
* andrewlsd plays with dlPhreak and inetpro's unicode shortcuts05:53
* andrewlsd still wants to use @ to mention.05:53
andrewlsdMornings all.05:54
andrewlsdyihaa . the new material design Android app for Quassel looks good06:11
chesedoMorning all06:28
andrewlsdMorning chesedo06:28
chesedoandrewlsd: yip just noticed it too 06:29
* chesedo has issues opening his desktop quassel ui06:29
andrewlsdchesedo: am using quassel-client-qt4 on 16.04 Unity DE06:35
andrewlsd... apparently built May 2015: Version: v0.12.2 (dist-9c5e6c6)06:37
chesedofound the issue. something went wrong with its config file... deleted it06:42
chesedoso deleted*06:42
chesedoandrewlsd: quite correct :)06:43
=== jerit_ is now known as jerit
Kilosevening everyone, sorry im so late, way past bedtime here but tara just finished our gofundme thing so hopefully some rich peeps see it and feel sympathy for us13:39
Kilosmaybe you guys can share the link in far corners for us13:41
superflyKilos: post to Ubuntu-ZA mailing list14:04
Kiloshi superfly will do14:05
Kiloshow you doing'14:05
Kiloshas the family left yet14:05
superflyKilos: I'm OK, just getting everything into place. I'll be sharing your fund. No, they only leave in October14:05
Kilosstay strong14:06
superflyKilos: don't you worry about me.14:09
Kilosman thats what i do14:11
Kilosi need to sleep now14:11
Kilossleep tight all and have a good onre14:11
nlsthznpretty sure everyone here already knows but in case not - https://www.gofundme.com/reunionroadblock14:52
nlsthznping superfly, inetpro, nuvolari, etc...15:08
=== theblazehen_ is now known as theblazehen
superflynlsthzn: yup, I saw. Kilos posted in here18:11
superfly(and on my Facebook newsfeed)18:11
nlsthznyup... sucks18:38
kulelu88superfly: the closest to a solution currently is gitlab20:02
superflykulelu88: indeed20:04
theblazehensuperfly: What you looking for?20:11
superflytheblazehen: not looking for anything, kulelu88 and I were discussing the irony of Github, all those open source projects hosted on a proprietary service on a company's servers whom you have no control over.20:12
kulelu88literally thousands of python/node/ruby projects rely on it, which is then transferred to their respective package-managers 20:13
theblazehenAh. Yeah. https://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/index.wiki seems interesting20:14
superflyfossil is what sqlite uses20:14
kulelu88I see a lot of projects use their own git servers, which is still a good thing20:16
superflyI've been contemplating seeing about setting up my own bzr server20:17
superflywell, I have already set up my own personal bzr server, but it requires an account on the machine and blah blah blah20:17
kulelu88tried gogs.io ?20:18
superflyI think I've come across it before. Aren't you the one that showed it to me?20:18
superflyisn't that the one whose code is hosted on Github. Oh the irony.20:19
theblazehenkulelu88: Yes20:19
theblazehenNot a good idea with big repos20:19
superflyself-hosted and yet they don't self-host.20:19
theblazehenGot something like - 124 issues open on one project20:20
kulelu88the advantage of gogs.io is that it can be run on minimal hardware. that is about all advantages it has20:31
kulelu88do you guys know how to hide join/exit messages on hexchat permanently? If I don't close hexchat properly, it reverts them all back to default20:32
theblazehenkulelu88: 1 GB ram is cheap. I'd rather be swapping with gitlab, than having gitlab start by getting slower, then start getting corrupted db etc20:32
kulelu88i'm not sure I follow theblazehen ? "than having gitlab start by getting slower"? 20:35
theblazehenSorry, s/gitlab/gogs/20:35
theblazehenWas fast at first20:36
theblazehenThen ittook quite a bit longer20:36
theblazehenand eventually got gateway timeouts a lot20:36
kulelu88this was gogs? theblazehen 20:46
theblazehenkulelu88: indeed.20:47
theblazehenSeems like the wrong numbers disappeared now though20:48
theblazehenMight be when I edited the db so that I could start it after a reboot20:49
kulelu88interesting that you say it slowed down. Perhaps it was written in Go, but written poorly20:58
superflyI see oom Kilos' fund is slowly starting. superfly For those of you who know Kilos, he's in Australia visiting his ex-wife and his daughter. Unfortunately he suffered a heart attack while he was there, and now is faced with a hospital bill they can't afford.https://www.gofundme.com/ReunionRoadblock/     22:40
superflyOops 22:40
superflyCopy paste fail 22:40
superflyHard when you're on your phone 22:41
superflyAnyway, please go donate some money for oom Kilos 22:42

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