
=== ganesh is now known as gkadam
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meenai have successfully uploaded software.11:35
meenaAND IT HAS BUILT (for precise)11:35
rbasakCan Launchpad do an automated Git -> Git import? I'd like to set up a build recipe against a packaging branch on Alioth. https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImports seems to pre-date git support.14:09
dobeyi think that feature is not ready yet14:14
dobeybut it will at some point14:14
dobeyiirc right now, you need to do a manual git import by cloning, adding lp remote, and pushing14:14
cjwatsonrbasak: Almost next on the agenda.14:18
cjwatsonI did most of the design last week: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JcDGSzFU1r-Dh9hagxXX3fcmwkocdpaUE5TSln6uX7c for those with access14:22
rbasakcjwatson: thanks! I'd like it for MySQL, happy to test when you have something. It's for an enhancement to speed us up, not blocking anything.14:36
cjwatsonI keep asking the snappy-dev team to fix that22:06
dobeyseems like that particular one also has a problem depending on a couple elementary PPAs22:07
cjwatsonOh, no22:07
cjwatsonThe reporter just picked out a completely irrelevant line to comment on22:07
dobeyi see the NO_PUBKEY in the log for 2 other PPAs too22:08
cjwatsonyeah, it's in fact a bit fiddly22:09
cjwatsonsnapcraft uses the builder's apt config, and in this case the build is running against a PPA with dependencies22:10
cjwatsonnormally we don't bother to set up GPG configuration for PPAs because it's all in our DC anyway22:10
cjwatsonbut snapcraft can't really know that, and it's not adding the PPAs itself22:10
cjwatsonso it doesn't really make sense for it to do add-apt-repository22:10
cjwatsonwe may have to bite the bullet and ship public keys out to the builder, at least for snap builds22:11
cjwatsonI'll follow up to the AU question asking them to file a bug22:12
dobeyok, was going to ask if i should do that :)22:14
cjwatsondobey: Thanks for the heads-up; answered.22:22
dobeynp. wasn't expecting you to be around though. :)22:27
cjwatsonGot sucked into hacking on isitdeployable22:28

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