
RLShiftyDoggitanyone here?01:56
dufluRLShiftyDoggit: Yes. But this is not a busy timezone02:47
dufluRelatively. Compared to Europe02:47
RLShiftyDoggitok you still here02:50
RLShiftyDoggitive been trying to port ubuntu touch02:50
RLShiftyDoggitand i ran into a problem02:50
udayhow may I use twrp to install ubuntu touch04:04
udayI have android file transfer running04:05
udayanyone :)?04:05
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RLShiftyDoggittwrp works04:33
RLShiftyDoggitits just flashing a rom04:33
vicamopitti: ping04:56
RLShiftyDoggiti dont think anyone is here04:57
vicamoRLShiftyDoggit: QQ05:02
RLShiftyDoggithey anyone able to help me out?05:24
pittivicamo: no contentless pings please, just ask :)05:56
RLShiftyDoggithey guys is the repo down05:57
RLShiftyDoggiti cant get it to sync05:57
vicamopitti: I found whenever android init tries to chmod/chown /dev/*, then it's killed with SIGKILL05:57
pittivicamo: supposedly a seccomp violation?05:58
RLShiftyDoggitcan you help me?05:58
pittivicamo: or maybe apparmor (there should be something in dmesg)05:59
NotKitRLShiftyDoggit, error: Cannot remove project "android": uncommitted changes are present05:59
NotKitit's not because of repo05:59
RLShiftyDoggiti dont know what that is or how to fix it05:59
vicamopitti: no further message after the init debug line05:59
RLShiftyDoggiti hard reset git then it just says cant sync06:00
vicamoit's filed as https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/162591606:00
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1625916 in Canonical System Image "android init exits at executing /system/etc/partition_permission.sh" [Undecided,New]06:00
pittivicamo: I'd strace the thing as a next step; I don't know how that android container looks at all, I'm afraid06:02
RLShiftyDoggitso what do i do guys06:05
RLShiftyDoggiti wanna port this to my phone06:05
vicamopitti: thank you06:11
vicamoRLShiftyDoggit: just go to the folder, git add . && git commit06:12
pittivicamo: I haven't had a working touch platform for a while (both dual boot and the emulator got broken)06:12
vicamopitti: yep, it's a pitty ubuntu doesn't maintain the emulator as hard as a generic platform06:15
pittivicamo: it goes both ways -- most often it wasn't the emulator itself that broke but ubuntu touch06:15
pittiI've seen a lot of cases where we simply broke alternative dependendies to -gles and the like06:16
RLShiftyDoggiti just got rid of all my repo and git crap and im starting over06:17
RLShiftyDoggithopefully it goes06:17
vicamoRLShiftyDoggit: just want to warn you that porting a device is like 1000,000 times more difficult than repo sync :)06:18
RLShiftyDoggiti know06:18
RLShiftyDoggiti just recently ported RR to a few devices06:19
RLShiftyDoggitits hard but i enjoy a challenge06:19
jibelvicamo, pitti and it broke again with ota13, it boots to busybox :/06:29
vicamojibel: you mean the emulator?06:29
jibelvicamo, yes06:29
pittiyeah, this should have been (or should still become once it gets fixed again) a first-level platform in CI, otherwise it's going to keep breaking06:29
vicamothings not in the CI are not supported :P06:30
jibelpitti, even when we report bugs or non-booting emulator, it takes several weeks or months to fix it06:31
pittijibel: having it in CI would guard against these "stupid" breakages such as forgetting -gles dependencies06:31
pittiif the emulator itself breaks that doesn't help of course06:31
jibelI cannot disagree :)06:34
sil2100popey: hey! Sorry to bother again, could you op me for a quick topic change? ;)10:27
autrahey! Where should I report documentation bug for https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/devices/porting-new-device/ ?10:28
popeysil2100: lets fix it so you can op yourself....10:36
popeysil2100: seems you have ops. just /msg chanserv op #ubuntu-touch10:36
sil2100popey: thank you!10:36
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: Home: http://bit.ly/YEqEfo | Install: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install | Porting (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | Bug filing: http://bit.ly/1aV9AJG | Dashboard: http://bit.ly/12AQV53 | http://www.bq.com/gb/ubuntu.html | https://store.bq.com/en/ubuntu-edition-aquaris-m10 | http://www.ubuntu.com/tablet | OTA-13 released!
sil2100As always, wrong terminal10:37
sil2100Oooh! `clear`, quick!10:38
autranevermind, I found it :-)10:39
sem-geologisthello, how to debug programs in the custom libertine? particulary this is for me about qgis10:48
sem-geologistwhich crashes if I add a vector point. it starts ok, it opens the files ok, but digitising is impossible...10:49
sem-geologistI eventestd it with gpsd, which works nicellyand is verypromissing10:50
sem-geologistoh sorry, prbably this is wrong channel, i should go to ubuntu-libertine....10:51
faenilahayzen: Mirv https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtmultimedia-opensource-src/+bug/1510225/comments/711:04
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1510225 in qtubuntu-media (Ubuntu RTM) "load() of a QDeclarativePlaylist does not fully work" [Medium,In progress]11:04
faenilahayzen: Mirv is your go-to for Qt patches :)11:04
ahayzenfaenil, hehe :-) thanks i was going to ping him after lunch :-)11:04
faenilahayzen: ah ok, cool :)11:04
Mirvfaenil: ahayzen: for qtmultimedia though it's usually jhodapp's turf, especially when it's directly related to his (and loicm's) work on the playlists11:05
ahayzenMirv, i spoke with jhodapp he said to speak to you about getting the latest patch in, it has been patched into the Qt5.6 series. So I just need the qtmultimedia package to be updated or that patch cherry picked?11:07
Mirvahayzen: ah, sure I can do that actual packaging work, thank you! looking after this call.11:13
ahayzenMirv, thanks :-) let me know if you need any extra info11:15
jgdxtvoss, ping12:06
tvossjgdx: pong12:06
jgdxtvoss, do you think qml-module-biometryd can suggest libbiometryd instead of depend, trivially?12:07
jgdxor would that mean tons of complicated work?12:07
tvossjgdx: I think that's a sil2100 question :) ^12:08
jgdxtvoss, my mind was on the code, not the packaging change itself12:10
jgdxi.e. would it run still12:11
tvossjgdx: yup12:11
jgdx90% of the commits are yours :P12:11
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tvossjgdx: so yeah, it falls back gracefully12:31
jgdxtvoss, so qml-module-biometryd doesn't work without libbiometryd http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23211291/12:59
jgdxtvoss, what does “it” refer to ^13:00
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tvossjgdx: what do you expect to happen instead?13:00
jgdxtvoss, that Biometryd.available is false13:01
jgdxbut “expect” is a bit strong.13:02
tvossjgdx: okay, so you would like the plugin to load despite libbiometryd.so not being present13:02
jgdxtvoss, hang on13:03
jgdxseb128, could we do a MIR on qml-module-biometryd if that only suggests the biometryd backend?13:03
seb128jgdx, you could, just more paperwork/review to get done, I can't say if the MIR team is going to be fine with it13:07
seb128keep in mind that we want the easiest solution, things should land today or tomorrow13:08
jgdxkenvandine, was there are MIR for libqofono?13:08
jgdxand you get 0 modems if ofono isn't around13:09
kenvandineso the qml bindings are fine without ofono13:10
kenvandineseb128, so qml-module-biometryd is built from the same source as biometryd13:10
tvossjgdx: what's the issue with biometryd? I thought it would be in main by now13:10
tvossseb128: ^13:10
kenvandinei know we could just promote qml-module-biometryd13:10
seb128tvoss, nobody did a MIR is the issue I guess13:10
kenvandinebut i'd think they would still want a review of the source13:10
seb128tvoss, also does it make sense on desktop for 16.10?13:11
seb128kenvandine, yeah, source needs to be MIRed for a binary to be promoted13:11
seb128so full review13:11
tvossseb128: as opposed to me refactoring the qml bindings to dlopen the required so ... I would prefer an MIR13:11
jgdxwhat does that mean, no qml-module-bio without the whole smash?13:11
* kenvandine wonders how that was missed13:11
seb128kenvandine, the list was probably built before that feature was landing in yakkety13:12
kenvandinei guess... but it's been quite a while now13:12
seb128yeah, dunno13:12
kenvandinewe need it13:12
seb128it's also that u-s-s had a stack of depends to drop13:12
seb128system image, athercast, etc13:12
seb128so we assumed they were all being handled13:12
kenvandinei just dropped urfkill too :)13:13
seb128tvoss, the MIR is fine, just need somebody to do it and get security/MIR team to review and cross fingers they like it and don't want changes13:13
jgdxseb128, does this change the request you made some time ago? Dropping the depends?13:17
seb128kenvandine, jgdx, dbus-property-service also needs MIR or og13:17
seb128jgdx, well the request was to not have u-s-s depends on universe components, so MIR is a resolution, the other one is to drop the depends, I don't have a preference between those13:17
kenvandineqml-module-biometryd would be a hard one to drop13:18
kenvandineseb128, i'll look at dbus-property-service13:19
seb128kenvandine, thanks13:19
* dobey wonders what will be picking up the depends for all the things ubuntu-sdk-libs pulls in13:20
seb128dobey, whatever needs those if anything?13:22
dobeyseb128: they are the supported SDK for developing apps to run in unity8. doesn't address-book-app need qml-module-qtorganizer?13:23
dobeyseb128: or are we expecting that people will bundle all this stuff with their apps when they package them as snaps?13:24
seb128dobey, if it does it should have a depends on it13:24
seb128dobey, we expect them to bundle everything for now and there is ongoing work on framework snaps13:25
dobeyhmm, ok13:25
jgdxmterry, removing qml-module-biometryd from the phone, will unity8 still work? I'm looking at the rationale for a MIR.13:26
jgdxand I just recalled you do identification in the greeter13:27
mterryjgdx: we import it unconditionally...13:27
dobeyhow does one get the unity8 greeter?13:28
davmor2dobey: hahahahahahahaha13:29
davmor2sorry was I using my outside typing again, I meant good luck with that :)13:30
dobeydavmor2: yeah, last time i tried to make that happen, i ended up with a kvm that didn't boot and had to rebuild the image13:31
mterryjgdx: sorry which MIR is that from?13:32
jgdxmterry, bug 162609513:32
ubot5`bug 1626095 in ubuntu-push (Ubuntu) "[MIR] biometryd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162609513:32
jgdxwoops, wrong package13:33
mterrydobey: it should be possible on the desktop.  Install the unity8-greeter package13:34
mterryI'm using it now13:34
mterryjgdx: ok will look13:34
jgdxmterry, thx13:34
kenvandineseb128, i can make dbus-property-service optional13:46
kenvandinewe only use it for developer mode, which doesn't even make sense on the desktop13:46
seb128kenvandine, great13:47
kenvandineseb128, i'll make it only show that setting if we can set it13:47
ahayzenMirv, just saw you comment on the qtmultimedia bug, thanks for the quick response :-)13:47
seb128kenvandine, thanks13:48
ogra_kenvandine, you use it for pesistent ssh access too ... so you definitely dont want it on normal desktops13:51
dobeykenvandine: but maybe i want to connect to adb over network to my computer though!13:51
kenvandineogra_, indeed13:52
ogra_(though only devmode has UI bits ... but the service has a bunch of options on cmdline)13:52
ogra_(none of which i'd expose on desktop installs)13:52
Mirvahayzen: you're welcome!13:54
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MichalpHello, I need help with flash MX4 to ubuntu by script, yesturay I was here and asnking for help, so I ma here...14:18
MichalpI tried flash ubuntu by script http://www.cnx-software.com/2016/08/19/magic-device-tool-helps-you-switch-between-android-and-ubuntu-on-supported-phones/ but fail14:29
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Michalphow to flash ubunut to mx4?14:53
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faenilMichalp: what error are you seeing?15:16
faenilMichalp: I think you'll find the developer of magic-tool on #ubports15:16
dobeymterry: so i installed unity8-greeter in my kvm. after a reboot, now i can't log in to unity 7 at all, and it seems i can't launch any click apps. fun :-/15:16
faenilMichalp: you could try asking for support there :)15:16
dobeyfaenil: he has an android mx415:17
faenildobey: oh...15:18
Michalp android version15:18
faenilMichalp: so, it depends on whether you have a version which has a locked bootloader or not15:18
faenilif you have the european version, I think that's locked, so you cannot install any other OS on it15:18
MichalpI tried script and it flash recovery.img and now my twrp lost15:18
faenilis your bootloader unlocked?15:19
Michalpbefore yes, because It install when I install twrp15:19
MichalpI have now only ubuntu recovery and fastboot15:20
Michalpbut script say me that it can not boot to recovery and then flash recovery.img15:21
faenilso I think you might want to ask in #ubports :)15:22
MichalpI see :(15:23
faenilMichalp: isn't that good news? someone might be able to help you out htere15:28
MichalpI hope so...15:28
Michalpin meantime, do sombody skill with flash by mtk tool?15:29
MichalpMy ubuntu touch works fine on twrp, but I can not install OTA 13, that is why I need get clear instalation15:30
faenillong time since the last time I've used it, sorry..15:30
MichalpI tried this ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en --device arale but it show me not enough space15:33
MichalpIf I click in UT for update, then restart show me recovery screen reset and nothing15:34
faenilMichalp: can you show us the full log? using pastebin.ubuntu.com for instance15:44
Michalpwhere I find the log?15:47
MichalpOr what?15:48
davmor2Michalp: you need the adb enabled recovery image from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices and then add it to your system line with --recovery-image recovery-arale.img15:48
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Michalpso you mean something like this ? ​ubuntu-device-flash --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en --bootstrap --recovery-image recovery-arale.img15:51
davmor2Michalp: yeap15:52
davmor2if that reports the same thing it maybe that the device is an android device and the partition scheme is wrong15:52
MichalpBTW where I must be in phone? it wrote me, waitng for bootloader15:55
davmor2Michalp: in bootloader15:56
Michalphow go into? If I hold volume down and pwrbtn go to fastboot, and if I hold volume up + pwrbt I am in recovery15:57
Michalpbootloader I had before TWRP15:59
davmor2Michalp: use fast boot15:59
Michalpit wrote ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en --bootstrap --recovery-image recovery-arale.img 2016/09/21 18:01:02 Expecting the device to be in the bootloader... waiting exit status 116:01
davmor2Michalp: oh sorry I thought you were on an ubuntu device already you might need to repartition to install Ubuntu.  you might get some tips from https://www.smoose.nl/sites/default/files/bestanden/meizu_pro5_ubuntu.pdf but please note that is for the mx pro 5 not arale so you would need to modify things accordingly16:04
Michalpbut script flash recovery in fastboot16:04
MichalpOk, I am going to try it. Thanks for your time and help16:28
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kenvandinemterry, i've responded to your comments on bug 1626095, including a branch which is in a silo17:49
ubot5`bug 1626095 in biometryd (Ubuntu) "[MIR] biometryd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162609517:49
kenvandinemterry, perhaps you could do the packaging review for my branch?17:50
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kenvandinemterry, the biometryd symbols file generated is different on xenial, yakkety and vivid18:44
kenvandineand some differences on some arches18:44
MichalpHello Iam back, I follow https://www.smoose.nl/sites/default/files/bestanden/meizu_pro5_ubuntu.pdf and when I extract files, last one tell no space18:44
kenvandinemterry, would you hate me if i just dropped the symbols file? :-p18:44
mterrykenvandine: no not a blocker for main, just a nice to have18:56
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Michalpany way, how is possible that cyanogen I can install but when extracting ubuntu files tell me no space??19:11
Michalpwhat is diiferent?19:13
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dobeyMichalp: as i already told you yesterday, the partitioning is different. you need to repartition the phone19:19
MichalpBut how??????? exclude MTK19:20
dobeyuse the mtk tool19:20
Michalpit stress for me19:20
dobeyif you want a different way to repartition an mtk device, you'll have to ask mtk how to do it19:20
MichalpOk ok, I tried and no work.  Has android drivers for it?19:21
MichalpHas ubuntu drivers for mtk?19:22
MichalpI have mtk tool, I have images for it, I have instruction but no work, it doesn't find my deveice19:22
dobeywell i don't know what else to tell you19:23
fw190d13which is the best chanell for nexus 4 - I'm in the proces of turing it to ubuntu19:23
fw190d13should I use "ubuntu" or aquarius as stated here http://askubuntu.com/questions/681500/i-used-the-wrong-channel-for-my-nexus-4-how-do-i-upgrade-it-and-what-channel-d19:26
dobeyfw190d13: ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu probably19:28
fw190d13dobey: is rc not ready for daily use?19:29
dobeyfw190d13: well it depends on what your definition of daily use is i guess. stable is the stable tested channel. rc is the testing prior to release channel, and rc-proposed has a bit less qa and daily builds.19:31
fw190d13dobey: daily driver - main and only phone19:32
dobeyfw190d13: that is a decision only you can make for yourself. what i need daily out of a phone is not necessarily what you need daily out of a phone.19:34
fw190d13dobey: correct - I will go with the stable and maybe switch later19:35
fw190d13dobey: thanks for the tips - cheers19:35
flohackgood eve19:37
flohacktrying once more to rip off some hints ;)19:37
flohackERROR: apport (pid 2826) Sat Sep 17 21:43:51 2016: called for pid 2760, signal 11, core limit 019:38
flohackERROR: apport (pid 2826) Sat Sep 17 21:43:51 2016: executable: /usr/bin/unity8 (command line "unity8 --mode=full-greeter")19:38
flohackERROR: apport (pid 2826) Sat Sep 17 21:43:51 2016: gdbus call error: Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files19:38
flohackwhats missing here, which service is not running?19:38
flohackSame for pulseaudio19:40
flohackERROR: apport (pid 2342) Sat Sep 17 21:43:42 2016: executable: /usr/bin/pulseaudio (command line "pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog")19:40
flohackERROR: apport (pid 2342) Sat Sep 17 21:43:42 2016: gdbus call error: Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files19:41
aquarius_does the phone kernel have cgroup net_cls support that I can switch on somewhere convenient? /sys/fs/cgroup/cgmanager exists, but I can't mount new things as cgroup, and cgm listcontrollers doesn't list net_cls on the phone (although it does on my desktop)19:48
aquarius_might be an ogra_ question, although I don't know who knows about this stuff :)19:50
flohackhmm this I dont know but I got this strange messages in dmesg:19:50
flohack[   10.024923] init: /init.endeavoru.rc: 142: invalid option 'cgroup'19:50
flohack[   10.025090] init: /init.endeavoru.rc: 149: invalid option 'cgroup'19:50
flohack[   10.025298] init: /init.endeavoru.rc: 155: invalid option 'cgroup'19:50
flohack[   10.026034] init: /init.endeavoru.rc: 163: invalid option 'cgroup'19:50
flohack[   10.037471] init: invalid uid 'autobot_access'19:50
flohackSo the kernel config for me seems to have all features enabled for cgroup, why the heck its an invalid option in the android part?19:50
flohackAnd does it mean its just ignored or these services really dont start19:51
flohackaquarius_ thats the point, there is a gap of necessary documentation in order to enable more people working with it successfuly19:54
aquarius_hence me asking the question of kernel-ish people :)19:54
flohackbut dont expect much answer :) I try already for a few days...19:55
dobeyoh no, an aquarius_19:57
dobeytedg: ^^ you probably know about aquarius_'s question19:57
aquarius_heya dobey :)19:58
tedgaquarius_: I'm not certain, but I think that's a later version of cgroups than the kernel versions on the phones.19:58
aquarius_well, goshdarnit19:58
dobeyflohack: i would guess that cgmanager is not part of the android container19:59
tedgaquarius_: I dont' remember what the list, but we had to use "freezer" for apps because it was the only reasonable shared one with all the kernels we needed to support.19:59
dobeyflohack: the android container is the minimal set of things to get hardware working, and it's in a container separate from ubuntu19:59
aquarius_cgm listcontrollers | xargs echo -> cpu cpuacct debug freezer name=systemd19:59
tedgaquarius_: It was goofy :-/19:59
aquarius_no net_cls19:59
flohackdobey but the point is, if you look to the name of the file its in the device tree, the init is therefore the android container init, so how it cannot support this20:00
aquarius_and you can't mount -t cgroup -o net_cls cgroup /somewhere either because "mount: special device cgroup does not exist"20:00
flohackHTC specifically delivers their init.endeavoru.rc with these options, its not in Ubuntu part20:00
aquarius_tedg: ok, so I'm out of luck with cgroups then :)20:00
dobeyaquarius_: what kind of crazy thing are you trying to do? :)20:01
aquarius_dobey: filter network packets from one specific application20:02
aquarius_and iptables, which used to have --cmd-owner to do precisely that, no longer has it.20:02
tedgaquarius_: Yeah, kinda. cgroups became fun about 3.10-ish.20:02
flohackSo its for example the following entry:20:02
flohackservice rxn_intapp /system/bin/RXN_IntApp /system/etc/gnss/RXN/MSLConfig.txt20:02
flohack    class main20:02
flohack    user system20:02
flohack    group system20:02
flohack    cgroup bg20:03
flohackDoes this error mean, it just ignores cgroup bg, or it wont start the whole service??20:03
aquarius_I am open to suggestions on how else to do it. See http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/311425/iptables-filter-packets-from-one-application-differently :)20:03
aquarius_tedg: the phone kernel *is* 3.10 ;) so maybe it became fun in 3.11 ;)20:03
flohackShall I comment cgroup bg in the rc file and see whats happening?20:05
dobeyaquarius_: no, it's only 3.10 on the Pro 5 and M1020:08
dobeyaquarius_: the mx4 and other bq phones are 3.420:09
dobeyflohack: i have no idea :)20:10
flohackthanks dobey20:10
flohackI will try anyway ;)20:10
flohackbut is the same init/upstart used for the android things or does it have its own init binary ?20:11
aquarius_yeah, but I've got a Pro 5 ;)20:12
dobeyflohack: there is only one init process afaik20:12
dobeyaquarius_: ok. anyway, lots of interesting drivers aren't enabled in the phone kernels, even when they did exist in 3.4 :)20:13
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elopiojohn-mcaleely: ping. I'm hitting this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/161065021:48
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1610650 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "can't sync sources" [Undecided,Fix committed]21:48
elopioit says to ping you.21:48
popeyelopio: get thee to #canonical-sysadmin (or #is) and ask someone to poke the gerrit box21:48
popeyjohn-mcaleely is basically a proxy for the above21:49
elopiopopey: will do.21:49
hrigot a BQ E4.5 android phone here21:54
hritrying to install ubuntu21:54
hriswitching to fastboot mode, i get:21:55
hri"=> FASTBOOT mode ..."21:55
hribut no robot lying on its back graphics21:56
hriand the phone does not respond21:56
hriwhat do i do? aaaarghhh21:56
mcphailhri: what are you doing to try to install? You need to use the bq tool21:56
hrimcphail, cool, tnx21:58
mcphailFollow that guide exactly. Don't skip any steps. You should be fine21:58
hribut how do i get out of the FASTBOOT mode ???21:58
mcphailhri: I don't think that even matters. IIRC, you connect the phone after power has been switched off21:59
mcphailIt will then be flashed by the tool21:59
hrii cannot even switch it off anymore :-(22:00
mcphailhri: hold the power button for longer than you think you should have to22:00
hrii will22:00
hriholding power button for a minute or two now ...22:01
hri... nothing happens22:02
mcphailkeep the faith :)22:02
hriI had the same problem and I solved it by pressing not only the power button but all three buttons on the right side of the phone (power, volume+, volume-) during a few seconds.22:04
hrion with the process, big thanks, mcphail22:06
mcphailhri: good luck22:06
ThompsonI'm trying to ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu-pd.zh my Meizu 5 Pro booted to the TWRP bootloader22:09
ThompsonBut command returns 2016/09/22 01:01:01 Device is |m86|22:09
ThompsonDevice m86 not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu-pd.zh22:09
dobeyyou need to pass --device turbo to u-d-f then22:10
dobeyis it a an MX5 Pro, or a Pro 5?22:11
Thompsonpro 522:12
Thompsonnow it says mkdir /root/.cache permission denied22:12
ThompsonI'm pretty sure I told it to mount the system in read-write mode22:13
dobeydid you repartition the device?22:13
dobeydid you follow the instructions at https://plus.google.com/103449842981186239877/posts/RBDbK82Lt83 ?22:15
Thompsonno, that didn't turn up anywhere near the top of the search results22:17
ThompsonThank you22:17
RLShiftyDoggithey guys22:48
RLShiftyDoggitanyone in here23:00
elopioRLShiftyDoggit: hello23:10
RLShiftyDoggitoh hey you think you can give me a hand im a lil confused23:11
k1lRLShiftyDoggit: ask specific questions and people could answer. but keep in mind this channel is slow on europe nighttimes23:11
RLShiftyDoggitim trying to port ubuntu-touch and im stuck on the part on the kernel23:12
RLShiftyDoggitand honestly i think this channel is usually slow or its just my luck haha23:12
elopioI don't know much about porting, so I doubt I can be of help.23:12

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