
=== bazhang__ is now known as bazhang
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangmr K1110:30
bazhangyou're our only hope!10:30
bazhang'with commands'10:41
bazhangyeah thats not vague10:41
=== Guest4978 is now known as IdleOne
k1lsome people are trying very hard to make it difficult21:00
portersmithThere should be no reason why anyone should be thrown in jail for questioning the facts and different aspects of the history of World War II, including the so-called Jewish Holocaust. Something STINKS. Jewish groups, we're onto your abusive lies, your scams, your hatred, your malicious: we're onto the fact that your emperor has no clothes. The truth has been exposed and it is going viral.22:15
k1lour pm insult troll now with a new hobby.22:15
valoriethey have been coming into #kde for about a week or 10 days with ever-changing nicks, etc.22:16
valoriefun, fun trolls22:16
wxlwow neat22:17
k1lthat troll was insulting users from #ubuntu in pm the whole last year22:17
wxlspeaking of trolls, you all been watching the new season of south park?22:18

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