
joiaIs it safe to select an EFI file in the GRUB menu? For some reason my GRUB menu is listing 2 EFI files00:13
joiaThe standard 'Ubuntu' option isnt working so I'mthinking about trying one but not sure if it's safe00:14
joiaeverything works now01:12
joiaphew...lesson learned: even though they look intimidating, READ error messages and decipher them01:12
=== MrBIOS_ is now known as MrBIOS
Dooley_da_Vulcanhi @ouroumov03:56
Dooley_da_Vulcananyone here had any experience with docker or anything similar? looking at using something that doesnt charge more based on my using more hardware that I buy03:57
robkI accidently set the wrong compositor in ubuntu mate, how do I reset it back to default?08:53
ouroumovGo to MATE Tweak -> Windows08:54
ouroumovIn WM options select Marco (Software Compositor)08:54
ouroumovThat is the default08:54
robkouroumov: heh. wish I could. the whole window is black right now.08:54
robkevery time I try to use the "macro hardware acceleration" it just goes black.08:55
robkit works if I use compiz08:55
robkor software08:55
robki'm using vmware.08:55
ouroumovYou mean Marco + Compton GPU ?08:55
robksure.. yeah that one.08:55
robki'm using 16.04 LTS08:55
ouroumovOkay, lemme see if I can find the command line08:55
ouroumovActually, never mind that, can you switch the VM to tty1 ?08:58
robkI tried doing: gsettings reset org.mate.session.required-components windowmanager08:58
robkthat didn't work.08:58
robksays it needs "x11" to run08:58
ouroumovSo you've got a terminal, ok08:59
ouroumovJust run "killall compton"08:59
ouroumovThen use MATE Tweak to switch back to default08:59
robkrkraig@rkraig-vmware-16 ~ $ gsettings reset org.mate.session.required-components windowmanager08:59
robk(process:83706): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY08:59
robkrkraig@rkraig-vmware-16 ~ $ sudo su08:59
robk[sudo] password for rkraig:08:59
robk➜  rkraig /etc/init.d/lightdm restart08:59
robk[ ok ] Restarting lightdm (via systemctl): lightdm.service.08:59
robkouroumov: that did the trick. ty.09:00
robkI switched back to compiz09:00
robkyou ever use 4k resolution?09:00
robkI'm just trying to figure out a theory I have.09:00
ouroumovrobk, I don't think GPU accell is useful at all in a VM, I could be wrong09:01
ouroumovrobk, sorry no09:01
ouroumovI've never gone past 1080p09:01
robkI have a geforce 770 gtx 2gb ddr5, my presumption is that because I don't have enough video ram, screen rendering seems slow.09:01
robkI use vm because I need to test everything in windows as 1st priority. I run a LGA 2011 xeon 2690 w/ 64gb ddr ecc09:02
ouroumovYeah 2BG is not a lot09:02
ouroumovI think midrange GPUs pack at least 4GB now09:03
robknvidia says i have 3.5gb of total video memmory, so I think I probably need to upgrade my video card. I'm currently running a Dell 4k P2715Q monitor09:03
robkI'm eye-balling this right now, https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-Support-Graphics-08G-P4-6171-KR/dp/B01H74VTBK09:07
robkouroumov_: your irc die on you?09:07
robkshows you reconnected twice.09:08
robkwell, I mean shows you are ouroumov_ & ouroumov09:08
ouroumovno, forgot to shut down IRC client on the laptop in my bad, suppose it caught the wifi and went ahead09:08
robkI'll repaste..09:08
ouroumovin my bag *09:08
robkI'm eye-balling this, https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-Support-Graphics-08G-P4-6171-KR/dp/B01H74VTBK09:08
ouroumovYeah I saw09:08
robkseems it's very 4k ready, only 1 dvi port, and 2 hdmi & 2 display ports.09:09
ouroumovhi janyra11:16
janyrahi how whwere you from11:17
ouroumovjanyra, I'm from France11:18
janyraok I'm from spain11:18
ouroumovYes, I can see from your host name :)11:19
ouroumovYou're a new Ubuntu MATE user janyra?11:19
janyrayes i'm a ubunt 16 LTS USER  I'VE UBUNTU MATE ON VIRTUALBOX11:21
ouroumovjanyra, ok11:23
ouroumovjanyra, no problem so far?11:23
retacan't fix the brightness of my laptop11:23
retait was working fine since I install but suddenly stopworking11:24
ouroumovreta, hi11:24
janyraNO PROBLEM11:25
ouroumovreta, what version of Ubuntu MATE are you using?11:25
ouroumovjanyra, please switch back your caps lock11:25
ouroumovreta, probably due to a kernel update. You should make sure of that by booting using an older kernel and checking if the issue is gone11:27
ouroumovflexiondotorg, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1622257 fix has been unleashed13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622257 in ubuntu-mate "unattended-upgrades is missing from the ubuntu-mate-desktop meta package" [High,Triaged]13:55
ouroumovflexiondotorg, I still recommend an announcement about the default option switch13:56
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ouroumov_flexiondotorg, glad to see you back. I was worried you got whacked by Microsoft goon squad. u_u15:36
flexiondotorgouroumov, Thanks for the update. I'm catching up.15:58
iohow to tell if bad sectors on hdd are fixable or not?16:25
ouroumov_Bad sectors are on most drives, they're not usually a problem, but a natural side effect of aging.16:25
ouroumov_Drive firmware will blacklist them when it becomes aware of it.16:26
iowhat if the errors keep recurring after being accounted for by fsck16:34
ouroumov_I don't know, change drive? io, I recommend you wait for someone who is able to read SMART reports correctly on the forum thread. Personally I have no clue what it means.16:38
=== ussama is now known as phochiom
rizzo_anybody get the zeus virus message in firefox on mate 16.04? I just did18:55
ouroumov_rizzo_, haha19:09
ouroumov_rizzo_, install an adblocker, I recommend uBlock Origin19:10
rizzo_i had adblock running19:17
rizzo_adblock plus19:18
tioxMint-Y looks awesome for me but no matter how hard I try, it still sucks for some reason.19:19
ouroumov_rizzo_, well some stuff got through, apparently. Zeus is a windows botnet.19:19
ouroumov_hi tiox19:20
tioxouroumov_ I've heard about Zeus, it's a hell of a thing, that is.19:20
LangleyHelp, I have added the program redshift to auto startup, but the program doesnt function (not tinting the screen). Works fine if I start it manually. Adding it with its path doesnt help20:20
ouroumov_!fr | herve20:39
ubottuherve: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:39
ouroumov_Langley, maybe you should post about it on the forums?20:40
LangleyMaybe... I see someone else with the same problem and it can be fixed by manually specifying my coordinates20:41
Langley4 year old bug :/ https://bugs.launchpad.net/redshift/+bug/86890420:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 868904 in Redshift "Redshift fails to start with session if no external location provider is available" [High,Confirmed]20:42
mate|34174Is there a command I can run to see exactlly waht type of RAM i have/21:29
ouroumov_-wndi- -Blackisle- -ubuntulo13- -skeletonkey- -ztane- -vok`- -Brycks- -netvixtra- -DalekSec- -TrentP- -atlanticd- -SWAT- -gimpysticks- , beware / -christel- [Global Notice] Hi all, we would urge all irssi users to head over to https://irssi.org/2016/09/21/irssi-0.8.20-released/ and also upgrade to the latest version. I would also like to say thank you to the current irssi dev team for the early warning!21:31
DalekSecouroumov_: It's called a 'global' because it goes to everyone, no need to re-paste it (and pinging everyone in the meantime.)21:32
ouroumov_DalekSec, sorry, I wasn't sure the visibility21:32
ouroumov_It didn't highlight my client.21:32
ouroumov_( Apologizing to the others too )21:34
tioxDoes anyone else get the impression that Dedoimedo is a drama llama?21:42
LangleyHelp I'm having problems with galculator again... inputting (-300000/188000000)/0.01 should be -0.16 but galculator just says -inf21:46
DarkheroWorks fine for me21:47
LangleyThat calculation?? What am I doing wrong21:48
DarkheroNo idea21:48
LangleyAre you typing it all in Formula Entry?21:48
DarkheroI get -0.15957446808521:49
LangleyLike that?21:50
ouroumov_tiox, you think he lost his awful machine? Because he hasn't been mentioning it in the Fedora24 article, it's not a review at all.21:50
ouroumov_Langley, I can't reproduce21:50
ouroumov_gcalculator gives me the correct result21:50
ouroumov_Oh wait, maybe I should type it all in one go?)21:50
LangleyYes, the whole line21:51
Darkherostill works fine for me21:51
ouroumov_I can't get the thing to input parenthesis?21:53
naplesHey all, total newbie here!21:54
ouroumov_Oh alright, formula entry, got it21:54
ouroumov_I confirm Langley: -inf21:54
ouroumov_Hi naples21:54
linux-masochistHi Naples.21:54
ouroumov_Langley, have you reported the bug yet?21:55
ouroumov_Langley, do you plan on doing so?21:55
LangleyLast time I had a similar problem it magically solved it just after reporting the bug21:55
naplesquestion, im totally new to linux, wanted to know what apps to get for serving media?21:55
ouroumov_Serving? You mean playing?21:56
ouroumov_For videos: SMPlayer, for Music, I use Banshee21:56
naplesyeah, so i have home video, images etc21:56
naplesi want to be able to pulll it up on xbox one media player or kindle21:56
naplesso ideally local host serving, but as i mentioned new to linux so not sure where to start21:57
linux-masochistWhat's running Linux for you?21:58
tioxnaples: Plenty of ways to do that. You could set up VLC as a media server and access content on another machine that way.21:58
tioxKnow this about me; General knowledge I have, specific knowledge I lack. So just because I know something can be done does not mean I can tell you every bit of it.21:59
tioxThat's what Google is for. :P21:59
napleslinux-masochist a beat up dell22:00
ouroumov_For images, EOM is good enough, it's preinstalled22:00
ouroumov_VLC is also preinstalled as well as a music player22:00
ouroumov_Langley, since I was able to independently reproduce, you should file a bug report.22:00
napleslinux-masochist a beat up dell; thanks for that, will take a look at VLC on the google22:01
tioxIdeally if you want access to everything, you could set up a samba server and access your content over the network, if I am saying that correctly...22:01
tioxSo you can then use other tools to play content from your local network via another machine to provide that content.22:01
ouroumov_Damn my connection is lagging fsr22:02
naplesthats what im looking for22:02
Langleyouroumov_, but now I found the problem... using , vs .22:02
LangleyIt should accept boooootthhh22:03
linux-masochistnaples: That's the beauty of Linux. You can repurpose old hardware.22:03
tioxThen naples this is probably what you seek, or at least, one means to your end; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20Create%20a%20Network%20Share%20Via%20Samba%20Via%20CLI%20(Command-line%20interface/Linux%20Terminal)%20-%20Uncomplicated,%20Simple%20and%20Brief%20Way!22:03
LangleyThis is madness, on my homework I have to use . but galculator only accepts ,22:03
ouroumov_Langley, I used .22:03
tiox(Jesus Ubuntu that is stupid.)22:03
tiox(Stupidly-long address, lol22:04
ouroumov_Oh, got it22:04
tioxLangley: Sounds like a locale issue?22:04
naplesthis is all awesome help folks. looks like my machine has now gotten a new lease of life22:04
ouroumov_tiox, you can use "." in US locale?22:05
tioxFor decimal, yes.22:05
ouroumov_naples, our forums are helpful too22:05
tiox16.04, rather than 16,0422:05
ouroumov_tiox, I mean, does it work in galculator?22:05
napleswill check them out, might rejoin this chatr another time. sorry fgor butting in & thanks again22:06
tioxProvide me an example and I will attempt to emulate it in galculator.22:06
tioxOh, don;t be sorry.22:06
tioxGalculator refuses to use commas.22:08
LangleyThen why can't it do (-3000000/18800000)/0.01 for me22:08
tioxType 'locale' in terminal and tell me what it spits out for country.22:09
tiox(Mine is en_US)22:09
ouroumov_tiox, you used CTRL+F to switch galculator to formula mode?22:10
tioxI did not, thank you.22:10
ouroumov_Langley, tiox, I think if we use "." galculator assumes we mean "*"22:11
Powersourcejust some quick (I think) questions: I've been using i3 in arch with a couple of xfce daemons slapped on. But I've realized xfce development is pretty slow and mate looks to be a great replacement. This time I'm thinking I'd install mate first and then swap the WM. Sounds sane? Is this a recommended way? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt2nxyEIf74 (prev. asked this in #mate but no response)22:11
tioxPlease do not spam the chat; Country code should largelly be the same for every instance locale spits out.22:11
tioxALso, Galculator will not allow me to see a result for Langley's inquiry.22:12
LangleyBut it's different all over22:12
tioxSo either he is doing it wrong or Galculator is _stupidly broken_22:12
tioxOh nvm I was doing it wrong.22:13
tioxI added a closing parenthesis where there was no opening.22:13
tioxThe answer when using decimal is as expected, when using a comma I get -inf22:13
tioxNegative infinity. What the crap.22:13
ouroumov_Powersource, you're welcome to ask on the forums, a quick search show very little: https://ubuntu-mate.community/search?q=i3%20wm (but maybe some users will have tried)22:14
tioxLangley: This was your query correct? (-3000000/18800000)/0,0122:15
LangleyYes, something like that22:15
ouroumov_Powersource, apparently that "IvCho" guy tried it and it worked22:15
LangleyIt should accept both . and , it's not like anybody is gonna input a million as 1.000.000 into their calculator22:15
tiox(-3000000/18800000)/0,01 = -∞22:17
tioxJust, why? I see what you are saying now.22:17
tioxBut I believe you are making a mountain out of a molehill; just use the syntax Galculator expects if numerical grammar does not matter.22:18
LangleyIt's just user unfriendly, since it's the opposite of what my homework tests want. If I use the wrong one there, it just fails me22:18
tioxSo? Bear that in mind when typing your response and answer appropriately.22:19
LangleyBut I think I'll just use my TI-30X, only one button for . there...22:19
LangleyI'll mess up eventually22:19
ouroumov_Guys, 4/0.5 = inf22:20
Powersourceouroumov: that guy sounds like he did it similarly to the video, thanks22:22
tioxI think anything with a comma is construed as ∞22:23
tioxSo like, -1 * 0,1 is -∞22:23
LangleyMost importantly I found the source of the problem22:27
LangleyThanks for the help, bye22:33
mate|8256any cpu-z alternatives for ubunut23:02
mate|8256or some program that analyzes hardware23:03
ouroumov_you mean list?23:03
ouroumov_sudo lshw23:03
ouroumov_or: inxi -ACDSMNGI23:03
johnc4510like the inxi23:08
mate|8256is it ever the case that you get better performance from 2gb less RAM if that 2gb is lower speed than the rest (in situations with nomore than 12gb)23:12
gaballeromedinaHi, i'm new. How I can dual boot windows7 and ubuntu mate?23:44
gaballeromedinaThe PC starts automaticly ubuntu mate23:45

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