
mupBug #1625910 opened: [2.1] MAAS doesn't have routing to BMC IP, but MAAS shows the power as ON <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625910>04:22
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sujeet_Hi roaksoax05:06
sujeet_Hi kiko05:06
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NewJorgHello, is there a way to access the tags of a machine in commissioning? We have some nodes with hardware raids and want to configure the disks differently (RAID0 for every disk or RAID10 for all disks) depending on a tag.12:02
rock__Hi. MAAS cloud juju bootstrap failed. Followed https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/clouds-maas I used MAAS 2.0 on Xenial(16.04). I am using all physical servers. I want to have [MAAS+Openstack base bundle] setup with our own bundle. But we are facing the issue while JUJU bootstrapping the MAAS cloud.12:37
rock__Complete issue details: http://paste.openstack.org/show/582397/.  Please help me in resolving this.12:37
rock__roaksoax: Can you please help me in this.12:37
kikoNewJorg, it should be possible, yes. what does the machine query return to you?12:40
kikorock__, first, can you deploy Ubuntu manually to all of the nodes in your MAAS?12:40
rock__kiko: Yes. I deployed and tried. working fine.12:41
baldpopekiko, question on deploying ubuntu via maas - is it still iscsi root?12:45
baldpopeso I could use all local disks for something other than /12:46
rock__kiko/roaksoax: So what I need to do here to resolve the issue. Am I need to change "curtin_userdata" script by putting some sleep before updating apt-get to reflect the change what we made through SSH into that bootstrapping node?12:50
kikoroaksoax, hmm, what change you made through SSH?12:50
kikobaldpope, it never was iscsi root, except for the ephemeral environment. does that make sense or should I explain?12:51
roaksoaxrock/win 412:51
roaksoaxrock__: as per kiko above, what change you made with SSH12:52
rock__kiko: To avoid that Hash sum mismatch issue , http://paste.openstack.org/show/582398/12:52
rock__roaksoax: I did the above change12:52
kikorock__, that change doesn't make sense to me12:53
kikorock__, why did you make it?12:53
baldpopekiko, no, i got it - ty12:53
kikobaldpope, HOWEVER, the caringo team has a set of patches proposed to us that allow you to do exactly that12:53
kikobaldpope, i.e. deploy an OS that is a kernel and initrd only, and then use the local disks for object storage12:54
rock__kiko/roaksoax:  why  i added info : http://paste.openstack.org/show/582400/.12:56
kikorock__, that error points to a wider problem12:57
kikorock__, is your local mirror not functioning properly?12:57
kikorock__, or do you have a proxy issue?12:57
NewJorgkiko, what do you mean exactly with machine query?12:59
baldpopekiko, please accept those changes ;)13:00
baldpopethat would be exactly what we'd want - use all the local disks for the object storage13:01
rock__kiko/roaksoax: we got the same hash sum mismatch issue in our local systems , then we genarally used to add that. Local mirror working fine now.13:01
samek_how can I debug adding a chassis ?13:02
samek_we have a moonshot chassis and I want to add it13:02
samek_All I get is Unable to find a rack controller with access to chassis X.X.X.X13:02
rock__kiko/roaksoax: No . I don't have any proxy issue.13:03
rock__kiko/roaksoax: I don't know what to do now. please tell me if you any ideas to resolve this issue.13:05
kikosamek_, there is no rack controller that is active on that subnet13:08
kikorock__, your problem is not inside MAAS. it is outside MAAS.13:08
kikorock__, that apt-get update needs to pass without error. your network, proxy or mirror are broken.13:09
kikorock__, plug a laptop in. does the apt-get upgrade show the same error?13:09
baldpoperock__, did you define a proxy in maas?13:11
baldpopeif so, does your network allow the internal network to talk with the proxy?13:12
rock__kiko:  sorry. Didn't get. Please tell me clearly.13:12
rock__baldpope: Didn't define proxy.13:12
samba35can some one please give me link to read how to /start using kind of stuff for maas ,i am on ubuntu 16.04.1 with maas 213:13
baldpopeso in that case (I think - kiko, please chime in) the internal hosts are going to attempt direct network access - does the internal network have access to the public internet through your firewall?13:13
samek_kiko It is accessible from the server where everything is on.13:14
rock__baldpope: Yes.13:14
baldpopeapologies - I didn't see the paste at openstack - network does not appear to be the issue, your getting out and package info back13:16
kikobaldpope, it is either a network issue, or bad RAM/NIC13:17
kikorock__, can a laptop, plugged into the same network, using the same mirror, do an apt-get update successfully?13:17
baldpopekiko, line 6/7 - wouldn't that imply a bad file received?13:17
rock__kiko: $ sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  working fine.13:18
rock__kiko: apt-get update also working fine.13:18
baldpoperock__, but you need to prep by running update - that tells upgrade what to do13:18
baldpopeand based on your paste - update is failing13:19
rock__kiko/baldpope: From MAAS conigured node , I am able to do apt-get update successfully.13:20
baldpopei'm confused - where is apt-get update failing then?13:22
rock__baldpope: On MAAS  slave nodes.13:24
baldpopeam I missing something or do your last 2 statements contradict each other?13:26
kikothey do13:26
kikothanks baldpope :)13:26
rock__koko/roaksoax/baldpope: when juju bootstrapping the MAAS cloud on one of MAAS Slave node I am getting apt-get issue.13:35
kikorock__, oh. you are saying that only during a juju bootstrap does the error happen13:38
kikorock__, is the clock on these machines synchronized?13:38
rock__kiko: please look at this once.  http://paste.openstack.org/show/582407/.13:43
rock__kiko: I think machines are synchronized with the above result.13:45
rock__Kiko/roaksoax: Exactly I found the issue. When we did juju bootstrap of MAAS cloud on one of MAAS slave node,13:47
rock__kiko/roaksoax: I ssh into that bootstrapping node and run apt-get update . Then it was giving Hash sum mismatch issue. But after adding http://paste.openstack.org/show/582398/ in that maas slave node apt-get update going successfully.13:49
rock__kiko/roaksoax: But While it was doing juju bootstrap, we added change is not reflecting immediately. Because curtin script is going very fast. without taking our changes it was giving issues.13:51
rock__kiko/roaksoax: So can we modify curtin script to put delay before running apt-get update?13:52
rock__kiko/roaksoax: Please tell me how to edit curtin script if we can.13:53
baldpoperock__, why do you think you need to edit curtain?13:58
rock__baldpope: whie running curtin script only right we got that issue.13:59
baldpopebut (as I understand it) curtain is just setting up your environment, and arguably you'd want to run an apt-get update as one of the first things, right?14:00
baldpopeso instead of skipping that step, lets figure out why it's failing14:00
rock__baldpope: Just look at /etc/maas/preseeds/curtin_userdata14:01
rock__baldpope: Curtin itself doing apt-get update . there it is failing14:02
rock__baldpope: Curtin installation failed due to that apt-get update failure14:03
neithanyone knows if I can deploy heat with autopilot or other penstac modules?14:06
rock__kiko/roaksoax: Please give me the reply  .14:07
kikorock__, I have already told you what I can14:07
kikoeither it's bad at source (my #1 bet), goes bad over the wire, or goes bad upon reception.14:08
rock__kiko: OK. Thank you for your support.14:22
rock__roaksoax: How can I customize the curtin script?14:28
neithkiko: Can I deploy the heat component with juju on an openstack autopilot deployment?14:37
rock__roaksoax: cloud-init-output.log for my issue: http://paste.openstack.org/show/582417/. If you have any idea please help me.14:42
roaksoaxrock__: a problem with your mirror http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/ubuntu14:58
roaksoaxrock__: maybe your mirror has older packages than the ones in the Ubuntu image14:59
roaksoaxor similar14:59
lucas__good day guys15:18
kikoroaksoax, I've tried to tell rock__ that a few times, but was unable to communicate effectively :-/15:23
kikoneith, you can't. I think we have juju charms for heat, though, and you can probably deploy manually -- it's not that much harder than using autopilot15:24
roaksoaxwom 1215:50
rock__roaksoax: Thank you . Actually I tried with different mirrors . But I faced the same issue. OK. I will try to redeploy once again. Thanks .16:02
rock__kiko:  No problem, You provide good info. Thank you.16:04
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
kikorock__, could your RAM or CPU or NIC be bad?16:40
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk

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