn't anything because blah' at the moment 18:24
flocculantbluesabre: so the few times a year it would be good if we were usefully close timezones are around release time :p18:46
flocculantneed your position on releasing and this suspend lock thing ... 18:46
flocculantwhich I'll read tomorrow morning I hope :)18:47

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