=== Guest30633 is now known as Vampire0 | ||
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Mintdows | hello | 00:09 |
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lion | hey | 00:20 |
lion | help me | 00:20 |
derpherp128 | no | 00:20 |
lion | oh yes | 00:20 |
derpherp128 | no. | 00:21 |
derpherp128 | http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | 00:21 |
SchrodingersScat | !ask | lion | 00:22 |
ubottu | lion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 00:22 |
lion | im from indonesia | 00:22 |
SchrodingersScat | !ind | 00:22 |
normalcrayon | Quick question: in my Grub menu I got two options that are EFI files... the 'Ubuntu' option just freezes the computer... is it safe to try the EFI boot options? | 00:22 |
derpherp128 | !patience | 00:23 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 00:23 |
derpherp128 | wow that's an extremely useful command actually | 00:23 |
SchrodingersScat | derpherp128: and there's many more | 00:24 |
derpherp128 | really? | 00:24 |
isReal | !patience | 00:24 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 00:24 |
normalcrayon | how about a patience2 command that encourages peoplenot to use the patience command? | 00:25 |
bazhang | derpherp128, please investigate with /msg ubottu | 00:25 |
SchrodingersScat | !id | lion, if you feel your english is good enough to get you through, then you can try here, otherwise try this channel. | 00:25 |
ubottu | lion, if you feel your english is good enough to get you through, then you can try here, otherwise try this channel.: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 00:25 |
SchrodingersScat | !msgthebot | derpherp128 I forget the !flag that links to all the commands, maybe !factoid, idk. | 00:26 |
ubottu | derpherp128 I forget the !flag that links to all the commands, maybe !factoid, idk.: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 00:26 |
derpherp128 | plz the pings :( | 00:26 |
Mintdows | !help | 00:26 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 00:26 |
SchrodingersScat | !mint | Mintdows, and you get this because your name is suspiciously minty | 00:27 |
ubottu | Mintdows, and you get this because your name is suspiciously minty: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 00:27 |
Mintdows | wrong | 00:28 |
Mintdows | !wrong | 00:29 |
* Mintdows :) | 00:29 | |
tgm4883 | popey: what mouse do you have that periodically has the pointer get stuck? | 00:30 |
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normalcrayon | What is fwupx64.efi ?? | 00:42 |
tyronemorris | ITEL Radio: Blackbird9 Guest Hosts – NSA Spying & Jewish Power Plays | 00:56 |
nestcant | Hi everyone.. | 00:58 |
lion | hi | 00:58 |
nestcant | Do anybody problem with the bcm43162 wireless card??? | 00:59 |
Lencl | hihi | 01:01 |
Lencl | so long ago, I went on the touchpad settings and checked the box that said something like "no touchpad when mouse is on" | 01:02 |
warmweather | Should we be concerned about Jewish butchers and a Jew World Order? Jew Banking? Jew Media? Jew Schooling? Jew Law? Jew Government? Jew Military? Jew Sadism? Jew What? | 01:02 |
Lencl | and it worked.. but ever since then, even after I unchecked it, the touchpad never works after I login | 01:02 |
Bashing-om | nestcant: Broadcom is proprietary software . Help in the guide below: | 01:07 |
Bashing-om | !bcm | nestcant | 01:07 |
ubottu | nestcant: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 01:07 |
ChristineSi | i'm seeing increases in antisemitism | 01:09 |
Lencl | isn't that crazy | 01:09 |
maddawg2 | hey all... i'm having trouble figuring out the correct syntax for mounting an sshfs automatically within fstab | 01:14 |
maddawg2 | i'm trying to figure out how to enter my password to the remote box automagically | 01:14 |
orlock | maddawg2: generally, you dont | 01:14 |
orlock | maddawg2: look up key/certificate based authentication | 01:15 |
maddawg2 | hmm i'll have to see if i can do that with my seedbox | 01:15 |
orlock | you generate rsa keys, and place the public key of the host you are connecting from, into the .authorised_keys file of the host you are connecting to | 01:16 |
orlock | maddawg2: so your seedbox can save directly to your local sshfs? | 01:16 |
orlock | eliminating double handling of your ubuntu iso's? | 01:17 |
maddawg2 | of course but other way around | 01:17 |
maddawg2 | my local server mounts my seedbox via sshfs | 01:17 |
maddawg2 | and pulls the data down | 01:17 |
nestcant | Hi curlyears... I had a speakerphone logitech in my debian about six years.... It worked very good... | 01:20 |
nestcant | Tks ubottu... | 01:28 |
Lencl | so long ago, I went on the touchpad settings and checked the box that said something like "no touchpad when mouse is on" | 01:29 |
Lencl | and it worked.. but ever since then, even after I unchecked it, the touchpad never works after I login | 01:29 |
nestcant | But the device-id dont work... I have tested many kernel modules and this device dont work... :( | 01:30 |
sersoni | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_TrRdieyTQ | 01:31 |
sersoni | Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [Impressive Achievement] | 01:31 |
OerHeks | !ops | 01:31 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 01:31 |
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Lencl | !ops | 01:32 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 01:32 |
tonyyarusso | Lencl: They already left. | 01:33 |
Lencl | lol | 01:34 |
=== paul__ is now known as buffer51 | ||
FoeHammered | Sooo, I'm trying to install Dear Esther, a well-known walking simulator, and I seem to have run into serious problems. How do I install it? Present output looks like this: http://pastebin.com/eWT3fRAu | 01:40 |
=== Liz is now known as Guest75692 | ||
OerHeks | FoeHammered, humble indie bundle game? | 01:42 |
Rarrikins | fengshaun: Try `sudo apt -f install` after `dpkg`. | 01:43 |
FoeHammered | OerHeks, yep. | 01:43 |
OerHeks | ia32 is long time gone | 01:43 |
OerHeks | lols | 01:43 |
FoeHammered | Indeed! | 01:43 |
OerHeks | find support with them, they get the money? | 01:43 |
Rarrikins | FoeHammered: Try `sudo apt -f install` after `dpkg`. | 01:44 |
FoeHammered | I haven't had a lot of luck with that. | 01:44 |
FoeHammered | Well, it's trying to do something, Rarrikins. | 01:44 |
fengshaun | Rarrikins: ok thanks | 01:45 |
=== boomer is now known as bitch | ||
FoeHammered | Is it deleting Dear Esther...? http://pastebin.com/8irkx15a | 01:45 |
FoeHammered | In fact, I have no gosh darn idea WHAT it's doing. | 01:45 |
FoeHammered | Rarrikins, what do you make of that? | 01:46 |
Bray90820 | Anyone here know much about UUID's my system keeps saying UUID not found then drops to busybox I checked the number it gave me and it's the same as my balked It does boot like 10% of the time but if I use nomoseset it boots 100% of the time | 01:47 |
RLShiftyDoggit | hey guys i installed cinnamon and today my laptop has been yelling at me about a system problem and cinnamon has been having issues showing my batt precent i have to unplug the charger to get the right precentage | 01:48 |
OerHeks | so, use nomodeset? | 01:48 |
Rarrikins | FoeHammered: Usually that happens when the packages necessary aren't available anymore. You could go to the Ubuntu packages site and download and install missing dependencies from the most recent version of Ubuntu, but they're not guaranteed to work in the end. | 01:48 |
Bray90820 | I can only get that message if I use acpi=pff tho if I don't use ACPi off I just get a black screen | 01:48 |
FoeHammered | Indeed. | 01:48 |
FoeHammered | So basically there's just a good chance it won't ever work? | 01:48 |
Rarrikins | FoeHammered: I had to get the 15.10 version of some package to get Folding@home working on 16.04. | 01:49 |
FoeHammered | Rarrikins: And, well, no guarantee how long that'll work. | 01:50 |
Bray90820 | OerHeks: Again I will tell you that nomodeset does things do the video drivers that I don't like | 01:50 |
Rarrikins | FoeHammered: Right. The best option is to ask them to support whatever version of Ubntu | 01:51 |
FoeHammered | Huh. Fun. | 01:51 |
FoeHammered | In other words, best case scenario, they'll open the source some day. | 01:51 |
OerHeks | orriginal dear-ester has not that funny number in it, so you use a torrent :-D | 01:51 |
OerHeks | really bad | 01:51 |
Rarrikins | FoeHammered: you use. Tell them the error messages you got and that the packages are either renamed or gone. | 01:51 |
FoeHammered | Rarrikins: Fair enough. So basically send them the pastebins I just made, and cross my fingers? | 01:52 |
Rarrikins | FoeHammered: Yeah. | 01:52 |
FoeHammered | Rarrikins: And if nobody there is really conscious anymore in some manner or another, nothing will come of it. | 01:53 |
FoeHammered | Pft. From the Dear Esther website: Currently Available On: Windows XP/Vista/7, Macintosh OS X 10.6.7 | 01:58 |
FoeHammered | I am not optimistic. | 01:58 |
FoeHammered | I think I'll see how well the Windows version works in Wine. Thanks for helping me learn more, Rarrikins and OerHeks. | 02:04 |
spizz | best way to connect to a vsphere client gui from ubuntu? | 02:05 |
spizz | currently considering windows VM in virtualbox....is that my best option | 02:06 |
maddawg2 | so I just ran this command to add a repo... "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jcfp/ppa" | 02:09 |
maddawg2 | what's the oppossite to remove that | 02:09 |
maddawg2 | as that's the wrong repo | 02:09 |
maddawg2 | nvm got it | 02:10 |
z_ | dare | 02:19 |
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RLShiftyDoggit | has anyone here messed with ubuntu-touch? | 02:20 |
knight__ | has anyone got skyrim to work using pol or wine? | 02:22 |
RLShiftyDoggit | i have | 02:22 |
knight__ | what version of wine or pol did you use? | 02:23 |
RLShiftyDoggit | it runs ok but id suggest getting win 7 and dual booting | 02:23 |
RLShiftyDoggit | pol uses wine libs to run alot of games you can get it to run on either | 02:24 |
knight__ | ya im debating on it. prob is this laptop is crap lol. i had to put ubuntu back on it after it wouldnt boot back into windows earlier | 02:24 |
RLShiftyDoggit | pol is gonna be your best bet | 02:24 |
knight__ | any specific settings i need to change to play it? | 02:25 |
RLShiftyDoggit | how do you have it set right now | 02:26 |
knight__ | just default. i tried to play a game called lucent heart and the screen was flickering so bad i couldnt play it | 02:27 |
RLShiftyDoggit | what is your laptop specs? | 02:27 |
RLShiftyDoggit | it could be your hardware is crap and cant handle it | 02:28 |
knight__ | uh honestlly idk i just got it a few days ago. know the term commands to find out? | 02:28 |
knight__ | a friend of mine gave it to me lol | 02:28 |
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RLShiftyDoggit | hold up ill look | 02:29 |
knight__ | thanks | 02:29 |
RLShiftyDoggit | sudo apt-get install hardinfo | 02:29 |
RLShiftyDoggit | sudo lshw -short | 02:30 |
RLShiftyDoggit | lspci -v | 02:30 |
RLShiftyDoggit | those commands should give you the specs | 02:30 |
RLShiftyDoggit | lspci -v will show graphics etc | 02:31 |
RLShiftyDoggit | lshw -short will give you some hardware specs | 02:31 |
knight__ | ok hold on | 02:32 |
knight__ | ok got the info what do you want to know? | 02:33 |
RLShiftyDoggit | what do you got man | 02:35 |
RLShiftyDoggit | just copy and paste what it shows | 02:36 |
knight__ | system HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC (B5A04UA#ABA | 02:36 |
cash | Hi Everyone | 02:39 |
knight__ | system HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC (B5A04UA#ABA | 02:40 |
knight__ | AMD A6-4400M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Gra | 02:40 |
knight__ | 4GiB System Memory | 02:40 |
knight__ | 96KiB L1 cache | 02:40 |
knight__ | 4GiB SODIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1600 MHz | 02:40 |
knight__ | VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Trinity [Radeon HD 7520G] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) | 02:40 |
RLShiftyDoggit | well ive always had issues w AMD | 02:41 |
RLShiftyDoggit | hold on man | 02:41 |
Adam__ | Hey, I have a question about memory layout in C... Would this be the right place to ask? | 02:41 |
knight__ | like the prog language C? | 02:42 |
Adam__ | yeah, I'm trying to find the address of where the uninitialized data segment ends and where the stack starts for a given program | 02:42 |
Adam__ | I've printed out the addresses of my functions so far... I know the stack starts somewhere around 0xbf | 02:43 |
knight__ | idk i'm currently learning VB at the moment. why? jw | 02:44 |
Adam__ | trying to exploit a buffer overflow | 02:44 |
Adam__ | just on my machine | 02:44 |
knight__ | hmm what program are you using to edit it in real time? you could use cheat engine it tracks stuff like that i think | 02:45 |
joenuts | Is there any way I can install ubuntu without unwanted packages ( like sosreport, unattended-upgrades, whiptail, ureadahead ... ), or do I have to just remove those following the install? | 02:46 |
knight__ | what way are you installing it? | 02:46 |
RLShiftyDoggit | Adam what are you trying to do | 02:46 |
Adam__ | Trying to find the address of the start of the stack | 02:46 |
joenuts | tried using preseed and kickstart files, but can't for the life of me even figure out how the packages are getting in there | 02:47 |
Adam__ | I know the general memory layout of any given program | 02:47 |
Adam__ | text segment, initialized data segment, uninitialized data segment, stack | 02:47 |
joenuts | ( installing off CD, entering in kernel parameters to seed kickstart and/or preseed file ) | 02:47 |
RLShiftyDoggit | knight | 02:47 |
Adam__ | do I use gdb? | 02:47 |
RLShiftyDoggit | http://www.steamgamesonlinux.com/skyrim-the-elder-scrolls-v/ | 02:47 |
RLShiftyDoggit | you could try gdb i wouldnt see harm in it | 02:48 |
knight__ | thanks RLShiftyDoggit | 02:49 |
cuppatea | I just installed elementary OS and I cannot get a DVD to play | 02:49 |
cuppatea | the DVD appears like a disc with files in it instead of a DVD that I can play | 02:49 |
cuppatea | can anyone help me? | 02:49 |
lordcirth | cuppatea, this is #ubuntu channel, not elementary OS | 02:50 |
cuppatea | it's based on ubuntu, isn't it? | 02:50 |
cash | Guys when will firefox 49 be available via sudo apt update? | 02:50 |
lordcirth | cuppatea, non-official Ubuntu spins aren't supported here, sorry. | 02:51 |
RLShiftyDoggit | no prob knight also youtube has a crap load of tuts on it | 02:51 |
cuppatea | ok, well can you tell me what you would do if this were ubuntu? | 02:51 |
RLShiftyDoggit | that depends on the issue | 02:52 |
cuppatea | I switched to elementary OS because the exact same thing happened in the previous install, which was ubuntu | 02:52 |
Ben64 | cuppatea: sorry, that doesn't work here | 02:52 |
RLShiftyDoggit | if i remeber elementery os is deb based right? | 02:52 |
cuppatea | ubuntu | 02:52 |
cuppatea | I just checked distrowatch | 02:52 |
lordcirth | RLShiftyDoggit, lots of things use .deb, they are often very different. | 02:53 |
knight__ | i normally go there but i was irritated about the whole lucent heart thing lol | 02:53 |
RLShiftyDoggit | im not surpised lord | 02:53 |
RLShiftyDoggit | and knight youtube has some that work its all trial and error | 02:53 |
knight__ | thats true. lol i cant tell you how many video i went through trying to mod my ps3 and still cant do it | 02:54 |
RLShiftyDoggit | xD | 02:54 |
RLShiftyDoggit | a PS3 i can do that with my eyes closed bro | 02:54 |
RLShiftyDoggit | just go get a CFW | 02:55 |
knight__ | hey shifty i tried to run the winetricks steam in term and it did fine theen popped | 02:55 |
RLShiftyDoggit | put it on USB and flash update | 02:55 |
knight__ | this out sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/knight/.cache/winetricks/steam/SteamSetup.exe and try again. | 02:55 |
knight__ | shifty ya but my ps3 is 4.80 ofw | 02:55 |
RLShiftyDoggit | use win version of steam via pol | 02:55 |
RLShiftyDoggit | its been having issues on ubuntu 16.04LTS | 02:56 |
knight__ | i installed steam through pol but it actually logged me out of the session | 02:56 |
RLShiftyDoggit | go get the script off pol's website | 02:57 |
knight__ | what script? | 02:57 |
siva_machina | you have to be registered on Freenode now to be on here? | 03:01 |
dax | only during spam attacks | 03:03 |
new__ | when clicking the "Encrpyt the new Ubuntu installation for security" in ubuiquity during installation for 16.04, does this encrpyt the root and swap partitions as well? | 03:04 |
dax | new__: there are two options for encryption during install. the one that mentions home directory just does ~/. the other one (I think the one you quoted) does everything except /boot | 03:06 |
siva_machina | new__, it is Full disk encryption. So yes | 03:06 |
siva_machina | most of the disk encryption | 03:06 |
siva_machina | >.> | 03:06 |
new__ | most of the disk encrpytion? | 03:08 |
siva_machina | well if it was full. shouldn't that mean your boot partition? | 03:08 |
siva_machina | >.> | 03:09 |
joenuts | ugh. so frustrating. even when selecting "manual package install", I end up with a bunch of trash packages like snapd that I will never use. | 03:15 |
=== Rochvellon is now known as Guest76452 | ||
FoeHammered | OerHeks, Rarrikins: In case it ever comes up again, Dear Esther seems to work well enough in the latest version of Wine (as found in the Wine repo; dunno about the Ubuntu repo.) | 03:23 |
FoeHammered | Can't say anything meaningful about Steam in that regard; the framework is there, but my copy doesn't have or need it for Windows. | 03:23 |
RLShiftyDoggit | Errors were encountered while processing: | 03:24 |
RLShiftyDoggit | /var/cache/apt/archives/zlib1g-dev_1%3a1.2.8.dfsg-2ubuntu4_i386.deb | 03:24 |
RLShiftyDoggit | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 03:24 |
RLShiftyDoggit | whats this mean guys | 03:24 |
RLShiftyDoggit | i have a 64-bit box i shouldnt be having issues installing 32-bit programs | 03:24 |
Rarrikins | RLShiftyDoggit: What errors are shown above that? | 03:25 |
RLShiftyDoggit | dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/zlib1g-dev_1%3a1.2.8.dfsg-2ubuntu4_i386.deb (--unpack): | 03:26 |
RLShiftyDoggit | trying to overwrite '/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/zconf.h', which is also in package lib32z1-dev 1:1.2.8.dfsg-2ubuntu4 | 03:26 |
RLShiftyDoggit | Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu3) ... | 03:26 |
RLShiftyDoggit | Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) ... | 03:26 |
RLShiftyDoggit | Processing triggers for install-info (6.1.0.dfsg.1-5) ... | 03:26 |
RLShiftyDoggit | Processing triggers for doc-base (0.10.7) ... | 03:26 |
RLShiftyDoggit | so idk what the issue is man | 03:27 |
RLShiftyDoggit | and drone sorry bout that | 03:27 |
RLShiftyDoggit | Rarrikins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23209891/ | 03:30 |
knight__ | ive got one more question. ive got steam installed through wine but its having issues updating it keeps saying check my internet connection. | 03:31 |
RLShiftyDoggit | haha great | 03:31 |
knight__ | anyone ever experienced that lol? | 03:32 |
RLShiftyDoggit | ok open it via terminal so you can see whats going on | 03:32 |
knight__ | ok | 03:32 |
Rarrikins | RLShiftyDoggit: It says that there's a conflict because the package you're installing and lib32z1-dev both install the same file. | 03:32 |
Rarrikins | RLShiftyDoggit: Perhaps remove lib32z1-dev if you don't need it. | 03:32 |
RLShiftyDoggit | hmm ok | 03:33 |
RLShiftyDoggit | ]lib32z1-dev installed fine on its own | 03:34 |
RLShiftyDoggit | im confused | 03:34 |
knight__ | dont i open steam using the terminal by typing steam? | 03:34 |
RLShiftyDoggit | if its wine you run wine via terminal | 03:35 |
RLShiftyDoggit | then proceed as normal just dont close term | 03:35 |
knight__ | it said it was installed but i just ran sudo apt-get wine steam and its installing now. one sec | 03:36 |
knight__ | hey RLShiftyDoggit do you know of anyway to mod a 4.80 ofw ps3? do .pup file that i have found will do it | 03:38 |
knight__ | i mean *no | 03:38 |
RLShiftyDoggit | running a cfw on a ps3 is one two done | 03:39 |
RLShiftyDoggit | honestly | 03:39 |
RLShiftyDoggit | just find the cfw put it on a usb then put it in the ps3 then run it man | 03:40 |
RLShiftyDoggit | im not gonna go thru it all the way since this isnt the place | 03:40 |
knight__ | i know sorry lol. | 03:40 |
knight__ | i was just wondering if you have heard of the ofw 4.80 being downgraded or had cfw put on it without a flasher | 03:41 |
RLShiftyDoggit | your fine man i dont think anyone is really paying attention probably busy grabbing coffee and coding haha | 03:41 |
knight__ | lol true tre | 03:41 |
knight__ | true | 03:42 |
knight__ | you know any programming languages? | 03:42 |
RLShiftyDoggit | a few | 03:43 |
RLShiftyDoggit | i used to do alot of psp modding | 03:43 |
RLShiftyDoggit | lol | 03:43 |
knight__ | same here lol. | 03:43 |
RLShiftyDoggit | i PMed you some stuff man | 03:44 |
glitchd | i never got into psp modding, but i still mod original xbox's all the time lol | 03:44 |
RLShiftyDoggit | i dont wanna piss off the mods here | 03:44 |
glitchd | right on | 03:44 |
RLShiftyDoggit | haha original xbox running ubuntu | 03:45 |
knight__ | lol is it hard to put linux on the ps3? | 03:45 |
RLShiftyDoggit | no | 03:45 |
RLShiftyDoggit | ive done it xD | 03:45 |
knight__ | id like ubuntu on mine if i cant mod it | 03:45 |
RLShiftyDoggit | got bored | 03:45 |
RLShiftyDoggit | hell my old 360 was running linux | 03:46 |
glitchd | RLShiftyDoggit, ubuntu on xbox? nah, but there is a distro that runs on it. i think its a version of dsl | 03:46 |
glitchd | i used to run dsl on my og xbox but it wasnt worth it | 03:46 |
RLShiftyDoggit | yeah no it wasnt | 03:47 |
Ben64 | please try to keep this channel on topic | 03:47 |
glitchd | ive got computers for that shit | 03:47 |
knight__ | do yall like the unity desktop or the original gnome? | 03:47 |
glitchd | Ben64, but no one is asking questions relating to ubuntu right now, i dont see the harm.. | 03:47 |
Ben64 | because it's the rules. use #ubuntu-offtopic or somewhere else for non-support discussion | 03:48 |
glitchd | knight__, im all xfce over here | 03:48 |
glitchd | Ben64, alrighty then | 03:48 |
RLShiftyDoggit | brb guys | 03:48 |
knight__ | i prefer gnome honestlly. i mean if you have a touch screen then yea but for what i do gnome is fine | 03:49 |
knight__ | Ben64, is there an update for ubuntu coming anytime soon? or will it be 16.04 for awhile? | 03:51 |
Ben64 | 16.10 is the next version, due in 2016.10 | 03:51 |
knight__ | any idea what new things will be introduced? | 03:52 |
rsv | Can i install an older version of ubuntu along with a newer version of ubuntu? | 03:52 |
Ben64 | knight__: you can join #ubuntu+1 for discussion on the next version | 03:53 |
=== cy is now known as Guest97793 | ||
knight__ | Thanks Ben64. | 03:54 |
knight__ | has anyone had the problem of steam saying its not connected to the internet when its installed through wine? | 04:01 |
knight__ | i just installed it and it has to update and it keeps disconnecting itself apparently. ive looked online and cant find a fix | 04:02 |
knight__ | it will download for a min or two the that fatal error will pop up | 04:03 |
joenuts | bah, even with expert mode install, still getting unwanted packages, and it seems like 16.04 introduced a "bug" breaking manual package selection, which is low priority to fix. guess i'm out of luck | 04:03 |
=== NetworkingPro is now known as Tatersalad | ||
=== Tatersalad is now known as NetworkingPro | ||
glitchd | knight__, why are you installing it through wine? | 04:07 |
glitchd | knight__, get the linux install package | 04:07 |
glitchd | knight__, i have steam installed and it works fine | 04:08 |
knight__ | Glitchd__ im installing it through wine because i want to play skyrim lol and my brother has it on his account | 04:09 |
vbrif | I'm so serious ubuntu now | 04:13 |
vbrif | This feels awesome! | 04:13 |
Maimster | How's everyone doing tonight? | 04:13 |
vbrif | Good and you? | 04:13 |
Maimster | No real complaints. | 04:13 |
Maimster | Getting back to my console and things are good. | 04:14 |
knight__ | has anyone ever got this error with winetricks? | 04:17 |
knight__ | sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/knight/.cache/winetricks/steam/SteamSetup.exe and try again. | 04:17 |
vbrif | Good to hear | 04:17 |
vbrif | It means your download is corrupt | 04:18 |
vbrif | Of whatever you are trying to run | 04:18 |
vbrif | I'm pretty sure anyhow | 04:18 |
vbrif | What are you trying to run? | 04:18 |
knight__ | i'm installing steam through the terminal | 04:18 |
knight__ | thats the final message i get | 04:18 |
vbrif | rif | 04:19 |
vbrif | Let me try to install | 04:19 |
knight__ | okay | 04:20 |
=== z_ is now known as Guest44582 | ||
vbrif | I got it | 04:24 |
vbrif | https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-steam-on-ubuntu-16-04-xenial-xerus | 04:25 |
vbrif | Follow step #2 | 04:25 |
vbrif | Let me know if it worked | 04:26 |
knight__ | ok hold on | 04:26 |
seed_ | asdf | 04:26 |
seed_ | yo? | 04:26 |
vbrif | JKL; | 04:27 |
=== fginther is now known as fginther|away | ||
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glitchd | knight__, are u still trying to get steam to work? | 04:34 |
RLShiftyDoggit | damn kinght is still on that | 04:35 |
vbrif_ | hes good now | 04:35 |
glitchd | lol finally | 04:35 |
knight__ | ya on wine i am | 04:35 |
glitchd | pretty sure theres a .deb install file for steam | 04:35 |
glitchd | didnt think it was only for wine.. | 04:35 |
vbrif_ | Nah you got to jump through a few hoops | 04:36 |
glitchd | but ive been wrong before, so..yea | 04:36 |
vbrif_ | but there is a deb | 04:36 |
RLShiftyDoggit | hes tryna run skyrim | 04:36 |
alkisg | Sure there's a deb for steam | 04:36 |
vbrif_ | I don't see the point for gaming on linux | 04:36 |
vbrif_ | that is what my desktop rig is for | 04:36 |
alkisg | Haha, why, it isn't an OS? | 04:36 |
RLShiftyDoggit | there is a deb for it but hes tryna run skyrim via wine/pol | 04:36 |
RLShiftyDoggit | and vbrif_ do you realize how much smoother games run natively on linux compared to windows | 04:37 |
vbrif_ | No clue honestly | 04:37 |
RLShiftyDoggit | alot smoother man | 04:38 |
vbrif_ | I just started using ubuntu a few weeks ago | 04:38 |
vbrif_ | I'm a windows pro | 04:38 |
knight__ | well thats crap it finally updated on wine and it crashed my ux | 04:38 |
vbrif_ | but got nothing on this os | 04:38 |
knight__ | it literally logged me out | 04:38 |
RLShiftyDoggit | man linux is a power house compared to windows | 04:38 |
RLShiftyDoggit | and knight wine is a pain your gonna have to config it to run | 04:39 |
knight__ | screw it dual boot it is. hmmm or maybe virtual box. i forgot about that | 04:40 |
RLShiftyDoggit | VB oh god | 04:40 |
vbrif | I actually haven't even install gfx drivers | 04:40 |
knight__ | lol you recommend another one? | 04:40 |
vbrif | my 960m gfx driver broke my display and I wasn't able to login | 04:40 |
RLShiftyDoggit | knight im looking at my pol steam settings for ya hold up | 04:42 |
knight__ | ok thanks | 04:42 |
RLShiftyDoggit | i forgot i actually set that up on here | 04:42 |
knight__ | lol | 04:42 |
mylisto | ARGH! | 04:44 |
mylisto | I cannot find out for the life of me why my video in kdenlive is going out of sync with the audio. I'm at my wits end. | 04:44 |
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RLShiftyDoggit | knight | 04:46 |
RLShiftyDoggit | https://www.playonlinux.com/en/app-4-Steam.html | 04:46 |
Guest53974 | hi can someone please give a look to this http://askubuntu.com/questions/827674/public-wifi-connected-but-no-internet-accessubuntu-16-04 | 04:47 |
trasken | Thanks give me one sec | 04:48 |
knight__ | give me one sec | 04:48 |
knight__ | ive got it running throuh Pol | 04:50 |
knight__ | lets see what happens lol | 04:50 |
Bray90820 | Maybe someone here can help me my system keeps saying UUID not found then drops to busybox I checked the number it gave me and it's the same as my balked It does boot like 10% of the time but if I use nomoseset it boots 100% of the time I can only get that message if I use acpi=off if I don't use acpi=off I get a black screen | 05:01 |
RLShiftyDoggit | uh that i cant help you on i dont beileve i have busybox on here | 05:02 |
alkisg | Bray90820: so if you don't change anything, you're getting a black screen without the uuid message? | 05:02 |
alkisg | RLShiftyDoggit: busybox is installed in all debian and ubuntu systems | 05:03 |
Bray90820 | alkisg: yes 90% of the time and 10% of time time it boots | 05:03 |
RLShiftyDoggit | oh ok ] | 05:03 |
alkisg | Bray90820: have you booted it with nomodeset now? What's the output of lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA | 05:03 |
Bray90820 | alkisg: should run that command while booted with or without nomodeset | 05:04 |
alkisg | Bray90820: it doesn't matter as long as it's booted | 05:04 |
Bray90820 | Ok | 05:05 |
Bray90820 | alkisg: While we wait would the output of dimes help at all? | 05:07 |
alkisg | What's that? | 05:08 |
Bray90820 | sorry i meant dimesg | 05:08 |
Bray90820 | *Dmesg | 05:08 |
alkisg | It might, but I don't understand, if you can run dmesg, why can't you run the other command. | 05:09 |
Bray90820 | I can run the other commands but I already ran dmesg a few hours ago and am still trying to get correctly booted to run the other commands | 05:10 |
alkisg | Sure, give the dmesg link | 05:10 |
Bray90820 | https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33402675/Output.txt | 05:11 |
alkisg | What's that, Ubuntu 16.10? | 05:11 |
Bray90820 | 16.04 | 05:11 |
alkisg | Why and how the 4.8 kernel? | 05:11 |
Bray90820 | I manually updated because The older kernel was having issue with audio but the older kernel was' booting ether | 05:12 |
alkisg | "was ' booting ether" do you mean "wasn't booting either"? | 05:13 |
Bray90820 | Yes I meant wasn't | 05:13 |
v3n0m | Hey | 05:13 |
alkisg | And the audio issues were solved with the new kernel? | 05:13 |
v3n0m | I am having problems with wine | 05:14 |
Bray90820 | Not completely but it's wildly more stable with the new Kernel | 05:14 |
Bray90820 | I still have no audio tho | 05:14 |
v3n0m | it says that cannot starting point or something | 05:14 |
alkisg | I'd propose to use the supported kernel instead | 05:14 |
Bray90820 | What number? | 05:15 |
alkisg | And why the "intel_idle.max_cstate=0 intel_pstates=disabled" parameters? | 05:15 |
Bray90820 | I don't know what that is | 05:15 |
EriC^^ | alkisg: it's a one of a kind tablet with uefi 32bit and some hack mods to use ubuntu | 05:15 |
alkisg | You put that in the cmdline | 05:15 |
EriC^^ | Bray90820: for pete's sake | 05:15 |
EriC^^ | ..... | 05:15 |
alkisg | Ouch | 05:15 |
alkisg | OK, I'm outta here :P :D | 05:15 |
Bray90820 | Hello EriC^^ | 05:16 |
alkisg | Thanks for the warning EriC^^ :) | 05:16 |
Bray90820 | At this point I am debating using nomodeset but I am getting closer to resolving it | 05:16 |
EriC^^ | alkisg: np :) | 05:16 |
Bray90820 | EriC^^: Anything more you can do with me? | 05:16 |
EriC^^ | i'd use nomodeset and call it a day | 05:18 |
EriC^^ | or in your case, a couple weeks | 05:18 |
Bray90820 | Haha | 05:18 |
Bray90820 | What does nomodeset even do? | 05:19 |
EriC^^ | it's for the graphics in the tty | 05:20 |
EriC^^ | and so the switching between tty and the gui is more quick and seemless | 05:20 |
alkisg | It disables the new graphics system (KMS) so that the old one is used, with older graphics drivers etc | 05:20 |
EriC^^ | tty being ctrl+alt+f1 | 05:20 |
v3n0m | hey help me | 05:21 |
rydereg | Much like Theodore Kaufman, Louis Nizer, and Henry Morgenthau (all jews), Earnest Hooton (another jew) wanted to see the German people destroyed, but he sought to do it with mass non-White male immigration. Ursula Haverbeck, who is now a political prisoner for exposing Holocaust lies, lays out the genocidal plans against the German people in her last public address. | 05:22 |
rydereg | http://www.renegadetribune.com/ursula-haverbeck-hooton-plan-migrant-crisis/ | 05:22 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | v3n0m | 05:23 |
ubottu | v3n0m: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 05:23 |
docgi | How can I disable the ALT + ` shortcut? it display the alt tab hud with a snap of the current window | 05:30 |
lotuspsychje | !hotkeys | docgi | 05:31 |
ubottu | docgi: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2209015&seqNum=3 | 05:31 |
docgi | !Keyboard | 05:32 |
ubottu | To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout | 05:32 |
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jamess | Hey, good morning:) would you like to make this room in a new chat? Visit irc network www.greekchat.eu | 05:43 |
lotuspsychje | james000-: no advertising here plz | 05:46 |
noobuntu | 'Ubuntu Software' in 16.04 just keeps stuck at the loading animation for everything. Is this a known bug? | 05:50 |
RLShiftyDoggit | uninstall software center then reinstall | 05:50 |
noobuntu | sudo apt-get remove software-center? | 05:53 |
noobuntu | RLShiftyDoggit: ^ ^ | 05:53 |
RLShiftyDoggit | i think i dont remember | 05:53 |
noobuntu | how to find out? | 05:54 |
RLShiftyDoggit | To uninstall Software Center: | 05:55 |
RLShiftyDoggit | sudo apt-get remove software-center | 05:55 |
RLShiftyDoggit | sudo apt-get autoremove software-center | 05:55 |
RLShiftyDoggit | To re-install Software Center: | 05:55 |
RLShiftyDoggit | sudo apt-get update | 05:55 |
RLShiftyDoggit | sudo apt-get install software-center | 05:55 |
popey | tgm4883: built in touchpoint | 05:55 |
popey | RLShiftyDoggit: the remove step is un-necessary, autoremove does the remove, fwiw | 05:56 |
noobuntu | RLShiftyDoggit: the new one is ubuntu-software actually. what is the autoremove for btw? | 05:56 |
RLShiftyDoggit | i just copied it off ubuntu fourms xD | 05:57 |
RLShiftyDoggit | http://askubuntu.com/questions/133456/can-i-uninstall-and-reinstall-ubuntu-software-center | 05:57 |
noobuntu | will sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-software | 05:58 |
noobuntu | work? | 05:58 |
RLShiftyDoggit | try it idk | 05:58 |
noobuntu | ok tried both. still stuck at loading animation | 05:59 |
noobuntu | lemme restart and see | 06:00 |
hebq | hi,everybody.is there any command which could list all the change of software in some time? | 06:05 |
kiki_ | hhi | 06:09 |
kiki_ | i'm not sure if here may I can ask about some issues Ive | 06:10 |
v3n0m | Hey, btw which is the best SATA Operation mode for Ubuntu? ATA ? AHCI ? RAID ? or Legacy ? | 06:10 |
Blue1 | I have had good luck with ahci - but as they say YMMV applies | 06:10 |
kiki_ | how can I decompress img.xz file? always appears an error of too large file when I try to use unzx | 06:11 |
EriC^^ | kiki_: tar xvf file.xz | 06:11 |
EriC^^ | kiki_: is i a fat32 you're decompressing on? | 06:11 |
EriC^^ | *it | 06:11 |
kiki_ | yes Eric | 06:11 |
EriC^^ | they can't handle more than 4g files | 06:12 |
Blue1 | What EriC^^ said | 06:12 |
v3n0m | Hey, btw which is the best SATA Operation mode for Ubuntu? ATA ? AHCI ? RAID ? or Legacy ? | 06:13 |
v3n0m | Help me out please. | 06:13 |
Blue1 | v3n0m: as I said I have had good luck with AHCI but YMMV applies | 06:13 |
v3n0m | Okay I don't have YMMV in mine. | 06:13 |
v3n0m | I have to AHCI otherwise RAID | 06:14 |
Blue1 | Your Mileage May Vary | 06:14 |
v3n0m | It's good? | 06:14 |
v3n0m | *set to | 06:14 |
kiki_ | its weird because when I try to complete it by pressing the TAB key | 06:14 |
kiki_ | uhmm well doesnt happen. | 06:14 |
Blue1 | v3n0m: try ahci -- YMMV -- your mileage may vary | 06:14 |
EriC^^ | kiki_: doesn't say there's not enough space when you press tab? | 06:14 |
v3n0m | YMMV? | 06:14 |
v3n0m | Blue1 | 06:14 |
EriC^^ | *does it | 06:14 |
v3n0m | ave you used wine? | 06:14 |
v3n0m | *have you | 06:15 |
Aranjedeath | it literally says it right there | 06:15 |
EriC^^ | ymmv = Your Miles May Vary | 06:15 |
v3n0m | I have problems with wine. | 06:15 |
Blue1 | v3n0m: Your Mileage May Vary - iow it may or may not work for you - it depends on many factors | 06:15 |
kiki_ | nope Eric :( | 06:15 |
EriC^^ | kiki_: does tab complete work for other files? | 06:16 |
kiki_ | it happens when i try to use unzx command | 06:17 |
EriC^^ | what about tar xvf ? | 06:17 |
kiki_ | tar: This does not look like a tar archive | 06:18 |
kiki_ | tar: Skipping to next header | 06:18 |
kiki_ | tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors | 06:18 |
ducasse | kiki_: you need tar xvfJ | 06:19 |
Blue1 | tar -xvfj | 06:19 |
EriC^^ | ducasse: xvf should figure it out by itself | 06:19 |
ubuntu-mate | hello | 06:19 |
Blue1 | how tex | 06:20 |
aniketh_ | I want to change os from ubuntu to KDE neon. Can I do the change without affecting any of my files ? LIke an upgrade . | 06:20 |
Blue1 | ubuntu-mate: sup? | 06:20 |
ubuntu-mate | imfrom brazil | 06:20 |
ubuntu-mate | super | 06:20 |
kiki_ | tar: j: Cannot open: No such file or directory | 06:21 |
kiki_ | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 06:21 |
Blue1 | aniketh_: if /home is in a separate partition, yes. if not you should backup /etc/ and /home/ before proceeding. | 06:21 |
kiki_ | here is where I downloaded my file: https://sourceforge.net/projects/beaglesnes/files/v0.7%20Release/ | 06:21 |
kiki_ | it has the name: beaglesnes_full.v0.7.img.xz | 06:21 |
kiki_ | :( | 06:26 |
kiki_ | here in the manual says: first download the image and then use bunzip2 to decompress it | 06:27 |
Blue1 | kiki_: I am d/l the image it will take several minutes | 06:27 |
kiki_ | but bunzip2 doesnt work D: | 06:28 |
kiki_ | OK | 06:28 |
kiki_ | thanks Blue1 | 06:28 |
kiki_ | I'm downloading it again beacause i've downloaded in win10 | 06:28 |
Blue1 | kiki_: I am trying tar -xvj it hasn't given me an error yet - that might work.... | 06:31 |
Triffid_Hunter | kiki_: xz? you may need xzdec rather than bunzip2.. bunzip2 is for bz2 files | 06:32 |
kiki_ | u sure Blue1? S: | 06:32 |
kiki_ | as I said I'm downloading it again wait me 4 min. pls | 06:33 |
Blue1 | kk | 06:33 |
Triffid_Hunter | kiki_: perhaps xzcat file | tar -xv or so | 06:33 |
kiki_ | Thanks Triffid, I'll try it after trying tar -xvj | 06:34 |
Blue1 | kiki_: that didn't error out but it didn't finish either | 06:35 |
kiki_ | didnt finish? | 06:35 |
Blue1 | kiki_: nope | 06:36 |
kiki_ | kiki@kiki-ubuntuMSI:~/Downloads$ tar -xvfj beaglesnes_full.v0.7.img.xz | 06:37 |
kiki_ | tar: j: Cannot open: No such file or directory | 06:37 |
kiki_ | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 06:37 |
v3n0m_ | I have installed wine but can't get to work MW2 | 06:37 |
v3n0m_ | Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 | 06:37 |
Blue1 | kiki_: right it's not an archive file | 06:38 |
Blue1 | kiki_: so the -f is not the right option -- it doesn't complain with -xvj but that also does not seem to work | 06:39 |
kiki_ | kiki@kiki-ubuntuMSI:~/Downloads$ tar -xvj beaglesnes_full.v0.7.img.xz | 06:39 |
kiki_ | tar: Refusing to read archive contents from terminal (missing -f option?) | 06:39 |
kiki_ | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 06:39 |
kiki_ | lol | 06:39 |
kiki_ | Triffid_Hunter says to me: perhaps xzcat file | tar -xv or so | 06:40 |
Triffid_Hunter | kiki_: oh it's an image, not a tar archive | 06:40 |
Blue1 | oh Doh | 06:41 |
Triffid_Hunter | kiki_: just xzdec file and you should get the img | 06:41 |
kiki_ | xzdec? | 06:41 |
kiki_ | you mean xz -d? | 06:41 |
Triffid_Hunter | kiki_: likely the same thing | 06:41 |
kiki_ | ok im installing xzdec | 06:42 |
kiki_ | it seems to work | 06:43 |
kiki_ | but the terminal shows me a lot of weird stuff | 06:43 |
kiki_ | y'know numbers and weird images | 06:44 |
kiki_ | i mean characters | 06:44 |
nimms | kiki_: redirect it to a file. | 06:44 |
kiki_ | should I ctrl + z? | 06:44 |
Blue1 | kiki_: probably need to do something like xzdec -d beagle(whatever) > somename.img | 06:45 |
kiki_ | then redirect to a file? | 06:45 |
Triffid_Hunter | kiki_: ctrl+c, xzdec blah.img.xz > blah.img | 06:45 |
nimms | kiki_: don't use Ctrl+Z, use Ctrl+C. | 06:45 |
kiki_ | ok | 06:45 |
Triffid_Hunter | I thought xzdec would be different to xzcat, and more like gunzip | 06:45 |
nik3 | My ubuntu 16.04 is taking a long time to boot up, its taking almost 2 minutes. What can be the possible reasons. | 06:46 |
Blue1 | kiki_: so far the file is about 8G | 06:46 |
nimms | nik3: network configuration probably. | 06:47 |
Blue1 | kiki_: this is what I ended up with: -rw-rw-r-- 1 nwayno nwayno 7549747200 Sep 20 23:45 abc.img | 06:47 |
kiki_ | it seems to work :O | 06:47 |
kiki_ | nice Blue1, Triffid and nimms :D | 06:48 |
kiki_ | thank you very much | 06:48 |
Blue1 | kiki_: now use your favourite cd burning software -- looks like with the size, you may need a dual layer or a usb flash drive | 06:48 |
andrewjs18 | hi all, is there a bug with ubuntu 16.04 where mail isn't using the name listed in /etc/mailname? | 06:49 |
adamicron | I'd like to install a command utility not available in ubuntu's repo, but available on pypi (it's in python) | 06:52 |
adamicron | how bad is it to do a system-wide pip install? | 06:52 |
=== Guest84639 is now known as Seek | ||
tapas_ | hello | 06:59 |
alkisg | Hello | 06:59 |
tapas_ | My ubuntu has wrong time | 06:59 |
nimms | adamicron: even `sudo make install` isn't bad if it gets installed to /usr/local and you're the only one who's administering the system. `pip` isn't bad at all. It's a package manager, and you could easily clean up if you needed. | 06:59 |
tapas_ | even sudo ntpq -p shows the error but doesnt fix it | 07:00 |
nimms | tapas_: what error? | 07:00 |
tapas_ | not error that time is not corrent | 07:00 |
Triffid_Hunter | tapas_: ntp will only slowly change the time, you need to stop ntp and run ntpdate for a discontinuous update | 07:00 |
Triffid_Hunter | tapas_: also ensure your timezone is correct otherwise ntpdate will fix your clock but you'll still have wrong time showing up everywhere | 07:01 |
nimms | tapas_: sudo ntpd -q | 07:01 |
tapas_ | yes it is correct | 07:01 |
tapas_ | i restated ntp nothing | 07:02 |
tapas_ | clock is 10 minutes | 07:02 |
tapas_ | behind | 07:02 |
Triffid_Hunter | tapas_: you can also start ntpd with -g option, not sure how to do that in ubuntu though | 07:02 |
nimms | tapas_: wait a couple of minutes, the update is not immediate. Also force it with the command i gave above. | 07:03 |
=== me is now known as Guest61230 | ||
alkisg | tapas_: try this: date; sudo service ntp stop; sudo ntpd -gq; sudo service ntp start; date | 07:04 |
alkisg | I.e. the ntp service needs to be stopped for ntpd -gq to function | 07:04 |
=== bob is now known as Guest31439 | ||
adamicron | nimms: thanks | 07:07 |
siva_machina | the ntp package isn't even installed for me | 07:10 |
siva_machina | but then again I think Unity is automatically check online though | 07:12 |
=== Biokee is now known as Guest29908 | ||
aniketh_ | Blue1: Don't know much about it , how to copy it and use it my new os. the main thing I want to restore is the packages I have installed and files localhost/ (/var/www/html) | 07:15 |
rahul-kumi | nick | 07:17 |
rlamayo | hi | 07:19 |
crazyadm | is there channel for krylin | 07:22 |
popey | crazyadm: what's krylin? | 07:25 |
crazyadm | ubuntu krylin | 07:25 |
crazyadm | kylin | 07:25 |
popey | Kylinoh, kylin. | 07:26 |
popey | er, kylin :) | 07:26 |
=== rany is now known as not_rany | ||
popey | there is #ubuntukylin-devel | 07:26 |
popey | but I don't know of any support channels for it | 07:26 |
trooper900 | http://bbs.dailystormer.com/uploads/default/original/3X/5/2/52b3e68c71caec1f569ae52007f92e9402e0e06d.jpeg | 07:30 |
ikonia | trooper900: please don't post spam | 07:30 |
trooper900 | Representing Radio Stormer, www.dailystormer.com | 07:31 |
ikonia | trooper900: please stop spamming - final warning | 07:31 |
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salvatore | ciao | 07:40 |
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farid_ | QA | 07:45 |
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crazyadm | you should try it, ubuntu kylin | 07:47 |
crazyadm | quite good | 07:47 |
crazyadm | maybe better than ubuntu | 07:47 |
Ivana | Hello | 07:52 |
Ivana | can anyoone help me diagnose why my intenret is so slow | 07:52 |
Ivana | my friend is connected to the same network and did a speedtest of over 125mbps download | 07:52 |
Ivana | i get under 1mbps download | 07:52 |
alkisg | Ivana: do you have a wifi or wired LAN connection? | 07:55 |
Ivana | wifi | 07:55 |
Ivana | im in university but it has the same issue at home | 07:55 |
alkisg | And do you have the same slow speeds with lan too? | 07:55 |
alkisg | *wired | 07:55 |
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Ivana | we cant test lan | 08:03 |
Ivana | alkisg its a hp pavilion 15 | 08:04 |
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nod0n_ | Hi, I'm trying to create a uefi bootlable installation stick. I'm working with this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/EFI_USB-Stick/#UEFI-bootfaehiger-USB-Stick-ohne-Hilfsmittel | 08:17 |
nod0n_ | I'm copying the files on the fat formated usb-stick. I got 2 errors that a symbolik link could not be copyed because fat does not support symbolic links. | 08:18 |
nasser_ | hi can i get some help please | 08:19 |
nimms | nod0n_: are you creating it from Windows or Linux? | 08:19 |
nod0n_ | nimms: Ubuntu 16.04 live | 08:19 |
alkisg | nod0n_: why don't you just run `dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdb`? | 08:20 |
nod0n_ | alkisg: because in the wiki it's written to do it so. I have not much knowledge about uefi... | 08:20 |
nasser_ | is there any ubuntu reprsentitive here? | 08:21 |
nod0n_ | alkisg: for an old bios I would use dd... | 08:21 |
alkisg | nod0n_: if you just dump the iso to a stick, it's already uefi capable | 08:21 |
nimms | nod0n_: alkisg is right, also there's a GUI tool called Startup Disk Creator. | 08:21 |
guiverc | nasser_: if you have a question; ask it, and if someone knows the answer they'll try & answer. | 08:22 |
nod0n_ | so I'll use dd. That's totaly fine. | 08:22 |
nod0n_ | thx. | 08:22 |
alkisg | nod0n_: also add bs=1M in the end to make it faster | 08:23 |
nasser_ | ok i tried running ubuntu from a bootable usb but i only get the cmd when i boot from it | 08:23 |
alkisg | like dd if= of= bs=1M | 08:23 |
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alkisg | nasser_: what is the "cmd"? What is the actual message that you see? | 08:24 |
guiverc | nasser_: ubuntu server boots to non-gui; as its faster (uses less memory; far better for servers) so please specify the version you booted. | 08:25 |
nasser_ | i got "there is no medium file " or something like that | 08:25 |
alkisg | nasser_: you probably made some mistake while creating the usb stick. Which tutorial did you follow? | 08:26 |
guiverc | nasser_: with little detail; I can't help much; but I'd ensure I checked the md5sum/sha*sum after downloading to ensure the download of ISO was correct before writing to USB. you could have a bad ISO; or a problem occurred with the write (to flash-usb) step. ie. media-error? | 08:27 |
nasser_ | can i contact you later i just figured out that i have a calss in 5 min | 08:27 |
guiverc | nasser_: no probs. | 08:27 |
nasser_ | sorry i have to go i'll contact you later and give you the info | 08:28 |
nasser_ | thanks | 08:28 |
nod0n_ | alkisg: yea I know ;). thx! | 08:28 |
dafhew | welp | 08:46 |
nod0n_ | I'm trying to prepare my SSD to be used with UEFI. When I start gparted I get this error: "The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes." I don't know which devices has this problem... How Can I find this out? | 08:48 |
robk | I accidently set the wrong compositor in ubuntu mate, how do I reset the compdositor back to default? | 08:51 |
dafhew | I just installed Ubuntu and it seems to suck | 08:51 |
robk | compositor. | 08:52 |
robk | dafhew: kind of ambiguous thing to say.. I don't like Unity, I always try to avoid it. I install kubuntu or mate. | 08:52 |
robk | with all the nice things ubuntu comes with :) | 08:52 |
hateball | This channel is for support questions, chitchat goes elsewhere | 08:52 |
hateball | !ot | 08:52 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 08:52 |
nimms | nod0n_: LC_ALL=C sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda | grep 'Sector size' | 08:53 |
dafhew | what do I do about libboost failing to update? | 08:53 |
nod0n_ | nimms: Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes | 08:53 |
nimms | nod0n_: replace `/dev/sda` with something else, check all the drives. | 08:54 |
dafhew | I find it weird that there is "Software" | 08:54 |
cantoo | nod0n_, always do ignore. its probably gpt and doesn't realize its a gparted bug. if using EFI trust you want to keep your copy of your installation media and know it matches the one you want EFI for, usually it works the other way (without it) but i think gpt is being imposed for some reason likely a law suit this the gparted bug | 08:54 |
nod0n_ | I have sda (ssd), sdb (ubuntu live stick), sdc (other stick) | 08:54 |
nod0n_ | nimms: for all drives i get the same output. | 08:55 |
cantoo | nod0n_, do ignore for block size if its what i'm thinking and i think it happens on GPT partitions and likely only happening due to a legal despute | 08:55 |
nimms | nod0n_: yeah, then like cantoo said... | 08:55 |
nod0n_ | cantoo: ah ok. | 08:56 |
nod0n_ | Then I'll just ignore it. | 08:56 |
cantoo | EFI isn't useless if you don't keep the installation media. unless you have to match it to something very exactly for some unknown reason | 08:56 |
dafhew | what's Thunar? | 08:57 |
Ivana | Can someone help me fix a issue with slow internet on ubuntu | 08:57 |
dafhew | how do I get the normal ls and why do I have a terminal 'emulator'? | 08:57 |
Ivana | my friend is on the same network and is gettign over 125mbps download and i barely get 1mbps | 08:57 |
Ivana | its on a wifi connection, i cant test wired | 08:57 |
hateball | Ivana: what chipset/driver are you using? "lspci -k" | 08:57 |
guiverc | dafhew: Thunar is a file.manager; standard from memory for XFCE desktop. | 08:58 |
Ivana | there is loads of stuff | 08:58 |
Ivana | what am i looking for | 08:58 |
dafhew | xfce seems to have bugs | 08:58 |
dafhew | also, yesterday gnome crashed | 08:58 |
Anticom | Hi all. I'm having a problem with my network on my machine. I dug into journalctl and found "nm_device_get_device_type: assertion 'NM_IS_DEVICE (self)' failed" | 08:59 |
dafhew | why can't I make my screen resolution higher? | 08:59 |
marcpv | Hi. I want to know if it is a good idea to install Lubuntu over the regular Ubuntu with Unity. Will it break the desktop? | 08:59 |
Ivana | Realtek 8188ee? | 08:59 |
nimms | cantoo: I think it's related to the fact that nod0n_ has written an image to a USB stick using dd. It doesn't have a correct partition table, and that's why gparted fails I guess. | 08:59 |
Anticom | Thing is, the interfaces look fine but i don't get any connection although my machine can be pinnged | 08:59 |
Anticom | Any ideas what's going wrong there? | 08:59 |
cantoo | any complete iso would have a partition table if correctly written having used dd | 09:00 |
dafhew | I actually installed the Studio distro, which as I understand is Ubuntu just packaged with AV stuff (and apparently is using xfce) | 09:00 |
cantoo | or more | 09:00 |
Ivana | hateball sorry forgot to tag you | 09:00 |
Anticom | And I found "failed to enumerate oFono devices: <...>" | 09:00 |
nod0n_ | nimms: possible to. I'll just continue and see if it works. :) | 09:00 |
hateball | !who | Ivana | 09:01 |
ubottu | Ivana: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 09:01 |
Anticom | And i've just realized i can ping addresses in our local network | 09:01 |
Anticom | but i can't ping for example | 09:01 |
Ivana | hateball he has a realtek 8188ee | 09:01 |
hateball | Ivana: I don't have any good experiences with realtek chipsets, so I can't really offer any advice outside of replacing it. But perhaps someone else might know! | 09:02 |
cantoo | in my bios if i install from a UEFI selected which alternatively can boot the same media as not that i leave windows as my operating system if i want to use EFI. the only thing else to get ubuntu to work for me is a 1024MB or 1024 (my failsafe) EFI partition which a normal install may not do which you can do by booting into the live system first and rebooting. | 09:02 |
hateball | Ivana: also that is the driver I think, not the actual chip. You can paste the entire contents of the command you ran and share with us | 09:02 |
hateball | !paste | Ivana | 09:02 |
ubottu | Ivana: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 09:02 |
Anticom | Anyone? | 09:03 |
cantoo | in all cases for me i have to ignore partition invalid stuff of hard drive because its GPT | 09:03 |
cantoo | it always works tho | 09:03 |
dafhew | another fatal error! | 09:04 |
guiverc | Anticom: enter "ip route" to show routing table is their a "default" route? | 09:06 |
Anticom | guiverc: yes | 09:06 |
ubuntu-mate | what's this? | 09:08 |
guiverc | anticom: then try and ping (icmp echo) your gateway router (default) | 09:08 |
hateball | !irc | ubuntu-mate | 09:08 |
ubottu | ubuntu-mate: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines | 09:08 |
Anticom | guiverc: no response from there | 09:09 |
guiverc | anticom: which could be problem is between you & that router; or that router has been configured to not-reply to icmp-echo requests/pings.. try from another machine on network; if it also doesn't reply its likely your machine/setup. | 09:10 |
rsv | I flashed a ubuntu 10.04 iso image to a USB disk. when i try to install from the USB disk i get the error LiveUSB aufs mount failed | 09:11 |
Anticom | guiverc: i can ping other machines in our local network | 09:11 |
rsv | I used startup disk creator to flash the iso image | 09:11 |
hateball | rsv: 10.04 is EOL | 09:11 |
rsv | hateball: i know that. i need some help in the issue i am facing | 09:12 |
Sourcey | Hello. I have disabled password for login to my server - Im using a ssh certificate to log in. Now I need to add an sftp user to a certain folder on my server - no shell acess. How to do this in combination with my current setup? Does he need a certificate aswell? How to connect sertificate with his directory on server? | 09:12 |
nimms | rsv: if you really want to install 10.04, don't use Startup Disk Creator, use dd. | 09:13 |
lucas_ai | How can I use apt-get while it's already installing packages? It slows me down if I cannot download and install other packages while waiting for one to finish. Any ideas? | 09:13 |
rsv | nimms: do you want me to dd an iso file to the USB disk | 09:13 |
nimms | rsv: yes. | 09:13 |
Triffid_Hunter | lucas_ai: apt's global lock is a thorn in my side too :/ | 09:14 |
lucas_ai | hi Triffid_Hunter :) | 09:14 |
lucas_ai | there has to be a better way | 09:15 |
Triffid_Hunter | gentoo's package manager only locks specific things at specific times, is quite happy to have multiple installs running in parallel *shrug* | 09:15 |
joelio | lucas_ai: https://github.com/ilikenwf/apt-fast | 09:17 |
joelio | ymmv :) | 09:17 |
arthur_dog | im not banned anymore? yay! | 09:19 |
arthur_dog | !ask | 09:19 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 09:19 |
arthur_dog | !patience | 09:19 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 09:19 |
arthur_dog | ubottu ey mate | 09:19 |
lucas_ai | joelio: can you install a package on one terminal and still use apt-fast to install more on other terminals at the same time? | 09:20 |
bazhang | arthur_dog, investigate with /msg ubottu please | 09:20 |
bazhang | lucas_ai, no just one instance at a time | 09:20 |
joelio | lucas_ai: no, because you'll break how package deps are enumerated | 09:20 |
arthur_dog | lucas_ai dpkg is annoying so only one at a time | 09:21 |
bazhang | lucas_ai, you can install more than one package in that instance, however | 09:21 |
arthur_dog | true | 09:21 |
arthur_dog | i have found that using other installers like pcman will work, i think | 09:22 |
joelio | you have to think about what apt{-get,itude} deos in the background | 09:22 |
rsv | nimms: that does not work. the PC does not boot from the USB drive and jumps straight to Grub | 09:22 |
joelio | it's not just a straight decompress of a package | 09:22 |
rsv | on the already installed ubuntu | 09:22 |
alkisg | rsv, are you sure that 10.04 supports your hardware? Is it that old? | 09:25 |
rsv | alkisg: its running 14.04. so its not old | 09:25 |
lucas_ai | joelio: why can't it download packages without blocking the database? Then block the db, install them, unlock. | 09:25 |
guiverc | rsv: on some of my machines, I have to hit a Fn key to have it boot a USB. | 09:25 |
kanaydo | hello | 09:25 |
rsv | guiverc: i did that and selected USB drive on which i dd ubuntu | 09:25 |
alkisg | rsv, so, *if* 10.04 doesn't have support for that hardware, how do you expect it to work? Maybe a VM would be a better idea? What are you trying to do? | 09:25 |
joelio | lucas_ai: if you read what apt-file does, it will.. that's why I posted. *installing* the packages is a different issue | 09:26 |
rsv | and it goes back to the Defaultti menu | 09:26 |
rsv | alkisg: since i am running 14.04 on my machine. i am sure the same hardware supports 10.04 also | 09:26 |
joelio | lucas_ai: or do you mean generally in apt | 09:26 |
Ben64 | 10.04 is EOL, don't use it | 09:26 |
snadge | mtp is supposed to just work on 16.04 yeah? | 09:26 |
Ben64 | snadge: yeah | 09:26 |
alkisg | rsv, in general, linux doesn't know new hardware. The 10.04 kernel doesn't know the hardware that came out in 2012. The 14.04 kernel does know it. | 09:27 |
joelio | lucas_ai: if that's the case it's probably down to parallel downloads on mirrors considered less friendly to the people who admin them. They swamp resource | 09:27 |
snadge | im trying to figure out why it doesn't.. it does under windows | 09:27 |
k1l_ | rsv: you cant run 10.04 anymore | 09:27 |
snadge | i can use adb in linux.. just for whatever reason, nautilus is not showing my android devices storage | 09:27 |
nimms | rsv: maybe 10.04 image is not handled with isohybrid, i don't know. Copy the image file and follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb/isohybrid | 09:27 |
k1l_ | rsv: and the kernel is very old on 10.04, you will have a lot of issues with hardware driver support anyway then | 09:27 |
lucas_ai | joelio: apt blocks the whole installation system while it's downloading a package. That's really bad for productivity. How can I still use apt in another terminal while it's downloading something? | 09:27 |
arthur_dog | guiverc! hey mate! the solution that you gave me didnt work. pretty sad. also found out that i have nvidia graphics. | 09:28 |
rsv | k1l_: i know that. i just want to install 10.04 to run an old software that i have | 09:28 |
joelio | lucas_ai: the system has no idea how fast you can download or what you intend to do in parallel. It's not designed for that.. it can't read-ahead | 09:28 |
joelio | so it lock as you're condicuing an action | 09:28 |
Ben64 | rsv: don't, it isn't supported | 09:28 |
joelio | you *can* prefill the apt package cache | 09:28 |
k1l_ | snadge: make sure you device offers the storage and make sure mtpfs is installed | 09:28 |
joelio | which is what apt-file does | 09:29 |
joelio | and you can install in parallel, if you wanted | 09:29 |
lucas_ai | joelio: sure, then what's the proper way to download packages without blocking the whole system? | 09:29 |
k1l_ | rsv: better find other ways to get old software running than using a EOL ubuntu | 09:29 |
lucas_ai | joelio: all online installation instructions say: sudo apt-get install package, so it'll block. Is there a better way that doesn't block the system while just downloading some package? | 09:30 |
joelio | lucas_ai: did you try apt-file? There's no inherent support in native apt to do that, it'll lock as it's doing an action. apt-file works outside of apt | 09:30 |
joelio | as I keep saying :) | 09:30 |
joelio | sorry apt-fast | 09:31 |
joelio | (brain engage) | 09:31 |
guiverc | rsv: running 14.04 on a machine DOES not prove it'll run an older version; later kernels have modules (drivers) for later hardware. later kernels also drop some rare hardware (to stop them growing out-of-hand). | 09:31 |
lucas_ai | joelio: I'm asking how I would download & install a package called myPackage without blocking the system. sudo apt-fast myPackage , and then in another terminal can I do: sudo apt-fast secondPackage and it'll work? | 09:31 |
joelio | you can download, sure | 09:32 |
lucas_ai | joelio: I thought you said that wouldn't work at all. | 09:32 |
Anticom | guiverc: issue was a second GW | 09:32 |
joelio | but not install in parallel | 09:32 |
joelio | sigh | 09:32 |
Anticom | everything works fine now again | 09:32 |
joelio | right, back to work | 09:32 |
Anticom | cheers | 09:32 |
guiverc | :) well done Anticom. | 09:32 |
lucas_ai | joelio: I don't need to install in parallel. Just schedule an install of course. | 09:32 |
alkisg | lucas_ai: apt-get download xxx downloads the file, and then you can move it to /var/cache/apt/archives | 09:34 |
nod0n_ | What partition hex code should I use for a luks encrypted partion which will contain lvm and my OS? (default is 0x83 -> linux filesystem) | 09:34 |
nod0n_ | (gpt) | 09:34 |
lucas_ai | alkisg: is there any way to schedule the file for install automatically after it's downloaded? | 09:34 |
lucas_ai | alkisg: also, are packages just a single file with the same name? | 09:35 |
alkisg | lucas_ai: sure, apt-get download; mv xxx; apt-get install xxx. It's 3 commands. | 09:35 |
alkisg | lucas_ai: try apt-get download htop and see for yourself | 09:35 |
lucas_ai | alkisg: i'll try to make a script. | 09:35 |
snadge | looks like im bitten by #1314556 | 09:36 |
=== RanyIsAway is now known as rany | ||
lucas_ai | alkisg: the file downloaded has a different name than the package I told apt-get to install. Any ideas how to get the actual file name? | 09:37 |
lucas_ai | sudo apt download htop saves this file: htop_2.0.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb | 09:37 |
alkisg | lucas_ai: ls htop*.deb | 09:37 |
lucas_ai | alkisg: you think it'll always start with the short package name? | 09:37 |
alkisg | You don't really need the file name | 09:37 |
alkisg | Start in an empty folder | 09:38 |
lucas_ai | trying to make a script so that I can automate this | 09:38 |
alkisg | move everything | 09:38 |
lucas_ai | oh right! | 09:38 |
alkisg | apt-get install the package names | 09:38 |
alkisg | You don't need the file names | 09:38 |
alkisg | If you're going to write a script, before apt-get install, put a loop to test when the apt lock is not there | 09:39 |
aaran | Hi I am studying the LPIC-1 exam and I have a question regarding shared libraries, when you use #ldconfig -n /librarylocation/ what file does it write this new location to? | 09:39 |
k1l_ | aaran: better ask #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux for that | 09:40 |
lucas_ai | alkisg: yeah! also a loop to check when a file is downloaded | 09:40 |
aaran | ok | 09:40 |
lucas_ai | alkisg: you don't know of any such existing script, do you? | 09:40 |
idoko | also if your on a recent version, try using apt instead of apt-get | 09:40 |
aaran | tried in #linux they are busy talking about this laptop which has been locked to windows10 and will not allow linux installs easily | 09:40 |
nindustries | Hi, so I installed ubuntu in virtualbox. Starting firefox I see compiz taking 120% CPU. I don't think this is normal? | 09:40 |
aaran | I will try in the off-topic channel | 09:41 |
bergelmir | what could be the reason, if `apt-key list` returns a list of 5 keys, but `apt-get update` proccesses only 4 keys? | 09:50 |
brunch875 | I just crafter my own .deb and installed it under /usr/local. apt search <package> does find it, but I didn't expect it to... am I doing something bad? | 09:55 |
brunch875 | apt remove <package> states 'not found' | 09:55 |
bazhang | did you use checkinstall or not | 09:56 |
punkoivan | "search" - search in repo | 09:56 |
brunch875 | no, I just made my own .deb and installed it by hand with dpkg | 09:56 |
bazhang | thats why | 09:56 |
brunch875 | I'm a bit unsure if this is the way to go | 09:56 |
brunch875 | should I just copy the files manually to /usr/local? | 09:57 |
bazhang | !checkinstall | 09:57 |
ubottu | checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 09:57 |
bazhang | check the above please | 09:57 |
brunch875 | but that will be installed with all the other apt-gotten programs, right? | 09:57 |
=== matt_ is now known as Guest31284 | ||
brunch875 | I'm unsure if that's what I want to do | 09:58 |
bazhang | brunch875, did you want to be able to apt-get remove it or not | 09:58 |
brunch875 | not really... what I want to do is make it clean and standardized | 09:58 |
brunch875 | I'm not even sure if I should be using dpkg at all | 09:59 |
bazhang | then use checkinstall, as I suggested brunch875 | 09:59 |
snadge | follow up to my mtp issue.. if i killed nautilus, then a dialog pops up on my phone.. allow external mtp device access, press allow.. then it works :| | 09:59 |
snadge | i should probably contribute that advice to that bug | 09:59 |
brunch875 | the thing is I want to build vim from source and then put it in /usr/local, so that it doesn't touch the vim version uploaded in the repos | 09:59 |
koichirose | Hello, I'm having trouble extending a partition on a VMware virtualized machine. I usually created a new logical partition with fdisk, then extended the existing partition. some outputs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23210776/ can somebody help me out? | 09:59 |
brunch875 | I don't know what checkinstall does, but I suspect it installs the program with all other programs gotten with apt. I want to learn above all | 10:00 |
mcphail | brunch875: I do that all the time, and just install the files to the /usr/local prefix. IMHO, .debs shouldn't be used for /usr/local prefix, but that's my personal preference | 10:01 |
lucas_ai | alksig, actually this is quite useless because apt-get will recognize there are missing dependencies for this package and will start to download those as well | 10:01 |
brunch875 | mcphail: I thought so too... but then I wondered if it would be a bit messy keeping track of files installed by hand | 10:01 |
lucas_ai | exit | 10:01 |
brunch875 | as in... what to uninstall when uninstalling a program? | 10:02 |
mcphail | brunch875: it is messy, but it is also messy having the package manager looking after some things (but not others) in /usr/local | 10:02 |
brunch875 | I guess that's the answer I needed, thanks! ☺ | 10:02 |
mcphail | brunch875: the alternative is to install to /opt, and set your $PATH accordingly | 10:02 |
brunch875 | I'll just not use dpkg for this | 10:03 |
=== Guest31284 is now known as matt_ | ||
BigLion | hello | 10:11 |
nea1 | hi, i've got a bricked system ... one of the grub packages is brocken, so it can't call it's binarys ... now if i try to reinstall the packages it first wants to remove old kernels, which of failes => reinstall isn't done >.< | 10:11 |
nea1 | how can i fix this? | 10:12 |
nea1 | how do i tell apt to ignore its remove queue | 10:12 |
EriC^^ | nea1: upload some error logs | 10:12 |
nea1 | the system won't boot any longer i just bootet a different iso so that i can try and fix this in a chroot | 10:13 |
EriC^^ | did you mount the virtual fs? | 10:13 |
nea1 | virtual fs? /proc etc is mounted | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | upload the errors you're getting so we can have an idea of what's going on | 10:15 |
EriC^^ | command | nc termbin.com 9999 | 10:15 |
nea1 | http://termbin.com/q49n | 10:15 |
nea1 | http://termbin.com/n447n | 10:16 |
lucas_ai | If I have made scripts for ubuntu, how can I upload my packages to the ubuntu repositories? | 10:16 |
nea1 | oh, std err | 10:16 |
nea1 | http://termbin.com/dy34 | 10:16 |
bazhang | ppa lucas_ai | 10:17 |
bazhang | !ppa | lucas_ai | 10:17 |
ubottu | lucas_ai: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 10:17 |
k1l_ | nea1: reinstall the bootloader to mbr? | 10:17 |
lucas_ai | bazhang: everything in the ubuntu repositories is officially supported by Canonical? | 10:18 |
bazhang | lucas_ai, only a very select few can add packages to the official ubuntu repos | 10:18 |
EriC^^ | nea1: try apt-get install --reinstall grub2-common grub-common grub-efi-amd64{,-bin,-signed} | 10:18 |
mcphail | lucas_ai: no. Some things are supported by the community | 10:18 |
nea1 | EriC^^: that gives me an error because it first tries to remove some old kernels | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | nea1: paste the error | 10:19 |
lucas_ai | can I upload to a private PPA for free or do I need a private server? | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | lucas_ai: launchpad.net | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | it's not private though, unless there's some option for that | 10:20 |
lucas_ai | bazaar is the source management system for PPAs and packages? can't use git? | 10:20 |
nea1 | EriC^^: i reinstalled grub2-common from /var/cache via dpkg, seams now like it is working | 10:21 |
lucas_ai | btw that website seems really hard to use. | 10:21 |
IamTrying | In Ubuntu, which software is available to edit GIF file? (cant use GIMP) | 10:21 |
lucas_ai | but I'll try it. Thanks! | 10:21 |
EriC^^ | nea1: were you converting an install from mbr to efi? | 10:22 |
bazhang | IamTrying, for which operation | 10:22 |
* EriC^^ just curious | 10:22 | |
nea1 | EriC^^: no my ssh connection got killed while running an upgrade | 10:22 |
boxrick1 | I am currently trying to build a https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/tree/master/debian deb package, it make and make installs just fine. However running "fakeroot debian/rules binary" generates the error: http://pastebin.com/pBTh70Lm This is referenced inside cobbler.install | 10:23 |
IamTrying | bazhang: there is one GIF file which has 500 frames. I need to delete several frames to make it 30 frame. Like this GIF i have 40 of them so i need a quick tool | 10:23 |
boxrick1 | Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction, do I need to change this to sites.enabled or create a subfolder somewhere or simply remove that line? | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | nea1: oh | 10:24 |
IamTrying | bazhang: GIMP for some reason not working i cant see the layers preview enlarged picture | 10:24 |
EriC^^ | nea1: you do know of screen/tmux of course right? | 10:24 |
ring3_ | hi guys | 10:25 |
ring3_ | the windows boot manager didn't recognize the ubuntu uefi :/ | 10:26 |
EriC^^ | ring3_: fresh install? | 10:26 |
ring3_ | I disabled the hibernation, and addd an entry on the windows bootmanager | 10:26 |
ring3_ | iso on usb | 10:26 |
ring3_ | my window boot manager now has an entry to usb boot/uefi.img | 10:27 |
EriC^^ | ring3_: you haven't installed yet you mean? | 10:27 |
ring3_ | yep | 10:27 |
ring3_ | is a new laptop | 10:27 |
ring3_ | with win10 | 10:27 |
EriC^^ | you don't need to add anything to the windows boot manager, the bios can boot it directly | 10:27 |
EriC^^ | which laptop model? | 10:27 |
ring3_ | I tried all the bios options | 10:27 |
ring3_ | is a acer one | 10:27 |
ring3_ | notebook | 10:28 |
EriC^^ | ring3_: try setting the admin password for the bios | 10:28 |
EriC^^ | and try some run-time boot options menu and choose uefi usb, or the "trust" option in the bios in case it comes in handy | 10:28 |
ring3_ | the bios recognize the uefi usb | 10:28 |
ring3_ | I tried kali 32 and 64 | 10:29 |
MoL0ToV | hi i have a problem with a usb stick. i created a ubuntu install disc with usb-creator-gtk . after if i connect the usb stick the partitions are auto-mounted all read only. how to mount rw? | 10:29 |
MoL0ToV | this is the fdisk -l output: | 10:29 |
ring3_ | mount -o remount | 10:29 |
ring3_ | mount -o remount,rw | 10:30 |
EriC^^ | ring3_: what happens if you choose uefi usb in the bios? | 10:30 |
EriC^^ | in the boot menu i mean | 10:30 |
ring3_ | didn't boot | 10:30 |
EriC^^ | did you disable secureboot? | 10:30 |
ring3_ | and if I choose the usb with F12 also didnt boot | 10:30 |
ring3_ | yep, i tried to disable the secure boot | 10:30 |
EriC^^ | ring3_: try setting an admin password | 10:31 |
EriC^^ | who knows | 10:31 |
ring3_ | I think my bios didn't have the admin option | 10:31 |
ring3_ | secure boot disabled but standard or custom? | 10:32 |
MoL0ToV | ring3_, i want to automount rw, not by hand typing every time mount -o remount | 10:35 |
MoL0ToV | howto? | 10:35 |
MoL0ToV | i think that i must modify partitions via fdisk... or no? | 10:35 |
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne | ||
dafhew | why the fuck does Ubuntu keep turning my monitor off? that's absolutely retarded | 10:36 |
bazhang | dafhew, no cursing here | 10:37 |
k1l_ | dafhew: that language is not helping anyone. | 10:37 |
EriC^^ | MoL0ToV: what does /etc/fstab have? | 10:37 |
dafhew | that response was also not helpful | 10:37 |
k1l_ | !ask | dafhew | 10:38 |
ubottu | dafhew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 10:38 |
MoL0ToV | /etc/fstab does'nt contain usb stick, is automounted by system when i connect to pc | 10:38 |
k1l_ | dafhew: more details would be helpfull. | 10:38 |
MoL0ToV | EriC^^, /etc/fstab does'nt contain usb stick, is automounted by system when i connect to pc | 10:38 |
jesk | this blog post says that ubuntu 16.04 doesnt work well with its default gnome environment and xrdp | 10:40 |
jesk | oops EPASTE | 10:40 |
brunch875 | Is there a convention for user-defined keyboard shortcuts? | 10:40 |
jesk | I installed xorg on a new ubuntu server | 10:40 |
jesk | when trying to start it via startx or via xrdp I get: | 10:40 |
jesk | (EE) parse_vt_settings: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory) | 10:41 |
jesk | any idea? | 10:41 |
k1l_ | jesk: dont use startx on ubuntu. start the lightdm (or another dm) | 10:41 |
jesk | hm | 10:42 |
jesk | will try | 10:42 |
jesk | wanted to avoid lightdm | 10:42 |
jesk | lightdm installs *TONS* of dependencies | 10:44 |
k1l_ | jesk: well, you want a xorg desktop on a server :) | 10:44 |
joelio | jesk: what about with no-reccommends? | 10:44 |
EriC^^ | MoL0ToV: it's being mounted ro? | 10:44 |
jesk | kll, yeah but wanted a lightweight one | 10:45 |
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jesk | not I guess I have all the gnome bloat | 10:45 |
tech9ne | whois tech9ne | 10:45 |
jesk | s,not,now, | 10:45 |
joelio | jesk: gnome nothign to do with lightdm | 10:45 |
joelio | that's gdm | 10:45 |
joelio | jesk: did you try with --no-install-recommends ? | 10:47 |
jesk | lightdm has alone 20 dependencies with packages with name gnome in it | 10:48 |
joelio | jesk: no, it doesn't - apt-cache depends lightdm | 10:49 |
[_]` | http://fossboss.com/2016/09/21/windows-10-signature-edition-blocks-installing-linux/ seems kinda lame | 10:49 |
joelio | sudo apt-get install lightdm xserver-xorg --no-install-recommends | 10:49 |
joelio | handful of packages | 10:49 |
jesk | who uses "--no-install-recommends"? :) | 10:50 |
joelio | people who want minimal systems | 10:50 |
jesk | didnt know about it | 10:51 |
jesk | feelsbadman | 10:51 |
joelio | know you do :) | 10:51 |
joelio | *now | 10:51 |
jesk | why isnt that the default | 10:51 |
jesk | feels awkward | 10:51 |
joelio | because it can be too minimal for some, I guess | 10:51 |
joelio | use it a lot personally, good for making images for export | 10:51 |
joelio | you can set it as a global apt paramater too | 10:52 |
joelio | some packages that rely on other dependencies may have been built without no-recommends sometimes.. and they might miss upstream packages | 10:53 |
joelio | so like anything, test in isolation (vm, lxc, whatever) | 10:53 |
MoL0ToV | someone can help me with a read only automounted usb stick? if i remount read only i can write to, but i want that is automounted rw not readonly. howto? | 10:56 |
MoL0ToV | someone can help me with a read only automounted usb stick? if i remount rw i can write to, but i want that is automounted rw not readonly. howto? | 10:56 |
doilerd | indo | 10:56 |
doilerd | ppc | 10:57 |
k1l_ | MoL0ToV: look at dmesg why that usb gets mounted ro in the first place | 10:57 |
nea1 | EriC^^: seams like everything is working now - and yes ... tmux is now installed | 10:58 |
nea1 | and thanks :) | 10:58 |
MoL0ToV | k1l_, in dmesg there is nothing says readonly | 10:59 |
jesk | still no success with X remotely | 11:01 |
jesk | any hints appreciated | 11:02 |
jesk | (X forwarding does work) | 11:02 |
jesk | but need complete X session, or just xrdp | 11:02 |
nod0n_ | Hi, I tried to install Ubuntu 16.04 with the mini.iso image. How I tried: GPT partitioning table: 1. EFI partition 200MB, 2. /boot ext2 1GB, 3. crypt 250GB { lvm: /root ext4, /home ext4, /usr ext4, /var ext4, /opt ext4, /srv ext4, /tmp ext4, swap } | 11:03 |
crazyadm | mine works | 11:03 |
crazyadm | with gdm | 11:03 |
crazyadm | with xmanager in windows | 11:03 |
jesk | any hints what to check? | 11:05 |
nod0n_ | When I do the same with a msdos partition table, and installing grub2 in the SSDs MBR it works. When I was prompted where to install grub2, I did enter the EFI partition manualy. | 11:05 |
qtax^w | on ubuntu 16.04, when using git LFS, it tries to look up the LFS host on, which seems to be a local dnsmasq, but it is not set as a DNS server on the interfaces (afaics). is it default that dnsmasq runs on ubuntu now or is this something else? | 11:05 |
nindustries | Hi, so I installed ubuntu in virtualbox. Starting firefox I see compiz taking 120% CPU. I don't think this is normal? | 11:05 |
qtax^w | (tries and fails for some reason also, which is odd) | 11:05 |
nod0n_ | The installer ends with no error. After the reboot (installation device removed) EFI does not load grub2, even if I select the SSD in the boot menu. | 11:06 |
nod0n_ | What could I be doing wrong? | 11:07 |
EriC^^ | nod0n_: sometimes the bios are hardcoded to boot just the windows efi | 11:07 |
EriC^^ | nod0n_: other times you can "trust" the ubuntu efi file from the bios, you might need to set the admin password to get that option first | 11:08 |
joelio | jesk: vnc or rdp? | 11:08 |
EriC^^ | in the first case you can #1 try to disable the windows efi entry using efibootmgr, or #2 switch the efi files of ubuntu and windows to trick the bios into booting ubuntu, as far as i know | 11:08 |
jesk | joelio: rdp | 11:09 |
jesk | joelio: without gnome desktop, awesome as window manager | 11:09 |
jesk | joelio: as far as I know gnome3/unity has problems with rdp, but thats ok was I just want to use awesome-wm | 11:09 |
joelio | jesk: which version of ubuntu | 11:09 |
jesk | 16.04.1 | 11:09 |
jesk | just installed | 11:09 |
jesk | without anything on it yet | 11:10 |
nod0n_ | EriC^^: ah ok. I'll try to trust the Ubuntu efi file. If it does not work, How can I install Ubuntu with a GPT parition table with bios boot? | 11:10 |
joelio | and are you wedded to rdp? vnc is more native tbh | 11:10 |
joelio | jesk: ^ | 11:10 |
jesk | server distribution, installed xorg | 11:10 |
jesk | yeah Iam wedded to it | 11:10 |
jesk | colleagues need rdp | 11:10 |
joelio | hrm, ok, 14.04 has http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/misc/lightdm-remote-session-freerdp but can't see xenial - one mo | 11:11 |
EriC^^ | nod0n_: you need to create a 1mb bios-boot partition and install grub-pc package | 11:11 |
EriC^^ | nod0n_: it has the hexcode ef02 | 11:12 |
nod0n_ | EriC^^: ok. Is there an wiki article about how to install Ubuntu with GPT and BIOS? | 11:12 |
joelio | jesk: oh actually rdp built in now I think to lightdm.. /me checks | 11:12 |
joelio | jesk: https://github.com/scarygliders/X11RDP-o-Matic | 11:14 |
nod0n_ | I'll try with the bios-boot partition. I'll be back later if it does not work. | 11:14 |
jesk | joelio: you think I should ditch ubuntu xrdp package against that? | 11:15 |
joelio | just throwing it out there, I don't use rdp :) | 11:15 |
veter | Hello, i have 2 HDD on my laptop. 1st for the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 2nd i want to use for music, videos, OS backups etc. But i have permission for make changes there. http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1474456304.png How to use 2nd HDD like my home dir? | 11:16 |
veter | *have not | 11:16 |
punkoivan | veter, fstab? | 11:16 |
joelio | jesk: otherwise look at x2go | 11:17 |
joelio | or install full ubuntu and set remote desktop in there.. choice is yours :) | 11:18 |
jesk | so much magic | 11:18 |
sonu_nk | hi i wana install graphics driver in ubuntu 14 of dell monitor.. can you guide me to do this ? | 11:18 |
akik | sonu_nk: there are no monitor drivers in ubuntu | 11:19 |
veter | punkoivan, http://pastebin.com/PFiNGUq8 | 11:19 |
akik | sonu_nk: the problem is usually that you need to fix the graphics adapter to work | 11:20 |
sonu_nk | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) | 11:20 |
sonu_nk | akik: | 11:20 |
sonu_nk | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) | 11:20 |
EriC^^ | veter: how are you mounting the 2nd hdd? | 11:20 |
akik | sonu_nk: sudo lshw -c video <- that should tell you which graphics module is in use | 11:20 |
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terrible | hey i install a software from the source code but now i want to remove it but i dont find it in synaptic how can i remove those software install it from the source code? | 11:21 |
jesk | freaks me out | 11:21 |
veter | EriC^^, windows 10 was here, i format 2nd HDD in EXT4 | 11:21 |
=== me is now known as Guest90282 | ||
sonu_nk | akik: http://pastebin.com/PfPz1jN8 | 11:22 |
akik | sonu_nk: what kind of picture do you get on your display? is it with too low resolution? | 11:22 |
sonu_nk | akik: yes.. | 11:23 |
akik | sonu_nk: have you tried to adjust it in system settings? | 11:23 |
EriC^^ | veter: ok, type "ls /media/$USER" | 11:23 |
sonu_nk | and in setting Unkown Display akik | 11:23 |
akik | sonu_nk: by default it could be lower than the native resolution your display supports | 11:23 |
veter | EriC^^: HDD | 11:24 |
terrible | hey i install a software from the source code but now i want to remove it but i dont find it in synaptic how can i remove those software install it from the source code? | 11:25 |
sonu_nk | when i am installing intel-graphics-update-tool_2.0.2_amd64.deb in ubuntu 14 , it is giving me error dependency is not satisfiable libgtk-3-0(>=3.16.2) | 11:25 |
EriC^^ | veter: ok, try "sudo ls -la /media/$USER/hdd" | 11:28 |
EriC^^ | if you're sure that's the hdd you want to use for media and stuff then type sudo chown $USER: -R /media/$USER/hdd | 11:28 |
EriC^^ | lsblk will show you info about what's mounted and the size | 11:29 |
sonu_nk | when i am installing intel-graphics-update-tool_2.0.2_amd64.deb in ubuntu 14 , it is giving me error dependency is not satisfiable libgtk-3-0(>=3.16.2) | 11:30 |
veter | EriC^^: http://pastebin.com/U3dL9ja3 | 11:30 |
EriC^^ | veter: ok see above | 11:31 |
akik | sonu_nk: have you tried to adjust the screen resolution in system settings? | 11:32 |
sonu_nk | akik: yes.. | 11:32 |
sonu_nk | also when i am installing intel-graphics-update-tool_2.0.2_amd64.deb in ubuntu 14 , it is giving me error dependency is not satisfiable libgtk-3-0(>=3.16.2) | 11:32 |
akik | !info intel-graphics-update-tool trusty | 11:32 |
ubottu | Package intel-graphics-update-tool does not exist in trusty | 11:32 |
akik | there's no intel-graphics-update-tool in 14.04 | 11:33 |
akik | and usually you don't need that with the intel driver | 11:33 |
jesk | will try now xfce | 11:34 |
sonu_nk | akik: my screen font resolution is blur and its Dell monitor | 11:34 |
jesk | i cant believe that xrdp is not easily be done without installing the whole gnome unity bload desktop | 11:34 |
sonu_nk | akik: i am restarting my system coming back here.. | 11:35 |
=== vishnu is now known as Guest85456 | ||
veter | EriC^^: looks like start working without root priveleges http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1474457733.png , thank you. | 11:37 |
NeoFrontier | Hi, I am on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS. I have a great signal to a pppoe wifi point ( using a yagi and exernal wifi adapter). | 11:38 |
NeoFrontier | The technician gave me a temporary username and password to see if I can successfully connect to their point. They usually install their own equipment but he said if I manage with mine thats fine they just don't support it. | 11:38 |
Guest85456 | can any one help me to understand why top and systemmonitor are showing different statistics of ram in ubuntu 16.04 | 11:38 |
EriC^^ | veter: did you run the chown command? | 11:39 |
NeoFrontier | The access point appears in network manager as one of those without the little lock. How do I configure this kind of wifi pppoe connection on Ubuntu ? | 11:39 |
veter | EriC^^: yes, make the both command | 11:39 |
EriC^^ | veter: ok | 11:40 |
=== Guest46 is now known as McLight | ||
jesk | GOT IT | 11:51 |
jesk | after 1 hour of googling one hint | 11:51 |
jesk | /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh needs to know about your WM | 11:52 |
jesk | sourcing Xsession is not enough | 11:52 |
lkeijser | hi, I need to mirror an ubuntu repository, including all versions for the packages. I have a list of packages, so I don't need to mirror _all_ packages. What tool can I best use for this? | 11:54 |
jesk | lol but xrdp crashs all the time | 11:55 |
jesk | omg | 11:55 |
jesk | uninstall ubuntu | 11:55 |
ikonia | lkeijser: can apt-mirror use exclusions, I think it can, or you could just rsync with an exclude or include list | 11:58 |
=== mg is now known as mg- | ||
lkeijser | ikonia, ah, perhaps rsync is the way to go since I only have about 40 packages that I need to have all versions for | 12:00 |
ikonia | lkeijser: so just use --include on those 40 packages and it will auto exclude the rest | 12:02 |
sonu_nk | hi when i doing sudo apt-get update it is stuck on 0% [Connecting to in.archive.ubuntu.com | 12:10 |
ikonia | sonu_nk: so can you reach that host | 12:11 |
ikonia | if you can't - can you reach any host | 12:11 |
sonu_nk | ikonia: but i can access internet and google.. Wht to do now ? | 12:11 |
punkoivan | did you edit sources.list? | 12:12 |
sonu_nk | punkoivan: no | 12:12 |
maxcell_ | my mouse is way to slow without acceleration, how can i increase the sensitivity? (not accel) | 12:13 |
punkoivan | maxcell, use xinput | 12:13 |
punkoivan | sonu_nk, may be some temp trouble with repos? | 12:14 |
sonu_nk | punkoivan: sorry i am not expert.. i think i need to disable ipv6 | 12:14 |
maxcell_ | punkoivan, already did but, it doesnt show the "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" option https://paste.kde.org/pixkuj09s | 12:15 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:15 |
IceCoolTea | Hello | 12:15 |
IceCoolTea | is there a way to install/manage KVM on ubuntu server 16.04 through ssh? | 12:16 |
ikonia | IceCoolTea: virsh | 12:20 |
IceCoolTea | @ikonia thanks ill check it out | 12:29 |
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sigi | hi, i added a second ip address to my interface and because somewhere it says 'you are no longer adding a second ip by doing eth0:2' i don't have a second interface and when i try to forward the traffic with iptables rule and the --dst parameter, it doesn't work. tcpdump shows me that those two domains receive with different dst ips :( | 12:54 |
Globalirc | hello guys i have some problem with my ubuntu i can't install ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-multiarch i have ubuntu 12.04 | 12:55 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: can you show the output of "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch" | 13:00 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: on paste.ubuntu.com please | 13:00 |
=== Tims_Tech is now known as Tims_Tech_kiddo | ||
lkeijser | hi, I wanted to download libmysqlclient18 version 5.5.50 but it's no longer available. Only future and previous versions. Why is that? | 13:12 |
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RavinduL | Hi! I downloaded a .tar.xz archive from nodejs.org, how would I install it on Ubuntu 15.10? | 13:16 |
pdilyard | Has anyone achieved a true Mac OSX keyboard layout in Ubuntu? All I've seen is people swapping Cmd and Ctrl keys, but this is not the true behavior of OSX (if you do this, Cmd+C becomes ^C in a terminal, when it should still copy). The behavior I'm looking for is: Super+C: Copy, Super+V: Paste, Super+Tab: Switch windows, Super+T: New tab, Super+W: Close tab, etc. | 13:18 |
pdilyard | But Ctrl+C should still send ^C in a terminal | 13:18 |
IceCoolTea | the basic terminal does that, its not because of the layout | 13:19 |
Pici | RavinduL: are you aware that 15.10 has reached its end of life? | 13:19 |
pdilyard | IceCoolTea: So if I were to make Super act as Ctrl, I would actually get the desired behavior? | 13:20 |
k1l_ | RavinduL: first plan to upgrade to 16.04. 15.10 is dead and is an security issue now since it doesnt get any security fixes anymore | 13:21 |
RavinduL | Pici, k1l_ I shall upgrade (y) | 13:21 |
IceCoolTea | sorry, i wasnt clear, ^C happens with ctrl+c on default terminal, no matter if its ctrl or Super | 13:21 |
RavinduL | but how would I install a .tar.xz ? | 13:22 |
RavinduL | n00b here | 13:22 |
k1l_ | RavinduL: extract the package and look inside. there is a readme | 13:22 |
pdilyard | IceCoolTea: correct, but I want ^C to happen when I press Ctrl+C, and Copy to happen when I press Super+C...this gets messed up if you just swap Ctrl and Super | 13:22 |
k1l_ | RavinduL: but that is not neccesarry, since 16.04 ships a newer version than 15.10 in the ubuntu repos | 13:23 |
RavinduL | k1l_, the readme doesn't say how to install it :/ | 13:24 |
Pici | !info nodejs | 13:24 |
ubottu | nodejs (source: nodejs): evented I/O for V8 javascript. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.2.6~dfsg-1ubuntu4.1 (xenial), package size 3029 kB, installed size 12250 kB | 13:24 |
IceCoolTea | pdilyard: ah i see, no clue about that sorry | 13:25 |
pdilyard | no worries | 13:25 |
RavinduL | it does have folders called bin, include, lib and share, so I'm assuming that you have to extract it to somewhere that that's included into the PATH variable? | 13:25 |
k1l_ | RavinduL: that depends heavily on what is inside that tar.gz. please look at the nodejs documentation for what you downloaded there | 13:25 |
RavinduL | *in the PATH variable | 13:25 |
Pici | RavinduL: Are you downloading nodejs itself? | 13:25 |
boern_ | hello! i have a problem with ubuntu 16.04 and hdmi audio.. i have my boxes plugged into my display which is connected via hdmi to my pc. the audio is working, but when i dont listen to music there is always that sound that the audio plugins on and off.. and when i want to listen to music again, it takes a few seconds to turn on again.. can i fix this somehow? | 13:26 |
Sourcey | How to combine sftp users with authorized_keys. I'm creating a .ssh folder in the users home directory and adding the public key to the auth keys file. This works fine, but when I put the user in the correct group for chrootDirectory it doesnt work anymore | 13:26 |
RavinduL | Pici, I downloaded v4.5.0 LTS from https://nodejs.org/en/ | 13:26 |
k1l_ | RavinduL: sometimes projects ship sourcecode which needs to be compiled, some do ship binaries etc. | 13:26 |
RavinduL | https://nodejs.org/dist/v4.5.0/node-v4.5.0-linux-x64.tar.xz | 13:26 |
k1l_ | RavinduL: so i strongly suggest you upgrade to 16.04 first and then use the nodejs from ubuntu | 13:26 |
RavinduL | k1l_, There's no makefile | 13:26 |
Globalirc | k1l_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/23211398/ | 13:27 |
Pici | RavinduL: Personally, I'd opt to use packages via the nodejs package repository: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions | 13:28 |
Pici | RavinduL: that ensures that you get updates as nodejs makes them available | 13:28 |
Pici | (Theres no point in getting a nodejs LTS if you can't get updates for it) | 13:29 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: is that a wubi install? | 13:29 |
RavinduL | Pici, Thanks :) | 13:29 |
RavinduL | Pici, k1l_ I'm upgrading to 16.04 right now :) | 13:29 |
Pici | RavinduL: great! :) | 13:29 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: try "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ia32-libs" | 13:30 |
Globalirc | k1l_ok | 13:30 |
Globalirc | k1l_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/23211411/ | 13:31 |
Globalirc | its a ovh vps hosting | 13:32 |
forma | if i run a traceroute to an ip outside my network, i get packetdrops on a specific hop, I have 90% packetloss, so im wondering what that could mean? internet seems to be working fine, so it does not seem to be related to my connection | 13:32 |
forma | what kind of tools are there which could help me figure out what is happening? i tried traceroute and tcptraceroute, both show the same issue | 13:33 |
forma | I thought it was ICMP blocking but i dont believe its that anymore. but I still dont know what it is :) very curious if somebody could chip in | 13:33 |
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ilmaisin | arrgh | 13:36 |
ilmaisin | why is the "calendar" app so buggy? | 13:36 |
ilmaisin | do they test these things at all? | 13:36 |
ilmaisin | now the settings menu even hide the local calendars | 13:37 |
ilmaisin | just wonder how anyone can dare to put one's name on this kind of crap | 13:37 |
boern_ | http://pastebin.com/jBw6eNdM how can i fix that? i want to install newer nvidia driver | 13:38 |
knight__ | hello everyone | 13:39 |
ilmaisin | boern_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65856/how-does-one-exit-the-x-server | 13:40 |
boern_ | seriously.. why is everything so complicated in linux ;( | 13:41 |
boern_ | why isnt it possible to just install a driver with doing 100 other things.. | 13:41 |
ilmaisin | boern_: don't use linux then | 13:41 |
ilmaisin | boern_: linux isn't just not designed for external gpu drivers | 13:42 |
boern_ | i like linux, but its really not user friendly.. | 13:42 |
ilmaisin | boern_: it is when you use it as supposed | 13:42 |
AlexUnder | what distribution do you have? | 13:42 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: what is the output of "ls /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/"? | 13:43 |
boern_ | ubuntu 16.04 | 13:43 |
ztane | boern_: please google linus nvidia, and watch the video :D | 13:43 |
k1l_ | boern_: what are you trying to do at all? | 13:44 |
joelio | boern_: which was the original nvidia driver (in ubuntu you used) there are generally newer ones available | 13:44 |
boern_ | ilmaisin: but you cant tell me, that using the terminal for everything is efficient.. | 13:44 |
Globalirc | k1l_ ls /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/ | 13:44 |
Globalirc | multiarch | 13:44 |
joelio | boern_: if you know what you're doing in the terminal, it's a lot quicker than any gui | 13:44 |
ztane | boern_: that error comes from nvidia's installer | 13:44 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: ok, then try : sudo sh -c "echo 'foreign-architecture i386' > /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch" | 13:44 |
Globalirc | k1l_and now ? | 13:45 |
ilmaisin | boern_: thinking how complicated it is to develop and provide linux kernel drivers, nvidia has done absolutely wonderful job | 13:46 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ia32-libs" | 13:46 |
Fuchs | boern_: don't install the nvidia driver by hand | 13:46 |
Fuchs | boern_: if you really really _need_ the new version (not just want it), at least use a ppa that does dkms right, else it will break after every kernel update | 13:47 |
Globalirc | k1l_ sudo sh -c "echo 'foreign-architecture i386' > /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch | 13:47 |
Globalirc | > sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ia32-libs | 13:47 |
Globalirc | nonething | 13:47 |
Fuchs | boern_: otherwise you can just use the driver manager, which is very easy and works fine. | 13:47 |
ilmaisin | boern_: the "proper" way would be to publish the documentation that would allow linux kernel developers to build fully capable free-software drivers, but there is fear that it would help nvidia's competitors as well | 13:47 |
boern_ | the main problem is, that my hdmi audio is not working so well.. when i listen to music its fine, but when i stop the boxes sound like they "turn off" and then when i want i listen again it takes few seconds | 13:47 |
Globalirc | after i hit CTRL+C i can apt-get | 13:47 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: wait, you missed a " at the first command | 13:48 |
Globalirc | ahh | 13:48 |
Globalirc | ok | 13:49 |
boern_ | but the thing is.. if linux wants to be more popular and get more attention on the market it has to work for people who are not so extreme experts .. i think android did it right | 13:49 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: the last " is part of the command not from me: sudo sh -c "echo 'foreign-architecture i386' > /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch" | 13:49 |
knight__ | has anyone here built their own distro from scratch? | 13:49 |
nicomachus | knight__: that's not really on topic here. | 13:49 |
boern_ | there are 1000 ubuntu / debian forks and all suffer from the same issues... WHY can there just be one distro that acutally works | 13:50 |
k1l_ | boern_: its nvidia making the issue here. so your advice is based on false facts. so please tell us the requested details if you want help. if you want to rant this is the wrong channel | 13:50 |
nicomachus | boern_: what issue are you having now? | 13:50 |
joelio | boern_: happy to accept your patches | 13:50 |
boern_ | my hdmi audio is not working so well.. when i listen to music its fine, but when i stop the boxes sound like they "turn off" and then when i want i listen again it takes few seconds | 13:50 |
boern_ | thats my main problem | 13:50 |
k1l_ | knight__: ##linux would be the proper channel | 13:50 |
knight__ | ok sorry i was jw | 13:50 |
nicomachus | boern_: going to need more details. | 13:51 |
k1l_ | boern_: what driver are you using exactly? | 13:51 |
Globalirc | ok i do correct now and i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23211473/ | 13:51 |
boern_ | the nvidia driver from "additional drivers" | 13:51 |
boern_ | but its older than the one on the website | 13:51 |
joelio | there are newer ones, ubuntu based ones, you know | 13:51 |
joelio | nvidia-current puts on a version with more compatibility | 13:51 |
boern_ | i mean i can try the open source driver, but in many cases its worse | 13:52 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch | 13:52 |
joelio | it uses dkms, a module system too, which makes upgrades less fragile | 13:52 |
joelio | (generally) | 13:52 |
k1l_ | boern_: what exact driver? "the blue car" is not the proper answer on what car you drive exactly. | 13:52 |
Globalirc | k1l_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/23211486/ | 13:53 |
boern_ | one sec | 13:53 |
joelio | nvidia-304 vs nvidia-361 - as one small example | 13:53 |
boern_ | http://s13.postimg.org/i4j6kc4k7/Screenshot_from_2016_09_21_15_53_05.png | 13:53 |
boern_ | but on the website i can get 367.44 | 13:54 |
k1l_ | this PPA ships 370 https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=xenial | 13:54 |
boern_ | okay thank you i will try it brb | 13:56 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: try a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 13:57 |
Globalirc | k1l_ this command will upgrade the version of ubuntu ? | 13:57 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: no. | 13:57 |
Globalirc | k | 13:57 |
k1l_ | it will stay on 12.04 | 13:57 |
Globalirc | ok thanks:D | 13:57 |
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boern_ | its still not working but i have these drivers: http://s9.postimg.org/8jkj4mpz3/Screenshot_from_2016_09_21_16_01_49.png | 14:02 |
boern_ | the thing is, i have my boxes plugged into my display (benq) which is connected via HDMI to my pc | 14:03 |
Southern_Gentlem | boern_, and what is your video card ? | 14:03 |
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boern_ | GTX 970 | 14:03 |
Globalirc | k1l_ done now i do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ia32-libs = same result, sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch = same result | 14:03 |
k1l_ | boern_: did you relogin? | 14:03 |
Southern_Gentlem | so yes that should be the driver for that card | 14:03 |
boern_ | i did reboot | 14:03 |
k1l_ | boern_: so you are not sure if the delay is done by the benq monitor? | 14:04 |
boern_ | i have BenQ GL2760H ! BUT on windows and chromeOS(!) it makes no problems | 14:04 |
joelio | it's probably probing for EDID | 14:05 |
boern_ | i put my boxes to the display that i can change to my chrombook easier if i want | 14:05 |
boern_ | that problems are just on ubuntu | 14:05 |
joelio | boern_: so it's just when you come to play there's a gap while the hdmi audio kicks in? | 14:07 |
joelio | but it does kick in? if so how long is the gap | 14:07 |
boern_ | joelio: when i stop listen to music there is a weird sound after few seconds. when i want to listen again it takes a few seconds, the weird sound appears again and then it plays | 14:08 |
joelio | that could be pulseaudio, not nvidia specifically (or a combo of both) | 14:09 |
boern_ | so what should i do? :S | 14:09 |
boern_ | sorry i am bit noobie.. | 14:09 |
joelio | in /etc/pulse/default.pa or ~/.config/pulse/default.pa | 14:09 |
joelio | try and hash out | 14:09 |
joelio | load-module module-suspend-on-idle | 14:10 |
k1l_ | Globalirc: 12.04 was not really made for multiarch. i dont know how to solve that issue. last try would be a "sudo apt-get install -f" | 14:10 |
joelio | boern_: but it could be a few things tbh | 14:10 |
joelio | boern_: then restart pulseaudio or the system | 14:10 |
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Globalirc | k1l_ 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. :D ok thanks for help and your time | 14:12 |
boern_ | ok i tried it and reboot now | 14:13 |
noura | hi | 14:15 |
boern_ | wow i think that really worked omg thx | 14:15 |
dafhew | why isn't there a scroll bar in Software? | 14:16 |
joelio | boern_: anytime pal | 14:16 |
noura | how are u | 14:16 |
noura | how can help me | 14:16 |
boern_ | but why does that load-module module-suspend-on-idle even exists | 14:16 |
dafhew | how do I make Ubuntu not shut down monitor? | 14:16 |
nicomachus | noura: what do you need help with? | 14:16 |
joelio | boern_: to save battery life on laptops I guess | 14:16 |
nicomachus | dafhew: can you be more specifc? | 14:16 |
dafhew | no | 14:16 |
djdexter | q | 14:16 |
noura | iam dont knwo us backbox | 14:17 |
DArqueBishop | !backbox | 14:17 |
ubottu | Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it. | 14:17 |
boern_ | okay.. anyways thank you :3 | 14:17 |
noura | are u have cors or book | 14:18 |
RavinduL | Hi! I'm dual booting Ubuntu and Windows 10. Will upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04 'mess up my dual boot'? | 14:20 |
RavinduL | (Upgrading using the inbuilt 'Software Updater') | 14:21 |
iit | halo | 14:21 |
nicomachus | RavinduL: no, but 15.10 is EOL so you'll have to follow the EOL instructions. Cannot use 'Software Updater' | 14:21 |
nicomachus | !EOL | RavinduL | 14:21 |
ubottu | RavinduL: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 14:21 |
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Guest37740 | why icon network hide? ubuntu mate | 14:22 |
RavinduL | nicomachus, thanks | 14:24 |
RavinduL | \exit | 14:24 |
mustmodify | what's the stupid command to look for dns records? | 14:29 |
mustmodify | it's not yank... | 14:29 |
mustmodify | pulll.... | 14:29 |
mustmodify | something like that | 14:29 |
joelio | mustmodify: dig? | 14:31 |
mustmodify | ding! thanks. | 14:31 |
joelio | no, dig :D | 14:31 |
mustmodify | 1000 points to joelio | 14:32 |
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jesk | I added fedora repositories with worse priority | 14:37 |
jesk | argh echan | 14:38 |
jj-jj | how to check if cron job is running? | 14:43 |
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joelio | jj-jj: do you mean if it's running now, or just set to run? | 14:46 |
pkennedy | jj-jj: What about this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/149504/how-can-i-tell-if-my-hourly-cron-job-has-run | 14:46 |
jj-jj | if its running now i meant | 14:47 |
joelio | jj-jj: ps auxww | grep 'name of command' ? | 14:49 |
joelio | or something like that | 14:49 |
jj-jj | name of command being cron? | 14:49 |
Pici | jj-jj: no, the command you told cron to run | 14:51 |
jj-jj | 15 * * * * php /var/www/itom/artisan schedule:run> /dev/null 2>&1 | 14:52 |
jj-jj | thats the command in my crontab -e | 14:52 |
jj-jj | that means it should run every 15 minutes yes? | 14:53 |
joelio | no | 14:53 |
joelio | that's 15 past the hour | 14:53 |
jj-jj | ohh | 14:53 |
jj-jj | how do i make it every 15 minutes? | 14:54 |
joelio | */15 | 14:54 |
joelio | that can splay too, so not *exactly* on 0,15,30 etc | 14:54 |
jj-jj | and 1 * * * * * would mean every minute? | 14:54 |
joelio | if you want that, do 0,15,30,45 | 14:54 |
joelio | no | 14:54 |
jj-jj | past the hour | 14:54 |
joelio | yes | 14:54 |
joelio | 1 min past the hour, every min would be */60 | 14:55 |
jj-jj | okay | 14:55 |
jj-jj | great thanks | 14:55 |
joelio | np | 14:55 |
jj-jj | so to check if its running | 14:55 |
jj-jj | it would be | 14:55 |
jj-jj | ps auxww | grep schedule:run | 14:55 |
joelio | sorry every minute would be * * * * * - brain out of order todat | 14:55 |
joelio | but */15 for every 15 mins | 14:55 |
jj-jj | lol thanks | 14:56 |
joelio | yea, that grep should work if you use - ps auxwww to get teh full command | 14:57 |
devan | I have to say: I'm not happy with systemd: Every time I start the computer up, I have to deal with an annoying start job just to get luks to mount a partition that fails and starts the maintenance. If there anyway to get systemd to work better with cryptsetup? or safely remove systemd and revert back to upstart? | 14:57 |
joelio | jj-jj: you can also use pgrep too, but that might not work with the subcommands on the binary | 14:57 |
joelio | just fyi anyway if you want to research pgrep | 14:57 |
joelio | ps auxwww | grep {thing} fine thoygh | 14:57 |
devan | And lately the start jobs are getting worse with luks.. Its as if every update is breaking sytemd with luks. its insane | 14:59 |
OerHeks | devan, 'to mount a partition that fails and starts the maintenance' .. better fix that share, than ranting about systemd | 15:01 |
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devan | OerHeks, Thats something cannon should be told, not me.. | 15:01 |
mejnour | Hello, guys. I was hoping you guys could point me a solution for a problem I'm having here regarding my WiFi adapter... | 15:01 |
OerHeks | devan, so why you tell us then? | 15:02 |
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devan | because i was hoping that there's a safe way to remove systemd, thats why im in a ubuntu support chat | 15:03 |
OerHeks | devan, nope, then you need to go back to 14.04 lts = reinstall | 15:03 |
boxrick1 | I am currently getting started with Pbuilder, I have built a package from a tarball and it seems to work. What is the easiest way of getting this inside Pbuilder ? | 15:04 |
mejnour | I have a Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174, wich I managed to put to work AND is working right now. The thing is... Sometimes when I come back from suspend or when I boot up, It refuses to work. It simply won't find any wifi network... Everytime this happens, I have to reboot my machine. I wish you guys could point me some ways to identify what is going on the next time the malfunction happen... | 15:05 |
mejnour | Please* :) | 15:05 |
devan | I dunno.. The fact that right after the death of ian murdock, debian all the sudden starts shipping out with systemd right after, which almost right after that, computers with encrypted partitions start breaking because almost every other debian like distro starts defacto'ing systemd is a little bit suspicious.. | 15:08 |
DArqueBishop | devan: if your encrypted volume is having issues mounting, then you might want to troubleshoot and see why it's failing rather than getting angry at systemd and wanting to remove it. Even if switching from systemd to upstart in 16.04 were possible (it isn't), you're really just fixing a symptom and not the underlying issue. | 15:08 |
compdoc | systemd is a conspiracy now? | 15:09 |
devan | No i suspicious | 15:09 |
devan | but why would distro's ship out something that most poeple know was buggish to begin with? | 15:10 |
dax | debian started using systemd before Ian died, and Ian left Debian a long while ago | 15:11 |
DArqueBishop | devan: conspiracy theories about systemd really belong in #ubuntu-discuss at best, and more likely in #ubuntu-offtopic. | 15:11 |
dax | and yeah, this is all incredibly not-support-related | 15:11 |
joelio | I thought Ian died well before systemd personally, time flies! | 15:11 |
joelio | devan: lots of distros that don't have systemd | 15:12 |
joelio | and you can remove it if you want | 15:12 |
joelio | but ubuntu needs to stick to what debian's doing upstream really | 15:12 |
joelio | and really, if you've used it a bit, it gets better | 15:12 |
joelio | I hated at the start, less so now | 15:13 |
devan | alright, maybe Im wrong but Im just like what the hell. everything was working fine until I installed a disto with systemd and everything gets wonky with these annoying start/stop jobs.. I tried to disable cups that didn't help, I tried to fsck the partition, no-go. So I don't know what to do other then get paranoid over this. | 15:13 |
DArqueBishop | devan: have you run a SMART test on the drive? | 15:13 |
joelio | devan: didn't follow abouve, was busy, what's your issue exactly? | 15:14 |
devan | ok that I'll do that.. | 15:14 |
devan | can I get a step by step? | 15:14 |
DalekSec | boxrick1: You'd generally dpkg-buildpackage -S then pbuilder build ../whateverpackage_version.dsc | 15:16 |
carter_ | hello | 15:16 |
carter_ | i am having a problem with my operating system | 15:16 |
joelio | DalekSec: also need to create the pbuilder first | 15:17 |
joelio | you can just run it from the package dir too (with debian/ dir in too) | 15:17 |
joelio | no need to feed it a dsc fwiw | 15:17 |
NOVATechies | well damn i guess carter was impatient | 15:17 |
joelio | or the problem was really bad | 15:18 |
DalekSec | joelio: Yes I guess I presumed he did it. You can if you use `pdebuild`, yes. There's some use cases for the dsc, and that's the one he'd started to use. | 15:18 |
mejnour | What should I do if I get no answer? Should I re-send my issue? | 15:18 |
Southern_Gentlem | mejnour, if it has been 5 minutes yes | 15:19 |
mejnour | Thank you Southern_Gentlem | 15:20 |
Southern_Gentlem | devan, what software isnt buggy | 15:20 |
Southern_Gentlem | devan i have been using systemd for close to 5 years with none of the issues you are describing | 15:20 |
mejnour | I have a Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174, wich I managed to put to work AND is working right now. The thing is... Sometimes when I come back from suspend or when I boot up, It refuses to work. It simply won't find any wifi network... Everytime this happens, I have to reboot my machine. I wish you guys could point me some ways to identify what is going on the next time the malfunction happen... | 15:24 |
BluesKaj_ | mejnour, that's not your wifi hardware, that's a bug in network-manager. I've encountered the same effect | 15:26 |
mejnour | BluesKaj_, and how you managed that? | 15:27 |
Amm0n | mejnour, http://askubuntu.com/questions/761180/wifi-doesnt-work-after-suspend-after-16-04-upgrade | 15:28 |
mejnour | BluesKaj_, I tried turning my WiFi off and on again... And nothing. Only reboot seems to work. I havent tried any terminal-related solutions | 15:28 |
mejnour | Oh, thank you very much Amm0n | 15:28 |
mejnour | I'm gonna read that now. | 15:28 |
BluesKaj_ | mejnour, an upgrade for my braodcom 4313 driver helped clear up the problem | 15:29 |
razeal113 | when installing ubuntu with "erase disk and install ubuntu" i get, "the entire disk will be used (/dev/sda(ext4) 120GB Does this mean that i will no longer have access to this memory? | 15:29 |
nacc | razeal113: are you mis-using the term 'memory'? | 15:29 |
nacc | razeal113: as it's a hard drive, not memory | 15:29 |
razeal113 | I suppose i meant that when it says the entire disk will be used, does this mean that i will lose access to the disk seeing how linux only a few GB and it is saying that it will use 120GB | 15:30 |
lkeijser | hi, is it possible to download mysql 5.5.50 for ubuntu 12.04 lts somewhere? I can only find 5.5.52 | 15:31 |
Southern_Gentlem | razeal113, it will setup partitions and the like you will lose some space but no you will have access to a lot of it | 15:31 |
razeal113 | thanks Southern_Gentlem | 15:32 |
nacc | razeal113: do you mean access to existing data? | 15:32 |
razeal113 | No i understand that i will lose all data , just an infintile question based on linux being so much smaller than 120GB and didn't want it to format the entire drive or it was unuseable , but sounds like im wrong and i will have access to that space | 15:34 |
nacc | razeal113: you told it to use the entire disk, so it will use the entire disk. Not sure why that would result in some of it being inaccessible. "linux is smaller" -- do you mean the installed footprint? | 15:35 |
nevermind | Hi all. Noob question here. I'm trying to change the default netmask for an interface in /etc/network/interfaces, but running a 'sudo service networking restart' does not seem to put the change into effect. How can I change the subnet for an interface without doing a restart? | 15:35 |
compdoc | razeal113, it just makes the entire disk usable for you to store files, etc. | 15:36 |
th0r | nevermind, you might try ifdown/ifup. But then again, ubuntu might have changed that too. | 15:36 |
nevermind | th0r: Thanks. Supposing I'm doing this remotely, is there a command to do ifdown and then ifup, or do I have to run both of those separately? | 15:37 |
th0r | nevermind, I don't think you can do them remotely. If I was forced...I would write them into a script and hope it ran to completion and brought the interface up | 15:38 |
deadboy | heii can anyone tell me wot the command init 1 will do | 15:38 |
deadboy | ? | 15:38 |
th0r | nevermind, but I wouldn't want to even bet on that. Ubuntu went off the reservation and changed a lot of things...don't know if those commands are even in there any more. | 15:38 |
Southern_Gentlem | it puts the machine in single user mode (no networking and no gui) | 15:39 |
Southern_Gentlem | deadboy, ^^ | 15:39 |
deadboy | but i donnt even get a prmpt | 15:39 |
Southern_Gentlem | try another virtual terminal (control alt-f2 f3 | 15:40 |
Southern_Gentlem | in ubuntu does X run in VT7 or VT1 | 15:40 |
Southern_Gentlem | ? | 15:40 |
Joshua^Dunamis | deadboy: single user without network | 15:41 |
transhuman | hi I found a script which writes a video on the root window, but it does not preserve the icons and normal desktop stuff except the ubuntu toolbar anyone know of one that does? | 15:41 |
cscf | Southern_Gentlem, 7 | 15:41 |
smallduck | Hello everyone. Can someone help me please ? . I installed ubuntu 16.04 in HP Pavilon x360 13inch. It had a issues with wifi and add I fixed it adding acer_wmi to blacklist. But it has very low signal and also often disconnected. | 15:43 |
varaindemian | I got this problem after using sudo apt update https://paste.ubuntu.com/23211914/ | 15:49 |
joelio | varaindemian: have you got apt-https-transport installed/ | 15:50 |
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joelio | varaindemian: sorry apt-transport-https | 15:51 |
gustav___ | 14.04 is still supported. I'm having some problems with skipping sound on HTML5 YouTube in Firefox. Do I have to move pulseaudio to realtime? It used to work... how to fix? | 15:53 |
gustav___ | Skipping is not very precise. Sound shuts off for periods. There's noise + music or noise when no music is playing. Then total silence. Then it plays again. | 15:53 |
ikonia | gustav___: 14.04 is supported | 15:54 |
gustav___ | ikonia: Do you know about this sort of stuff? | 15:54 |
joelio | gustav___: I recommend installing h264ify plugin.. you'll get hardware decode support | 15:54 |
ikonia | gustav___: I'd look quickly at your machine resources making sure you're not peaking, I'd look at the codec, and I'd like at your video/audio setup in general | 15:54 |
joelio | the default google codec is vp9 - which has very little hardware support | 15:55 |
joelio | there is a plugin for both ff and chrome | 15:55 |
joelio | google own vp9 - hence why it's youtube default | 15:56 |
gustav___ | ikonia: CPU for Firefox is <20%. | 15:56 |
joelio | if you right click and look at stats for nerds, you'll see | 15:56 |
gustav___ | h264ify is not in 14.04? | 15:56 |
joelio | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/h264ify/ | 15:56 |
joelio | it's ff plugin | 15:56 |
varaindemian | joelio, prolly since I installed opera developer | 15:57 |
varaindemian | joelio, how can I tell you? | 15:57 |
joelio | varaindemian: apt-cache policy apt-transport-https | 15:57 |
joelio | varaindemian: it'll say if it's installed or not | 15:57 |
joelio | if not | 15:57 |
joelio | sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https | 15:57 |
joelio | then rerun apt-get update | 15:57 |
joelio | or apt update, whatever | 15:57 |
gustav___ | Seems to be not Firefox or plugin related. | 15:58 |
gustav___ | Was using lowlatency kernel, now back on "generic." | 15:59 |
joelio | lowlatency is good if you're in a studio, but not much benefit for normal playback imho | 16:00 |
ikonia | gustav___: why are you using the low latancy kernel | 16:00 |
joelio | and can have strange other effects | 16:00 |
ikonia | thats a very specific use case | 16:00 |
gustav___ | ikonia: Checking if it's stable. | 16:00 |
ikonia | gustav___: why ? | 16:00 |
gustav___ | I thought I might program something realtime later. | 16:00 |
gustav___ | That I decided years ago. :-) | 16:00 |
ikonia | its doubtful you'll need the real time kernel | 16:00 |
joelio | yea, you really don't - even realtime kernel is not so realtime.. if you want realtime you need full realtime os (whihc isn't linux imho) | 16:01 |
gustav___ | I thought about developing lowlatency/microkernel in the kernel, or in some part of it, for myself. | 16:02 |
gustav___ | For some applications I would develop. | 16:02 |
joelio | yea, but there's so many other subsystems | 16:02 |
gustav___ | Yep. | 16:02 |
gustav___ | Could do it on some PCI card. | 16:03 |
joelio | for proper realtime needs, like fly by wire - I wouldn't use linux :D | 16:03 |
joelio | even pci interrupts won't be afaiu | 16:03 |
joelio | (in linux that is) | 16:03 |
joelio | unless it's managed by a seperate os/clock etc and you just use pci channel for sideband comms | 16:04 |
gustav___ | This problem is reeeally annoying. | 16:04 |
joelio | or something | 16:04 |
joelio | what is it? | 16:04 |
gustav___ | That the sound is shut off. | 16:04 |
joelio | care to elaborate a bit? didn't see scrollup | 16:04 |
gustav___ | Playing. Off. ... Playing. ... Off. | 16:04 |
joelio | could be pulse, not kernel | 16:04 |
gustav___ | Time isn't constant, I think that's what makes it annoying. | 16:05 |
gustav___ | Yes. | 16:05 |
ikonia | gustav___: I'm not trying to be rude, but you're talking about writing your own real time kernel, but you've not been able to research sound problems ? | 16:05 |
gustav___ | I said above I'm not on lowlatency now. | 16:05 |
joelio | well, get back to -generic first | 16:05 |
joelio | ok, cool | 16:05 |
gustav___ | joelio: I am. | 16:05 |
gustav___ | ikonia: I'm not very good with sound, better with processes stuff. | 16:06 |
joelio | gustav___: and is the problem just in ff or is it in other apps | 16:06 |
gustav___ | Not a lot of knowledge about drivers in general. | 16:06 |
joelio | and does it exhibit itself at startup, during or after X time | 16:06 |
joelio | etc etc | 16:06 |
gustav___ | joelio: I can hear sound turning off from noise when not playing so not Firefox. | 16:06 |
gustav___ | It's right now, during runtime. | 16:06 |
gustav___ | 18:06:57 up 18 min, 7 users, load average: 0,13, 0,30, 0,31 | 16:07 |
joelio | dmesg, logs etc? | 16:07 |
gustav___ | I'm in X11 with a few terminals and Firefox. | 16:07 |
gustav___ | Ok. | 16:07 |
gustav___ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/23211988/ dmesg. | 16:07 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
joelio | gustav___: audio via onboard or hdmi nvidia? | 16:08 |
gustav___ | joelio: Onboard. | 16:08 |
joelio | can you try and aplay something - to put sound via alsa | 16:09 |
joelio | (in console really with pulse deamon stopped to be sure) | 16:09 |
gustav___ | Yes. | 16:09 |
gustav___ | Hold on. Is aplay .wav only? | 16:09 |
joelio | work out if it's a driver issue or pulse (usually pulse) | 16:09 |
joelio | umm, can't recall | 16:09 |
joelio | gustav___: going to have to motor soon, but try that - see if it's fine in ALSA and then got something to go from | 16:10 |
joelio | if you've got access to another sound device, try that too, for good measure | 16:10 |
=== Sir_Lestaty is now known as seraphim | ||
joelio | gustav___: line 793 looks intersting, I dunno if I've seen that before | 16:11 |
joelio | right, off :) | 16:11 |
varaindemian | joelio, Installed: 1.2.12~ubuntu16.04.1 | 16:14 |
=== MuffinMedic is now known as Evan | ||
=== Evan is now known as MuffinMedic | ||
mamoi | hi | 16:17 |
theweirdn8 | anyone here willing to test my new IDE and see if it works for them? | 16:17 |
theweirdn8 | You can download it at http://frankteacher.com/img_host/GPE_LinuxMint16_Build_1_0_30_RelCan.tar.xz | 16:19 |
theweirdn8 | it says linuxmint b/c i compiled from it | 16:19 |
theweirdn8 | it does require SDL | 16:19 |
ikonia | no | 16:19 |
ikonia | I suggest you publish the source and allow people to build it if they want | 16:20 |
ikonia | or build a PPA package for ubuntu | 16:20 |
theweirdn8 | ikonia: i don't know how to build packages | 16:20 |
theweirdn8 | also this is a clsoed source ide | 16:20 |
ikonia | then no | 16:20 |
theweirdn8 | its an IDE for cross-platform development | 16:21 |
ikonia | and I suggest no-one download that link | 16:21 |
theweirdn8 | im not going to release source, get 0 sales and have to keep seperating console related code for source releases | 16:21 |
theweirdn8 | its free, so why do u need source? | 16:21 |
ikonia | theweirdn8: no point discussing it then, | 16:21 |
nacc | theweirdn8: also, this seems *incredibly* offtopic for this channel | 16:21 |
ikonia | it is | 16:21 |
theweirdn8 | ok | 16:21 |
mcphail | theweirdn8: please advertise your product elsewhere | 16:21 |
Blion | Hi | 16:23 |
gustav___ | Ok, I got it working. I changed the BIOS setting of the sound chip from HD to AC97. I don't think it matter if I'm only using headphones... | 16:23 |
=== cy is now known as Guest49410 | ||
gustav___ | matters. | 16:23 |
ikonia | gustav___: interesting | 16:23 |
theweirdn8 | mcphail: im not advertising it. im trying to debug problems random users are experiencing | 16:23 |
ikonia | theweirdn8: please drop it | 16:24 |
ikonia | your'e spamming it on the network - this channel does not want it | 16:24 |
=== cy is now known as Guest49410 | ||
ikonia | please don't reference it again | 16:24 |
ikonia | no need to discuss it more | 16:24 |
theweirdn8 | ikonia: calm down | 16:24 |
theweirdn8 | your hostilty of me replying to mcphail is not needed | 16:24 |
ikonia | theweirdn8: your spamming is not needed, so lets drop it please | 16:24 |
foormea | hiya. on ubuntu 16.04, how do i force a ntp update? timedatectl lets me turn ntp on/off, but i can't find how to force a refresh | 16:24 |
theweirdn8 | anyhow | 16:25 |
theweirdn8 | how does one create packages from ubuntu? | 16:25 |
ikonia | you won't be really adding much value doing so | 16:26 |
ikonia | if it's a closed soure binary | 16:26 |
popey | theweirdn8: http://snapcraft.io/ | 16:26 |
gustav___ | Back on lowlatency too. Have never noticed any problems from generic. Doing "office" work. Business, mostly text. +Firefox with music | 16:26 |
gustav___ | I use GIMP sometimes too. | 16:26 |
gustav___ | More seriously than drawing a few lines. Sadly this computer only gets 3GB of RAM. Big one is still broken. :) | 16:27 |
sardior | Ok, i'm going to try this again. It has been over 10 years that I've changed distros of linux. but this problem is about to make me do that. No launcher, no menu bar. I've read ask ubuntu, tried everything there. help | 16:32 |
EriC^^ | sardior: does the guest account work? | 16:32 |
sardior | I have made a new user and it works | 16:32 |
=== cy is now known as Guest49410 | ||
sardior | It happened just after an update. | 16:33 |
sardior | 16.4 lts | 16:34 |
sardior | I have not tried the guest account because the new user account works. | 16:34 |
EriC^^ | sardior: try rm -r ~/.compiz | 16:35 |
sardior | I am using command line to use xchat-gnome and anything else I can run. | 16:35 |
EriC^^ | and rm -r ~/.config/compiz-1 | 16:35 |
sardior | Eric^^: done | 16:36 |
sardior | Eric^^: logout and try again? | 16:37 |
TAL___ | hey | 16:38 |
EriC^^ | sardior: yeah | 16:38 |
EriC^^ | sardior: also try dconf reset -f /org/compiz | 16:38 |
TAL___ | hey can some one help me with something | 16:38 |
sardior | Ok... have to reboot to do that. | 16:39 |
sardior | Eric^^: ok, done. | 16:39 |
TAL___ | i downloaded boot repair and unetbooting... | 16:39 |
sardior | I'll reboot now and try it. | 16:39 |
EriC^^ | sardior: sudo service lightdm restart should do it | 16:40 |
TAL___ | but i have no idea on what to put in the usb | 16:40 |
TAL___ | can someone please help me? | 16:40 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: what are you trying to do? | 16:40 |
TAL___ | im trying to fix my boot | 16:41 |
TAL___ | because i accidentaly deleted ubuntu | 16:41 |
TAL___ | i know that i need boot repair | 16:41 |
TAL___ | the thing is... | 16:41 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: how did you accidentally delete it? | 16:41 |
EriC^^ | !enter | 16:41 |
TAL___ | it was a stupid move, i was messing around in disk manager | 16:42 |
TAL___ | but friends told me boot repair could help | 16:43 |
TAL___ | but what i REALLY want to know, and the reason why i came to this chat... | 16:43 |
TAL___ | is that i dont know what to put in the USB | 16:44 |
sardior | Eric^^: did not work. | 16:44 |
sardior | Eric^^: I am suspecting a permissions problem. Something I don't have permission to do, but I don't even know where to begin looking. | 16:45 |
TAL___ | Eric^^: should i just move boot repair to the usb? | 16:46 |
TAL___ | because i never used it | 16:47 |
uRock | TAL___, http://www.howtogeek.com/114884/how-to-repair-grub2-when-ubuntu-wont-boot/ | 16:47 |
MonkeyDust | !grubrepair | 16:48 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 16:48 |
sardior | anyone? No menu bar, no launcher Ubuntu 16.4 lts. I've read and tried solutions from ask Ubuntu many times. | 16:49 |
sardior | after an update about a week ago, problem came up. | 16:49 |
MonkeyDust | sardior ctrl alt f1 and then try unity restart | 16:49 |
sardior | I've done that. | 16:50 |
sardior | did it again, no avail | 16:50 |
TAL___ | Eric^^: so, to use boot repair i have to boot into ubuntu? | 16:50 |
sardior | last message: "compiz (core) - Error: Failed to load plugin: restart" | 16:51 |
TAL___ | Eric^^: cant i boot directly into boot repair? | 16:51 |
sardior | MonkeyDust: I am fairly certain a permissions flag has been set wrong. | 16:53 |
uRock | TAL___, follow the article. Yes you have to boot into a live image first. | 16:53 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: make a live usb, and boot that and come here so we can check what's up | 16:54 |
EriC^^ | sardior: try sudo find ~ ! -user $USER -exec chown $USER: {} \; | 16:55 |
TAL___ | uRock: ohhh, but then i have another problem, because i cant boot from my usb | 16:55 |
uRock | TAL___, LiveCD? | 16:55 |
bencc | I have 2 drives. can I setup software RAID0 after ubuntu is already installed on one of them? | 16:55 |
TAL___ | uRock: havent tried, but when i boot it says "please remove any disks, press any key to restart"(or something like that) | 16:57 |
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TAL___ | uRock: and then it goes to grub rescue command line | 16:58 |
uRock | TAL___, How did you install Ubuntu in the first place? | 16:58 |
TAL___ | uRock: with a usb using penlinux | 16:59 |
sardior_ | now I get this message when I open a terminal: Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged | 16:59 |
TAL___ | uRock: i dual booted windows and ubuntu | 17:00 |
TAL___ | uRock: now i cant even use the machine | 17:00 |
sardior_ | ...and run xchat-gnome. | 17:00 |
uRock | TAL___, You should be able to get into BIOS and set it to boot from the LiveCD or USB | 17:00 |
TAL___ | uRock: yes, i know | 17:01 |
nod0n | Hi, how can I browse a 7z file (without nautilus)? | 17:02 |
sardior_ | <MonkeyDust> sardior ctrl alt f1 and then try unity restart <----this locked up my computer. had to hard restart. | 17:02 |
uRock | TAL___, That's what you have to do. If you can't boot from any external source, then bricked? Is it possible to pull the HDD out of that machine and place it in another to do the repair? | 17:02 |
TAL___ | uRock: the computer is a lenovo thinkpad t240 | 17:03 |
TAL___ | uRock: | 17:04 |
uRock | TAL___, I've purchased a casing for connecting laptops via USB just for that kind of thing. | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: can you boot in legacy mode instead of uefi maybe? | 17:05 |
uRock | TAL___, I've purchased a casing for connecting laptop ---hard drives--- via USB just for that kind of thing. | 17:05 |
TAL___ | Eric^^: how do i do that? | 17:05 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: when the pc boots press f10 or so to get the boot options | 17:06 |
EriC^^ | then choose usb, not uefi usb, or check the bios and see if you can enable legacy | 17:06 |
EriC^^ | or disable uefi | 17:06 |
TAL___ | Eric^^: ok, ill try | 17:06 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: it sounds like you erased the ubuntu partition from what you said, and the fact that you get grub rescue> so it's not really a big deal, yuo can get it all back using testdisk | 17:07 |
EriC^^ | you just need to recreate the partitions at the same sectors and it'll be good again | 17:07 |
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 | ||
TAL___ | Eric ^^: i went on the disk manager and deleted everything that wasnt windows, so thers a slight chanse that i deleted grub...or maybe not. in the case i deleted grub, what should i do? | 17:09 |
TAL___ | EriC^^:i went on the disk manager and deleted everything that wasnt windows, so thers a slight chanse that i deleted grub...or maybe not. in the case i deleted grub, what should i do? | 17:11 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: what are you trying to do? get ubuntu back? | 17:12 |
TAL___ | EriC^^: im trying to fix the boot | 17:13 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: it sounds like you deleted the main ubuntu partition and it had the /boot partition there and now you get grub rescue> cause it can't find its stuff | 17:13 |
uRock | EriC^^, Sounds like he may need LILO | 17:13 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: fix the boot meaning get windows to boot? | 17:14 |
TAL___ | EriC^^: sorry im sounding like a noob XD, but if grub rescue shows up, does that mean grub is still in my computer? | 17:14 |
TAL___ | EriC^^: the entire dual boot | 17:14 |
TAL___ | EriC^^: or at least be able to use my computer again | 17:15 |
uRock | If you deleted the non WIndows partitions, then you'll have to reinstall ubunt | 17:15 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: grub is either embedded in the mbr, like a sort of tiny code and it gets the rest of its stuff from an actual partition in legacy mode | 17:15 |
EriC^^ | in uefi mode grub is in the efi partition, and it also does the same thing | 17:15 |
EriC^^ | if you have uefi mode you can still boot windows right now cause it's also in the efi partition, you just need to select it to have priority over grub | 17:16 |
TAL___ | EriC^^: so then i can go to the bios, switch to uefi mode, i can use windows? | 17:17 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: do you need windows asap? if you dont then try to get the live usb to boot and restore everything | 17:17 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: well no, it depends in which mode windows was installed in | 17:18 |
EriC^^ | TAL___: check the bios and see if uefi is enabled or disabled | 17:18 |
EriC^^ | if you see something like legacy enabled then uefi is disabled | 17:18 |
TAL___ | EriC^^: right, ill check right now | 17:19 |
EriC^^ | also, try to get the live usb to boot, you can easily get things back the way they were in no time | 17:19 |
cghr8rb2kf3j9f | I need to use ubuntu as a hacker ,, how to? | 17:29 |
OerHeks | cghr8rb2kf3j9f, hacker .. lolz .. but that is offtopic here, beyond the scope of this channel. | 17:31 |
cghr8rb2kf3j9f | Can i make money of ubuntu? | 17:31 |
DJones | cghr8rb2kf3j9f: Depends what you mean "as a hacker" normal use means a programmer/developer, so learn to program, if you mean illegal and criminal hacking, then you're in the wrong channel | 17:31 |
DJones | cghr8rb2kf3j9f: If you have users who need support on how to use Ubuntu, then yes you can make money by chargingfor your work | 17:32 |
OerHeks | work .. not free money | 17:33 |
DJones | orlock: +1 | 17:33 |
DJones | OerHeks: +1 | 17:33 |
PotatoBoi | ey | 17:34 |
DJones | cghr8rb2kf3j9f: If you're willing to put the effort into supporting Ubuntu/Linux users, then yes you could earn money | 17:34 |
PotatoBoi | is this the right place for support | 17:35 |
DJones | PotatoBoi: For Ubuntu support, yes | 17:35 |
MonkeyDust | PotatoBoi yes | 17:35 |
PotatoBoi | i have a lil problem with the liveusb i made | 17:35 |
PotatoBoi | when it opens the install or try window | 17:36 |
PotatoBoi | when i click try it just goes to a black screen | 17:36 |
PotatoBoi | and the mouse and keyboard stop working | 17:36 |
PotatoBoi | forcing me to reboot my device | 17:36 |
PotatoBoi | i have already verified the ISO and it's not that | 17:36 |
PotatoBoi | before i click on try ubuntu the mouse and keyboard work fine | 17:36 |
xingling | can anyone help me install a theme for my ubuntu? it doesnt appear for me to select it i dont know why | 17:37 |
EriC^^ | xingling: did you put it in the dir for themes? | 17:39 |
xingling | EriC^^, i put it both usr/share/theme and .themes and it doesnt work | 17:39 |
EriC^^ | xingling: are you opening unity-tweak-tool to select it? | 17:40 |
Dworf | hello, any ideas that my apache wont show utf8 ä ö Å? its default config for utf-8, page setup says its utf-8 so whats the problem? | 17:41 |
xingling | EriC^^, yes | 17:41 |
EriC^^ | xingling: did you extract the themes? | 17:42 |
xingling | EriC^^, maybe its the theme i am trying to install the problem cause i have just tried to install another one and it worked | 17:42 |
EriC^^ | aha | 17:42 |
xingling | EriC^^, the theme i am talking about is hooli theme | 17:42 |
EriC^^ | any link? | 17:43 |
xingling | EriC^^, https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1102901/ | 17:43 |
mpo42vr_ | Guys, hello! I'm having issues setting up the Ubuntu SDK/Qt Creator. I want to create Go apps. It seems to run in an LXD container but in that environment there is no go installed, it is on the host. How would I go at this? | 17:43 |
EriC^^ | xingling: did you follow the install notes? | 17:44 |
xingling | EriC^^, if i got that right it was about the GM theme | 17:44 |
nod0n | Hi, I'm looking for a lightweight e-mail client which can handle gpg and imap. "less is sometimes more!" | 17:45 |
MonkeyDust | xingling try and contact the maintainer ... look top right, look top right, | 17:45 |
nod0n | Can you do any suggestion? | 17:45 |
MonkeyDust | xingling try and contact the maintainer ... https://www.gnome-look.org/member/434822/ | 17:46 |
dan01 | Hi, for laptops that have two graphics cards, integrated + a dedicated one, does Ubuntu comute betweean them? | 17:46 |
xingling | yes will do that...thanks | 17:46 |
EriC^^ | xingling: i think it has to do with the theme as well, one of the commands is sudo cp ~/...theme /usr/share/gnome-shell , i don't know if i would replace that system file with the theme provided one though | 17:47 |
DJones | dan01: If its Intel/Nvidia then this should help | 17:47 |
dan01 | Djones: yes, does it matter? | 17:47 |
DJones | dan01: Iuse a laptop with intel/nvidia, I installed nvidia-prime and works fine | 17:48 |
Komanda34223234 | 2016-09-21 17:37:14,764 Node[0] Start training with [gpu(0)] [17:37:24] /home/ubuntu/mxnet/dmlc-core/include/dmlc/logging.h:235: [17:37:24] /home/ubuntu/mxnet/mshadow/mshadow/./stream_gpu-inl.h:125: Check failed: (err) == (CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED [17:37:24] /home/ubuntu/mxnet/dmlc-core/include/dmlc/logging.h:235: [17:37:24] /home/ubuntu/mxnet/mshadow/mshadow/./stream_gpu-inl.h:125: Check failed: (err) == (CUDNN_ST | 17:48 |
Komanda34223234 | getting that error while following this guide https://no2147483647.wordpress.com/2016/01/16/setup-amazon-aws-gpu-instance-with-mxnet/ | 17:48 |
dan01 | Djones: So I need to install some drives, it's not out of the box? | 17:48 |
MonkeyDust | Komanda34223234 start from the beginning, what are you trying to do | 17:49 |
Komanda34223234 | follow that guide | 17:49 |
Komanda34223234 | when i run the example i get that error | 17:49 |
DJones | dan01: Yes, they need installing, but they are in the default Ubuntu repo's | 17:49 |
MonkeyDust | Komanda34223234 what's in it, describe it short | 17:49 |
PotatoBoi | so could someone help me | 17:49 |
dan01 | Djones: Also do I need to install the ones from intel? | 17:49 |
Komanda34223234 | MonkeyDust: cuda + CUDNN + mixnet | 17:50 |
DJones | dan01: I didn't, I think they're included by default | 17:50 |
OerHeks | Komanda34223234, all those steps with non-supported ubuntu packages, try ##aws ? | 17:50 |
Komanda34223234 | mixnet example says cudnn not initializing | 17:50 |
Tachyon_ | hello. if I put windows 10 on hibernate and start ubuntu I don't have internet. but if I put windows 10 on hibernate, switch off current alimentator, go for a while and then come back and start ubuntu, I have. it is anything I can do so I can have internet on ubuntu imediately after I put win 10 on hibernate ? | 17:51 |
dan01 | Djones: Thanks! So I can just use additional drivers? No need to take the lates drivers from nvidia.com? I fear the ones from the repo are outdated... | 17:51 |
DJones | dan01: I use the repo versions, the ones from nvidia's site wouldn't be supported here | 17:52 |
fullstack | can somebody shoe me their vannilla /etc/hosts ? | 17:56 |
fullstack | vanilla ice | 17:56 |
Tachyon_ | I know this is a channel about ubuntu and not windows, but I don't feel like would be any help to ask in a windows channel. this is only my personal opinion | 17:57 |
OerHeks | Tachyon_, known issue. and it is not going to be solved. | 17:57 |
OerHeks | windows hijacks your machine with their formula. | 17:58 |
EriC^^ | fullstack: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23212438/ | 17:58 |
fullstack | EriC^^, thjank you | 17:58 |
EriC^^ | np | 17:58 |
Tachyon_ | OerHeks: ummm.. no way to reset it ? | 17:58 |
V7 | Hello all | 17:59 |
V7 | I have 16.04 and my WiFi truens off aftersometime | 17:59 |
V7 | What I can do ? | 17:59 |
OerHeks | Tachyon_, don't know how, remove battery and plug it back in? | 17:59 |
Tachyon_ | OerHeks: I don't have a battery. it's a desktop pc | 17:59 |
Tachyon_ | is hibernation so unusual on desktops ? | 18:00 |
OerHeks | Tachyon_, one solution: stop using sleep/hybernate on windows, and also no fastboot | 18:00 |
cscf | Tachyon_, there's usually no need for it on desktops | 18:00 |
OerHeks | Tachyon_, it is a windows thing, that is bugging, complaint to them? | 18:01 |
Tachyon_ | I use it for faster get into work. usually I just left my visual studio opened(it does start pretty slow) -- and yes, I am trying to move to linux at all, but in time | 18:02 |
V7 | Guys ? What I can do if my WIFi connection is staying ok, but internet connection just fu* up after 5 mins of working ? | 18:02 |
V7 | Other devices working well | 18:02 |
V7 | So ... on Ubuntu 16.04 this happens ... | 18:02 |
V7 | Only | 18:02 |
joelio | V7: what adapter, there are some with broken drivers | 18:03 |
V7 | Here I can find an information ? | 18:03 |
joelio | there are fixes though, but it depends... | 18:03 |
V7 | Where * | 18:03 |
EriC^^ | lspci | grep Network | 18:04 |
sardior | no menu bar, no launcher, one profile (main-single user). created profile, menu bar launcher works. none of ask Ubuntu solutions work. | 18:06 |
MonkeyDust | sardior try a reinstall | 18:06 |
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sardior | 1.5TB drive reinstall? of my whole system? No, I'll go to a different distro before I do that. | 18:07 |
tgm4883 | sardior: so you created a new user and everything works for the new user? | 18:08 |
sardior | yes | 18:08 |
tgm4883 | sardior: easiest fix then would be to just mv your files to the new user | 18:08 |
sardior | THAT is much, much easier said than done. | 18:08 |
EriC^^ | sardior: try mv ~/.config ~/.config.old | 18:09 |
tgm4883 | sardior: Why? | 18:09 |
EriC^^ | you basically have to do them one by one to find the culprit, did you run the find -exec chown command? | 18:09 |
sardior | Eric^^: yes, I did it on the whole directory with -hR | 18:11 |
EriC^^ | sardior: try renaming ~/.config & then maybe ~/.gconf, as tgm4883 asked, why is it a problem to move your files to the new user? | 18:12 |
sardior | I have an almost full 1.5TB drive.... | 18:12 |
sardior | Dual boot | 18:12 |
sardior | etc | 18:12 |
EriC^^ | moving the files won't take long, unless there's a kazillion of them | 18:12 |
cscf | sardior, if it's on the same filesystem, mv is instant | 18:12 |
tgm4883 | sardior: that doesn't answer anything though? What does it being a dual boot have to do with it? | 18:12 |
EriC^^ | copying on the other hand.. | 18:12 |
cscf | or pretty much | 18:13 |
\9 | unless the move crosses a filesystem boundary | 18:13 |
\9 | in which case it | 18:13 |
\9 | 's a copy+delete | 18:13 |
sardior | I have crossovers | 18:13 |
tgm4883 | \9: which it wouldn't be in this case | 18:14 |
\9 | hmm | 18:14 |
EriC^^ | sardior: rename your home dir, delete your user, create it again fresh, then move your files into the new home dir | 18:14 |
V7 | So .. ? | 18:14 |
V7 | Anything about WiFi ytouble ? | 18:15 |
V7 | trouble * | 18:15 |
V7 | Maybe anyone had this problem ? | 18:15 |
EriC^^ | sardior: renaming ~/.config usually does it if you'd rather not move stuff around | 18:15 |
V7 | Which one driver is the better one for WiFi adapter ? | 18:15 |
OerHeks | V7, no info about what wifi device exactly? no answer .. | 18:15 |
sardior | I renamed it. I've done that several times and it doesn't fix the problem. There is a dependency permissions problem and I can't find it. | 18:16 |
V7 | OerHeks, I asked for a command | 18:16 |
V7 | Which one exactly info you need ? | 18:16 |
V7 | This is itegrated WiFi adapter of Ideapad laptop | 18:16 |
EriC^^ | sardior: did you try ~/.gconf ? | 18:16 |
EriC^^ | sardior: try find ~ -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \; | 18:17 |
sardior | no, that's the only one I haven't tried. rename ~/.gconf? | 18:17 |
EriC^^ | and find ~ -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; | 18:17 |
OerHeks | V7 you know enough comands to see what hardware you have. | 18:17 |
EriC^^ | sardior: yeah | 18:17 |
V7 | 1 sec | 18:17 |
butch30 | my new printer lists compatible operating systems but not LInux. Can Linux install it? | 18:18 |
V7 | Realtek RTL8821AE | 18:19 |
OerHeks | butch30, check openprinting.org, or your vendor driver page? | 18:19 |
sardior | Yes, I've been using linux since 1998 in some form or another. and I recognize devices very well | 18:20 |
sardior | I just tried the two commands you gave me and nothing returned and had to ctrl-c to get out | 18:21 |
tgm4883 | sardior: are you sure it wasn't still searching? 1.5TB is kinda large | 18:21 |
EriC^^ | ^ | 18:22 |
OerHeks | V7, lots of bugreports without solution, all you can do is confirm the latest, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1526683 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1526683 | 18:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1526683 in linux (Ubuntu) "10ec:8821 rtl8821ae loses connection occasionally on 2.4 GHz network requiring hardware button to be toggled twice for connection to be re-established" [High,Incomplete] | 18:22 |
sardior | I can try again. hang on for a bit. | 18:22 |
paraj | I just upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 to Ubuntu 16.04. On a boot, the monitors don't show the expected graphical display ... for example, the login screen. The screen shows a bunch of lines with the last one being "[OK] Started update UTMP about system runlevel changes" | 18:24 |
V7 | OerHeks, So .. there's no solution ... | 18:24 |
OerHeks | V7 only trottle back to wireless b/g .. maybe | 18:25 |
sardior | tgm4883: still wating for the first command to come back. | 18:25 |
V7 | ... | 18:25 |
OerHeks | "if a vendor does not give proper support, don't buy it" | 18:26 |
tgm4883 | sardior: ok | 18:27 |
sardior | ok... some useful information: console.error: | 18:27 |
sardior | Corrupt session file (invalid JSON found) | 18:27 |
sardior | Message: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data | 18:28 |
Dudeface | Friend just pointed me to an article about M$ buying canonical and plans to kill off Ubuntu, but I can't find much more information or any roadmap or anything. Anyone know of any more info-heavy articles about this? | 18:29 |
nacc | Dudeface: that is not ot for the support channel | 18:29 |
OerHeks | Dudeface, drop your friend | 18:29 |
Dudeface | oop, sorry | 18:29 |
MonkeyDust | Dudeface it was an april fish of a few years ago | 18:30 |
Dudeface | ahh rad | 18:30 |
akik | Dudeface: why not link the article here? | 18:30 |
sardior | tgm4883: did that last error message mean anything that you could understand? | 18:31 |
nacc | akik: because it's offtopic | 18:31 |
tgm4883 | sardior: I think you want EriC^^ to look at it. My recommendation was to mv files | 18:31 |
akik | nacc: you're not interested whether microsoft buys canonical? | 18:31 |
OerHeks | find april 1 microsoft buy canonical onion | 18:31 |
Dudeface | akik Just finally looked @ date, yeah it's April 1st, but this year from Fossbytes: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwic4LuHjKHPAhVU02MKHXJfBskQFggeMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffossbytes.com%2Fmicrosoft-buys-canonical-kills-ubuntu-linux-forever%2F&usg=AFQjCNFJqKLFcOz0MicFm2RW1MS11bthYg&sig2=0j4P9zkkW4WD2ucxq7kaAg | 18:31 |
sardior | Eric^^: did those last messages mean anything to you? | 18:32 |
tgm4883 | akik: because it's not support | 18:32 |
nacc | akik: it's not a support topic. | 18:32 |
Dudeface | also that | 18:32 |
EriC^^ | sardior: nope | 18:32 |
sardior | Eric^^: it looks like a corrupted JSON file. | 18:32 |
OerHeks | akik: it turns out the other way round: microsoft goes opensource.. | 18:33 |
sardior | OerHeks: ya, that' s what I've been seeing too. | 18:33 |
paraj | It's actually 16.04.1. The graphics card on my system is Radeon HD 4870. | 18:34 |
sardior | ok... see ya'll later... | 18:35 |
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xingling | is there a way of making my programs to minimize when i click them on the task bar? | 18:39 |
paraj | Synopsis: upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04.1. graphical display is gone. graphics card: Radeon HD 4870. '$ sudo service lightdm start' to no avail. | 18:42 |
xingling | is there a way of making my programs to minimize when i click them on the task bar? | 18:43 |
BluesKaj_ | paraj, drop to a VT/TTY and update and upgrade then reboot | 18:44 |
Dudeface | xingling Unity Tweak Tool will allow you to set that up, if you use the Unity launcher as your taskbar | 18:44 |
Dudeface | Launcher settings, 'minimize single window applications on click' | 18:44 |
BluesKaj_ | too late | 18:45 |
Dudeface | ahh darn | 18:45 |
BluesKaj_ | was gonna suggest iconify | 18:45 |
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paraj | BluesKaj, I just tried that sequence. It didn't work. one more thing, /etc/X11/xorg.conf file was missing. Does it affect the X Window server? | 18:53 |
Bray90820 | SCHAAP137: You around? | 19:03 |
doc|work | hey. I'm trying to get an updated version of gstreamer1.0-vaapi but using the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed and trying to get a new version of gstreamer1.0 doesn't seem to work. While installing gstreamer1.0/xenial-proposed I get the following output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23212693/ Anyone got any idea why? | 19:04 |
OerHeks | doc|work, did you ran updates after enabling proposed? that might require a reboot too | 19:05 |
doc|work | OerHeks, I did | 19:05 |
nacc | fwiw, there is no newer gstreamer1.0-vaapi in proposed | 19:06 |
doc|work | nacc, exactly :) | 19:06 |
nacc | and gstreamer1.0 is a source pacakge | 19:06 |
doc|work | oh... | 19:06 |
nacc | so you told it to install all binaries built from that package | 19:06 |
doc|work | gstreamer1.0-vaapi does exist though, right? | 19:07 |
OerHeks | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/gstreamer1.0-libav | 19:07 |
doc|work | nacc, ok, you lost me. Why is that a problem? Does that not get me the libs I want? | 19:07 |
doc|work | OerHeks, does that contain vaapi? | 19:07 |
doc|work | OerHeks, I specifically need vaapi support :/ | 19:08 |
OerHeks | just updating would give that proposed package, if gstreamer was installed in the first place | 19:08 |
doc|work | OerHeks, updating which? | 19:08 |
OerHeks | i don't see newer vaapi too... | 19:08 |
doc|work | yeah | 19:08 |
nacc | doc|work: gstreamer1.0-vappi is built from gstreamer-vaapi | 19:09 |
nacc | doc|work: not gstreamer1.0 | 19:09 |
doc|work | nacc, ok, I don't understand that. I install gstreamer1.0-vaapi to get it (non-proposed). Is that normal? | 19:11 |
nacc | doc|work: why are you thinking there is a newer gstreamer1.0-vaapi? | 19:11 |
doc|work | nacc: it's related to a bug fix I'm looking for in 1.8.3, which is vaapi related. That said it's not guaranteed to be in the lib. It's just it errors out so I wanted to make sure I was doing things right/ wasn't going to hose my system. | 19:13 |
doc|work | yeah, it's erroring, then not doing the installation | 19:14 |
nacc | doc|work: ok, but gstreamer1.0-vaapi does not come from gstreamer1.0 | 19:14 |
nacc | doc|work: so gstreamer1.0 getting updated in xenial-proposed doesn't help you ata ll | 19:15 |
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doc|work | nacc, is it possible gstreamer would be updated and vaapi wouldn't? | 19:16 |
doc|work | (or likely) | 19:16 |
nacc | yes, that is the case currently afaict | 19:16 |
nacc | i'm not saying it should or shouldn't be | 19:16 |
nacc | i know nothing about the packages themselves | 19:17 |
doc|work | argh, ok, let me check in another channel | 19:17 |
doc|work | thanks | 19:17 |
maja | can any one help me figure out why i cant browse samba network | 19:28 |
maja | smbtree says nothing on 2 ubuntu 16 boxes | 19:28 |
maja | with and without password :( | 19:29 |
ioria | maja, try to restart the services | 19:32 |
amnix | How can I make a three finger tap on the touchpad to behave like a mouse middle button? | 19:34 |
maja | ioria: have restarted both computers a number of times | 19:35 |
maja | its been a few days | 19:35 |
maja | amnix: i forget the name but there is a great super powerd mouse config app in apt | 19:35 |
ioria | maja, in Nautilus -> browse network ? | 19:36 |
amnix | maja: Don't remember what it was called? | 19:36 |
maja | ioria: i do <ctr> l then enter smb:/// | 19:38 |
maja | ioria: nothing comes up | 19:38 |
maja | ioria: but if i enter an ip then i can mount host | 19:38 |
maja | we also have a windows box in the network that can't view either ubuntu box | 19:38 |
yxabc_ | guys, I replace all trusty in apt/source.list to yakkety. It is a stupid action. and I cant boot now... who can help me. | 19:40 |
teknoprep | i can | 19:40 |
teknoprep | but you need to explain more info | 19:40 |
teknoprep | are you able to get into safe mode ? | 19:40 |
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teknoprep | recovery mode | 19:40 |
yxabc_ | no.. | 19:40 |
ioria | maja, check your ufw sudo ufw status | 19:40 |
yxabc_ | the grub2 told me can't find the vimlinuz | 19:40 |
teknoprep | how far does your system boot ? | 19:40 |
vbrif | Anyone have any ideas of why I can't install my gfx drivers? | 19:41 |
vbrif | when I do it locks my screen, and I'm not able to login. It like resets back to the login | 19:41 |
OerHeks | yxabc_, boot live iso, chroot and fix it. | 19:41 |
maja | ioria: inactive.... | 19:42 |
teknoprep | yxabc_, you could install over top so that you keep your data using a new DVD | 19:42 |
teknoprep | yxabc_, or follow something like this -- 4ub2k96s | 19:42 |
teknoprep | http://askubuntu.com/questions/117027/cannot-recover-grub-due-to-missing-vmlinuz-and-intrd-img | 19:42 |
ioria | maja, can you browse the Network from windows ? | 19:42 |
uRock | Does "load average" in htop equate to Ghz? | 19:42 |
z80a | does Intel skylake processor still have issues with latest Linux kernel (or the other around)? | 19:42 |
yxabc_ | let me try, I got an iso on my windows | 19:43 |
maja | ioria: nope :( | 19:43 |
ioria | maja, so what changed ? or never worked ? | 19:44 |
maja | ioria: no change nothing works | 19:44 |
yxabc_ | thank you all~ | 19:44 |
ioria | maja, check /etc/samba/smb.conf and the folder/share permissions | 19:45 |
uRock | !htop | 19:46 |
maja | ioria: its the network borwsing that isn't working | 19:47 |
ioria | maja, ping the windows box | 19:48 |
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maja | yup | 19:48 |
maja | .20 | 19:48 |
Southern_Gentlem | sharing turn on the wondows box and the windows box firewall open to sharing | 19:49 |
ioria | maja, if it's the first time you configure samba with a win machine , check the File Sharing in windows | 19:51 |
Exec | Is there a painless way to clone some configuration of an xubuntu install to a different machine? (eg. packages and customization) | 19:51 |
ioria | maja, Advanced sharing settings (on win7) | 19:52 |
maja | ioria: i look though them | 19:52 |
maja | ioria: but there is also an ubuntu box thats shareing but can't be seen in the browser | 19:52 |
chalbersma | Is this Ask Ubuntu Accurate (http://askubuntu.com/questions/804111/is-no-reboot-kernel-patching-enabled-in-16-04)? Is there now live kernel patching in Ubuntu 16.04? | 19:53 |
maja | 1/win 4 | 19:53 |
ioria | maja, check if you have these pkgs samba samba-common python-glade2 system-config-samba | 19:53 |
maja | ioria: yup | 19:54 |
ioria | maja, cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | pastebinit | 19:55 |
k1l_ | chalbersma: afaik ubuntu doesnt ship no-reboot kernels. but you could make use of it with proper patches included in new built kernels | 19:55 |
maja | ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23212954/ cool i didn't know about that program | 19:57 |
k1l_ | chalbersma: i guess the guys in #ubuntu-kernel will know best | 19:57 |
ioria | maja, you have no shares | 19:58 |
chalbersma | k1l_: Thanks I'll two check with them. | 19:58 |
maja | ioria: i think thats done in other files | 19:59 |
derpherp128 | hiya | 19:59 |
derpherp128 | so i'm trying to look up hwo to set up ZNC on ubuntu 16.04.1 lts | 19:59 |
derpherp128 | all the guides tell me to sudo adduser znc, then su to znc | 19:59 |
maja | ioria: i make file shares via gui | 19:59 |
derpherp128 | but even if i don't set a password, su prompts me for one | 19:59 |
ioria | maja, no experiences with that gui tool, sorry | 19:59 |
ioria | maja, i use only smb.conf | 20:00 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: you'd need to 'sudo su - znc' | 20:00 |
derpherp128 | thanks! | 20:00 |
maja | ioria: thanks :) | 20:01 |
ioria | maja, you're welcome :) | 20:01 |
maja | ioria: still wonder why i can't brows things | 20:02 |
maja | i could last month | 20:02 |
derpherp128 | tgm4883: now whenever i use a sudo command as "znc" i get asked for a password | 20:02 |
ioria | maja, well, i'd say because there is nothing to share | 20:02 |
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tgm4883 | derpherp128: what guide are you following? | 20:02 |
derpherp128 | tgm4883: i'm about to terminate my ec2 instance and go back to 14.04 lts lol | 20:03 |
derpherp128 | tgm4883: https://www.vultr.com/docs/install-and-setup-znc-on-ubuntu | 20:03 |
derpherp128 | but instead of compiling from source i installed the znc package | 20:03 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: the znc package in the repos? | 20:04 |
derpherp128 | tgm4883: correct | 20:05 |
derpherp128 | so u hyeah | 20:07 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: it's been awhile since I ran znc, but you should be able to either A) Setup a config for yourself in /etc/<somewhere> or b) run znc as your user. A would only work if it runs as a service | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: you shouldn't need to be running any znc commands with sudo | 20:09 |
squidberry | derpherp128: is the one in the repos the most recent znc? I had issues with it a long time ago | 20:09 |
derpherp128 | tgm4883: im actually having problems BEFORE that | 20:09 |
derpherp128 | like there's nothing under /usr/local/bin/znc | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: correct. You didn't compile from source so it wouldn't be in /usr/local | 20:10 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: what part are you currently having trouble with? | 20:10 |
derpherp128 | im just terminating my ec2 instance now | 20:10 |
squidberry | derpherp128: try following this guide, it worked for me https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-znc-an-irc-bouncer-on-an-ubuntu-vps | 20:11 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: ok, it's your box. But you should just need to run 'znc'. not '/usr/local/bin/znc' | 20:11 |
derpherp128 | squidberry: i was looking at that, but it's from 12.04. will that matter? | 20:11 |
squidberry | It worked on my 16.04 machine | 20:11 |
derpherp128 | i wish this was like arch -- arch's wiki is easy to read lol | 20:11 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: so use arch then? | 20:13 |
terrible | hey im using ubuntu 16 xenial and i want to know what display manager im using by default lightdm or gdm?? | 20:13 |
derpherp128 | tgm4883: amazon ec2 doesn't have arch images afaik | 20:13 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: don't run it in ec2 then? | 20:13 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: really though, use something you're comfortable with | 20:14 |
derpherp128 | im not comfortable with linux :P | 20:14 |
derpherp128 | but i'm learningn slowly | 20:14 |
th0r | terrible, try 'ps ax | grep dm' | 20:14 |
tgm4883 | derpherp128: well what you want to do isn't terribly difficult, and there was a guide posted for you to follow | 20:15 |
derpherp128 | yup! but i didn't follow the guide and compile | 20:16 |
derpherp128 | hence me starting fresh :) | 20:16 |
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terrible | th0r: ok thank you | 20:17 |
terrible | th0r: another questions by the way do you know how to change the login screen pictures? | 20:19 |
th0r | terrible, there are several steps...I don't know offhand but did it once, there are some nice tutorials on the web | 20:19 |
terrible | th0r: i found that im using lightdm now how to change the login screen pictures | 20:21 |
OerHeks | systemsettings > accounts > click picture | 20:22 |
th0r | terrible, https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+change+the+login+wallpaper+for+lightdm | 20:22 |
OerHeks | !info unity-tweak-tool | 20:24 |
ubottu | unity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.7ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 367 kB, installed size 2797 kB | 20:24 |
ahotenus | hi | 20:25 |
ahotenus | can i ask a question ples | 20:25 |
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OerHeks | !ask | 20:26 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 20:26 |
ahotenus | okay thank u ubotu | 20:26 |
ahotenus | am i in the right place | 20:27 |
Pici | ahotenus: If its an Ubuntu question, sure. | 20:28 |
ahotenus | my son gave me an x chat thing and he said use this instead stop phoning me when your computer isnt right | 20:28 |
nacc | heh | 20:28 |
nacc | ahotenus: what isn't right with your computer, then? :) | 20:28 |
ahotenus | ok so my son put a new thing on my computer because he says to not use windows | 20:29 |
ztane | anyone know how to solve graphics problems with intel drivers in gimp in 16.04 | 20:29 |
ztane | nothing ever refreshes | 20:29 |
ahotenus | but now i cant find my photos | 20:30 |
ahotenus | its little bit different now | 20:30 |
MonkeyDust | !manual | ahotenus | 20:31 |
ubottu | ahotenus: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 20:31 |
ahotenus | okay i tried open that but i have no internet | 20:32 |
weblwabl | Hi! I have a macbook 4,1 (early 2007) running ubuntu, and am having issues with the battery, the laptop works as long as it is plugged in, but dies when unplugged is this just a battery issue or firmware issue? I saw something online about updating the SMC firmware but how would i go about doing that on a linux based OS | 20:32 |
ahotenus | i used to have internet but now i dont have | 20:32 |
MonkeyDust | ahotenus then how are you here? | 20:32 |
ahotenus | on the x chat my son gave me | 20:32 |
MonkeyDust | ahotenus xchat runs on the internet too | 20:32 |
ahotenus | i think this is right | 20:32 |
Bray90820 | Does ubuntu 16.04.1 come with 4.4.0-31 or4.4.0-36 kernel by default? | 20:32 |
ahotenus | i think maybe i have different x chat mine isnt on the internet | 20:33 |
ahotenus | it is in a different box it says x chat ahotenus @ free node / ubuntu | 20:33 |
MonkeyDust | ahotenus we can see you over the internet | 20:33 |
ahotenus | but the internet usually says internet explorer | 20:33 |
k1l_ | ahotenus: xchat is a program to use IRC. you are now using the ubuntu IRC channel. IRC doesnt work without internet. | 20:33 |
ahotenus | or sometimes a different one after my son put linux | 20:34 |
nacc | ahotenus: you'd use firefox, most likely, on ubuntu (at least by default, iirc) | 20:34 |
MonkeyDust | ahotenus are you now oin linux or in windows, to talk here? | 20:34 |
MonkeyDust | in* | 20:34 |
k1l_ | ahotenus: internet explorer is a internet browser from windows. you will not have that on ubuntu. you can start firefox or chromium or chrome (or whatever browser you got installed) to use the web | 20:34 |
uRock | What's the easiest command to delete the first 50 lines of a file? | 20:34 |
ahotenus | monkeydust it is the new one | 20:35 |
nacc | ahotenus: what we were saying before was simply that by being on IRC (here in this chat channel), you have internet connectivity. | 20:35 |
ahotenus | its got the start menu on different side and it says ubutu when i turn it on | 20:35 |
DArqueBishop | ahotenus: your best bet would be to call your son and say, "Hey, maybe you should spend a couple of hours teaching me how to use this OS." | 20:35 |
MonkeyDust | ahotenus what does the sceen look like the desktop? | 20:35 |
MonkeyDust | ahotenus what does the sceen look like, the desktop? | 20:35 |
Rufus | Hello. Trying to run latest ansible to write logs to a file, but its failing. I've been strace-ing it, and apparently, not even as root, the proccess can't find /tmp . apparmour is off, running ubuntu 14 lts | 20:36 |
ahotenus | darquebishop he wont help anymore he says he is not technical support desk and i am old enough to learn how to use a computer | 20:36 |
ahotenus | he just says use the x chat | 20:36 |
ahotenus | i am sorry :( | 20:36 |
DArqueBishop | ahotenus: considering he put that on your computer and didn't tell you how to use it? Damn right he's technical support. | 20:37 |
ahotenus | monkeydust its like purple | 20:37 |
aGoose_ | uRock: are you comfortable using vi or vim? | 20:37 |
ztane | uRock: command line? sed -i.bak -e 'd1,50' yourfile.txt | 20:37 |
MonkeyDust | ahotenus with a bar on the left? if so, it's ubuntu | 20:37 |
ztane | uRock: sorry* '1,50d' | 20:37 |
ahotenus | darquebishop he help me at first but soon he said i need to learn | 20:38 |
k1l_ | ahotenus: what is your technical issue now? | 20:38 |
DArqueBishop | ahotenus isn't using Ubuntu. He's on Fedora 24. | 20:38 |
ahotenus | darquebishop only thing he told me is there is a problem between my keyboard and my chair, but then he says no more help until i help myself | 20:38 |
th0r | you can't find the file explorer, but you are smart enough to preface your replies with a username? hmmmmmm | 20:38 |
philo | I have a partition, which has a luks container, which has a gpt partition table on it. | 20:39 |
ahotenus | th0r yes i have use the x chat before | 20:39 |
ahotenus | darquebishop what is fedora 24 | 20:39 |
ahotenus | th0r the x chat help me when i couldnt go to the internet | 20:40 |
th0r | of course it did | 20:40 |
MonkeyDust | ahotenus hit ctrl-alt-t on your keybaord | 20:40 |
philo | if I point gparted at /dev/mapper/crypt, it opens the partition table and /dev/mapper/crypt1 and crypt2 appear | 20:40 |
MonkeyDust | typo* | 20:40 |
k1l_ | ahotenus: you are not using ubuntu. so you are in the wrong channel in here. please ask the fedora support or the one who installed that linux on your system. | 20:40 |
ahotenus | kll_ its says ubuntu when i start | 20:40 |
ahotenus | kll_ is this correct | 20:40 |
k1l_ | ahotenus: dont troll in here. you are not using ubuntu. | 20:41 |
uRock | aGoose_, Last time I tried to open it used up all of the RAM on my system, but I realized there are some lines at the beginning resembling script. It is a 32GB dictionary file. | 20:41 |
ahotenus | kll_ i dont understand | 20:41 |
philo | what command opens the gpt partition table? | 20:41 |
ahotenus | kll_ please what am i using :S | 20:41 |
uRock | ztane, does the -i bak create a backup? | 20:41 |
k1l_ | ahotenus: fedora 24, so ask in #fedora for help | 20:41 |
ahotenus | monkeydust ctrl alt t | 20:41 |
Sir_Andrei | Hi | 20:42 |
Sir_Andrei | I've a little question | 20:42 |
Sir_Andrei | I'm on Lubuntu 16.04.1 | 20:42 |
MonkeyDust | methinks ahotenus perfectly knows what's s/he's using, but simply tries to be funny | 20:42 |
Sir_Andrei | And i was looking my interfaces, u know | 20:42 |
Sir_Andrei | It appear an interface wlp7so (network interfaces) | 20:42 |
Sir_Andrei | Not wlan0 | 20:43 |
aGoose_ | uRock: oh so it's huge. yea sed is your best bet | 20:43 |
uRock | thanks | 20:43 |
eggos | is there a list of distros or releases that support certain hardware? | 20:44 |
eggos | i'm wanting to migrate over from M**t | 20:44 |
k1l_ | !hcl | eggos | 20:44 |
ubottu | eggos: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 20:44 |
eggos | o0o0o how handy | 20:45 |
eggos | I'm liking the ubuntu community already | 20:45 |
eggos | well, the wireless card isn't compatible =( | 20:46 |
k1l_ | eggos: which card is it? | 20:46 |
eggos | a broadcom | 20:47 |
eggos | I just got home, I'm gonna pull up the exact number | 20:47 |
derpherp128 | alright, i finally got ZNC running. how do i set it as a service, so that it restarts automatically on reboot? | 20:47 |
eggos | but from what I've read so far, that kind of card is bleh with linux | 20:47 |
k1l_ | most broadcoms just need the right driver, the prop. one. | 20:47 |
ahotenus_ | hi again sorry my x chat stop working | 20:48 |
eggos | yeah, I updated with a driver that was suggested in the Driver Manager, but the connection is SLOW, so | 20:48 |
eggos | I want to find the right driver, get it on a usb stick and download it, is that possible? | 20:48 |
ahotenus_ | also someone is sent me really nasty messages :S | 20:48 |
ahotenus_ | but yes please can you help | 20:49 |
Sir_Andrei | Somebody know about that strange interface? | 20:50 |
atrus | is it possible to have unattended-upgrades only install security upgrade automatically? | 20:50 |
akik | Sir_Andrei: systemd made the change. the new method is called predictable network interface naming | 20:51 |
yanome | https://irssi.org/2016/09/21/irssi-0.8.20-released/ | 20:51 |
Sir_Andrei | akik, Thx! | 20:52 |
derpherp128 | i followed the guide to compile and install znc, now i can't seem to access it | 20:55 |
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Pici | derpherp128: 'the guide' ? znc is in the Ubuntu repositories, there shouldn't be a need to install it froms source. | 20:55 |
Guest79602 | hi all, is there a particular flavor of Ubuntu that works the best on hyper-v? | 20:56 |
ahotenus | hi sorry again is was same problem | 20:56 |
anomaly6 | :) | 20:58 |
Guest79602 | hi all, is there a particular flavor of Ubuntu that works the best on hyper-v? | 20:59 |
plxdontkillme | without starting religious debate, can anyone point me to something discussing technical reasons upstart was abandoned? I am rolling my own linux distro, and was thinking about using upstart for it. | 21:01 |
cscf | plxdontkillme, not sure that's on topic here | 21:02 |
k1l_ | plxdontkillme: the debian mailinglist and wiki from the decision should have all technical points. after that decision was made there is no one making effort to keep upstart alive. so it will be a dead end. | 21:02 |
plxdontkillme | k1l_: as long as it works today, that's enough to start from. The debian ML discussed upstart? | 21:03 |
Guest79602 | im new to irc and this room, but my questionis, is there a particular flavor of Ubuntu that works the best on hyper-v? | 21:04 |
plxdontkillme | cscf: Yeah, I thought about that, but since upstart was an ubuntu-spawned project, it was my best guess | 21:04 |
k1l_ | plxdontkillme: https://wiki.debian.org/Debate/initsystem/ | 21:04 |
plxdontkillme | k1l_: thx | 21:05 |
akik | plxdontkillme: 14.04 will use upstart until end of life | 21:05 |
tgm4883 | Guest79602: have you tried just standard Ubuntu? | 21:05 |
Guest79602 | no just wanted to know if someone had insight before installing | 21:06 |
plxdontkillme | akik: Yeah, I'm just trying to give myself a path after that. | 21:06 |
k1l_ | Guest79602: i am not aware of any flavour more suited than another. Lubuntus focus is slow and old hardware in general. so that or you start with the minimal install if you look for a small footprint | 21:06 |
tgm4883 | Guest79602: I think you're going to have more difficultly finding an answer to that here. Most people in this channel don't run Microsoft products | 21:07 |
Guest79602 | very true, thought is was worth a shot | 21:08 |
Guest79602 | i do appreciate the input though | 21:08 |
zivester | anyone know how to get the screen to come back on with nvidia + xubuntu 16.04 .. i think it went power save, and its not coming back.. can only get to terminals on ctrl+alt+f1-6, but 7 does nothing | 21:15 |
plex_dave | I have a digital ocean server running 14.04. I am only running icecast and mumble on it. is there any advantage to upgrading to 16.04 in my limited use case? | 21:16 |
tgm4883 | plex_dave: no | 21:17 |
plex_dave | didn't think so. ain't broke, don't fix it. | 21:17 |
tgm4883 | plex_dave: well, you'd need to upgrade to 16.04 in order to upgrade to 18.04 | 21:17 |
tgm4883 | plex_dave: but yea, I wouldn't bother | 21:17 |
plex_dave | Right, but that's a ways off... 14.04 is supported through 2018 (i think), which is quite a ways off.... | 21:18 |
tgm4883 | yep | 21:18 |
tgm4883 | 14.04 is actually 2019 | 21:18 |
plex_dave | oh yeah, i am good | 21:19 |
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eggos | I have a driver on a usb | 21:20 |
eggos | does anyone have a guide to downloading the driver on to the computer from the terminal? | 21:20 |
soreau | on 16.04, can't connect to wifi because I get a dialog popup when trying to connect to any network, "Failed to add/activate connection\n(2) Active connection removed before it was initialized" | 21:21 |
soreau | any workaround? | 21:21 |
burning-hot7 | H | 21:21 |
pavlos | eggos, copy the driver from /dev/sdb1 to your home, then install it | 21:21 |
eggos | im very newb | 21:22 |
soreau | eggos: Can you see the usb files when you plug it in? | 21:22 |
soreau | eggos: and firstly.. what makes you think you need a driver? | 21:22 |
eggos | yes, I can open the folder and see documents, they've been extracted and in Home | 21:22 |
pavlos | eggos, you plug in a usb, it might pop a window with its contents ... drap-n-drop to your home | 21:23 |
eggos | hmm... wireless card is running verrry slow | 21:23 |
AndChat|716289 | Join #bulgaria | 21:23 |
soreau | eggos: do you have some instructions you're using to fix the problem? | 21:23 |
eggos | its a broadcom BCM43142 | 21:23 |
eggos | this is my reference http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43/ | 21:23 |
eggos | downloaded latest driver from here https://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/ | 21:24 |
soreau | eggos: what version of ubuntu? | 21:24 |
eggos | oh damn, I forgot what chat I'm in | 21:24 |
eggos | haha, using linux mint | 21:24 |
soreau | eggos: no worries.. what does 'uname -a | 21:25 |
eggos | I logged in cause I was going to try ubuntu to see if my card worked with it | 21:25 |
soreau | eggos: uname -a | 21:25 |
soreau | from terminal | 21:25 |
dibyo | test | 21:25 |
soreau | dibyo: failed | 21:25 |
dibyo | just installed ubuntu | 21:25 |
eggos | any specific piece of info you want soreau? Its on another computer, I can type it out | 21:25 |
OerHeks | mint has its own issues. | 21:25 |
soreau | eggos: just the kernel version, uname -r I guess | 21:26 |
soreau | eggos: either 4.4 or 4.6 | 21:26 |
eggos | 3.19 | 21:26 |
soreau | ... | 21:26 |
eggos | 3.19.0 -32-generic | 21:26 |
pavlos | eggos, mint should be able to install the b43 driver | 21:26 |
soreau | eggos: what does lsb_release -a say? | 21:26 |
eggos | I think the problem is that it has the drivers, but I need a wired connection, just need to find an ethernet cable | 21:27 |
eggos | I'm stubborn to try it without wired | 21:27 |
k1l | eggos: please ask the mint guys. 3.19 is no of the supported ubuntu kernels right now | 21:27 |
k1l | !mint | eggos | 21:27 |
ubottu | eggos: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 21:27 |
eggos | for sure | 21:27 |
OerHeks | your system works pretty fast on internet, so your driver is oke | 21:27 |
soreau | eggos: yea that kernel is kinda old, you might want to update/upgrade | 21:27 |
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soreau | eggos: updating kernels will update drivers so it might automatically fix the problem | 21:28 |
eggos | k, so it just might be way easier to find a wired connection huh? | 21:28 |
eggos | that is like 'sudo apt-get update', right? | 21:28 |
soreau | eggos: just try a 16.04 live cd (or usb) session\ to test | 21:28 |
ahotenus | hi someone can help | 21:28 |
soreau | ahotenus: hi | 21:28 |
eggos | thanks soreau, i appreciate your time and effort | 21:28 |
ahotenus | sorry my x chat was stopped working again | 21:28 |
k1l | eggos: 3.19 is non of the supported ubuntus. so we dont need to talk about that setup in here | 21:28 |
soreau | eggos: no problem, hope you get it sorted! | 21:28 |
ahotenus | hi sorea | 21:28 |
soreau | ahotenus: hi, what's the problem? | 21:29 |
pavlos | eggos, you use mint 17, doing updates should find the driver | 21:31 |
tiox | Oh hey dere soreau | 21:34 |
soreau | yo | 21:34 |
tiox | I don't understand why installing the mint-y theme set looks _so bad_ in Ubuntu derivatives. | 21:34 |
=== Starky is now known as Guest39062 | ||
jacob_ | hello? | 21:36 |
k1l | tiox: mint changes a lot of stuff with the way updates get rolled out. so we cant know what mint changes. especially when it comes to kernels and drivers. so better to ask the mint community to suport that | 21:36 |
fission6 | i have an established screen session, i would like my colleague to be able to use the same session so i can see what he types, how do i do that? | 21:36 |
tiox | fission6: Try this application; http://teamviewer.com | 21:36 |
jacob_ | I love ubuntu, I replaced my windows | 21:36 |
jacob_ | youtube is faster | 21:36 |
jacob_ | everything is faster | 21:36 |
tiox | Not exactly the _best_ method, but it installs easily enough and your and your friend can use TeamViewer for your express purpose. | 21:37 |
akik | fission6: read about screen -x | 21:37 |
fission6 | tiox: i mean screen the command | 21:37 |
fission6 | akik: i tried that it didn't seem to work | 21:37 |
jacob_ | hey, does the system give an error sometimes when to many processes are used? | 21:39 |
jacob__ | hi | 21:40 |
jacob_ | hi sydny | 21:42 |
jacob_ | sydney | 21:42 |
pavlos | jacob_, max #processes in linux, unlimited. Take a look at ulimit -a | 21:44 |
soreau | jacob_: every os has a limited number of processes, what makes you ask? | 21:45 |
winbox | Hello | 21:47 |
loko_ | nice - i did not know about irssi | 21:49 |
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bencc | is it possible to change 2 drives to software raid after installing ubuntu? | 21:54 |
Leopard01 | Hi, does Ubuntu support the new Pascal NVIDIA GPUs? I have a GTX 1060 and wouldn't want it to go to waste if I switch to Linux. | 21:55 |
wonderfulmee | comrades | 21:56 |
wonderfulmee | is there an alternative to hypermail? | 21:56 |
k1l | Leopard01: ubutnu 16.04 got the nvidia 361 in the repos. but you can get 370 from a PPA if needed. | 21:57 |
wonderfulmee | we're talking 4GB+ mboxes. need something that hasn't been abandoned altogether | 21:57 |
murphy | does adding swap help with memory resource issues? | 21:57 |
murphy | i keep maxing out | 21:57 |
Leopard01 | k1l ok, thank u. is it common for linux users to have powerful GPUs? | 21:58 |
k1l | murphy: yes, but since swap is slow (because the hdd is slow compared to ddr.. ram) you better get more ram :) | 21:59 |
al__ | Hi, someone can please help me in a private with a new ubuntu installation. 14.04 to 16.1 LTS failed | 21:59 |
k1l | Leopard01: linux users do have video cards, yes. | 22:00 |
dudeface | wonderfulmee Citadel | 22:00 |
k1l | al__: just ask here with details and then people will try to help | 22:00 |
Leopard01 | k1l the reason I ask is because for companies like NVIDIA, Windows users are the priority. So I would assume that Linux users are second-class consumers and therefore don't get as good drivers and overall support. | 22:00 |
dudeface | wonderfulmee I think it's in repos | 22:00 |
wonderfulmee | dudeface: I'm having a hard time googling it | 22:00 |
Leopard01 | This would mean that Ubuntu and other distros don't maximize the potential of the hardware | 22:01 |
dudeface | wonderfulmee citadel.org | 22:01 |
peterr | hello everyone | 22:01 |
al__ | Ubuntu 14.0.04 to Ubuntu 16.1 LTS failed. Now I will do a fresh install but I want conserv my old $home and user | 22:01 |
k1l | Leopard01: linux doesnt have the same marketshare but the video card makers do ship prop. drivers. | 22:01 |
wonderfulmee | thanks, but that's not remotely what hypermail is | 22:01 |
dudeface | hypermail is a mass mailer, yeah? | 22:01 |
al__ | If I write same user in fresh installation ubuntu will respect it? | 22:02 |
slashrslashn | Hi all, just a quick question - I'm having a bit of trouble with getting a driver to install | 22:02 |
wonderfulmee | say, I have a 16GB mbox that I need to convert into an easy set of HTML files, preserving all the attachments | 22:02 |
wonderfulmee | say, I have hundreds of those | 22:02 |
wonderfulmee | that's what hypermail does | 22:03 |
wonderfulmee | I'm not sure it does the mailing part, and frankly that's beyond the scope of what I'm asking | 22:03 |
dudeface | Like, mailing lists, yeah? | 22:03 |
wonderfulmee | like mailing lists, right | 22:03 |
dudeface | Yeah, Citadel will happily do that. | 22:04 |
dudeface | Though, if it's more than you want, doesn't matter | 22:04 |
wonderfulmee | does it run from console? | 22:04 |
wonderfulmee | as in, can I put it into crontab on a headless server? | 22:04 |
dudeface | http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:manpages | 22:04 |
wonderfulmee | any sample output? | 22:05 |
peterr | How to clone a hard disk on DVD please help i'm new to ubuntu , I was using partition magic for windows ... but I use ubuntu now thank for any help :-) | 22:05 |
slashrslashn | Really struggling to get catalyst installed in feisty, any questions? | 22:05 |
slashrslashn | *ideas? | 22:05 |
dudeface | not sure atm, need to afk for 5-10, but I can look for you if you like | 22:06 |
nacc | slashrslashn: feisty is so far eol, your question seems like trolling | 22:06 |
OerHeks | lolz feisty, long time not heared about | 22:06 |
OerHeks | ideas ? | 22:06 |
slashrslashn | nacc: Still works for me, if it aint broke... | 22:07 |
k1l | slashrslashn: is that a joke? ubuntu feisty (7.04) is long time dead. like 8 years | 22:07 |
k1l | slashrslashn: it is broken | 22:07 |
mcphail | slashrslashn: it _is_ broke, which is why you're here | 22:07 |
slashrslashn | kll: How so? | 22:07 |
slashrslashn | kll: Apart from my driver issue | 22:07 |
peterr | How to clone a hard disk on DVD please help i'm new to ubuntu , I was using partition magic for windows ... but I use ubuntu now thank to anyone for help :-) | 22:07 |
k1l | slashrslashn: feisty got some serious security issues | 22:07 |
alxlu | I'm trying to run a bash function i have in my .bashrc using the custom keyboard shortcuts. It works when I type it into a shell, but it doesn't do anything as a shortcut. I have the Command set to gnome-terminal -e "/bin/bash -c mycommand". | 22:07 |
OerHeks | slashrslashn, same issue | 22:07 |
k1l | slashrslashn: oldest ubuntu supported is 12.04. | 22:08 |
wonderfulmee | dudeface: thanks anyway, will have a look at that citadel thing, but frankly seems like overkill | 22:08 |
alxlu | Do I need to somehow source bashrc? | 22:08 |
slashrslashn | kll: Not really looking to update to a new version just yet, I like to leave things a few years just for stability | 22:08 |
slashrslashn | kll: I run a few servers see | 22:09 |
slashrslashn | kll: And it's just good for peace of mind, especially for my clients | 22:09 |
k1l | slashrslashn: 7.04 got massive issues. dont use that. if you isntall 16.04 now you dont need to upgrade until april 2021 | 22:09 |
k1l | slashrslashn: clients? howly mowly. you are setting your clients to that security risks? | 22:10 |
mcphail | slashrslashn: please read the topic. Feisty is not supported here | 22:10 |
peterr | How to clone a hard disk on DVD please help i'm new to ubuntu , I was using partition magic for windows ... but I use ubuntu now thank to anyone for help :-) | 22:10 |
slashrslashn | mcphail: I know it's not officially supported anymore but I was just wondering if there's anybody in the community still running Feisty who might be able to give me a hand | 22:10 |
OerHeks | peterr, clonezilla is in our repos | 22:11 |
slashrslashn | mcphail: It's what I love about the ubuntu community! :) | 22:11 |
bekks | peterr: you cannot clone a disk to dvd unless the disk is smaller than a dvd. | 22:11 |
k1l | slashrslashn: no. that doesnt make any sense. | 22:11 |
slashrslashn | kll: Sorry what doesn't? | 22:11 |
bekks | peterr: you can create a disk image, split it, and place it on a lot of dvd. | 22:11 |
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peterr | ok thank you i will look for clonezilla :-) | 22:12 |
k1l | slashrslashn: your systems are heavily insecure. i bet some 10 year old learn how to invade your systems in their school lessons. you dont get any updates since 2008 | 22:12 |
slashrslashn | kll: And with the clients they prefer that I run something a bit more stable, especially with the web and ftp servers | 22:12 |
slashrslashn | kll: I know there's a few security risks associated with being out of support, but it also means that anything I'm running is fairly well tested and stable | 22:13 |
k1l | slashrslashn: we dont support 7.04 anymore. please upgrade. thats it | 22:13 |
OerHeks | slashrslashn, please join #ubuntu-offtopic, and let them have fun. | 22:13 |
slashrslashn | oerheks: Thanks, I'll ask there | 22:13 |
al__ | In a new installation, how to be sure to have the same userID to can use old $home (separate partition)? | 22:14 |
slashrslashn | kll: Okay thank you for the suggestion. What version would you suggest updating to? | 22:14 |
k1l | slashrslashn: clean install of 12.04 at least. | 22:14 |
slashrslashn | kll: And would that help with my driver issue? | 22:14 |
bazhang | slashrslashn, please stop asking for support here on a long unsupported distro version | 22:15 |
slashrslashn | kll: Okay thanks, I'll look into it. My only concern would be stability - I've got apache and a few other servers running on the machine, and I've got my backups stored in a separate partition so I'd just be concerned about losing data | 22:15 |
bazhang | try ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic slashrslashn | 22:15 |
popey | slashrslashn: no danger of losing data if you have good backups. You have backups, right? | 22:17 |
slashrslashn | popey: Yep they're on the other partition | 22:17 |
derpherp128 | hey, any idea if you can run a ZNC server AND an email server (the whole works) on an amazon t2.micro instance? | 22:18 |
derpherp128 | rough requirements would work too. | 22:18 |
slashrslashn | bazhang: Sure, sorry I didn't mean to get off topic. I'll ask on #ubuntu-offtopic about my driver issue, but I'm just wondering about 12.04 on here now, if that's alright! :) | 22:18 |
AndChat409344 | Hello | 22:19 |
bazhang | boot a live cd of a supported version slashrslashn | 22:20 |
popey | AndChat409344: HELLO! | 22:20 |
k1l | slashrslashn: i would recommend a new install with new setup, since you cant know if your old insecure system is not already hacked and running bad code. | 22:21 |
AndChat409344 | Guys every time I'm booting Linux I'm getting initramfs | 22:21 |
AndChat409344 | It was working just fine until I rebooted it | 22:21 |
slashrslashn | bazhang: I will, just need a few answers (about the supported version) on here before I do - a lot of the data I store is sensitive (addresses, bank details, etc) so I'd be concerned about the risk to it upon upgrading | 22:21 |
mykob | OA | 22:21 |
mykob | OA | 22:21 |
mykob | OA | 22:21 |
mykob | OA | 22:21 |
AndChat409344 | Can anyone help? Lol | 22:21 |
slashrslashn | kll: Yes I'm definitely looking into that now you've suggested it (thanks btw!) | 22:22 |
Ben64 | slashrslashn: are you serious? there's WAY WAY more risk running something as ancient as 7.04 | 22:22 |
multifractal | How do I get 14.04 to send the audio through the HDMI cable to my TV? | 22:22 |
slashrslashn | ben64: Yeah that's the issue really | 22:22 |
AndChat409344 | I'm getting end kernel panic | 22:22 |
AndChat409344 | Can't boot it | 22:23 |
AndChat409344 | I can go to grub though | 22:23 |
glitchd | multifractal, you have to select the hdmi in the audio devices | 22:23 |
glitchd | multifractal, *sound devices | 22:23 |
slashrslashn | ben64: But obviously something like 12.04 hasn't gone through as much testing as Feisty, which is my main concern | 22:23 |
Ben64 | slashrslashn: WRONG | 22:23 |
slashrslashn | ben64: How so/ | 22:24 |
multifractal | glitchd farkin awesome thanks dude! | 22:24 |
k1l | slashrslashn: very wrong. 12.04 is already more than 4 years old | 22:24 |
slashrslashn | *? | 22:24 |
glitchd | multifractal, is that working for you? | 22:24 |
slashrslashn | kll: Feisty is 9 years old | 22:24 |
AndChat409344 | Damn.. Ignored af | 22:24 |
k1l | slashrslashn: you really got a wrong concept of safty and stableness | 22:24 |
Ben64 | 7.04 was cared about for exactly 15 months | 22:24 |
Ben64 | and thats it | 22:24 |
multifractal | glitchd hell yeah it is, thanks man. | 22:25 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, did you try to select a different kernel at boot? | 22:25 |
slashrslashn | ben64: Again, that's a concern of mine | 22:25 |
glitchd | multifractal, np | 22:25 |
Ben64 | 12.04 has been cared about for the past 53 months | 22:25 |
slashrslashn | ben64: I thought about upgrading to Hardy a while back, but I read about all the issues with stability on ubuntu forums and decided against it | 22:25 |
k1l | slashrslashn: better go for 14.04 right now. since that is already in use 2,5 years. and still got 2 years left | 22:25 |
AndChat409344 | Guys come on I need your help lol | 22:26 |
slashrslashn | kll: I appreciate the advice but I think 14.04 would be jumping the gun in a big way | 22:26 |
Ben64 | no it wouldn't | 22:26 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, have you tried to boot a different kernel at grub? | 22:26 |
Ben64 | 14.04 has been supported longer than 7.04 still | 22:26 |
Ben64 | 29 months vs 15 | 22:26 |
slashrslashn | kll: My clients pay for stability and I don't want to start making too many untested changes | 22:26 |
wonderfulmee | slashrslashn, you're much likely to run into security issues than those of stability | 22:27 |
k1l | slashrslashn: sorry, but that is complete wrong what you say. if your ubuntu version is out of support then you dont get any of this security patches to your system: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ | 22:27 |
AndChat409344 | I have the live USB should I just reinstall everything? | 22:27 |
k1l | slashrslashn: then isntall 16.04 and have 4,5 years support left | 22:27 |
AndChat409344 | But the problem is that my windows is deleted and I can't access the boot menu unless from windows | 22:27 |
AndChat409344 | How can I boot a live USB from grub | 22:27 |
Ben64 | really, if you don't want to change, install 16.04, don't upgrade again until 2021 | 22:27 |
OerHeks | slashrslashn, your behaviour is a disgrace for your clients. | 22:27 |
AndChat409344 | ? | 22:27 |
slashrslashn | oerheks: That's a little inappropriate... | 22:28 |
k1l | slashrslashn: stableness doesnt mean you sell security issues to your customers. because they can sue you for that | 22:28 |
Ben64 | slashrslashn: you fail to understand the gravity of the situation | 22:28 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, you have to select the usb as the boot device in the bios | 22:28 |
slashrslashn | kll: I have a very tight contract | 22:28 |
slashrslashn | kll: But I would hope that they wouldn't run into any security holes anyway | 22:29 |
k1l | slashrslashn: just look at ubuntu.com/usn how often ubuntu needs to ship security updates. you dont get any of that updates anymore since your ubuntu version is EOL | 22:29 |
AndChat409344 | I know but it just won't boot if I did that | 22:29 |
AndChat409344 | For some reason | 22:29 |
k1l | slashrslashn: all your services are insecure. | 22:29 |
slashrslashn | kll: As far as I'm aware I've not run into any security issues yet | 22:29 |
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Ben64 | then you're not aware | 22:30 |
slashrslashn | kll: But like you say I think it's time for an upgrade | 22:30 |
orlock | that you are aware | 22:30 |
wonderfulmee | slashrslashn, someone will abuse your 9 y/o installation, if not already. | 22:30 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, if it wont boot usb when you select that as your first boot device then probably something is wrong with the usb install | 22:30 |
orlock | because the l337 h4x0rs put up a banner when they 0wn your site | 22:30 |
k1l | slashrslashn: meaning you havent noticed yet. you dont know if your systems are botnet clients or spam mail servers | 22:30 |
Ben64 | openssl vulnerabilities, openssh, apache, mysql, etc etc | 22:30 |
Ben64 | all unpatched since 2008 | 22:30 |
Ben64 | it's INSANE | 22:30 |
orlock | i mean, honestly, if he's not running anything, its likely fine.. | 22:30 |
slashrslashn | wonderfulmee Ben64: People still use Windows XP which was released in 2001... | 22:31 |
Ben64 | and they're stupid for that | 22:31 |
AndChat409344 | Nothing is wrong with the flash drive it works with other computers | 22:31 |
tgm4883 | slashrslashn: and those people have giant gaping security holes to consider | 22:31 |
AndChat409344 | Is there a way to boot the USB from grub? | 22:31 |
orlock | slashrslashn: Because they have to, and if they have any brains, it's isolated.. and people dont run servers on it | 22:31 |
AndChat409344 | Or initramfs | 22:31 |
bazhang | slashrslashn, please take any further chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:31 |
wonderfulmee | slashrslashn, that line of defense is going to work out famously | 22:31 |
k1l | slashrslashn: ok. if you dont want to listen to people in here who do know about that stuff. then please stop asking in here. we dont support 7.04. thats it. | 22:31 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, then how is reinstalling grub going to solve your issue? | 22:32 |
wonderfulmee | and I'm pretty sure XP's EOL was last year or something | 22:32 |
slashrslashn | bazhang: It's not chit chat, I'm considering my upgrade paths to a supported distro, so I'm pretty sure that's on topic | 22:32 |
Ben64 | wonderfulmee: yep, still supported longer than 7.04 | 22:32 |
AndChat409344 | I'm thinking of reinstalling everything | 22:32 |
slashrslashn | kll: I'm not asking for 7.04 support, I'm asking for 12.04 support | 22:32 |
bazhang | slashrslashn, its way past time to move it to the offtopic channel, please do so | 22:32 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, never a bad idea | 22:32 |
AndChat409344 | But I was wondering if there's a way to boot the flash drive from grub | 22:32 |
Ben64 | slashrslashn: go to 14.04 so you don't have to repeat this in April of next year | 22:33 |
k1l | slashrslashn: make a clean reinstal of 12.04 or 14.04 or 16.04. dont take data with you since you dont know that its not malware inside. | 22:33 |
slashrslashn | kll: I'm taking your advice and I'm looking to upgrade to 12.04 | 22:33 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, there is, but it involves editing grub | 22:33 |
wonderfulmee | slashrslashn, at the very least, which services do you have running facing the internet? | 22:33 |
OerHeks | Do a fresh install of 12.04, as it brings new grub2 & ext4 standard. | 22:33 |
slashrslashn | kll: That shouldn't be a problem, I keep the personally identifiable stuff in a different directory from the public stuff | 22:33 |
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k1l | slashrslashn: if you install 12.04 now, you only have support until april 2017 left | 22:33 |
Ben64 | don't do 12.04, it runs out of support in 7 months | 22:33 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, http://superuser.com/questions/349633/boot-from-usb-using-grub | 22:34 |
OerHeks | Do a fresh install of 14.04 preferred, as it brings new grub2 & ext4 standard too. | 22:34 |
AndChat409344 | Alright man gonna try that | 22:34 |
tgm4883 | slashrslashn: his point was that you don't actually know if the non-public stuff has been compromised or not considering you're on such an unsupported version | 22:35 |
wonderfulmee | slashrslashn, but really, you should burn that shit with fire. ever heard about UEFI rootkits? | 22:35 |
* popey tickles tgm4883 | 22:35 | |
slashrslashn | wonderfulmee: The main ones facing the internet are apache 1.3, mysql 5, vsftp 2 | 22:35 |
tgm4883 | popey: ! | 22:36 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, gl | 22:36 |
slashrslashn | wonderfulmee: I also have some backend software to process card payments, etc | 22:36 |
wonderfulmee | slashrslashn, oh my. | 22:36 |
Ben64 | slashrslashn: that's horrible | 22:36 |
slashrslashn | wonderfulmee: But I wrote that myself so that's not an issue of being supported or not | 22:36 |
Ben64 | pretty much guaranteed to be compromised | 22:36 |
tgm4883 | popey: I asked about your mouse yesterday after listening to the podcast. I've had a similiar issue with my logitech mouse and I saw another user on here with the same issue and a logitech mouse | 22:37 |
wonderfulmee | slashrslashn, "But I wrote that myself" oh my | 22:37 |
tgm4883 | slashrslashn: oh geez, please oh please I hope none of my credit card info has gone through your system | 22:37 |
wonderfulmee | now tell me you're somehow PCI DSS compliant | 22:38 |
slashrslashn | wonderfulmee: What is that? | 22:39 |
AndChat409344 | When I execute the chainloader +1 it's saying hd1 cannot get c/h/s values | 22:39 |
wonderfulmee | slashrslashn, nothing to worry about, really. | 22:39 |
tgm4883 | slashrslashn: OK, you're trolling now right? | 22:39 |
k1l | slashrslashn: this is just for apache 1.3. not looking at the services: https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-45/product_id-66/version_id-3444/Apache-Http-Server-1.3.html so please lets move on. you have given enough help and prove now. | 22:39 |
slashrslashn | tgm4883: Nope, not trolling | 22:40 |
tgm4883 | slashrslashn: Then please tell me your credit card payment system isn't actually used anywhere | 22:40 |
k1l | *have been | 22:40 |
wonderfulmee | shit's sad. | 22:40 |
slashrslashn | tgm4883: I haven't had any issues with it so far | 22:40 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, try pressing f12 when booting to get to the boot drive selection menu, then select to boot from hd | 22:40 |
bazhang | please no cursing here wonderfulmee | 22:41 |
wonderfulmee | <slashrslashn> tgm4883: I haven't had any issues with it so far - nah, no way that's for real | 22:41 |
tgm4883 | slashrslashn: no, you haven't had any issues that you know of | 22:41 |
slashrslashn | kll: Okay thank you, I'll look into that | 22:41 |
OerHeks | grinn this chat is logged and card companies will love this. poor clients. | 22:41 |
AndChat409344 | See, that's the thing, I cannot access the boot menu unless I use windows and my windows got deleted | 22:41 |
AndChat409344 | Same thing for the BIOS | 22:41 |
slashrslashn | tgm4883: I think I'd notice if I did, I'm not an idiot... | 22:42 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, that doesnt make sense | 22:42 |
k1l | guys lets move on. he knows he needs to reinstall a supported release. no need to chat more about it its his decision in the last end. if he is stubborn its his fault. | 22:42 |
bekks | AndChat409344: the bios and the boot menu is accessed prior every OS being booted. | 22:42 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, the bios boot loader is run way before windoze/linux ever boots | 22:42 |
AndChat409344 | Well I've tried every key | 22:42 |
AndChat409344 | Every way | 22:42 |
glitchd | bekks, lol sry | 22:42 |
slashrslashn | kll: I am looking to upgrade to a supported release! Based on your advice | 22:42 |
AndChat409344 | I just can't access the menu | 22:42 |
wonderfulmee | "windoze", wow. it's like 1995 all over again. | 22:42 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, hold f12 as your booting | 22:42 |
AndChat409344 | Or the bios | 22:43 |
tgm4883 | slashrslashn: how would you know? The point of the comprimise would be for the attacker to sit there quietly and log all the credit card numbers coming in. They wouldn't be puting up a big sign saying "hey, you've been hacked yo" | 22:43 |
AndChat409344 | Doesn't work | 22:43 |
bekks | AndChat409344: did you take a look at the manual of your computer on how to access the bios? | 22:43 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, if that doesnt work try booting while holding delete | 22:43 |
slashrslashn | tgm4883: I monitor traffic across my network | 22:43 |
orlock | Honestly, if he was 0wned | 22:43 |
AndChat409344 | It doesn't work too but I'm going to look up the manual on the internet | 22:43 |
orlock | the payment vendors would have let him know | 22:43 |
oldnemo | Hommies | 22:43 |
bazhang | !ot | slashrslashn | 22:43 |
ubottu | slashrslashn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 22:43 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, have you even attempted to read what comes up on the bios screen? maybe youve had a hard drive failure.. | 22:44 |
slashrslashn | tgm4883: And I studied network security when I was taking my masters degree | 22:44 |
k1l | slashrslashn: ok, then move to #ubuntu-offtopic to talk about it. the support case is closed | 22:44 |
orlock | they have sphisticated algo's for correlating card fraud | 22:44 |
bekks | AndChat409344: common bios access keys are f2, f4, f6, f8, f9, f10, del, et al | 22:44 |
orlock | slashrslashn: Well you should know better then | 22:44 |
bekks | AndChat409344: and f12 as well. | 22:44 |
slashrslashn | bazhang kll: I'm not off topic, I'm asking for advice on upgrading to 12.04, which is supported | 22:44 |
Ben64 | slashrslashn: again, upgrade to 14.04 or 16.04, so you don't have to deal with this again in 7 months | 22:45 |
bazhang | lets get back to support please | 22:45 |
k1l | slashrslashn: i muted you now, since your supportcase is closed. | 22:45 |
glitchd | bekks, gj | 22:45 |
glitchd | bekks, ::thumbs up:: | 22:46 |
glitchd | k1l, hilarious. | 22:46 |
glitchd | k1l, not being sarcastic, thank you. | 22:47 |
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AndChat409344 | Couldn't find the manual | 22:47 |
AndChat409344 | I literally tried everything lol | 22:47 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, doubtful. | 22:47 |
AndChat409344 | I tried all keys | 22:48 |
AndChat409344 | Also with fn +Fx | 22:48 |
bekks | AndChat409344: So which computer, which make and model do you have? | 22:48 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, what kind of computer do you have? | 22:48 |
oxide | Hello everyone! I have a problem that is probably unfixable but still i want someone detect the problem.. Can anyone help me? | 22:48 |
wonderfulmee | oxide: no, it's unfixable. | 22:48 |
glitchd | oxide, jus ask | 22:48 |
AndChat409344 | Samsung 270e | 22:49 |
oxide | Ok.. listen | 22:49 |
bekks | AndChat409344: which one of the 270e family? | 22:50 |
oxide | i have a netbook,the acer aspire one 522. The netbook in random times is loosing it sound and sometimes after i click many times the sound icon in panel,the sound coming back just for few minutes or seconds | 22:50 |
glitchd | andchat | 22:50 |
glitchd | check your pm | 22:50 |
AndChat409344 | Np270e5g-k02sa | 22:50 |
wonderfulmee | tolda ya, unfixable. | 22:50 |
RLShiftyDoggit | how goes it all | 22:50 |
oxide | the same problem appears in both of my os :ubuntu mate(and every linux i tried) and windows | 22:51 |
bekks | AndChat409344: Bios key is F2 according to the manual. | 22:51 |
oxide | :P at least can you tell me what is the problem? | 22:52 |
AndChat409344 | Didn't work lol | 22:53 |
glitchd | AndChat409344, have you replaced your hdd? | 22:53 |
AndChat409344 | Maybe because it has windows preinstalled | 22:53 |
bekks | AndChat409344: turn it off, turn it on, and start pressing f2 again and again until you see a login screen. | 22:53 |
AndChat409344 | Had* | 22:53 |
oxide | is the sound card?is the motherboard?and how it is possible to be hardware problem and when i click the volume icon the sound returning? | 22:53 |
AndChat409344 | And no I didn't replace it | 22:53 |
oxide | glitched or wonderfulmee? | 22:54 |
glitchd | oxide, ? | 22:54 |
wonderfulmee | oxide: random issues like that are unlikely to be solved remotely, especially so that you provided literally no information as to your hardware. I suggest you keep on clicking, really. you're not going to find an answer. | 22:54 |
oxide | ok mate,thank you for your time and answer. :) | 22:56 |
AndChat409344 | Man I rebooted it like 20 times just now | 22:57 |
oxide | have a goodnight everybody! | 22:57 |
bekks | AndChat409344: And? Did you follow what I just told you? | 22:57 |
]Anonymous[ | "THIS is REAL reason why Germany had to be destroyed and the so-called "allies" have perpetuated their own financial slavery ever since. Instead of listening and believing all of the lies you've heard all of your lives, get this book and see/read the Truth for yourself for once." | 22:57 |
]Anonymous[ | https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/1910881074/ref=cm_cr_dp_syn_footer?k=Manifesto%20for%20Breaking%20the%20Financial%20Slavery%20to%20Interest&showViewpoints=1 | 22:57 |
AndChat409344 | Are there any initramfs commands? | 22:57 |
AndChat409344 | And nothing worked man lol | 22:57 |
bekks | AndChat409344: That is not an answer to my question. | 22:58 |
AndChat409344 | Yes I did man but nothing worked | 22:58 |
wonderfulmee | that's a loosing game right there. | 22:58 |
AndChat409344 | Fsck exited with status code 8 | 22:58 |
AndChat409344 | No init found | 22:58 |
bekks | AndChat409344: So you shutdown your computer, pressed the power button and you started to press f2 again and again, two or three times a second UNTIL you saw a login screen? | 22:59 |
AndChat409344 | Nope no login screen | 22:59 |
AndChat409344 | And secure boot is off btw | 22:59 |
gkl | Hi all | 22:59 |
bekks | AndChat409344: Did you power off, powered back on and started to press f2 again and again? | 23:00 |
AndChat409344 | Yeah lol | 23:00 |
bekks | AndChat409344: I dont see the funny point in having to ask the same question three times until getting an answer. | 23:00 |
bekks | AndChat409344: how can you tell that secure boot is off, since you cant access the bios? | 23:01 |
gerd | hello ? | 23:02 |
gerd | can anybody hear me ? :-) | 23:02 |
dudeface | yes gerd | 23:03 |
gerd | thank you ... i'm new to this whole irc thing | 23:03 |
michaele | Bonjour | 23:03 |
matv1 | bgerd jusk ask whatever it is you want to know | 23:03 |
dudeface | It's just a chat room, basically | 23:03 |
gerd | is there a command to display all channels of the current server ? | 23:04 |
AndChat409344 | Because I turned it off when I had windows | 23:04 |
dudeface | gerd what client are you using? | 23:04 |
bekks | AndChat409344: in the bios? | 23:04 |
gerd | weechat 0.4.2 | 23:04 |
AndChat409344 | Yeah | 23:04 |
bekks | AndChat409344: So how did you access the bios back then? | 23:04 |
dudeface | gerd /list | 23:04 |
bazhang | !alis | gerd | 23:04 |
ubottu | gerd: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 23:04 |
bazhang | use alis not /list dudeface gerd | 23:05 |
dudeface | erp | 23:05 |
johnc4510 | what bazhang said ^ | 23:05 |
thecodethinker | Hey so I'm having issues writing to an SD card. ddrecue keeps hanging at around 54% and trying to run sync also just hangs until i manually eject the sdcard. Does anyone have any idea why this is going on? | 23:05 |
gerd | wow ... is everybody on here that nice ? | 23:05 |
johnc4510 | no | 23:05 |
johnc4510 | to be blunt | 23:06 |
johnc4510 | but mostly | 23:06 |
johnc4510 | :) | 23:06 |
AndChat409344 | I accessed it through shift+restart on windows | 23:06 |
bekks | AndChat409344: ... | 23:06 |
AndChat409344 | Then to trouble shooting | 23:06 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, try multiple SD cards, report back | 23:06 |
AndChat409344 | Then to bios | 23:06 |
RLShiftyDoggit | hey has anyone ever played with the porting process of ubuntu-touch im a lil stuck not gonna go on about it here just a lil help would be nice | 23:06 |
bazhang | gerd here is ubuntu support, for chit chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic | 23:06 |
thecodethinker | wonderfulmee: I tried on 2, same thing | 23:06 |
bekks | AndChat409344: shift accesses the boot menu, and you cannot access bios from there. | 23:06 |
bekks | AndChat409344: so how did you access bios? | 23:07 |
AndChat409344 | No I accessed the bios that way | 23:07 |
AndChat409344 | Back when I had windows | 23:07 |
bekks | AndChat409344: you did not, since thats not possible. | 23:07 |
gerd | again ... thank you. i will | 23:07 |
bazhang | !touch | RLShiftyDoggit | 23:07 |
ubottu | RLShiftyDoggit: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 23:07 |
AndChat409344 | I swear I did lol | 23:07 |
bazhang | take this there please RLShiftyDoggit | 23:08 |
bekks | AndChat409344: technically, thats not possible, despite your swears. | 23:08 |
AndChat409344 | I accessed the bios and turned off secure boot and changed the order of the boot list | 23:08 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, dmesg |grep SD | 23:08 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, lsusb |grep SD | 23:09 |
bekks | AndChat409344: you didnt access the bios the way you told us. | 23:09 |
gerd | !alis | gerd | 23:09 |
ubottu | gerd, please see my private message | 23:09 |
AndChat409344 | No I did | 23:09 |
bekks | AndChat409344: thats not possible, technically. | 23:09 |
AndChat409344 | There's no bios key | 23:09 |
RLShiftyDoggit | i find it funny that everyone says go to the wiki or the channel like anyone is ever in there and the wiki only covers basics lol im in the touch channel no ones there and wiki isnt answering the question | 23:09 |
AndChat409344 | Only through windows | 23:09 |
bekks | AndChat409344: there is. | 23:09 |
thecodethinker | wonderfulmee: give me 1 sec. I have to reboot for linux to find my sdcard again -_- | 23:09 |
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bekks | AndChat409344: windows has no access to the bios. | 23:10 |
AndChat409344 | Well my laptop doesn't have that | 23:10 |
AndChat409344 | Wait I'll send a link | 23:10 |
bekks | AndChat409344: https://www.manualowl.com/m/Samsung/NP270E5E/Manual/359105 page 82. | 23:10 |
=== Guest41413 is now known as staccker | ||
AndChat409344 | http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QGiG1oljjZI | 23:11 |
bekks | AndChat409344: I'm not going to watch any youtube stuff. | 23:11 |
en1gma | when i installed ubuntu 16.04 desktop i had my ssd connected to my mb sata port. i then removed that drive and plugged it into my usb to sata adapter and i have it as an external removable drive. | 23:11 |
en1gma | i just did an ubuntu update and im pretty sure i need to run grub2 again to make sure it is put on the correct drive. my external usb to sata drive | 23:12 |
en1gma | can someone help with this? i havent rebooted since i updated | 23:12 |
weblwabl | Is it possible to update the BIOS on a macbook 4,1 with ubuntu installed on it? | 23:12 |
weblwabl | Without having to install osx and then update it that way | 23:13 |
bekks | weblwabl: a macbook doesnt have a bios at all. | 23:13 |
weblwabl | or SMC firmware or whatever they call it | 23:13 |
murphy | efi | 23:13 |
thecodethinker | wonderfulmee: what were those commands again? | 23:14 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, lsusb |grep -i sd | 23:14 |
en1gma | here is my 'fdisk -l' http://pastebin.ca/3720782 | 23:14 |
en1gma | grub needs to be on sda | 23:14 |
thecodethinker | wonderfulmee: nothing | 23:14 |
thecodethinker | it's an internal sdcard reader | 23:14 |
AndChat409344 | How can I boot a live USB from grub | 23:15 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, lsusb, then look for anything like a card reader, paste that back | 23:15 |
bekks | AndChat409344: that oesnt solve your problem. | 23:15 |
AndChat409344 | Man it was working fine until I restarted it | 23:15 |
thecodethinker | wonderfulmee: nothing looks like an sdcard reader | 23:15 |
AndChat409344 | :'( | 23:15 |
thecodethinker | :( | 23:16 |
weblwabl | Okay, macbooks use EFI instead of BIOS, but is there a way to update it on ubuntu? Apples website has a .dmg for updating | 23:16 |
thecodethinker | it's mostly manufacturer names | 23:16 |
en1gma | i think when i just updated it screwed me on my sdb drive | 23:16 |
en1gma | FAWK | 23:16 |
bekks | weblwabl: No. | 23:16 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, /sbin/lsmod |grep sd | 23:16 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, dmesg |grep -i sd | 23:16 |
thecodethinker | there's sd_mod, sdhci_pci, sdhci_acpi, and sdhci | 23:17 |
en1gma | that 120GB is 1 of 3 in a fost raid. pretty sure its not supposed to be a gpt.... is there a way to check to see if ubuntu update installed grub to that drive besides the original grub2 sda install? | 23:17 |
wonderfulmee | okay, those are the kernel modules. what does the dmesg suggest? | 23:18 |
en1gma | i havent rebooted yet so i think this can be fixed right? | 23:18 |
thecodethinker | wonderfulmee: what're you looking for? dmesg logged a bunch of stuff | 23:18 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, dmesg |grep -i sd | 23:18 |
wonderfulmee | look for anything that sounds like a card reader | 23:19 |
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thecodethinker | wonderfulmee: there's this mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address aaaa | 23:19 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, dmesg |grep -C 3 -i mmc0 | 23:20 |
en1gma | how can i find out if grub updated/installed to wrong drive and not the original drive it was installed when i installed ubuntu when the drive was connected to sata port instead of now being used with a usb to sata adapter? | 23:21 |
thecodethinker | wonderfulmee: yeah it shows the logs for the reader there | 23:21 |
Bashing-om | en1gma: ' sudo debconf-show grub-pc ; sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub ; sudo lshw -C Disk -short ' see if these give you re-assurace . | 23:22 |
en1gma | k. 1 sec | 23:22 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, does it show the hardware though? | 23:22 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, as in the SD reader brand | 23:23 |
wonderfulmee | the chipset, anything verbose like that | 23:23 |
en1gma | Bashing-om http://pastebin.ca/3720784 thats what it shows now | 23:23 |
en1gma | "grub-pc/install_devices_failed_upgrade: true" | 23:24 |
wonderfulmee | thecodethinker, if not, do whatever it is that you did that failed at 56% and run dmesg |tail -10 | 23:25 |
wonderfulmee | once it hits the 56% or whenever the trouble starts | 23:26 |
wonderfulmee | google that along with the name of your notebook/card reader. you're likely to stumble upon something helpful. | 23:28 |
Bashing-om | en1gma: Yuk, we got to think anout this, I had expected " * grub-pc/install_devices: /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD5000ABYS-01TNA0_WD-WCAPW4886797 " such as my output for where gryb is installed to . | 23:32 |
Bashing-om | about* | 23:32 |
en1gma | i always get this problem. it is such a pita. linux wont install to usb drive. so i put it in my computer on a native sata port. then after everything is working i have to disable updates because i remove the drive and put it on my usb to sata adapter | 23:33 |
en1gma | if an update slips through it messes me up real bad. either by installing grub over my soft-raid windows drives or by not installing correctly and then i cant boot. | 23:34 |
en1gma | this is first time i caught it without rebooting and finding i cant boot | 23:34 |
loon00533 | is there a way to regenerate the interfaces file since i added a new network card? | 23:37 |
Zorkel | Hi, can I get some help by chance? I'm trying to install ubuntu with dualboot to windows 8.1 but run into a weird problem I'm not sure on how to solve. My drive is a 250GB SSD partitioned as basic MBR and ubuntu won't install using 16.04 x64 desktop tried several versions to make my pendrive bootable. The error is around the lines "live cd content not found" I guess it has something to do with MBR partition and uefi.. Any ideas how t | 23:38 |
glitchd | loon00533, is the device listed in lspci? | 23:39 |
cfhowlett | Zorkel, confusing description. 1. did you actually create the pendrive? 2. is so, how, exactly? | 23:39 |
en1gma | Zorkel in your bios/ufi i think you have to turn secure os off | 23:40 |
Bashing-om | en1gma: I am not the best to advide in a raid situation . Best I do recall most levels of raid want grub installed outsite the raid array on all related drives . But my memory is hazy . I do look at " grub-pc/install_devices_failed: false " that grub is not properly installed . | 23:40 |
Zorkel | Yes I did using rufus and unetbotin and I did try to disable secure bootmode to other os but didn't help at all | 23:40 |
OerHeks | loon00533, rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules # and reboot, http://serverfault.com/questions/353839/ubuntu-network-driver-reset-to-eth0 | 23:40 |
loon00533 | glitchd: whats the command to see if it is listed | 23:40 |
en1gma | Bashing-om ok so hopefully it didnt install to the raid | 23:40 |
glitchd | loon00533, lspci | 23:40 |
AndChat409344 | Man nothing is working lol | 23:40 |
AndChat409344 | Sucks | 23:41 |
cfhowlett | Zorkel, does it always break at the same place i.e. same error message each time? | 23:41 |
Bashing-om | !raid | en | 23:41 |
ubottu | en: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 23:41 |
en1gma | still would like to salvage this linux install as i been using it for quite sometime and dont want to start over really | 23:41 |
Zorkel | yes it does | 23:41 |
Bashing-om | en1gma: ^^ | 23:41 |
Zorkel | tried live cd and install ubuntu no luck at all | 23:41 |
cfhowlett | Zorkel, what year is your computer? anything after 2012 and you could be looking at uefi issues. | 23:41 |
loon00533 | glitchd: yes it is there | 23:41 |
glitchd | loon00533, is it a wifi card or a lan card? | 23:42 |
Zorkel | it's a rather new one I know I have had issues with linux before and uefi and I believe you are correct cfhowlett | 23:42 |
cfhowlett | Zorkel, well assuming the issues is indeed uefi, if it's a new computer, should be relatively easy to suss out. see the wiki for guidance. | 23:43 |
cfhowlett | !uefi | 23:43 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 23:43 |
en1gma | uefi you have to disable the secure os but keep part of it | 23:43 |
loon00533 | glitchd: its a lan card | 23:43 |
en1gma | i forget the name of the settings. there are 2 | 23:43 |
glitchd | loon00533, what model? | 23:43 |
Zorkel | hmm not sure my bios likes disabling part of the uefi thing and windows doesn't quite give me uefi bios settings it's missing as it seems to be running on a mbr and not gpt disk. | 23:44 |
loon00533 | glitchd: Intel PRO (sorry forgot to mention i was on virtualbox so its like a generic virtual card) | 23:44 |
cfhowlett | Zorkel, i.e. a "hybrid" gpt. it happens | 23:44 |
Zorkel | motherboard is an asus maximus ranger 8 | 23:44 |
glitchd | loon00533, lol | 23:44 |
glitchd | loon00533, is the network card a new physical card or a virtualcard? | 23:45 |
en1gma | i have the asus z97-itx and before that i has the asus maximus vii rog | 23:45 |
riverswood | I have a problem with nautilus it takes for ever to open new tabs | 23:45 |
riverswood | what should I do? | 23:45 |
riverswood | I am running gnome shell | 23:45 |
riverswood | ubuntu 16.04 | 23:45 |
loon00533 | glitchd: well i have two cards and they are both virtual cards on my vm | 23:45 |
en1gma | Zorkel i would reboot and take a pic and post it but if i do that i will lose my linux so if i can fix that than i can take a pic and show you how i have mine setup | 23:46 |
glitchd | loon00533, what are you attempting to do? | 23:46 |
en1gma | oh. you have to emulate the drive under usb ports | 23:46 |
en1gma | make it into an hdd where your usb drive is | 23:46 |
loon00533 | glitchd: https://askubuntu.com/questions/293816/in-virtualbox-how-do-i-set-up-host-only-virtual-machines-that-can-access-the-in | 23:46 |
loon00533 | glitchd: this | 23:46 |
en1gma | it will show your usb flash drive. then you select a drop down menu to emulate cdrom, floppy, hdd etc... | 23:47 |
Zorkel | Hmm so if I trick my computer to see the drive as a hdd I can install ubuntu as it should and allow dualboot? | 23:47 |
loon00533 | glitchd: trying to have access to my host + internet but not mess with my home network | 23:47 |
cfhowlett | !who | 23:47 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 23:47 |
glitchd | loon00533, why not just use NAT? | 23:48 |
en1gma | Zorkel for me i i have a sata ssd that i actually installed when it was connected to a real sata port. i then removed the drive and use a usb adapter and then set that setting in bios | 23:48 |
glitchd | loon00533, then setup shared folders? | 23:49 |
en1gma | i would give it a shot for your situation | 23:49 |
loon00533 | glitchd: i installed apache2 and i couldnt reach the page on the host | 23:49 |
en1gma | if i rem right. you might be able to fiddle with secure os. if you disable that i think it will let you install to usb device. | 23:49 |
Zorkel | reading on the uefi page it seems I found part of the problem the first screen gives me this screen | 23:50 |
Zorkel | http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1347445084.png | 23:50 |
Zorkel | but when it moves on to install I see this screen | 23:50 |
Zorkel | http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1347445119.png | 23:50 |
glitchd | loon00533, did you set a static ip for the vm? | 23:50 |
k1l | Zorkel: on the second one press a key. like space | 23:50 |
Zorkel | so it seems it starts in uefi and then tries to switch to legacy? | 23:50 |
cfhowlett | Zorkel, too damn small to see! | 23:50 |
en1gma | ^^^ | 23:51 |
Zorkel | paragraph 5 on the uefi link you gave me | 23:51 |
glitchd | loon00533, i think this should help you | 23:51 |
glitchd | loon00533, https://askubuntu.com/questions/293816/in-virtualbox-how-do-i-set-up-host-only-virtual-machines-that-can-access-the-in | 23:51 |
en1gma | you have to fool with secure boot and that usb emulation setting | 23:51 |
en1gma | then you might* have a chance to install to usb flash drive | 23:51 |
loon00533 | glitchd: saw that page and it didnt work :/ | 23:52 |
en1gma | Bashing-om you still here? | 23:52 |
glitchd | loon00533, what have you done so far? | 23:52 |
Zorkel | I see so as it is not quite possible to actually dualboot ubuntu/windows on this machine? | 23:53 |
loon00533 | glitchd: well i came back to the original setup so only one adapter which is NAT and the original interfaces file | 23:53 |
en1gma | you might be able to. pretty easy to check. boot into bios and change those settings | 23:53 |
Zorkel | But will see if I can manage to fool it :) | 23:53 |
glitchd | loon00533, and the server still cant reach the outside internet? | 23:53 |
en1gma | you can turn secure os back on after you install is complete | 23:53 |
Zorkel | Thanks for letting me know where to look | 23:53 |
en1gma | i would have better pics for you but i cant reboot yet as i will lose my booting to linux. messed up grub install | 23:54 |
loon00533 | glitchd: thats not the problem! my problem is i cant reach the apache server from the host browser (when i type the guest server ip adress in the host browser) | 23:55 |
cfhowlett | zorkel: suggestion: take your time, document what you are changing and be prepared to make many attempts. IOW >>> Keep Clam & Ubuntu On | 23:56 |
glitchd | loon00533, i believe you need to use a bridged network in the settings of the virutal machine | 23:57 |
glitchd | loon00533, what os is the host and what os is the guest? | 23:58 |
loon00533 | glitchd: host is win 8.1 and guest is ubuntu server 14.04 | 23:58 |
loon00533 | glitchd: and no! i'll retry the advice on the page you sent me earlier | 23:59 |
glitchd | loon00533, maybe this will help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/52147/how-can-i-access-apache-on-virtualbox-guest-from-host | 23:59 |
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