
=== gahute is now known as gahute_
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jimtendo-X540SHi guys, have just recently installed Kubuntu on a new laptop (Asus X540S), but am noticing things are quite slow and it often freezes, requiring a reset. Looking at KSysGuard when things are slow, I'm noticing some processes show "Disk Sleep" as their CPU %. Anyone know what the cause of this might be or where I might be able to find further clues?01:10
jimtendo-X540S... if it's relevant, I've installed with an ecrypted LUKS which might make things slightly slower. However, the CPU does support Intel's AES Instruction set, so I don't think this should affect things quite as badly as it is.01:11
jimtendo-X540Ssmartctl also did not reveal any errors with the hard-drive itself, so am assuming that's not the issue.01:12
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I don't encrypt so not sure tbh01:12
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nadimGood Morning, is there a way to toggle a window visibility from the command line? I'd like to have a yakuake like functionality for a browser (any application in fact) that I can make visibe/invisible  with a key  in my terminal06:33
hateballnadim: can you define visibility?06:41
hateballminimize/maxmize vs transparency06:41
hateballToo early to English06:42
zztoplesshello (hopefully) smarter people that I :)07:25
acheronukhi :)07:25
zztoplessjust wondering if there is a way, when using the baloo search built into Dolphin, to filer by filesize (ie only show file above x size?07:26
hateballthere is07:28
hateballnow just lemme see how to do it properly07:28
zztopless:)  I did Google it for quite a while, couldn't find much07:32
hateballit is a matter of changing the baloosearch query string07:33
zztoplessdo you know if there is reference guide for the syntax?07:46
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lordievaderGood morning.07:53
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zztoplessWell, evening really08:05
viewer|35420I can upgrade system from 15.10 to 16.04 directly?09:22
nadimhateball: visible on the screen or not; also hidden vs not hidden09:23
nadimhateball: think yakuake09:24
soeeviewer|35420: yes09:26
momoeI'm using Konsole, and need help with some of the keyboard commands. Does anyone remember how to switch tabs on the fly? It's not covered in the "handbook"10:08
=== kuSuSE is now known as minot
=== minot is now known as kuSuSE
kuSuSEanyone have win + L mapped to lock screen in kubuntu 16.04?10:15
soeemomoe: SHIFT + LEFT or RIGHT10:19
momoety ty~10:20
kuSuSEhi, I'm on Kubuntu 16.04. I have a flash drive I formatted with LUKS + ext4 on Ubuntu but I can't open it in kubuntu. Cryptsetup is already installed and it prompts for a password but when I try to open it, I get could not enter folder "media/username/drivename"10:34
BluesKajHIyas all10:51
GuKKDevelhi there11:18
GuKKDevelneed some help with 16.04.111:18
hateball!help | GuKKDevel11:18
ubottuGuKKDevel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:18
GuKKDevelkdeinit cant start ksystraycmd11:18
hateballwhat has changed between your install working normally, and now?11:19
GuKKDevelinsatteld kubuntu 16.04.1 on a clan disk;  *no* update or upgrade11:20
GuKKDevelI installed kubuntu 16.04.1 on a clean disk; did *no* update or upgrade.  trying to start dolphin with kmenu I get a popup telling me, KDEINIT can not open ksystraycmd (dont know the correct wording because i use german)11:25
hateballGuKKDevel: but your system boots otherwise?11:25
hateballsince you apparently can get to the desktop11:26
GuKKDevelbooting ok other programs also ok (almost synaptic)11:26
hateballGuKKDevel: I would suggest you do this to get a less buggy experience: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade11:26
GuKKDevelI only have problems with dolphin and firefox so far11:26
hateball"so far" being keywords here11:27
BluesKaj try instead sudo add-apt-repository ppa:/kubuntu-ppa/backports then update and upgrade11:33
GuKKDevelsorry started command from hateball and waiting for end up to now 25 %11:37
hateballIt'll take a while11:41
GuKKDevelstill the same error11:43
hateballGuKKDevel: you'll need a reboot after it completes11:44
GuKKDevelok wait please11:44
GuKKDevelfile  libkdeinit5_ksystraycmd can not be found11:49
GuKKDevelhateball, BluesKaj: file libkdeinit5_ksystraycmd can not be found11:52
hateballGuKKDevel: Could this be your issue? http://askubuntu.com/questions/722241/dolphin-file-manager-will-not-launch11:52
GuKKDevelI will try11:54
BluesKajGuKKDevel, make sure you have kinit installed11:55
GuKKDevelBluesKaj, hateball: it was the askubuntu questestion; why did this happen?11:57
hateballGuKKDevel: if it was a clean install then I dont really have an answer11:58
GuKKDevelit was an installation fom kubuntu-dvd to an empty drive; including formatting11:59
GuKKDevelso thanks to you for helping me12:00
BluesKajGuKKDevel, did you check the md5 sum ?12:00
GuKKDevelok checking12:11
kuSuSEhi, I'm on Kubuntu 16.04. I have a flash drive I formatted with LUKS + ext4 on Ubuntu but I can't open it in kubuntu. Cryptsetup is already installed and it prompts for a password but when I try to open it, I get could not enter folder "media/username/drivename"12:12
GuKKDevelBluesKaj, hateball: all md5sums are ok12:14
hateballGuKKDevel: well, I dont think you have anything to worry about now. All problems solved, no?12:17
GuKKDevelyou are right hateball12:17
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miguelzdhi there13:04
miguelzdis anyone there_13:05
dbromim trying to use rsync to move a folder from a remote system to a local server... with no luck  syntex that i am using is   rsync --progress -av -P "ssh -p 45" dbrom@ip:/home/dbrom/Downloads/ move14:00
dbromanyone able to assist14:00
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soeedbrom: try asking on #ubuntu14:08
rattkingdbrom I think you need a -e before the "ssh -p 45"14:11
DarthFrogdbrom:  Try "rsync -avvPe "ssh -p 45".  You need the "e" switch to identify the shell to use and pass parameters to it.14:12
DarthFrogAlso --progress and -P do the same thing.14:12
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kuSuSEhi guys, can someone run a test for me to check if I'm going insane? please open Mozilla Firefox on Kubuntu and try to save a picture. Were you able to save it?18:39
kuSuSEnever mind sorry18:41
momoeIn Konversation is ther e a way to filter out when people are joining/leaving the chat room? Kinda spamming up the IRC here.19:07
Pici!quietirc | momoe19:07
ubottumomoe: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages19:07
momoeubottu: ty *^_^*19:08
* momoe pats the nice bot on the head.19:08
GuKKDevel_how to set different wallpapers for different working surface?19:18
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kuSuSEThank you ubottu xx19:23
BluesKajGuKKDevel_:  different activity or virtual desktop ?19:31
GuKKDevel_virtual desktop BluesKaj19:32
BluesKajGuKKDevel_:  which kubuntu version ?19:32
BluesKajthe seaparate walpapers for virtual desktops option ios longer available after 15.04 /plasma5, but you can set different wall paper in different activities19:34
BluesKajnot after but from 15.04 on19:35
GuKKDevel_thx BluesKaj; I'll try19:39
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semistudIm trying to a computer that is running kubuntu 16.04 using KRFB, and i AM able to connect, but the screen doesn't refresh or update?23:16
semistudI can move the mouse and the mouse moves on the server(krfb) side, but the screen doesn't update (i open program/file but my side just shows a "screenshot" of what it first looked like when i connected, but on the desktop it actually opens)23:16
semistudI did some research and the only thing i found was from 2011 [ https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1383356 ], and the only thing suggested was to remove desktop effects....i tried disabling them in system settings but still not working...23:16
semistudhow do you remove the desktop effects? anyone else running into this??23:16
semistud[my computer kubuntu 16.04 krdc >to> kubuntu 16.04 doesnt work ]23:16
semistud**i did manage to connect and have it work on UBUNTU16.04...so i dont think its KRDC....im leaning toward it being krfb23:16
semistudi found something similar https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=21444623:19
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 214446 in vino "Remote Desktop (VNC) does not update VNC Client when 'Desktop Effects' enabled" [High,Closed: cantfix]23:19
semistudfor red hat23:19

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