
masetraxCan anyone shed some light onto why my pbuild is failing? I am trying to follow the pbuilder guide as I eventually want to help the motu team. Struggling to make head or toe of it. See the terminal output here: http://pastebin.com/BmGe3Zg315:21
masetraxI'm off to bed now, but will scrollback in the morning. Thanks in advance to anyone who may know!15:21
cjwatsonmasetrax: looks like your pbuilder chroot doesn't have universe enabled15:41
cjwatson(sources.list or similar; I don't use pbuilder myself)15:41
jtaylormasetrax: in pbuilder you can add universe via COMPONENTS="main universe" to chroots16:24
jtaylorin .pbuilderrc16:24
masetraxThanks cjwatson and jtaylor - I will give this a go tonight22:41
masetraxCouldn't wait until after work - worked like a charm, thanks again22:53

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