bluesabre | flocculant, created a pad, added some notes here: | 00:48 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: ...Think I can get a new -session upload done without getting yelled at? :P | 00:56 |
bluesabre | Unit193, new stable? | 00:57 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: No, see -xfce? | 00:57 |
bluesabre | aha | 00:57 |
Unit193 | I think it's good no matter what we do. | 00:58 |
bluesabre | indeed | 00:58 |
bluesabre | Unit193, I see no issue with it | 00:58 |
bluesabre | Unit193, feel free to upload, it can certainly save us trouble down the line | 00:59 |
bluesabre | and it'll have to go to -proposed anyway | 01:00 |
bluesabre | :D | 01:00 |
Unit193 | Yeeeah, saw that bit. Wondering if I can easily get my diff out of SVN. | 01:00 |
bluesabre | flocculant, also started documenting file managers, | 02:24 |
Unit193 | :( | 02:24 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: Wait, weren't we supposed to go through patches too? | 02:25 |
bluesabre | Unit193, yeah, just started writing things up, we won't switch unless we have to | 02:25 |
Unit193 | Yes yes, I got that. Just reminded me about that bit that I'd forgotten. :P | 02:26 |
bluesabre | :) | 02:26 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: :P | 02:46 |
bluesabre | Unit193, thanks for this | 02:50 |
Unit193 | Sure thing. Figured you can make it more understandable/pretty if needed. Or move it over too. :P | 02:50 |
bluesabre | Yeah, I'll start to review and add notes as I make progress | 02:51 |
bluesabre | (though, probably not tonight) | 02:51 |
Unit193 | Yeeeah, several more potential fixes in there too. :/ | 02:52 |
bluesabre | at least it's not very difficult to reproduce | 02:54 |
flocculant | bluesabre: thanks for both - I did start making some usability notes for files managers which I promptly lost - will do so again | 06:49 |
flocculant | though I do remember 'open terminal here' only worked with pcmanfm | 06:49 |
flocculant | bluesabre: added a few notes to the locker pad | 07:17 |
flocculant | we really don't have much time - don't know if you were aware of that :p | 07:17 |
flocculant | next week to decide I guess - so we're changed prior to RC | 07:18 |
Unit193 | I presume you saw I uploaded -session? | 07:18 |
flocculant | I read it twice I think :p | 07:23 |
Unit193 | Yey, so I don't have to tell you. | 07:23 |
flocculant | nope :) | 07:24 |
flocculant | Unit193: oh and thanks for the patches paste too :) | 07:26 |
Unit193 | That's a pad. | 07:28 |
flocculant | oh yes | 07:29 |
flocculant | said I was still waking up ... | 07:30 |
Unit193 | But sure thing, doc. | 07:31 |
flocculant | :) | 07:31 |
flocculant | bbl | 07:32 |
bluesabre | flocculant, little time indeed, hence all the writing and patching and whatnot :) | 09:15 |
flocculant | bluesabre: :) | 11:05 |
bluesabre | hey flocculant | 16:18 |
flocculant | good lord | 16:19 |
bluesabre | on lunch break, thought I'd see if you were around to discuss :) | 16:19 |
flocculant | just got in :) | 16:19 |
flocculant | just grab a cup of something hot - be 2 minutes | 16:19 |
bluesabre | k | 16:19 |
flocculant | bluesabre: ok - back :) | 16:20 |
bluesabre | cool | 16:21 |
bluesabre | so, light-locker | 16:21 |
flocculant | I assume you're ok not releasing today/tomorrow | 16:21 |
bluesabre | yeah, that's fine, or we can release with the stipulation that locking is broken and that 16.10 final may ship with a different locker | 16:22 |
bluesabre | either way is fine by me | 16:22 |
flocculant | really don't want to do that | 16:22 |
flocculant | ship that is | 16:22 |
bluesabre | boat maybe? | 16:22 |
flocculant | this is a bit different than no mouse cursor | 16:23 |
bluesabre | yes | 16:23 |
flocculant | ha ha - more like a oil tanker :p | 16:23 |
bluesabre | this is productivity breaking | 16:23 |
bluesabre | :D | 16:23 |
flocculant | yea - socially not very good for us to do it either imo | 16:23 |
bluesabre | true | 16:23 |
flocculant | I don't know if you can mark the bug as critical? | 16:23 |
bluesabre | then yeah, let's skip beta and come to a decision on the locker by mid-next week | 16:24 |
bluesabre | I'll check | 16:24 |
bluesabre | not in bug squad, but maybe | 16:24 |
flocculant | if not once the chaff has settled on other flavours releasing I was going to ping infinity to get it changed if *we* had no-one who could | 16:24 |
flocculant | which will also remind him of the issue :p | 16:24 |
flocculant | he might be able to get someone to look *shrug* | 16:25 |
bluesabre | flocculant, this one, right? | 16:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1622303 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "Fails to unlock/ resumes to black screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:25 |
flocculant | yea | 16:25 |
flocculant | I KNOW for sure I can't or it would be marked so :p | 16:25 |
bluesabre | marked it critical | 16:25 |
flocculant | awesome | 16:26 |
flocculant | I'll ensure we've got critical tracker fails | 16:26 |
bluesabre | good deal | 16:26 |
flocculant | so - yea - mid-week for a decision sounds right | 16:26 |
flocculant | I'm leaning g-s tbh, it does at least look more like what we have now | 16:27 |
bluesabre | cool, that's the one I've used for quite some time, can vouch for it :) | 16:27 |
flocculant | well I've certainly got it now :p | 16:27 |
bluesabre | flocculant, what info/data should we collect for mid-next week? | 16:28 |
bluesabre | I can draft up light-locker replacement docs | 16:28 |
flocculant | this is the trouble with desktops and me - I don't suspend, rarely lock so don't use it so miss fails on that type of thing | 16:28 |
bluesabre | (should they be needed) | 16:28 |
bluesabre | yeah | 16:28 |
flocculant | well as far as data goes - not sure - the important data is the bug as far as getting it changed I guess | 16:29 |
flocculant | I can whack a critical test mail out to testers - purge l-l, install x and test quickly | 16:29 |
bluesabre | Subscribed cavalier so that he might be able to take a look at it as well | 16:29 |
flocculant | could even do a quick testcase on tracker (today/tomorrow) | 16:30 |
bluesabre | good idea | 16:30 |
bluesabre | lunch break wrapping up now | 16:30 |
flocculant | it could be 1 - purge l-l, install g-s check, purge g-s, autoremove, install x-s | 16:31 |
bluesabre | let me know if there's anything you need from me and I'll get it together tonight | 16:31 |
bluesabre | sounds good to me | 16:31 |
bluesabre | include: | 16:31 |
bluesabre | killall light-locker; gnome-screensaver; killall gnome-screensaver; xscreensaver, etc etc | 16:31 |
flocculant | ok | 16:32 |
bluesabre | since they need to be active to respond to the lock command | 16:32 |
bluesabre | If you drop it in a pad, I can review it as well | 16:32 |
flocculant | I'll do that soonish - paste link in here - you look at test tonight please :) | 16:32 |
bluesabre | will do | 16:32 |
bluesabre | gotta run, bbl | 16:32 |
flocculant | ok - thanks :) | 16:32 |
flocculant | have fun | 16:32 |
bluesabre | thx | 16:32 |
jjfrv8 | flocculant, I won't be around tonight and possibly not tomorrow either but I just did a quick test | 16:37 |
jjfrv8 | purged l-l, installed g-s, checked - OK | 16:37 |
flocculant | jjfrv8: thanks :) | 16:40 |
flocculant | there will be a testcase on package tracker turn up over the weekend once bluesabre and I have padded etc :) | 16:41 |
jjfrv8 | Ok, will try to do a more formal test then. | 16:42 |
jjfrv8 | Just did x-s after g-s and that's okay too. | 16:42 |
flocculant | I think Sean will want tests on changing user too | 16:43 |
flocculant | thanks for looking :) | 16:43 |
jjfrv8 | Sure. Good luck :) | 16:43 |
flocculant | :) | 16:43 |
flocculant | bluesabre: | 17:12 |
flocculant | knome: do we actually need to do an announcement? | 17:41 |
flocculant | given it'll say "Yaketty Final Beta" 'There isn't one' | 17:41 |
Unit193 | Well you *can* do it like that, but only for the most basic tests. | 18:25 |
flocculant | Unit193: if you're talking about the pad - then it's not locked or anything you can edit it | 18:29 |
Unit193 | No, not opened it yet. | 18:46 |
flocculant | okeydoke :p | 19:14 |
knome | flocculant, don't think it's critical | 19:23 |
flocculant | me neither - just wanted to double check there :) | 19:24 |
flocculant | with it being the only time I can remember us not releasing something milestone time | 19:36 |
knome | mhm | 19:36 |
flocculant | on the other hand if people are that interested - trawl through irc logs roundabout release time or dev m/l ;) | 19:37 |
flocculant | anyway - cool - just needed to be sure there | 19:37 |
knome | bluesabre, btw, you'll have all the council duties to yourself the whole weekend - i'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon UTC and returning on sunday evening | 23:15 |
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