
m0nkey_I just upgraded to macOS Sierra on my MBA, just asked Siri what it's favourite animal is, it replied "Domo-Kun! Domo-Kun! Domo-Kun!"00:18
diploMorning all07:11
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:58
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davmor2diddledan: oh you so funny17:53
diddledan"you so funny, you blow my mind"17:53
davmor2hey mickey, hey mickey17:54
diddledanI can has cake17:57
diddledanwho gonna get the new shiny on octember 4th from teh googs?17:59
diddledan(no doubt they'll have a delay between announcement and ship, though :-()18:00
davmor2diddledan: I don't care18:11
diddledandavmor2: fair enough. I can understand that.18:15
davmor2diddledan: oh not for the fact it's google just cause I'm happy with my hudl2 it does what I need it to, and if I had a google phone it would be whatever one my contract enabled me to have.  Hence not caring :)18:17
diddledanshame tesco got-out-of the market18:18
diddledanthis is all well and good, except that it gives your phone a growth: https://igg.me/at/asapxconnect/x/403983418:25
zmoylan-pibetter a funny growth than a burning sensation? :-P18:27
diddledanit's also encouraging promiscuity between android and ios18:28
zmoylan-pibetter than those dumphone oddballs... :-P18:29
diddledanI wonder if it's compatible with the new iPhone's lack of headphone hole?18:30
zmoylan-pisitting in the corner wantonly using their phone while the smartphone users have to charge it 2-3 times... :-)18:30
diddledanzmoylan-pi: we don't talk about morons18:31
zmoylan-pisays it uses lightning on apple18:31
diddledanyah, but if you've got that insertion in your hole how do you connect your headphones?!18:32
zmoylan-piyou just won't be able to listen to music AND charge your device unless you use wireless headphones or extra charging/audio cable dongle18:32
diddledanI kinda think it's solving a non-problem18:32
diddledanand making new problems in the process18:33
zmoylan-pibesides if your an iphone user you don't care about others and inflict your terrible taste in music on those around you by sodcasting18:33
diddledansodcasting, eh?18:33
diddledanyoohoo! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-3744701618:59
zmoylan-piat least their brandname is back in the headlines...19:01
zmoylan-piwhen's the last time that happened?19:01
zmoylan-pibit of a blip earlier this year when they were sold but it was more of a 'wow, they're still going?' blip19:03
diddledandaftykins: mr robot season 2 is finished - go binge19:52
AzelphurAnyone have any opinions on this build? http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/VwfHWX steam / kodi machine :)20:26
ali1234you dont need a 500W power supply for that20:29
Azelphurali1234: TDP is 327W, puts it right in the middle of a 500W PSU so optimal power consumption, that is also the cheapest >327W Gold SFX supply I could find20:30
AzelphurGold SFX supplies are hard to find :<20:31
diddledanwat https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/09/european-copyright-ruling-ushers-new-dark-era-hyperlinks21:28
zmoylan-piit's easy the only copies allowed henceforth will be if you deliver document to monastry to knock out a copy on vellum in 20 or so years...21:29
zmoylan-pifingers crossed google just drops the companies who want this from their search results like they did before until they scream to be reincluded21:30
ali1234so basically if you have a blog with adverts and you link to torrents of copyright material you can now be held liable for that? boo hoo21:31
zmoylan-piis a magnetlink a link21:32
diddledanerr. no. if you link to an article on one website that happens to be a plagiarised article then you are held liable for not knowing that it was a copy21:32
diddledanthere's an example put forth: "For example, a post calling out a plagiarized news article might link to the original article and to the plagiarized one, so that readers can compare and judge for themselves. According to this judgment, the author of that post could themselves be liable for copyright infringement for linking to the plagiarized article"21:34
ali1234except no21:34
ali1234because they could clearly quote sections of both articles and it would be considered fair use21:34
zmoylan-pibut you might include a link to sources21:35
diddledannope. not allowed to quote now by the rules also by the European Commission21:35
ali1234these blog posts always do this thing where they say "this judgement means ..." and then give a hypothetical example21:36
ali1234that isn't how the law works21:36
diddledanany hyperlink that includes or is next-to text from the target without permission from that target is illegal21:36
* zmoylan-pi pokes irc server with a stick...21:42

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