
zakiwelcome back Kilos10:16
zakiHow are you?10:16
Kilosty zaki hope you are all well10:17
Kilosim alive still hehe10:17
zakiyea fine. :) 10:17
zakipavlushka was talking about you10:19
zakiit's nice to see you here. 10:20
Kilossorry i have been so scarce lads but big things been happening to me10:48
Kilosand being in another timezone so far away is rather crazy10:48
zakiwb RemonShai11:31
RemonShai ty zaki11:32
RemonShaihow was today...?11:35
zakiwhat about u?11:36
RemonShai3fine but busy11:37
shantozaki: bhai :D12:52
shantoAsen ? 12:52
shantoZaki bhai12:53
shantozaki: bhai12:53
shantoQA: coffe on12:58
QAshanto: Huh?12:58
zakihello shanto12:58
zakihow are you?12:58
shantoQA coffee on12:58
* QA puts the kettle on12:58
zakiQA: coffee please12:59
QAzaki: Yessir12:59
shantoAyy bhai 12:59
shantoAmi nsab + pavel bhai er shathe asi 12:59
shantoDaffodils et shamne  12:59
zakiwhat are u doing ?13:00
zakimissing :(13:00
shantoMeetup 13:02
zakiand what is the topic?13:02
QACoffee's ready for shanto and zaki!13:02
shantoFb te pic dibo :D 13:02
zakihmmm dien13:03
zakiQA: ty13:03
QAOnly a pleasure zaki13:03
shantoIts pavlushka, zaki now typing13:03
zakihow can be i sure? :p any code word? :D 13:04
zakihi Kilos13:04
Kiloshi zaki 13:05
shantoHelo uncl kilos 13:05
Kiloshi shanto 13:05
zaki pavlushka , walrider and nasb are meeting at dhaka13:05
zakii'm missing this too much13:06
shantoHow are u uncl 13:06
Kilosim ok ty lad, surviving13:06
Kilosif you know any really rich people with good hearts you can share this link with them13:07
shantoOk ill share it np 13:07
shantoAnytime 13:08
zakiKilos: how are u now?13:12
Kilosim still alive13:13
Kilosi need to sleep. will be back tomorrow13:14
Kilosyou all be good13:14
shantoSeeya tmorow 13:16
zakiwb shanto15:38
zakihow was the meet up?15:38
shantoTy bhai 15:38
zakiare u guys together now?15:38
shantoNah 15:43
shantoIm home noe15:43
zakiow, oky15:43
shantoQA: coffee please 15:44
QAshanto: There isn't a pot on15:44
shantoQA: coffee on15:44
* QA starts grinding coffee15:44
shantoAyy kaj hoitase 15:44
zakiha ha15:45
QACoffee's ready for shanto!15:48
shantoQA: coffee please15:49
QAshanto: There isn't a pot on15:49
shantoAkhon ?15:49
shantoQA: coffee15:49
QAshanto: *blink*15:49
shantoQA: thanku 15:49
QAshanto: What?15:49
shantoHoy na 15:49
zakiwb Nahiyan15:57
zakihow are you?15:57
Nahiyani'm ok15:57
Nahiyanate outside today15:57
Nahiyanare you in dhaka?15:57
zakii'm in chittagong15:58
Nahiyanok so there's this place in banani15:58
Nahiyanreally good food15:58
NahiyanI forgot the name tho15:58
zakihe he15:59
Nahiyanyou have to go a few floors up15:59
zakioutput off verry good food15:59
Nahiyanit's in the building opposite to quesadilla15:59
Nahiyanin the building with BFC & Nandos15:59
zakii never go to dhaka ever. 15:59
zakiNahiyan: i will give a try if i go arround there someday. :D 16:03
walriderQA: tell zaki bhai online ashle ping dien 16:23
QAwalrider: Sure, I'll tell zaki on freenode16:23
zakihello walrider16:27
zakii got disconnected 16:27
walriderzaki bhai 16:27
walrideraktu help lagbe 16:27
walrideri need this xubuntu 14.04.5 amd46 iso , akhon eta to dhakacom mirror e nai ar iso ta amr urgent lagbe can you help me anyhow to get that as fast as possible ?16:28
zakionno mirror e dekhsen?16:29
walrideronno mirror theke to reguler speed pai 16:29
walrider150 kbps 16:29
walriderdhakacom e nai iso thakle 4-6 mbps paitam 16:29
walriderapne to isp te asen aktu namai nia HFS e den na bhai 16:30
zakii'm in my home right now. :D16:30
walrider:( ow assa 16:30
walriderki je kori akhon 16:30
zakibroadband connection ache na tomar? aste aste namai nao16:31
zakijapan er mirror ta fast kaj kore jantam16:32
zakiwalrider: got something for you16:34
zakiare u there?16:34
walriderho asi :O 16:34
walriderden dekhi :O16:34
zakitorent ache na?16:34
walriderho ase 16:35
zaki500 kbps porjonto paisi16:35
walriderspeed reguler thakbe maybe den test kori 16:35
zakina ami 480 porjonto pailam16:35
walrideramar reguler speed 1.2kbps  150 pabo max amar jana mone 16:35
walrideroh eta 16:36
walridereta aktu age delete korsi 16:36
walrider120 kbps max 16:36
walriderjani na bhai bd er kono tracker nai ei torrent file e maybe er karone local peer connect kore na amar mone hoy amon ta 16:36
zakibut ami to valo speed pacchi16:38
zakilocal thakle eito connect korbe16:38
zakiwalrider: 16:38
walriderhoy na onek try korsi age bhai 16:38
walriderapner real ip na ?16:39
walriderakhon jei line e asen ?16:39
walriderport open hoy ?16:39
walriderapner ip ta den kindly ping test kori koto ms dekhi 16:40
walriderglobal ip ta den 16:41
zakii'm using wifi 16:41
walridergoogle search koren my ip 16:41
walriderthen ip ashbe 16:41
walrideroita den 16:41
zakihe he16:42
zakireal ip ta?16:43
walriderden na bhai iso ta amr dorkar :(16:43
walriderakhon ki pc te asen ?16:43
zakiregular speed ei to downloa dhoi jaito etokkhone16:43
walrider1 mbps parbo pc2pc 16:44
walriderapne naman 16:44
zakihe he16:44
walriderami nibo apner pc theke amar pc te 16:44
walriderhfs kore 16:44
zakiit will take 35-40  mnt to download16:48
walridercheck private msg bro 16:49
walriderholo na :(16:53
=== shishir is now known as Guest15667
=== Guest15667 is now known as shishir
zakiwb dipraw17:33
diprawhi zaki 17:34
zakihow are you? 17:34
diprawi am quiet fine! zaki 17:34
zakigood night guys19:35

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