
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
nikolamI freakin' updated xubuntu 14.04 install yesterday and now can't log in.. it is inside VirtualBox as a guest..05:52
nikolamdoes anyone test those updates05:53
nikolambutton for power on login screen reacts, but wne menu opens it doesn't accept clicks05:53
nikolamsame with login, entered password and.. nothing05:54
nikolamsounds like someone wanted to kill xubuntu with update that disables all installs05:54
nikolamdoesn't react on ACPI shutdown..05:57
nikolamnor on ctrl alt delete05:58
nikolamnor on sending power signal05:59
nikolamAnd after force shutting, now logged in normally..06:00
nikolamand 'Report problem' window arises after login06:01
nikolamand now entering password for sudo reporting error, for 12th time..06:02
nikolamand in one of them, taking forever to actually display what problem is about..06:03
nikolamBUG: soft lock up: CPU#1 Stuck for 23s [Init:1]06:04
nikolamVirtualBox is unchained here for some time, so it's definitively something about xubuntu update06:06
nikolamSo errors keep popping up06:07
nikolamfor an LTS it's too much06:08
nikolamIt have skype (inactive) and teamviewer installed (in background), not running on desktop06:08
nikolamThere's some update..06:15
nikolamNeedles to say these sort of xubuntu errors were unexpected and I needed proptly to log in this morning and now moment has passed06:16
=== Drunkwizard is now known as Internaut
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest66320
=== timvishe` is now known as timvisher
xubuntu19w                    New User that I am I hope to find some old soldiers that can keep my powder dry. I have an older compaq presario that accepted 16.04 and when I tried on a toshiba laptop was rejected as per arch being 32 not 64 so the CP is a bit smarter.  So now that the prime is up and running on a direct connect it comes to mind that I should have put this box as the prime so that the install of the the CP would have discov12:53
=== yazdmich is now known as BytesAndCoffee
walkfar60What does this message mean on booting Xubuntu 'Playback Volume 0 is already present' note this is'nt the complete message as I did'nt have time to read it all19:21
knomewalkfar60, is there something that doesn't work?19:22
walkfar60knome,  Not as far as I know the message appears when I first switch on computer not after a restart. I have had thunar crashing when moving files though19:24
knomethe thunar crashes are (unfortunately) know, but are unrelated to your message19:24
knomeso if it doesn't affect anything, then i'd dismiss it as "nothing"19:24
walkfar60knome, I searched the net and only found one reference which did'nt lead anywhere (but it would be nice to know why I get this message even if nothing appears to be at fault)19:26
walkfar60knome, Just a thought I occasionaly use headphones in laptop jack maybe it is getting confused?19:28
knomethat shouldn't be it19:28
knomeit's probably related to your specific hardware19:29
knomebut again, if it doesn't cause any issues, i'd just leave it :)19:29
walkfar60knome, What is playback volume as a matter of interest?19:29
knomethe general volume level19:29
knomeplayback vs. recording19:30
walkfar60knome,  Ok thanks for info. signing off19:30
hanshenriki did a *very* lightweight installation of lxde doing "apt-get install lightdm; apt-get install lxde-core --no-install-recommends;20:54
hanshenrikany idea how i get the Trash icon to work?20:54
hanshenriksome programs can move folders to Trash (like Baobab), but i dont have the trash icon20:55
hanshenriki know its ~/.local/share/trash  or something,20:55
knomehanshenrik, lxde-core installs pcmanfm, which isn't even used by xubuntu; you might want to ask #lubuntu21:01
hanshenrikoh shit sorry, i mixed Xubuntu with Lubuntu, my bad21:02
the-ermSomething happened ... I updated today and xubuntu won't let me change resolutions I"m stuck at 1920 x 1080.  I like a lower resolution, also I can't seem to adjust brightness now.22:22
the-ermWhat should I do?22:22
the-ermI've tried using arandr and the `display` program from the settings menu22:22
the-ermI'm old, and need a bigger resolution.22:23
gr1dl0ckthe-erm: just use the display settings to change the resolution22:42
xubuntu52ihow can i update firefox 35 to 4022:42
gr1dl0ckyou mean 48?22:43
xubuntu52ino, sorry. i just saw firefox 5022:43
xubuntu52ion mozilla.org22:43
the-ermgr1dl0ck: That's the problem.  There are no other resolutions listed just 1920 x 1080.22:43
the-ermBefore there were other resolutions and I had it set up to work at a lower resolution.22:44
the-ermthe fonts were bigger, the icons were bigger ...22:44
gr1dl0ckthe-erm: can you remember what was updated?22:44
the-ermFor all I know I screwed up a setting somewhere.22:45
the-ermThe last thing I can remember changing was a grub option to allow for the tty terminals when you press ctrl+alt+f122:45
the-ermAnother chat room suggested to change the dpi, which I did, however that's for fonts, it does nothing for icons.22:46
the-ermAlso ... I think it uses less video memory to run at a lower resolution so the computer is faster & less taxed.22:47
gr1dl0ckthe-erm: save the headaches and hassles, give your pc  a fresh install22:48
the-ermI installed in less than a month ago when I updated to 16.04.122:49
the-ermIf I'm going to re-install I'm going back to 14.04.2 :)22:49
gr1dl0ckthe-erm: is that still supported?22:49
the-ermMaybe I should just give up and go to arch.22:49
the-erm2 more years...22:49
gr1dl0ckthe-erm: ugh i've tried it arch. I'm a simple kind of guy and arch is far from simple22:50
the-ermWell I'd go with mangero ... or antegros.22:50
the-ermI do a lot of dev, and kinda like the idea that I can dev on the same os as the server, but they run centos, and I'm not going to install that for a desktop.22:51
the-ermI guess I should say my current active client ...22:52
gr1dl0ckthe-erm: sounds like you're still on the distro hopping stage. Go for it. Been there done that. Enjoy :D22:52
the-ermI've been running xubuntu for years ...22:52
the-ermI usually stick with xubuntu/xfce because kde messed things up, then gnome messed things up.22:53
the-ermSo I switched to xfce. It doesn't change as much, and I like that.22:54
gr1dl0ckthe-erm: I'm on linuxlite, which is xubuntu22:55

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